Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Friday, October 11, 2024

Skunk Odor


I have to share this, as the skunks are on the move at night here.  Something upset one the other night and it sprayed near the house.  I woke up at 5am to a nasty odor lingering into the house.

I got out my diffuser and put even amounts (per my diffuser, as some only hold so much water) of ecualyptus, lemon and tea tree essential oils.  

The diffuser rids the indoor skunk odor that lingers in through a window etc.

However, once I had that odor removed, I went outside to let the chickens out and smelled not one iota of skunk smell.  Strange how it can spray, and the odor wafts into the house, and by the time I got out there, there was no odor.

I was prepared to mix up a skunk spray and spray under windows, but I did not have to do that.  Anyway, the essential oil trick works great.

Skunk Odor © October 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Chicken Predator ~ Current Crochet Project ~ Prayers for Florida


A quick post.  My chickens would not leave their run the last few days, and now I know why.  I had a feeling something was a threat to them.  It was literally watching them, so I may need to come up with a way to net the entire coop to cover their current run.  I'm hoping it just moves on.  Between everything needing done or going on around here, we have not finished the new coop yet (and I wish we had).

I picked these balls of yarn to decide on my next go-to project (with very limited free time).  All of them were in my stash.  The color on the left may end up a winter hat/scraf for my husband, and the right was chosen to crochet a new baby blanket pattern.  My husband was shocked the white and pick were in my stash (huge on pound from Caron).  Yes they were.  I was an ambitious person when I did baby items for craft shows.

Current crochet project.  A big thank you to Betsy at Blogspot The Simple Life of a Queen.  She had shared her crocheted blankets on her blog, and graciously shared where to find the pattern.  I don't think I have any blue in my stash, but this one is turning out stunning.  Plus, my husband is happy to see me de-stash the stash.  I'm not sure yet if I will keep this one, or donate it.  I do like to have a few on hand for gifting.

A big thank you to Leigh for her post on 5 Acres and a Dream blogspot, for her Prepper Check post.  We are currently working on more prepping.  The hurricane, and everything else going on in this world, has us concerned.  If you haven't read her post, it has some very good information.  

Rebecca's Hearth and Home blogspot is doing a giveaway for a very nice planner.  Be sure to go and enter.   She has several options for your entry.

Prayers for Florida, as they prepare for another devastating hurricane.  Prayers for all of Florida and any surrounding areas.

Chicken Predator ~ Current Crochet Project ~ Prayers for Florida © October 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Friday, September 27, 2024

End of September Garden ~ Winter Medicinal Prep ~ Tidbits

 We finally got rain on September 22nd, and it just kept coming, and coming.  The hurricane rolling in by Florida is bringing us much of the rain our way, forcing us to cancel our third planned camping trip.  There was no point in hauling the camper over an hour away, only to spend the entire weekend inside the small camper (there was not much to do in the area indoors either).  No campfires, no campfire meals, and no hiking.  I was pretty sad hitting that "cancel" button.

(husband's packed breakfast with daikon root hashbrowns)

One vegetable I did not get to plant this garden season - daikon radish.  I am however experimenting with it in recipes, and actually grating it for a healthier hashbrown, and using it cubed in place of potatoes in some soup recipes.  I have yet to make kimchi, but it is still on my list.

New to the garden this year, and new to us - Mashed Potato Squash.

One mashed potato squash came off the vine, so I brought it in a second one and roasted them.  I have never grown these, so I am relying on whatever baking instructions I can find online. 

We tasted it by itself, and then we seasoned it with salt, pepper and a bit of butter.  Oh my goodness!  Tastes better than mashed potatoes.  So good!  I will be planting these again.  It is a squash you cannot find at any produce stand or grocery store.  I have a few more to roast, and may even try mixing in some pesto.  We are both amazed at how good these squash taste.  I cannot believe, that not one produce stand grows and sells them.

The bell peppers rolled in all month long.  I made stuffed peppers for breakfast, stuffed peppers for dinner, froze stuffed peppers, froze the peppers diced and sliced, and made other "stuffed" recipes with them.

Dug up the last of the garden potatoes.

I tried a new crustless quiche and we loved it.  I am taking advantage of the herb garden as long as the season lasts. The quiche had asaparagus, dried oregano (from the herb garden), fresh green onions, and chives (I measured those fresh herbs with my heart).

I was harvesting goldenrod for one of the kids, and learned that it not only helps heal a runny nose, but also sinus infections, and helps treat the flu.  I also started a tincture.

Tips:  I keep extra lids from my mayo/peanut butter jars, as they fit any regular lid canning jar.  When I give dried herbs for cooking or teas to a friend/family, the lids come in handy.

