Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kids. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

This and That


We got a card from one of my cousin's, and it was obviously opened by someone in the mail system.  It's sick that this happens.  They probably thought it was a birthday card and were looking for money or a check to steal.

We also got cards and a beautiful wind chime from my husband's work.  Mom loved wind chimes too.  In fact, she gifted us one made of shells.  I can't wait to hang them on the porch this spring.

I finally got around to baking a healthy breakfast, but forgot to take a photo.  It involved sausage, eggs, bell pepper, onion, jalapenos, garlic and dandelion greens.

I've been slowly working on a menu this week, but I am slow joe fizz this week.

My asparagus seeds are starting to sprout.

My kitchen is filling up with packed boxes, for another move day for Daughter K.

Monday, February 28, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday

 My siblings and I have been boxing up items at Mom's house, doing research on where to take what (her wishes were that nothing went to Goodwill, and no estate sale type sale at the house).

I located a place like Goodwill that helps area businesses.  Most nursing homes take flower vases, but not right now.  Due to covid they are not taking any donations.

We, in the midst of it all, got the brakes replaced on the Buick (used a friend's garage and hired someone), had to split more wood, and Daughter E came out to have dinner with us.

Today, I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .
Over the next few days we are to get up into the 50's.

How I am feeling . . .
Mentally exhausted.  Last night my husband and I were talking about how strong Mom was over the years.  We talked about Mom's surgery for breast cancer and how I sat in the waiting room with her friend from the bank.  We were there at the crack of dawn, and I was in her room after surgery until after 11pm at night.  We talked about Mom's first heart surgery and how my younger brother and I sat in the waiting room all day long.  We watched movies on a device he brought, and waited until we could see Mom.  My younger brother stayed the night in the waiting room, until Mom was fully awake to talk to.  

We also talked about the second surgery at Cleveland Clinic.  Those were very long days.  Mom was put in an out patient bed (not a room at first), so we had to drive back and forth for it, along with a long wait during surgery.  Mom wanted to pay for us to stay in a motel.  I remember we lied to her and told her we were (so she didn't worry), but drove back and forth to save the money on the cost of a hotel.  I remember it was me getting a migraine first from lack of sleep, then the next day my younger brother.

On the breakfast plate ...
Have no idea.  First the coffee.

On my reading pile. . .
Same book, but not reading it.

On my TV . . .
Whatever we find that we like.

The menu this week. . .
Have no idea.  My brain is not on full capacity.

From the camera . . . 

I knew this was at Mom's house, and I was the recipient.  It's an unfinished double sided crocheted blanket.  I have no idea how to finish it, but will do some research.

Looking around the house . . .
Considering all current events, and a kiddo moving's a hot mess.

To-do list . . .
-bake a breakfast
-work on messes in our bedroom
-water seedlings
-clean up computer area
-I have been on dog/cat duty since last Friday
-master bath
-plan the menu

Prayers . . .
Our family.  Losing Mom has been very difficult.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Empty Nesters Soon

 Our house has been a mess since Christmas.  Covid kept us from tidy work, and before that a sprained ankle, then Mom's health and total focus on her.  I miss her already, and often reach for my cell phone a certain time of time, and realize I won't be calling her like I used to.  

Back to the messy house part.  I feel like the more I try to clean up, the worse it looks, as Daughter K has started the moving out process. Boxes of stuff everywhere.

We, due to limited vehicles (still), moved her bed last night.  It felt like it was a drive across country for us.  My husband and I slept in past the sunrise (almost never happens).

We are just exhausted with everything that has recently happened, that we just needed the rest.

I can't say, that I personally, have gotten enough rest.

In fact, things have been so out of whack, that I guess I missed paying the January internet bill.  The internet went out the other day, and when I called to report an outage, the automated call reminded me of the bill due. 

Sigh, I needed the internet to pay the bill, and once up that was taken care of.  It made sense though.  During covid, we barely left our bed, nor had energy for anything, and then brain fog.

