Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Garden Work

Today, we were blessed with a green pepper.  Cherry tomatoes are starting to turn red, and 2 zucchini are just about ready to pick.  I transplanted a lot of green onion, flat leaf parsley and more chives.  I worked mainly in herb garden #1 today, weeding, thinning, and cutting some for dinner.  The Kohlrabi is about ready in a few areas also.

I pulled more lettuce to top our bean burritos (which are made with dry pinto beans and onions).  The red onions we have grown are delicious too. 

I also weeded a flower bed, and thinned some, placing them into several other flower beds.  I dug up a pink cone flower and planted it up by the southeast corner, near a small lonely bush.  I added a perennial (I have yet to correctly identify, and will post a photo when it blooms) and more forget-me-nots.

I noticed that my gladiolus are about to start blooming soon.  I can't wait to see them when I sit on my front porch. I haven't had them in my flower gardens since our last move.

The fiesta daisies are beautiful next to my thick dark hostas, and many marigolds re-seeded from last years flowers.

The green onion went to seed giving us many more starters to plant or to share.

One sweet corn stalk was broken down and eaten by an animal.  Possibly a rabbit, since the corn is not on the stalk yet.  We are placing glass jars, upside down, around the corn rows to deter the little boogers from entering  - a trick from my Grandmother.

I feel good about today's garden work, especially getting my first canning experience completed.  I have many supplies to buy, but will add them to our wish list for later.

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