I also keep disposable teabags on hand.  I gift them with the dehydrated teas when someone is sick or needs a tea (most people do not own a teaball or such).

Pickled radishes with a garden jalapeno.  These won't last long, but they are good for up to 6 months, according to the recipe.

My husband finally got his homemade corndogs.  I told him I would only make them once a year, as he is diabetic, but it has been about 3-4 years since I made them.  I use all organic ingredients in the batter (all beef hotdogs), and this time we made homemade fries with home grown potatoes and fried them in local beef tallow.

I started a jar of Four Thieves Vinegar.  It will last up to one year, and we like to have it on hand "just in case" for feeling ill or preventing illnesses.

A "sleepy time" tincture started (we still like our evening tea too), and a new honey based elixir for a new "cure all" for winter/spring.  It will last up to 2 years, so we are trying something new, along with the Four Thieves.

Walking is the elixir to mental health, overall health, and just feeling physically healthy.  I'm so glad we are spending more time with nature this year.

We have been getting a few hikes in this month (until the rain rolled in).

The only handiwork that got made during the later part of the month  - another dish scrubbie for us.

Strawberry Margarita Pie

I am still purging books, and am trying new recipes from one of the cookbooks (deciding on donating or keeping), and other home updates/repairs.  The dishwasher (we bought used) quit working, and now the dryer is on the fritz.  I had to use it, as the mowing was getting done, and the rain was arriving, but glad I used it.  I had not used it all summer long, and it is almost 16 years old.  Time to start looking for a new washer and dryer.

I hope all is well with everyone.  We will be getting rain until the very last day fo the month (maybe more).

Friday, September 20, 2024

Just the Bits


I'm not sure who is happier when all the canning supplies go back in storage. . . my husband or myself, ha ha!  We got very little canned this year.  In fact, I only canned ketchup and tomato sauce.  Very strange garden year this year.

The majority of our own tomatoes were very very small.  Most likely due to the second planting (rabbits ate the entire first before we fenced it), and the drought we are having.  I was gifted enough tomatoes to can what I did this year.

The hot peppers are nearing the end of the season, and if you have been following my blog, you read that our "hot" banana peppers were not hot this year.  I yanked the plants and pickled the rest for the season.  These were not canned, but will last 3 months in the refrigerator.

I bought us a new tool for when we stuff jalapenos, or when I need to de-seed any hot peppers.  Call it being prepared for the next garden year, as we decided to freeze the jalapenos this round of picking.  I leave the seeds in when I freeze hot peppers.

I have pulled half of the bell pepper plants this season, as they are at the end of their harvest as well.  I have never seen this on a bell pepper until this year.  I am guessing it's sun scald.  It appears "burned" and a few other ones had it.

It's the end of the garden season, so we are pulling plants when we have the time.  I have already pulled some tomato plants, but hoping for a rain soon, so I can get those stakes out of the ground.

I started my yarrow infused oil.  I will eventually use it to make a yarrow healing salve.  I am learning a lot about yarrow this year.  If you have a tried and true salve recipe, please share.

Last year I made garlic honey, to use as a medicial if we needed it, but we did not, so I'm contemplating what to make instead.  I typically have Four Thieves Vinegar on hand every year, or even Fire Cider.  I'm just not sure yet.  What do you have on hand for the "in case" you need it medicinal?

My attempt to propagate our Thai basil failed.  They grew mold and zero roots.  The cuttings also attracted flies and that drove me nuts.  Out they went.

I have more herbs to stock up for winter.  It's on the to-do list.

The chickens have slowed down with egg production, as it is the typical time of year.  I will start rotating in our breakfast oatmeal bakes, to stretch those eggs out in our meals.

I can't remember if I shared this new recipe we tried.  It is a cookie recipe that uses tahini in place of the "oil" and has dates in them, oats (no flour), and honey.  At first, I thought I'd never make them again, but we love them!  A soft, chewy goodness.

We purchased some local beef tallow for the first time.  If you have used it for cooking, let me know what you used it for. 

Our weather is surging up to the 90's this weekend (making any outdoor recreation or work miserable).  We have not had rain all month long, and many parts of our state now have burn bans, including some campgrounds.  The drought has been pretty bad this year.

On the book front, I have only purchased one book since May. I'm so proud of myself.  I have purged more that I need to get rid of, and have more to read.  I started the year off great using the library, but have not been back since May I think.

Oh, and I used to be a hoarder of printing new recipes to try.  Way back in the spring, I started using a notebook.  Instead of printing the recipe, or holding it up in my tabs on the computer, I write the recipe name and location in a notebook.  When I have time to try it, I locate it, and try the recipe.  Nine times  out of ten, we don't keep the recipe.  I have only printed one recipe since spring.  I have hand written a few down on recipe cards.  No more wasting paper, ink and time.  I am pretty proud to end that cycle of waste and time (not to mention clutter).