I still have a mess on my office/computer area to clean up, and need to check emails I haven't checked since Christmas.  I apologize for that.  

The chickens are back to laying a bit more.  We are thankful for that.  More garden seeds are sprouting as well.  Now if we could just put winter behind, so we can get a break from splitting wood, that would be great.

Friday, February 25, 2022

Snail Mail Surprise and other Tidbits


I went to the porch to get the garden cart, to fill with wood, and found 2 boxes delivered.  One contained sugar cookies and chocolate chip cookies, which were sent from Daughter K's boyfriend's mother and grandmother.  What a nice surprise (sent due to the passing of Mom/Grandma).

The other bigger box was sent to Daughter K from the business she works.  It was a grant that they had for employees getting covid.  They were a month late, but it was mostly food, but also contained disinfectant wipes, tissues and chapstick.

We woke up to a very cold morning, snow and a lot of ice.  Lovely.  

My green bell pepper seeds are finally sprouting, as well as some of the hot pepper seeds.  I am looking forward to spring.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Slush to Ice. . .


Yesterday's rain turned everything to slush, which froze over last night.  It's a sheet of ice out there now.  I warned our daughter before taking the dogs out this morning.  

We had a visit with Mom, and will be visiting again today.  My younger brother took one of her cats into her room for her to see.

Daughter E surprised us with a visit last night, and just in time for dinner.  Daughter K made us chicken alfredo last night for dinner and it was delicious.  I was thrilled she offered to cook, and she said she needs to do it more to prepare moving out with her boyfriend.

Daughter E tried on her halter top I crocheted and it fits.  She was tickled pink to take leftovers home with her. I was happy to see her and the fact I didn't have to cook dinner.

I will need to cook this weekend though.  Not sure what yet, but first I need to wake up with some coffee.  We all slept in this morning.

Oh, while shopping at Wal-mart the other day, I checked the yarn aisle for a hook I needed and lost.  Daughter K picked up some yarn. in what I call, hippie colors.  She wants a baby blanket made with it.  I told her we'd talk later about my next project, when the current project is finished.  I told her by the time she has kids she may change her mind on those colors.  She is insisting that she'll love the colors, so we'll see if it happens. 

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Saturday Chit-Chat

The boys came out and plowed out the 3-4 foot drifts that buried a few cars.  They sped off before I could pay them though.  Little turds that they are.  We'll catch up with them soon.  Thankfully, they plowed out the mailbox area for us as well.

Woke up to a wind chill of 1°F this morning.

I have a 5 foot drift blocking my chicken coop, so after I slowly wake up with some coffee, and get a warm shower, I'll be outside shoveling a path for that.

Daughter K is out of town visiting with her boyfriend.  They are looking at more apartments.  That means I have dog, cat and rabbit duty.  Jasper (cat) is already meowing at me from the stairs.

My sinus medications have not kicked in just yet.  Hopefully today will be the day.  I'm getting tired of being tired (and sick).

We are having trouble getting someone affordable to replace the brakes on the car.  Normally, my mechanic husband does the repairs, but we have the Chevelle in the garage right now.  It's not a car you can leave outside in 1°F weather to pull the other car in for repairs.  What a battle it is this time of year. 

My seed/grow light stand is up and ready for action.  The plan is to get the seeds in the trays today and get the lights going.  To be honest, although it's always so much work, I'm looking forward to growing the garden this spring.

I spent most of yesterday loading the wood stove, taking dogs out and crocheting.  It was nice to have a somewhat rest day despite taking dogs out in freezing weather.  I'm now on the edging on the baby blanket.

Speaking of baby.  Our grand-niece (my husband was a late baby) gave birth to a baby boy yesterday.  So stinkin' cute.  I'll need to put together a gift for her soon.  

Another pizza place in the town closer to us, closed permanently.  I was told there was an issue with the owners health and lack of employees to keep it open.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Sunshine! ~ Post Office Nasty Gram

 Although we had a good amount of sunshine, it was still cold yesterday.  I donned my full body winter wear and headed to the coop with treats to beg for eggs, fresh water and headed out to get the mail.

