Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cats. Show all posts

Thursday, July 26, 2018

100 days of, coffee, coffee (grab a cup of our favorite bevarage's a long one)

I'm up at 5am this morning.  The corn is all done for the this season.  Well, sort of done.  It's been shucked, removed, and frozen finally. 70 cups so far this year, and I am saving a dozen for another reason this weekend.

Tiger comes crying for an ear right when I starting slicing off the corn.  It shuts him up for just a while, until he begs for more.  Most of the cobs went to the chickens, but some went in the compost.

I'm still putting up blueberries (20 lbs).

Sliced a few cucumbers up for vinegar-cucumbers.  I typically use the recipe I posted years ago, but leave the oil out.  I was plum out of garlic (getting pulled soon), and had one dinky dill plant to use for it).

New Recipe Tried - cucumber juice.  Delicious.  I just peeled and blended, strained the pulp, and added some organic lime juice and sugar to taste.  The juice would be pretty good to make cucumber margaritas with too.  The pulp was given to the chickens for a nice afternoon treat.

The pumpkins have been resurrected now.  They look good, but man the weeds are out of control this year.  I used the hoe for these (getting a 3 hour upper body work out).  The idea is for the sun to dry up the weeds and create a mulch to prevent more.  The popcorn is next.  It's been a weed, water, weed, water year.  Once rain, but it's in the forecast for today.

Speaking of rain...if we don't get any, I don't see us getting tomatoes, green peppers, turnips, chard, hot banana peppers, get the picture.  Watering with well water is great, but not good enough. 

Yes...depressing year this year.  I now have to find a resource for stocking up organic, freshly grown green beans.  Almost makes me not want to plant a garden next year.

Even thought the squash all looked great, it's not producing anything now.  What was producing is now looking like it's dying off or not growing right.  Even the cucumbers.

I seriously need to focus on something else.  Something positive. Something constructive - target practice?  I had another driveway "creeper" the other day while I was sitting on the front porch.  It may help blow off some steam too.

We were also invited to a weekend bike week in WV.  We turned it down, and now I wish we didn't.  I soooo need a break from negativity, bad mojo, and set backs.  Every day starts with several cups of coffee, combined with heavy sighs.

I'll be honest, I'm not even sure a motorcycle ride would revive me.  I've been down right cranky, miserable, tired, and as "Youngest" called me, salty.

Even the chickens are causing havoc.  Four got out of the run fence the other day.  Guess I better check the fence.  Then again, maybe I should just let them have at it in the garden?

Hubby has lost his mojo for just about anything too.  The truck now needs work, two tires need replaced on the car, he's way behind in mowing, and the hitch has not made it's way to the truck.  Which means no camping, and we haven't gone camping for 1 1/2 years now, and that is definitely one of my "happy places.

Stand by, while I go find my "happy" place.....I'm sure ya'll getting tired of my weed posts.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

This and That

Cookie and candy baking came to a halt this week.  Money flew out of my wallet as fast as it flew in.

With Hubby's work schedule the truck is not yet repaired, and the ignition went out on the car that was handed down to our daughter.  So...$230 (so far) for the truck and another $160 for the car.  Talk about frustrations and headaches.  I know this is not a happy update, but it's reality.

Zuri is modeling a dog scarf I crocheted for Jesse (Vet Tech daughter's dog).  She loved it, but King tried to eat it off of her, being jealous and all.  I guess, sigh, I'll have to whip up one for all our dogs and one for "grand dog" Mia too.  They are made to fit so they don't slip off when the bend their heads down. Jesse loves to eat snow. You always know where he's been because there is a tongue mark between his paw prints in the snow, ha ha!

Update on Tiger.  Blood work ($175.00) ruled out most types of cat cancer.  They are saying it could be an allergy of some sort, so he's getting kids allergy medication and he hates it.  They don't make it for cats, so he gets what kids get these days.  He spits it out, sneezes it out, whatever to avoid swallowing it.  Poor guy.  I hope it makes him feel better.  If not, it's back to square one again with him.

It's cold out, but the wind and sunshine helps keep my electric bill down.

Someone is slacking in the egg department. 

Christmas goodie recipes were dug out, and a grocery list written.  Here's hoping to get a few holiday treats soon when vehicles are up and running. I'm picking maybe two recipes this season.

Crochet work continues, and all standing orders are finished.  My hands are very sore today, and I have one scarf to make for a daughter, so I'm taking a break today.  I only have my muscle rub to work with, so here's hoping it helps.  I am so close to ordering dried organic arnica, but I may have another idea if the "muscle rub" I made doesn't work.  I really need something that will help the joints too.

