Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weather. Show all posts

Thursday, August 31, 2023


 Woke up to a brisk 48°F outside.  There appears to be a frost on the windows of the truck, and top of the trash can, so I'm hoping it has not affected my herbs or garden.  

It's not going to last (we are heating up again to the 90's), but I will admit, I slept in, as the cooler weather was a welcome.  However, I have more tomatoes and bell peppers to take care of, and running very behind now.

Anything "sauce" tomato days are long days here.  There is the chopping, dicing, then heating until a puree, then removing peels and seeds, then reduction, then canning.  Canning in the water bath is typically 35 minutes or longer, depending on what I'm canning.  My husband was shocked at how many ingredients (and the time to do it) go into tomato soup.

I'm brewing some coffee to get this day started, but hope to be back with an update.  Thank you all for your potluck ideas.  I do appreciate it.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Garden Pickings ~ New Fridge ~ Rain Moves In


Saturday's pickings.  I did not look at the green beans.  I will today if there is a break in the rain.  The beans are about done for the season.  The yellow squash went bananas overnight, so there will (or should be) a squash casserole on the menu.

We borrowed a trailer to go pick up a "like new" refrigerator, and when we got there, we realized we needed help.  It had to be taken down stairs (on a trailer), that came out and went sideways.  We took the trailer home, and then the boys said they needed the trailer, so no trailer, no help.

Frustrated, we then rented a trailer from TSC ($14.00 for a half day), so that was not too bad.  However, all of my husband's family were busy with a cookout, and everyone else we could think of was busy.  

We literally moved that fridge by ourselves.  It was a lot of work, but it is not a giant full size one either.  Anyway, we got that loaded and unloaded, old one moved out, by ourselves.  We were exhausted by the evening last night.  However, mowing had to be done, with the rain moving in too.

I cleaned the old fridge out using the water hose (that was a hoot) in the driveway, and put it out by the road for free scrap.  It would have been so much easier at our age, to buy new, have it delivered, and old one removed for us.  However, the price of a new one is outrageous.  Newer ones don't last as long as the older ones either.  We think our older one was older than 17 plus years, as we got it used.  Anyway, that issue as been all resolved.

We believe we would benefit with owning a trailer.  It is on the wish list now, but we'll continue to check local sales first.

Oh, I have to share this.  On Friday, I was out picking green beans, and had just finished.  I went to stand up, and a deer flew out of the woods, running directly at where I was in the garden.  Never in all the years living here, has that happened.  I, of course, screamed in shock, and it took off in another direction.  

The sky here is dark, and stormy, so I am betting we'll get more rain.  We literally have no back up plan for today.  I guess we were hoping it would not last all day, and get some work done outside.  Our plan for today, was to weed the front flower bed, and start on the new coop.  If it rains all day long, that is not going to happen.

I don't lack garden work inside today.  I have some green beans to trim and clean, some zucchini to freeze or cook, and of course the yellow squash.  I have some red tomatoes, so I will make more of the Greek cucumber salsa as well.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Garden ~ Travel Hack for Cutting Yarn (or other string)


Bad photo, but the tomatoes are on, and so are the peppers and squash.  I got a good 2 1/2 hours in the garden, and it's looking pretty good despite the lack of recent attention.

Thunderstorms are moving in today and will stay with us over the weekend.

Tip when you are in a pinch:

I typically keep nail clippers in all our vehicles, which come in handy.  I can use them to cut yarn when I forgot to pack my "emergency" kit or accidently take it out of the vehicle and forgot to return it. 

I put one under the seat in each vehicle.  Anyway...

I just found out if you are traveling, the part where you break off your dental floss, can also cut your yarn?  I gave it a try.  It works folks!    Of course, if you are packing dental floss on your trip like this one.  I tried cotton and acrylic yarn.  Both cut easily, but I would only do this in a pinch.  I would think if you counted on using it all the time traveling, it will dull at some point.  Anyway, in a pinch tip!  Would work for fishing line too I would think.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

This and That

My experimental Einkorn flour biscuits did not go to waste.  We enjoyed (or I should say my husband) them with some freshly canned, reduced sugar strawberry jam.  Very good!  I will keep working on this recipe, and make them larger for breakfast sandwiches (although we do prefer a homemade muffin).  Einkorn didn't work out for English muffins. They would deflate so easily when I would move them from the tray to skillet.