Hubby was in the barn fetching firewood.  It didn't take long to get a "nasty" gram from the post office, with a visual drawing of the 30 foot area (yes, that is right, 15 feet clear to the mailbox and 15 past the mailbox) they demand be shoveled/cleared of snow.

The post delivery person drives a jeep.  Sigh.  We have lost 2 of the 3 shovels.  Daughter K shoveled some of it, and my husband some of it.  I hope we can find the shovel, but darn it all.  I'm not going to cough up a lung, only for the plow to bury the mailbox again.  I am praying the snow is done for a while.  We are all not up to shoveling snow, and too far out to have some of the boys come plow it out for us.

Our current morning weather is -1°F with a wind chill of -14°F.  I'm pretty sure I may not have a hot shower today.  Thankfully, there is little wind.

I'm "flying" solo today.  My husband is back to work (praying it goes well), and Daughter K stayed the night with friends.  Her timing is not great, but I understand her wanting to spend time with friends before she moves.  She'll be back home this afternoon though.

I swear I heard a cat outside this morning.  When daylight hits, I'll look for tracks.  I'd hate to see a stray cat freeze in these temps.

I have written out a list for my to-do list today, but "flying" solo, I have dog duty, chicken duty, mail fetching, wood fetching, manning the wood stove, and possible laundry.  The dogs are already crying to go out and it's not day light.  Our pole light does not come on in this chilly weather, and darkness is not my friend with coyotes.  

Speaking of Daughter K, her workplace is forcing their employees to present a vaccine card, or be tested weekly (I honestly don't see how they can, considering test kits are out everywhere right now).  I'm glad she is moving and can find a better job elsewhere.  I never thought my kids would have to live through this.  Or us, for that matter.

Thankfully, we have a big pot of chili, and a pan of homemade buttermilk cornbread for the next few days.  I just have to do some dishes (if we have hot water, ha ha!).

I have slept great the last two nights, but wake up to a coughing fit.  I'll be happy to get my cool-mist humidifier today. I still have laryngitis, so I plan on sipping some hot sage tea.

More co-workers are out with covid at my husband's work.  It's still spreading.  

The chicken coop is a disaster.  I cannot wait for a warmer day, so I can clean it.  The ding dongs are poo'ing in their roosts.  What a mess.  

One of these days, I'll actually have some photos in my blogpost.  Sorry if they have been boring.  

Monday, January 24, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday

I just realized that today is the first time I have been able to participate in this.  Covid stinks!  It spread (and continues to spread) too quickly in our area right now.  Four more staff at Mom's nursing home have tested positive, and the they are going to test the entire nursing home again today.

We recently had to replace the glass in the wood stove door.  On Sunday, we realized the grate needs replaced.  Always something.....

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.
I'll link up later, and sorry for the shortness in this post.  Hey, at least I made an appearance, ha ha!

The Weather . . .
14°F, ground is snow covered, in fact we had a road emergency yesterday due to the snow/wind.

How I am feeling this morning . . .
Miserable.  We are going to look for our cool mist humidifier.  The hospital has not called my husband either.  He is high risk, but the doctor's office told us our local hospital is dealing with shortages of antibodies.  Speaking of that, my home county went from 533 new cases in a week to 2,700 more cases last week.  Sorry if that up date is a repeat.  My friend in town said shelves are almost empty of medicinal supplies as well.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Have no idea other than hot organic coffee, which I can't really taste that well.

On my reading pile . . .
Mail-Order Murder, by Leslie Meier

On my TV . . .
CSI Miami, Football

On the menu this week . . .
Have no energy to even think about it.  Daughter K is off today, and is willing to do what we do not feel up to doing.  She is feeling back to herself thankfully.

From the camera . . .
Unless you missed my post about my newest crochet project - baby pacifier leash.

Looking around the house . . .
Nothing I can do about much until we feel better.  We ordered the new wood stove grate, and it should arrive today (if not, tomorrow).  My medical bills are just now rolling in (when I sprained my ankle).  I need to get those paid this week sometime.  I see that our daughter missed one small Christmas tree when she put everything away.  