It's freezing cold here, so I tossed my hens some more fresh straw last night, and stuffed their roosts with warmness. They were not out in their run yesterday, on account of another fox sighting. I heard him early morning, and daughter saw him the night before.  Sigh.  I am hoping that after a few days, he'll/she'll move on up through the woods.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Cats to the Vet ~ Harry Potter Scarf ~ Calendula Cream Update ~ Cashew Brittle Recipe

(these are older pictures, but you can see who is who)

The cats have both been to the vet this week. Somehow, with the "car shuffle" we managed it.  Jasper had to be seen because of his teeth.  He has gum disease.  He's going back for a teeth cleaning to prevent it from getting any worse.  There is no cure for gum disease in a cat sadly.  He's on antibiotics until then, and he's not liking getting it.  

Tiger is sick.  He started to vomit all over the house, so we switched his food, and he'll only eat one wet type (and it has to be cold).  He was keeping it down, but now his back bones are sticking out too much, even though he was eating.  Now his hair is falling out in large clumps.  The vet looked him over, and blood work is getting processed.  We'll get results soon.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Slowing Down

Things were much slower yesterday.  I was thankful for that.

Jasper has found a new toy to play with, ha ha!  He loves boxes.  I caught him trying to dig into the Christmas tree box too.  Silly cat.

It's been too wet to work in the garden.  We had a lot of rain dumped on us, and with it cold, it's not drying up.  The wind has died down too.

I have however, removed nails from some of the barn wood.  We are at least reducing our piles out there (ever so slowly).

The homemade hot chocolate jar was restocked and ready for winter.  The girls are happy.  They enjoy a cup after school, and after work.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Heat Returns ~ Spiced Pickled Beets ~ Finished Project ~ Tidbits

Morning sunrise this morning.
It will be in the 80's (almost 90's one day) for the next 7 days here.  The humidity for today is forecasted at 92%.  It's too wet to work in the garden today, so I'm inside again, working on all that garden goodness I brought in recently.

Busy. Busy. Busy.

Yesterday I preserved 6 lbs of those delicious beets. 8 pints restocked now.  I have about 2 more pounds to put up yet.

 One daughter was not happy to hear that "the canner pot" was coming back to the kitchen.  It's only temporary, but needs done.  Either way I preserve the beets, they are boiled, peeled and put into an ice bath (canned or frozen) first. 

Although the recipe I use calls for "baby beets" I used the smallest of my Cylindra beets recently picked.  They sliced up in nice small circles for canning.

I tasted these, and oh my gosh, they taste better than the last beets I canned this way.  We may be planting Cylindra beets again next year.  Yum!!!  A bit more on the sweet side I think.

Small Project Finished List:

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Flower Fail ~ Tiger ~ Eggs! ~ Preserving

It's been pretty humid here.  As you can see I can't get great photos due to the lens fogging up.  My zinnias did not do well this year, and I planted almost all my seeds.  These should be double the height.  Only three more areas came up, and all have stunted growth due to lack of rain.  I'll have to see if I still have the person's name who gifted me her Michigan seeds.  I had been saving them year after year, but this year I won't have much to save.  I have zero zinnia color in the very front of the house.  Kind of depressing, but it's been too hot to sit out there anyway.   I do love the color in my garden. Maybe next year it'll be nice and bright.

I went to check on the laundry status yesterday, and found Tiger sleeping peacefully in the hamper.  Ha ha!  I didn't have the heart to wake him up, so I did the laundry later.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Random Tidbits ~ Homestead Happenings

We have nothing but thistle growing in one tomato patch.  We put down a heavy layer of straw this year to prevent weeds and grass, but the thistle is up everywhere. 

I, like the dummy I am, walked through to check on my butternut squash mounds, and to weed them out.  My feet were in flip flops of all things.  

Yes, the thistle gave me a rash, somewhat like the itchy burning rash you get from fire ants (only the blisters are filled with clear liquid).  Oh, did it itch.  To get rid of it I used what we typically use for poison ivy.  Our milkweed is not up or visible yet. 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Random Tidbits

Organic gum?  We gave this brand a taste test.  It's good at first, but doesn't last long. It gets hard to chew too quickly.  It's gmo free, made in the USA, all natural flavors etc.  It is a bit over $2.00 and I counted 29 pieces inside.  It's tasty, but expensive for how long it lasts.

I've been working in my herb garden, weeding and getting it ready for planting.  I uncovered my cilantro, and parsley, so no replanting needed for those.  It will take me a few more days (or more) to get it spiffed up again.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Snow Arrived ~ Project Progress ~ Extreme clean ~ Sickness and a Discovery

Our snow arrived, and we are going through many old towels from wiping paws off.   I'd rather have the snow then the previous pouring down sleet we had.  School closed yesterday.

Jasper found the sun spot the other day.  He gets along with Zuri just fine, but King has too much energy for him. 

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Canning Applesauce ~ Extreme Clean Continues ~ Feta Salmon Pasta

Although Tiger is not supposed be sleeping on this good quilt, it was hard for me disturb him, as cute as he was.  That's how I feel at the end of the days here lately. Just give me a bed to curl up on.  I hate not feeling good.  And try to get me to rest when there is no one here to tell me.  Ha! 

Yesterday I tackled 12 pounds of organic apples.  I have to buy these at our grocer.  All of the orchards around here spray, and our trees have not started to produce yet.

8 pints of delicious, sugar free applesauce.  I use the ball recipe, but only add the organic lemon juice.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tiger in a Pot ~ Random Tidbits ~ Sore Throat Pops

In between running here and there, I have brought in more onions.  I am so glad we planted over 300, or we would have had zero.   

Tiger, can smell certain foods a mile away.  I caught Tiger trying to get in a pot that I had used to bring in some onions.  Hilarious!   There was nothing in the pot a few scant onion tops.  He loves squash, watermelon, corn cob husks, and onion tops.   The pot was on the floor, because I made too many dirty dishes that day.  Don't worry, the pot was sanitized.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Flower Cup Coaster ~ More Gardening

I'm using leftover scrap yarn from crocheting seat cushions, to make these cup coasters in my very few spare minutes of time (which is about a few nights a week now, ha ha).

Friday, February 6, 2015

Chocolate fixes everything . . .

Actually, chocolate doesn't fix trucks.  It may make me feel better, but.....

Just when you think you can't take one more awful, bad, miserable thing happening, it happens.  

I started cleaning again (no big surprise there, right?), and at noon, I get a call from Hubby.

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Mattie (16 years old) has gone to Heaven. January 31, 2015 was our last day with her.

Saturday, January 24, 2015


I woke up to an orange furry feline, sitting on my stomach, nose to nose with me, and every so gently pressing one paw up on me over and over again.

"Wake up sleepy head," he was silently saying.
His eyes were begging me to get up and feed him, as his master is away at a (gulp) sleepover.  No one is on agreement with me regarding sleepovers this winter, so if this one comes home sick, then my opinion is getting enforced.
Well, it's been a long time since I did a gratitude posting.  Oddly, I am thankful for being in bed for two days, because I finished one book before the month was even over. 

I have one book left in my personal stash.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Handiwork Developments

The cat blanket is finally finished.  I got the ends sewn in, and it's on the couch....out of the closet and into good use.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today - 1/12/2015.

The weather outside is. . .

On the breakfast plate this morning . . .

I kind of made this up as I went.  I'm out of bacon, so I simply made it with baby kale and beets - breakfast quiche.  I opened a jar of home canned (spiced) beets for this breakfast.  The ingredients I used:  onion, garlic, chopped baby kale, fresh eggs, Greek yogurt, beets (canned spiced beets from this past garden season), and salt and pepper.  It was actually pretty good.  I saved some for Hubby.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Rest and Relaxation (kind of) ~ Whiskey Butterscotch Sauce

Sunday we finally sat around and simply enjoyed ourselves.  We tossed around the idea of going bowling, but the more we relaxed and took time for ourselves, the more we wanted to simply hang out (in pajamas no less).

It's hard for me to sit around and do nothing, which was what we told Mom to do (she had another ER visit) for the next few days. 

I was reading through a library book, on handmade gifts and decided to not let the year end without a "bang." 

I went to the kitchen and made Whiskey Butterscotch Sauce.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Handmade Hand Lotion ~ Tidbits

I've been wanting to try this recipe all year, and finally got around to making it.  I don't have the preservative for the updated recipe, and I used lemon essential oil (organic of course).

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

On the Road Again. . . . 75 plus miles

Monday was a day about everyone else.  You know those days where everyone has needs, and your the one required by your title as Mom to see to the needs?  

I did not even get out of the shower before one of the kids called.  She forgot her "gym clothes."