During my internet searching, I've been looking at buying a new apron.  I do have a sewing machine, but the drive to sew one on my own is just not there.
(source:  Amazon)

I really like this style of the criss-cross back vs. ties.  Also, called Tessuti style.  I do like the two pockets too.  I see that some Etsy sellers have some online as well.  Just not sure on fabric/color.  Do any of you use aprons of this style?  Do you like them better than the ones that tie?  Does anyone here make and sell them?

I have totally ruined one apron, so it's dubbed solely for tomato patch work.  I have ruined so many shirts, with the green tomato stain, that you get while working around a tomato plant.  It's pathetic.  We have reduced the tomato plants, but the apron will come in handy for that work, and save my shirts from stains.

I did some more internet surfing, watched some Youtube tutorials, hand wrote a pattern, and started a smaller project for my on-the-go project.  I used to keep supplies for hot pads for this project bag, but I have too many of those in storage.  Anyway, I'll be back to show you that soon.  Oh, and it uses yarn I already have too.  Big bonus for me, ha ha!

I had to hand write the pattern, due to our  Microsoft Word on the computer expiring.  Apparently, the license is no good, and we installed it way back in the day when the kids were in high school.  I guess that is on the shopping list, as I use it very often.  Darn it all.  I use it to print labels, tags for crochet/knit packaging, print recipes, write letters, store patterns on the computer, write lists, and whatnot.  I'm cringing at how much it will cost us.  I mean, everything is so high priced right now.

The sun is shining today.  Thankfully, the rain is rotating with some sun as well, but we are definitely having a cooler June.  Actually, I am thankful for that.  We do not have AC in all of the house yet.  

I'll be honest, I am feeling a bit better, but not completely back to normal.   I'm going to take the rest of the week off of blogging.  I know, shocker, right?   I'm lacking interesting/homesteading content right now anyway.  If the weather is good outside today, I may soak in some porch time, but then again pollen is high right now.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday

 Once again my Sunday was my "Monday" so the list on the to-do's around here are short.  One day off for my husband is not enough.  He is so tired on his day off, he doesn't have the energy to tackle anything around here.  I get it, so I don't complain.

In lieu of possibly strong winds with rain yesterday, I was out early to till where needed, and tie up any tomato plants.  Just for kicks, and because I bought them, I planted Glady bulbs and a few others.  I had not planted them due to the drought we were having. I also dropped some tall zinnia seeds, white daisy seed, and a mixed pink daisy seed.  If they come up they come up, if not, we tried.

We still need to install our second mole chasing windmill.  The rain should help get that job done, as we need to bury a grounding rod for it.  The rain will soften the ground for us.

I did a quick inventory on my canned goods, and made notes on what needs canned in the way of condiments this garden season.

My full blown allergies turned quick on me, so most work was tidied up quick for some afternoon rest.  

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.
I will link up when she posts today.

The weather . . .

Rain!  We got rain yesterday later in the evening!  We cooled down the high 60's today, but will be in the 70's with several days of possible rain.

As I look outside my window . . .

Everything is wet out there.  The birds are singing.  It's slightly windy, and very cloudy.

Right now I am . . .

Brewing a pot of coffee, getting ready to eat breakfast (maybe), then maybe do dishes.

Thinking and pondering . . .

I need a cleaning supply caddy.  I hand carry supplies from bathroom to bathroom, and room to room.  I looked at reviews online, but will go check in stores when I am out and about.  I need one to carry wipes, gloves, brushes, box of borax, spray bottle of homemade cleaner and whatnot.

Listening to . . .

80's rock, or nothing today

How I am feeling . . .

Sinus pressure is the worst.  I will be doing more rest and self care this week than any extra work for sure.  I slept in today, and felt I needed it too.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Egg/bacon/cheese sandwiches if I get hungry, coffee, herbal teas later.

On the lunch plate . . .

Maybe soup.

On the dinner plate . . .

Have no idea.  Depends on my energy level.

On my reading pile . . .

On my TV this week . . .

Mick on Netflix

On the menu . . .

-Leftover chicken fajitas
-have no idea yet

Looking around the house . . .

I've moved my paper shredder to my living room.  I can sit on the floor and shred up what needs to be taken care of (that was boxed and moved for floor repairs).  

To-do list . . .

-water porch pots
-clean roosts, muck coop, later this week
-till when I can this week, weed squash
-I'm calling this my "possibility" list due to lack of energy

From the camera . . .

Devotional, verse, thoughts . . .

Could you all pray I get over this, whatever it is? Please send good mojo, prayers and good thoughts.  I plan to do some essential oil inhalations today, and hope it will clear my sinuses a bit.  I have mullein and ginger tea, lemons, and 4 thieves, but out of organic oil of oregano gel caps (those  have been ordered).

Friday, June 9, 2023

Bad Air Quality Warnings ~ More Strawberries ~ Cottage cheese and Chilis for Breakfast? Yes Please!

 I lost count on how many days it's been with zero rain.  Watering everything continues for us.  We've been waking up in the 50's, so it makes my daily chores more difficult.  I have to wait for it to be warmer to do the watering.  The forecast is saying possible rain this coming Sunday, with warmer temperatures.

I also have to rotate watering with laundry/dishwasher, so the water pump is not working in over drive.

It's hard to be outside too long with the Canadian wildfire haze contaminating the air outside.  We sat out on the porch the other night, and totally forgot about the air issue, and a nasty sore throat woke me up in the night.

I am finishing up with strawberries.  The chickens love their cool, sweet treats (they get the tops).

Froze several quarts, and will make a cold strawberry pie as well.  Canned 8 - half pints of reduced sugar jam.

There is a cottage cheese craze going on in recipes lately, but for years, we've enjoyed cottage cheese in our breakfast.  It's a Rachel Ray recipe (adapted with organic ingredients), and one we really like.  I used to double this when the kids were all living here.  Recipe is HERE.  It does require a 1/4 cup of flour, and I may try swapping that out with Einkorn next time.  

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Weather ~ Asparagus ~ Organizing Tip for Tall Boots


I took another look at the weather yesterday.  Not liking this dip.  We had to re-till the garden, so that has been started, but the planting will wait until this chill passes.

The roots we planted this year are coming up.  Just had to share how cute they look.

We are still harvesting asparagus from the very first year we planted.  Some are huge!

Tip:  I'm not sure you can say this is an organizing tip, but it worked great for me.  I have a few pairs of casual boots that are not stored in a box.  They were falling sideways.  For a cheap fix, buy a pool noodle and cut it to fit.  Slide that puppy right inside your boots.  Wa-la!  You are welcome.  

The truck went to the the transmission guy.  Sigh.  It will cost us a pretty penny to have it rebuilt.  It almost left me stranded last week.  We both knew it was going to be bad news.  Like $4200.00 bad news.

On top of that the dental insurance we have is not that great.  I went in for a cleaning, only to find out I had chipped a tooth, which required a crown.  I went back to get the permanent, and they have to send it back again for a better fit.  

Double sign.  It's a 35 minute drive to get there, so I was a bit frustrated.  Anyway, I talked to them and after insurance with a filling, our out of pocket will be a grand slam of $1575.00.  I cannot believe the cost of a crown, let alone a filling.   How are people supposed to take care of their teeth at these rates?  Crazy.  No wonder some people just have the tooth pulled.

So, with that bad news, there are projects on the house that may have to wait until next year.  Good grief.

Update on the new chicks - two have figured out how to use the ramp that goes up into the coop.  They are learning and figuring things out now.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Blooms and more planting . . .


Although no annuals have been planted yet, the flower beds are springing up some more perennial blooms.

I planted spearmint and peppermint.  Last year's pots did not come back, and I have yet to make a "weed" bed somewhere here.

I have not started to plant vegetables yet.  We are to get a low of 38/39 degrees mid-week.  I'll wait until that cold night passes.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday

 The closet "extreme clean" is still going on.  I'm impressed if I pull at least a few items a day around here.  

My green onion is in full harvest due to the recent weather.  I could not let it be ignored with the twist of weather today.  I made a batch of fresh green onion/parsley pesto.  I plan to use some in our breakfast this morning.

Compost has now been added to the gardens.  I have yet to pull the bean fence, but we have a few days before tilling is done.   I think this year has been the earliest to get these jobs done, and I am thankful for that.  In May, it's typically hit or miss weather for getting planting done.  

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

I will link up when she posts.

The weather . . .

43/34°F and possible snow.

As I look outside my window . . .

Very cloudy and dark, and it's snowing.

Right now I am . . .

Brewing coffee.

Thinking and pondering . . .

Thinking about taking some donations to drop off, to get them out of the house.

On my bedside table . . .

Water, a crochet hook, phone charger

On my TV . . .

Netflix movies.

Listening to . . .


On the menu . . .

-fried eggs with homemade pesto, bacon and tomato slices

-Charro Beans to use up tomatoes in the freezer, and a side to go with leftover

-sheet pan chicken sausage/carrots and potatoes 

-Mexican Lasagna (no pasta), and  corn we froze off the cob last summer

On my reading pile . . .

Once a week I get this out to read up on things.  Last week I read about the Nettles.  I am learning new things from this book, and it's been on my shelf for years.

I am about 1/4 of the way through Atomic Habits.  I am very much enjoying this book.

On the to-do list . . .

-pay bills
-work on upstairs flooring
-make a breakfast
-run errands

Extreme Clean list:
-clean all of the blinds

Plans for the week . . .
To get the closet floor done, trim done and everything put back in it's place.

What I am creating . . . 

Hard to see, as the weather was rainy and dark and the lighting was bad, but I am using beads from my Grandma's stash and making a few sets of these earrings (using up supplies I have on hand for jewelry making).  It's a smaller crafting project for when it's hot out.  Most likely they will be gifted or sold down the road.  I'm thinking it would make a thoughtful Christmas present for our girls, considering the beads are from my Grandmother.

By the way, my readers were not much help with the tiny parts of the earrings.  If you use a crafter's magnifying lamp, I would love to hear your suggestions on purchasing one.

I'm still working on this blanket (old photo)

My simple pleasure . . .
On a dreary day like today, I will sometimes put something in my coffee like Bailey's or Rum Chata Peppermint Bark.  Most days it is just coffee.  I do miss the recent porch time I was getting.

Looking around the house . . .
It's still a hot mess.  I will be until the upstairs flooring is treated completely, and the bedroom closet is done. 

From the camera . . .
The ornamental apple trees are loaded with blossoms.  I took a photos just in case the snow damages things today.  

Bible Verse, Prayers. . .
Last Monday I mentioned Tina's husband.  He had cardiac arrest, followed by more complications, and unfortunately has passed away.  He name is Dane, if you wish to pray for the family.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Copoclephily ~ Not Homesteading Related but Related to Home Keeping (or decluttering)

 Copoclephily is what describes the collecting of keychains.  I am a Copoclephilist.  Yes, and probably the worst habit I started as a young kid.  

That is not all of them either.  I have counted 998 so far (some duplicates).  I gave one away.  My husband said he would build a display with a covered plexiglass cover, if we build a new pole barn.  He's been saying that for the last 14 years ha ha!  

I have not found one museum in our state that displays a collection of this sort.  I have no idea where to even start to ask or look to donate.  Any ideas?  

The weather has been gorgeous this week.  The ground it still pretty soft from our last rain storm, but it's been great to hang clothes on the clothesline again.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Procrastination Station (aka computer)

The worst thing for me to do on a whack-a-doodle schedule, is to sit at the procrastination station (computer) too long.  I tend to browse crochet patterns, and have already printed one to crochet another item for the living room (a summer project that is much smaller).  My husband gets up late in the morning, due to his later work hours, so I'm totally thrown off with my own early morning routine.  Plus!!!  I'm not sleeping well with this schedule.

I also have about 98 draft posts I am going thru.  Most are getting deleted, but I try and read a few every day to work those out of my blog.

I got a visit with one daughter, and I totally forgot to pull meat from the freezer to go with yesterday's leftover veggies.  

I roasted a lot to save us time over the next few days, in hope to clear more out of the master bedroom.

Anyway, this is what happens when I browse's not like I can purge and pack up the bedroom if he's sleeping.

What do you think of this pattern?  The original pattern called for changing yarn color differently, but I am not a fan of sewing in a hundred or two hundred ends either.

Another reason why my own blanket is not done yet, ha ha!
Although, I blame my brain for this other blanket getting started.  I went upstairs to take yarn up, and to look for more black for my own blanket.  I came down with 4 colors not even related to my blanket, and well, my brain said to make it and put it up for sale eventually.....back to my blanket now....

I found more soft white, grey heather, and black, so I'm back to finishing it up.  It is almost done.  Oh speaking of this blanket, both my husband and one daughter agree that the sofa needs another blanket just like this.  Sigh.  Oh, I had to frog a few rows, because I left my crochet hook out and thought it was the correct size, and it was not. It was larger.  Another sigh.

Painting of course will not resume until the end of the month.  I'm have started to purge clothing so that is a start.  I already have piles to pass on to the girls, and piles to donate, but a lot more to clean/purge etc.  I have a lot more craft related items to deal with, and time is a tickin'!

I found another mini clipboard project (sigh) in our bedroom closet, but almost completely done.  I just had to glue the magnets onto the back.  These make great gifts by the way.  You can see the how-do on my other blog using scrap fabric as an option to decorate the front of it (Click Here).

The forecast was correct.  Snow today.  

Tiger, daughter E's cat is not doing well.  She is keeping me updated, but all we can do is wait.  He is about 13-14 years old.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Storing Ginger Root ~ Loony Lane ~ Peaches

 I have stored ginger root in my freezer for years.  I simply wash and dry it on a vegetable drying mat.

I wrap each piece in plastic wrap, and tuck into a freezer bag.  I simply take it out when I need it, and re-wrap it and put it back in the freezer.

Recently, I have learned of a second way to store it.  Thanks to the cooking channel and learning new tips and tricks in the kitchen.

Cut and peel the ginger root.  Place in an air tight glass jar with sherry or brandy, and place in your refrigerator.  Hm.  It will be nice to have it already peeled.

I've dubbed my home "loony lane" for this month.  My husband is putting down the hammer, added with a time limit, to get the bedroom packed up and off the carpet.  The problem is, he doesn't understand I can't do it all by myself with that amount of time.

I swear, he is going to make me lose my mind.  I had to drag him into the walk-in closet and explain that everything on two shelving units has to be packed up and those shelves, that sit on the carpet have to move too.  This next renovation is gonna get the best of me.

Despite trying to get him to do anything before he goes to work, I am trying to get stuff done.  He felt guilty the other day and got off the sofa and installed two electrical boxes.  His wacky schedule causes him to want to sit around and do nothing before work.

I had almost forgot, that I thawed peaches from the freezer, but thankfully got the peach crumble baked.  You can see someone couldn't help himself before it cooled enough.

Oh, and every day I spray the pet pee areas on the upstairs wood floor, let it sit, then wipe it.  I will have to do a few more applications, and then I think we'll be ready to put the gym foam flooring down.  So far, it's working on removing the odor from the flooring.  I have the spare bedroom to do yet though.

It's a wee bit cold here but all the hens are laying daily thankfully.  The weather forecast is for snow tomorrow.  Snow.  yes I said snow.  Looking outside the window, you would never now.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Barbacoa Beef ~ Sausage Gravy Dutch Baby

 I sort of followed a recipe for the crock pot Barbacoa beef that my husband requested.  I didn't brown the meat, but used a technique to help create a tender meat at the end of the cook time.

(How dinner turned out and topped with red onion and cilantro - delicious!)

While the meat was cooking in the crockpot, I made a breakfast, using my smaller cast iron pan - Sausage Gravy Dutch Baby.  I completely forgot to top it with green onion.  I have some in the freezer.  Our outside green onion is not weather ready yet.

I don't think I have ever made one of these before, but it is soooo good!  I would add more scrambled eggs next time on top, and I used my own homemade sausage gravy (vs.  just sprinkling the sausage and drizzling gravy).  Plus, it's only a 1/2 lb. of sausage, so I have the other half already cooked now for pizza this week.  We will freeze half of the beef we made too, and that will be great to have on hand for another meal night.

I think I used every utensil, bowls, pans, and even my food processor and blender, but I got a it all done, and it will last for a few days thankfully.