Today's to-do list . . .
Nothing, unless I do some dishes.  I started to scrub the master shower yesterday (removing water rust stain), and that didn't last very long.  

Prayers . . .
Our grand-nephew was in a bad snowmobile accident yesterday afternoon.  He had a helmet, but the impact broke up the helmet.   He suffered lacerations to the face, broken nose, broken cheekbone, bruised lung and a few other issues, but thankfully recovering.

Mom.  She continues to lose memory, and is having more issues with dizziness.

Us (husband and I), we just want to feel normal again (covid).  I'm up blogging, to try and attempt a regular wake up time.

Daughter K, she's applying for a new job, in a new town, and moving in the near future.  She'll need a much better paying job to pay for their apartment.

Friday, January 21, 2022

New Project ~ Peppermint Tea


My newest project - baby pacifier leash.  I have a grand-niece about to give birth, and will hopefully get a few more made in different colors.  Sadly, I do not have a finished baby blanket/booties to gift her right now.

I am working on the un-finished baby blanket that I found in my closet.  It's hit or miss, depending on how I feel.  We sipped hot peppermint leaf tea yesterday, and it opened up our nasal passages better than nasal spray.

On a good note, the nursing home has not called again with any more cases, but more friends of ours have it now.

If anything gets done today, it'll be hitting the "sanitize" button on the washing machine and the "self-clean" button on the oven.  It's a good (wind chill 4°F) cold day to do it.

My ankle feels normal again. Finally.  Not sure if the immune boost pills we are taking helped heal it up, but it is nice to have my regular walk/movement back.

Daughter K goes back to work today.  I know she is still feeling blah, so I hope her day goes well.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Finsished Halter Top and Not so good news. . .

I finished Daughter E's halter top.  I hope it fits.  If not, there is one size larger available to crochet.  It was the first time for me to create a "twisted cord" for a crochet project.  Very interesting.

Daughter K tested positive for covid, and she is very sick.  I am up early to make homemade ginger-ale, and start a diffuser in my own bedroom.  Unfortunately, I am congested and feel off.  We only have one home test left, and holding onto it for my husband if needed (he goes to work Monday, and if no symptoms has to work).  We need the last kit for if he gets symptoms.  We are having a terrible time find more home test kits (so they can test negative to return to work if needed).  Every place is completely out of home covid test kits, including the libraries.

I am back to working on the baby blanket and have another scrap lap afghan I can finish.  I may have to order some baby yarn today.  Thank goodness for Amazon.  I need supplies for another crochet project.  I have lots of books to keep me busy too.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Almost Impossible Medical Care....

Daughter K is very sick.  She actually got into an urgent care, but the man was so rude, he left the room after her covid test and said to pay her bill up front.  He wouldn't even listen to her symptoms, and now her lungs hurt very bad.  The guy wouldn't even give her time to get a slip for work.  I understand they are overwhelmed, but the sick-sick can sometimes need breathing treatments at home, antibiotics, or other medications.

I'm making a steam (eucalyptus) for her this morning, but if she is not better, she'll have to go to the ER today for help.  I made her a hot tea last night with freshly grated ginger and thyme.  She said it felt so good on her throat.  She has a horrible cough as well.  We are worried she has pneumonia or something else.  

Now the nursing home where my Mom is at, has 3 staff and 2 residents with positive covid.  I get calls when they update due to me being an emergency person for Mom.  They said they are testing all residents next Monday.

Our weather is frigid cold.  A cold 1°F windchill.  No snow yet.  I was the first one up, and got the fire stoked.  Brr!

I wanted to make us collard greens, but the store had zero, and I have zero in the freezer.  I'll do another check in the freezer this morning, just to be sure.

The nursing home continues to do "memory" tests with Mom.  She said the air is so dry in her room, but they keep her busy most days.

Friday, January 14, 2022

Reading and other tidbits . . .