Why do I look for new recipes?  Well, for starters, if we have a bumper crop of bell peppers like this year.  I look for new ways to make stuffed peppers for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Or I look for recipes regarding herbs, or medicinal herbs, or the like.

We also have a bumper crop of basil, and for the first year ever, I can freeze either pesto or just the basil.  

Now I am on the hunt for a new, and better tasting pie crust recipe for the holidays and other entertainment.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

What?! Learned something with my sauce maker


The sauce comes out of the center piece and into a pan (white part), and the "trash" comes out the left side and I put a pot there to catch it.  It's the seeds and peelings of the tomatoes.  Basically, anything sauce made, I do not have to de-seed or remove peels, as this hand cranked machine does it for me.

However, I always assumed it was doing it's job well the first time.

(second time running it thru)

I have no idea why no one, who uses a sauce maker, ever told me this tidbit!   I always "assumed" that my sauce maker worked well enough to give me the "goods" when saucing anything.  Wrong!  Run your "trash" thru the sauce maker a second time to get the most of those tomatoes.  I am still using my old sauce maker, as the new one has not arrived yet, and boy did I get more doing it twice.  I found out about this information, by reading comments on reviews of other sauce makers.  

It was the first time canning this year, hence the first time trying this.  Just wanted to share for anyone with a cheaper version of a sauce maker.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Early September Garden

 I was not too excited for the Labor Day weekend.  First, we were invited to a cook out event (not my favorite, as there is very little healthy food), and two, my husband made several plans, where I was hoping for some finishing touches on projects and some good ol' R & R.

We decided to visit a produce stand to pick up zuchinni (ours produced very little with the drought), another dozen ears of sweet corn (frozen on the cob this time), some plums, cucumbers, and local honey.

First dig - about 5#.  I wasn't even going to plant the potatoes this year, but threw them in the ground willy-nilly.  We were both shocked, because I did not water them heavily during our drought.  

One haul of hot peppers, and the jalapenos are hot this time around.  Hot banana peppers had zero heat.  I bought the plants from a different place, and I really think they were not labeled correctly (sad for us).

We have enjoyed fresh salsa, as the tomatoes provided.  The serrano peppers have flavor, but were not "hot" so I used them in the salsa this year, along with the hot jalapenos.

Bell peppers are the star of the garden this year.  Second picking, as the red ones were just starting to turn red.  Third picking brought in 33 more bell peppers.  

It looks like a lot of bell peppers, but it's not even half of what we harvested last year.  I freeze them diced and use them in all of our meals over winter and the following spring.

We enjoyed some of those bell peppers for breakfast.  I first started making these last year, but this time I remembered that there is too much milk added with the recipe, so I have written down my notes for next year.  The recipe calls for ham, but I used bacon this time, and added green onions from the garden (also has spinach in them).  Very good too.

Other ideas for you are baked bell pepper rings.  They are like onion rings, but with bell pepper slices, and baked.  Recipe is online if you google for it.  You can also bake stuffed bell peppers, or freeze them stuffed for an easy dinner.

New  recipe tried.  It's from Slender  online.  It is delicious mix of ground beef, thai basil, green onions (herbs I grow), asparagus and other ingredients, served over cauliflower rice.  I will add an egg, cooked over easy the next time I make it.

Green beans and yellow beans started to get rust on them at the first part of the month.  The August storm flattened the plants, and they never recovered.  Most remained laying on the ground.  Not a great year, but we got some of the beans.

I found one rotted spaghetti squash, and very few pumpkins in the squash this year.  The drought has really affected the growth of the garden (despite watering).

Deer have found the apple trees, and are seen often enjoying the ones on the ground.  However, when I went out to check on the trees, the raccoons and squirrels found a way to bypass our homemade tree baffles, and they ate every single apple on the tree (raccoons are notorious for this).  We were lucky last year.  We plan to work on a new baffle for next season.

I literally watched a raccoon try to get up the tree right after we installed the tree baffle, and could not, so after that I never really thought about it.  We have yet to check the pear trees.

As for the deer this year, I was preparing coffee one morning, and caught a young deer eating our hydrangeas.  I then went to the other side of the house, and found two more adult deer lingering (but not eating the garden).  They have been very active the last few weeks here.

The weather has been very cool for the past weekend (low of 44 degrees), but we are going back to the 80's, and thankful for the extended "summer" weather.

Speaking of trees, we planted a plum tree years ago when we first moved here, but it died.  I bought some plums from our local produce stand, and baked a plum crisp for the first time.  Delicous!