Funny thing happened.  I watched America's test kitchen while I took a break and crocheted.  I learned some things on frying fish in a pan, and the funniest part was that they gave tips on cooking Mexican dishes.  They also shared a recipe for fresh salsa (not news to me), but funny it was the same day I was cooking a Mexican beef taco dinner.  By the way, they said when you make quesadillas, brush oil on the sides after you fold it over for a more crisp tortilla vs. putting oil in the pan.

We have rain today, and warning of freezing rain.  Lovely.  Not what we needed, and they are saying the wettest day we've had in 2 years.  It's gonna be a muddy mess out there.  My fall planted garlic will love it though.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Sunrises ~ Tidbits


We have had some beautiful sunrises this week.  It makes me want to be outside and enjoy the warmer weather.  The evenings have been cold though.  Yesterday we hit the lower 60's, but with a wind warning.  Today thunderstorms move in.

My wonderful husband had these delivered on Valentine's Day.  This is big!  We live in the boonies, so he paid greatly for these beautiful roses.

I tried a new recipe.  I forgot to take a photo of it, but took a picture of the cookbook.

It's in one of my fix-it and forget it cookbooks - Enchilada Shredded Chicken.  I served it over quinoa (with diced jalapenos, oregano and cumin - I didn't have cilantro).  A nice recipe for a Mexican Potluck Meal.  I honestly don't know how this would be good on a tortilla, unless you drain the liquid off at the end of cooking.  Anyway, we topped it with some shredded cheese and sour cream.  Delicious.

The part for the stove has arrived.  It most likely will be installed this weekend.  I'll update you on that when it's done.

Half of the hallway is cleared of flooring tools and what not, and swept and mopped.  The other half remains full of tools for my husband to deal with.  I started to clean woodwork, to prepare for primer.

It's been nice to see the egg basket filling up again.  We are so thankful for this.  We changed their feed, adding black sunflower seeds and more supplements.  I am working on adding more to their diet - more on that soon.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Snow Storm

The snow is starting to blow.  Many schools closed even as early as yesterday, but there is just a dusting out there so far.

I got around to trying a cake recipe I printed back in (gulp) 2019 and it over baked.  I went online and read the comments.  Sure enough someone posted the bake time was incorrect.  It was not what I was looking for in a go-to cake either.  

When our grandson passed away at 4 months old, someone brought a butterscotch chip topped cake.  I could not get the recipe, so I wanted to try this one.  Nope.  It's not the same.  

Anyway, I'm still on the hunt for this particular cake.  It was one that would be great to take to help out a family or friend dealing with loss of family.

By the way, thank you if you prayed for our friend Hope.  Her husband passed away.

Our handyman has started to remove the carpet upstairs.  It's not looking that good as far as saving the original flooring.  I'm going up there today to take a look.  We may have to sand it down, but the most important part was getting rid of the ruined carpet up there.

My seeds have all arrived.  I'm still trying to put the house back together, and I still have laryngitis.  I did manage to clean the chicken's roosts and give them fresh straw before all this snow (if it does) arrives.

Do you have a "go to" cake for taking to grieving families?

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Tuesday Tidbits

As hard as I try to put balance in my day, I find myself in the kitchen for hours.  First, breakfast prep, then dinner prep, then snack prep, then dishes...just seems endless.  Some days I love it, other days not so much.

I sliced up some carrots and bell peppers for my husband's lunch/snack, and realized he may want a dip.  Then I found myself making hummus, and more dishes to wash.

During our weekend shopping trip, we could not find borax.  We had to go to two stores to find ground pork.  It's beginning to look like more shortages or lack of product (or lack of employees to get the product on the shelf?).

While we were at Wal-mart to get supplies, I walked down the yarn aisle to look for Caron Simply Soft yarn.  They have completely taken all name brand yarn out (other than some redheart), and replaced it with generic brands.  Frustrating.  It seems the only place to get a good selection is JoAnn Fabrics anymore (higher prices though).

We called the dept. of transportation in our county, to have them pick up the dead deer.  They got rid of it yesterday thankfully.

We are gearing up for a snow storm tomorrow.  I'm not sure how much we will get, but I have a lot on the to-do list, and I could always take it as an excuse to crochet for the day.  

I still have laryngitis.  I've switched to sage tea (sage I grew, and dehydrated), and taking Four Thieves Vinegar.  I slept better last night, but we'll see what happens by the end of the week.