I've actually been doing some reading.  I finished both of these books.  I passed the James Patterson book on to Daughter E, and I'm keeping the other one.  

Daughter K and her boyfriend are going to look at an apartment this month.  We didn't see this happening until a year from now, but that would help us with home repairs/re-model.  She'd have to re-home her rabbit, but we were happy to hear about this.

I haven't been to the nursing home to visit Mom yet.  I have been calling her daily though.  Daughter K is sick, and it took great lengths to find a home covid test to be sure.  Four people at her work are now out with it.  Her test however showed she was negative.  It's spreading like wildfire in our area.  In fact, I got an automated phone call from the nursing home.  It said two more positive cases at the home Mom is in - one staff and one resident (not what I needed to hear).

Mom has started physical therapy, and they also do a memory test with her.

There has been a lot of thefts in our downtown (little town) area lately, and last night a report of men in hoodies around someone's barn in the country.  Great.  Just what we need.

I called my doctor.  He will not order an MRI for my ankle until he sees me.  Sigh.  I can't get in to see him until the end of the month.  I told my husband, if it heals up before then, I will just cancel the appointment (what I am hoping for).

Snow is heading our way in a few days.  Not sure how much just yet.  I don't watch the news, I just check the weather update, but most days I just look out the window.

Daughter E wants me to gather some healthy crock-pot recipes, so that is on the agenda today.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Just the Bits . . .

 I did more research on the door knockers the other day.  No one we know (in the area) knows anything about them.  One family member said two guys stopped at their house trying to sell them meat.  Their dogs scared them off after their persistence to sell.

Update on the washing machine boot seal - It's on and washer is running.  A few parts need to go back on though.  I think he just wanted to make sure it worked again before putting all major parts back on (like the top of the washer, ha ha!).

We got another very cute Christmas card.  Love it!  I wish I had been able to send more out myself.  

Today, if it's the only thing I do, I will be taking down the outside Christmas lights.  I have meant to turn them off the last 2-3 days and have failed.  I normally leave them up until after the 1st of the year, but weather is always an issue.

My younger brother gave me a huge stack of dark chocolate bars (which have been suggested as one of the best on America's Test Kitchen).  I had plans to use them for a project prior to Christmas.   I may just go ahead to do it, and deliver as a "winter" gift.  I won't be able to eat the entire stack, so sharing in a different way will be the idea.  I'll post an update if that happens.

I was updating the bills the other day, and realized my planner ends May of next year.  I guess I better get on that and get one soon.  I use it daily.

The yarn for Daughter E's top should arrive tomorrow.  I plan to get that done before garden season arrives.

My wonderful husband brought home some ligament salve for my ankle. Daughter K gave me a brace that I can use that won't weigh a ton, so today I plan to get the kitchen in order.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Tuesday Tidbits

The younger two girls really out did themselves for Christmas.  We said no gifts, and they didn't listen.  They gave us fun stuff, useful stuff and I got books from one of them.

I love books, but try to contain the collection with the space I have allowed.  Daughter E got me all of these.

I spent an hour on the computer, and finally located a pattern for a top for Daughter E.  Yarn has been ordered, but the kind I need was not available from JoAnn's nor Michaels (they were curbside only for some reason). The cost of shipping was horrible.

I did 2 loads of laundry and came to an abrupt stop.  Daughter K said, "um Mom?  Why is there water all over the floor and in the laundry basket?"  The seal needs replaced, has been ordered from a local business, and should be in today (thankfully).  Whirlpool direct, wanted $100 more than our local resource.

Daughter E locked her keys in her car.  The boys rescued her.

The wood stove continues to provide.  The temperature is starting to drop again, and now may make an appearance today.

I'm so thankful I made comfrey salve.  I'm applying it to my knee now.  The boot they gave me goes all the way up to my knee and weighs a ton.  It caused my knee to ache.  The boot is off, soaks continue today, and I hope that my knee feels better soon.  It literally hurts worse than my ankle.


Thursday, December 23, 2021

It's her birthday!


Yes, that is our youngest in a stocking the hospital gave us.  She was born on the 23rd and we came home on the 24th of Dec.

Gosh, it's hard to believe we didn't have the farm house back then.  I did grow an herb garden and loved it.  In fact, I pulled all of it and moved the herb garden two times before we landed where we are.  Time flies for sure.

Update on my ankle.  I took a chance and left the boot off for a day.  In the evening I however, needed an ice pack.  Boot went back on, but I will do a half day today and see how it goes. 

My husband is going to split wood by himself this morning.  Daughter K is off work, so I hope she gets up in time to help him.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Friday, December 17, 2021

Frivolity from the Farm House


I think I started this baby blanket over 5 or more years ago.  I'm just happy I left the hook in the project basket, along with the pattern book.  I however, have no idea why I started it.  It will take many days to finish it.  I have decided, that once it's done, I will keep it for future grandkids.  There will be a lot of work on this one.  It's a crib size blanket and 125 rows and a small hook.  I guess the advantage of staying off my feet, is getting some old, long time projects done.

I am very much enjoying my foot soaks.  Hubby came home from work, filled my tub and I soaked while he made walleye for dinner.  Tonight it's all leftovers.

Our weather was absolutely miserable yesterday.  Rain, clouds, wind and more rain.  I spent a good portion of the day watching Christmas movies on netflix.  The last one I watched was California Christmas City Lights (2nd movie to the first California Christmas).  It was very good.

I may or may not have put a scoop of homemade hot cocoa and a splash of  peppermint schnapps in my mid-afternoon coffee.  Hey, everyone needs a pick-me-up once in a while.

I seriously think my chickens miss me.  They have not laid eggs since this boot has been put on my foot, and I haven't been able to go to the coop.

I considered cleaning the walk-in shower, and quickly decided that was not happening until the boot comes off.  All I need is to slip on water and boom.  It can wait.

Nothing exciting to share ha ha!  I have 90% of my garden seeds ordered (other than from what I saved).  I still need to order some for the herb garden, but otherwise set for that.  I ordered a picture frame for our upcoming anniversary.  I found a few older 4 x6 photos that I want to put in a farm house style frame.  I hated to order online, but hey things happen.  I just hope it gets here by then.  Oh, I ordered my pepper scoop.  It's not only USA made, but handmade by an artisan.  It was sort of expensive, but I'm told their best seller.  I will share it when it arrives.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Pumpkin Bread

I seem to be spending the first half of my day in the kitchen.  I threw together a zucchini breakfast bake and topped it with freshly grated parmesan cheese.  There is spinach in it too.  I didn't use a recipe.  I just tossed some things together.

I had some thawed pumpkin to use up, and got out my old trusty cookbook. Wow!  I haven't made pumpkin bread in years, and it called for 3 cups of sugar.  That is a lot of sugar for one loaf.  

I went online of course and found one that was a low-sugar recipe.  I didn't have white whole wheat flour, but adjusted to what I had on hand.

I totally forgot to take a photo of it, but it was delicious.  I swapped out the coconut oil for canola.  I just didn't see it staying in a liquid form after adding cold milk and cold pumpkin puree.  It turned out good and my pumpkin puree didn't go to waste. Recipe is called Healthy Pumpkin Bread from Cookie and Kate.

Daughter E is now volunteering for the Humane Society and a charity that gives out food to those in need.  So proud of her.

What is your go-to, crowd pleasing stove top made vegetable?  Not crock pot, but stove-top?  My oven will be busy with baked chicken, so I'm trying to come up with something other than green beans, and nothing with potatoes.  I could steam broccoli, but not everyone likes broccoli.  Hm.  I found a recipe for creamy mashed cauliflower that sounds pretty good too.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Attempt to get in the spirit of Christmas....


It's been a few rough weeks, and after my surprise roses, candy and card from my husband, I made an attempt to draw in the spirit of Christmas.  Master bath tree, shower curtain is up, and one door had decor.  I'm not sure I'll be putting every single decoration, or tree up this year.  I'm just dragging mentally, but at least trying.