On a whim, I talked to my husband about planting two plum trees and a few quince trees.  We have not planted anything yet, but quince trees are difficult to find locally.

We hired a grand newphew to cut down brush around the barns, trim trees and other outdoor work, but that lasted for one day, and for about 1 hour.  He never returned.  Looks like I will have to try and find another person.  I honestly don't know how I canned all season last year, and got outdoor work done.  I haven't canned a thing this season, and I am still busy with freezing bell peppers, pickling banana peppers (fridge style), and freezing jalapenos.  I hate to even say it, but the older I get the less I enjoy doing all this garden work.   

I know it's important for us to have freshly grown goodies, and stock up for winter, but I lack the "motivation" this year.  Especially with the grocery store prices so high right now, it's hard not to stock up with what is growing in the gardens.

I have yanked the cantaloupe plants.  They are done for the season.  I am currently pulling all of the green/wax bean plants as well.  

There you have it.  The lastest garden news.  Drought weather, lack of rain, lack of produce, and strange temperatures.  I will try to get another post up as the month ends.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

This and That

I decided to stop in for a chat, but my post ended up sort of long.  I apologize in advance, ha ha!

Hard to believe that we are nearing the very end of August.

The garden(s). . .

What happens when your barn cats have expired, and either field mice or chipmunks find your beans.  Good reason to have a solar electric fence if you don't have a good rodent control.  

First good haul, but not even close to last year's harvest.  I'm thrilled to get what we do get.  I brought in another 3# the other day too.

Bell peppers are rolling in, and they are about 1/4 inch thick.  I don't feel this particular pepper smells as good as the type we grew last year, so I will looking that up in my garden journal for reference.  Taste is important too.

Meals have been based on what I brought in from the garden.  It has been nice to have fresh canteloupe for breakfast.  We haven't grown fruit in the garden for several years (due to space).

We literally sliced our very first tomato August 27th.  The harvest has been that bad for the tomatoes, but only because the rabbits ate down the first planting (that garden is fenced now).

Canning?  Zero canned this year.  So far, anyway.

The chickens . . .

Due to my husband's other obligations, we have made zero progress on the new chicken coop. 

Handiwork . . .

Thanks to the free evenings by myself (due to my husband's obligations), and with little from the garden to can/freeze or dehydrate (combined with awfully hot weather), I have gotten my crochet hook out.  I just have not been in the "mood" to even crochet at all lately.

I crocheted us a new kitchen dish scrubbie, as my current one was wearing thin.  When I purchased the yellow netting, the clerk shorted me on yards, so thankfully I had netting scraps to stuff it with.

I have also finished another crocheted lap afghan, using a mix yarn in my yarn stash.

Home Repairs/Cleaning and Organizing . . .

-Master bathroom was completely finished.  Other than a few small things like replacing the broken toilet paper holder.  I do plan to install new "under the sink" mats and cabinet shelf liner.

-I have been purging the "office" room (slowly), so we can eventually rip out the old carpet.  It is a small room, but we have a lot of books and writing materials to purge.

-a little at a time, I am going thru stuff in my utility room.  I've purged this room and prepared it for new paint so many times, and it became the dump station for everything while working on other rooms.  I may be pushing this room to next year, or moving it on the to-do list for winter.

-garage clean up is still in limbo due to hot weather.

-purchased clothesline to install a new one,  as my old one is wearing down.

Herbs/Winter Prep . . . 

-dehydrated thyme for cooking, but it also comes in handy for a medicinal tea if anyone gets a bad cough or whatnot.

-started oregano oil for medicinal reasons, and for cooking.

-dehydrated sage for meals and for sage tea, and we have plenty of sage tincture for treating sore throats if needed.

-froze a batch of Thai basil pesto.  I have started a propagation of Thai basil to grow indoors.  Here's hoping I am successful.

....if you are still reading

Self-care. . .

We finally got back to hiking, and got two in the books.  There is still intentional exercise going on here as well, and of course healthy meals/snacks.

I'm looking into making a new homemade skincare (lotion) product.  I continue to make homemade hair detangler (with marshmallow root), homemade toner (with butterfly pea flower, and homemade face serum (using homemade rosehip seed oil).

The weather . . .

We recently had a heat wave come our way, and with no rain.  the temperatures soared up to 100°F.  There are reports of drought all over the area.  I've only been watering what I feel will produce more harvest.

The same evening of the hottest day, we had a severe, and unannounced storm roll in.  The wind was no joke!  Power outages, trees down, and debris everywhere.  Luckily, our power stayed on.  Many towns had destruction, and many people lost their gardens.  Oddly, what's left in our garden was not harmed.

This and That © August 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart