Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Sunday, August 2, 2015

A Day with the "Queen"

I couldn't hold myself back any longer.   I mean why not?  Hubby is still fixing his truck, so the tree(s) still stands.

I found this recipe by purchasing a discarded library book at a library book sale. You never know what you'll find at one.

And a note:  I do not go looking for recipes like this one, they seem to find me.  And I really enjoy making them, and trying them.  I've been making this one for four years now.

Before the recent road trip, I saw my goat pasture was full of Queen Anne's Lace.  I told myself, that if it was still there when I returned, I'd make more jelly.  Last year I skipped making it, due to our full pantry. 

I checked my pantry, and headed out for 18 large flowers heads.  It's much easier to make than dandelion, and in my opinion, has more flavor.

Oh my gosh!  The entire goat pasture is nothing but red clover and Queen Anne's Lace.  

If I had a licensed kitchen and whatever else is required, I'd be selling a "boat load" of specialty jellies this year.

Isn't it beautiful?

The flower heads are rinsed while I boil the water. 

The flower head are placed facing down into the water.

I cover it and steep off heat for 30 minutes.  

While that cools, I get my jars sterilized, measure the organic lemon juice, get out remaining supplies and measure the sugar.   I don't always use organic sugar.  It's costly here, and I don't have access to it all the time either.  I love the re-useable covers I have.  I believe that they originally came from my Uncle.  I use them all the time.

Uncover the flower heads and water, and cool 15 more minutes, then strain. I use two layers of paper towels to catch any critters I may have missed in the rinse.

Once the pectin, organic lemon juice and sugar is added, it has a pale yellow color.  I am re-posting the recipe today.

Queen Anne's Lace Jelly
(makes 5-8oz.jars)
Adapted with organic ingredients

4 cups water
18 large Queen Anne's Lace Flower Heads
1/4 cup organic lemon lemon juice
1 pkg. powdered pectin
3 1/2 cups plus 2 tablespoons sugar

Bring the water to a boil and remove from the heat.  Add the flower heads, pushing them down into the water; cover and steep for 30 minutes.  Remove the lid and let the mixture cool slightly, about 15 minutes.  

Measure out 3 cups of the liquid into a 4-6 quart pan.  Add the lemon juice and the pectin and bring to a rolling boil, stirring constantly.  Add the sugar, stirring constantly, and cook until the mixture returns to a rolling boil.  

Boil 1 minute longer.

Remove from heat.  Skim off any foam  Pour into sterilized jars, leaving 1/4 inch space at the top.  With a damp cloth, remove any spills from the rims and threads of the jars.  Process in a hot water bath for 5 minutes, counting the time after the water has returned to a rolling boil.  Remove to a towel-lined rack.  Store in a cool place.
(Adapted from Maria Adams' Heirloom Recipes, Putting Things By, page 203)

Note:  Queen Anne's Lace closely resembles Poison-Hemlock.  Know what you are picking before making this jelly.


EMMA said...

What an amazing colour - looks like champagne!
I'd love to buy some of your speciality jellies!!
Wish I had matching jars....

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Emma, it does look like champagne, ha ha! The original recipe requires optional food coloring to be added. I do not add any.

RB said...

The Queen Anne's Lace throughout the pasture is gorgeous, but had me sneezing just looking at the picture. LOL
I often wonder where I got these allergies from. I sure didn't have them as a child.
Have a great week!!!
God bless.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

RB, it really is strange too. Both goat pastures are full of it.

RB said...

Beautiful blessings from heaven.
God bless.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

RB, it is a blessing. Hugs.

Patricia @ 9th and Denver said...

Well, I was gungho on making some of this. Until I read your warning/note...about Poison-Hemlock...
Now I'm not sure if I'm confident enough to make it yet!
but I'm pinning your recipe anyway!

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Patricia, the jelly is very tasty.