I got my first Christmas card, and love it!  So cute.  I'll have to look for cards like this.

The weather was great for getting outside last minute stuff put away, although I made a second trip back out to retrieve the sprinklers.

I had to chuckle when Daughter K told me that a co-worker wants to exchange a Christmas card with a hand written recipe.  Daughter said she is pretty excited, ha ha!  Now, hm....which recipe do I pick?  I guess I'll do some digging and see what would be good to share.

Daughter K applied for a much higher paying job.  It would be full-time if she is hired.  Praying she gets the job.  She'll be able to save up faster for a newer car, not to mention get a place with her boyfriend.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

A Get-R-Done Day and other chit chat

Wednesday was a day to take back my home.   Well, it was a good start anyway. The morning sunrise was so beautiful, before the sun came out.

Keeping order to the house is tough when you live with an adult kids who (sorry gonna say it) is a slob.  Nicer words to describe her ....horrible housekeeping skills.  

I'm going to have to be a daily enforcer of house rules if she wants to continue living here.  I can't stand messes, junk laying around, and whatnot.

I put 3,000 steps on my fitbit by 10am.  I moved every tote I had downstairs to the upstairs, vacuumed sealed one camper pillow (need more bags for the rest), put away our travel bag, tossed some things out, started a box for donation, and put together two full boxes of stuff to take to Daughter E.  She's having a birthday party next month and I had a ton of stuff leftover from the graduation party we didn't have.  It's save her some money, and free up my space.  I totally forgot I had the stuff, because it was in a tote that was not clear.

I have more to clean in my walk-in closet, re-organize what crafting supplies are still in there, and move the rest upstairs to start purging clothing.

All of my craft show items are all put in storage for another year.  I will need to get more shelving units for upstairs though.  

We had plans to fetch some free firewood from Daughter T, but woke up to rain....sigh.  I guess we'll get it in the rain.  Last night Daughter K called from work.  Her brake line broke.  Today we go fetch her car, and well that can't be worked on today due to rain.  

My brother who is hosting our Thanksgiving this weekend, has a sick daughter.  A gathering may be debatable now.  My good friend from high school?  Who has a family with covid, now has more friends with covid.

My husband picked up ground beef for our tacos today (even though I have some in the freezer).  I guess he wanted fresh meat vs. waiting on it to thaw.  Anyway, he said he couldn't buy our normal organic beef.  It went from $6.99 to $10.99 within the last two weeks.  He's now on board with raising beef and pork.  I mean, how will we all survive over the next two years with these prices?  He is even considering dairy goats again.

Also, Daughter K was alarmed at the lack of canned cat food at the grocery store the other day.  She said it was almost completely empty.

Update on Mom.  Surgery went well.  They got all the cancer.  However, they could not stitch her up due to the swelling in her leg.  The healing process may be much longer than expected.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

 We got away for another adventure over the weekend.  A fall foliage trip.  

The colors were absolutely gorgeous.  The weather not so good, but we still had a good time.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .

How I am feeling this morning . . .

Tired.  I didn't sleep well, with a lot on my mind, despite our weekend away.  I came home to a dirty kitchen, and it's time to do a family meeting with Daughter K about her housekeeping (lack of is a better word).

On my mind . . .

See above.  I've been up since 3am.  

On the breakfast plate . . .

Have no clue.  Egg production is down, so there is that.

Right now I am . . .

Doing dishes, getting dinner in the crock pot and getting my head together to make a to-do list.

On my reading pile . . .


On today's to-do list . . .

-make a plan for the rest of the week, as I have to get it together today first.

On my TV . . .

How to get away with murder - Netflix

On the menu . . .

Working on it.  

From the camera . . .

See weekend trip photos above.

Looking around the house . . .

It's a mess, but mostly due to a lazy daughter.

New recipe I tried or want to try . . .

A homemade cake recipe I want to try.

To relax this week I will . . . 


Prayer list . . .

All the families that also recently lost loved ones.