Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Reusing a Basket Liner ~ Double Toaster Cover

While decluttering my closet, which is my craft storage area also, I came across some 11 x 13 inch basket liners I bought.  They were $4.99, marked down to $.99 and marked down again to $.40 each.  I guess I had intended to buy baskets and use them to give Christmas gifts in.  Anyway, who would have known that this $.40 basket liner would make the most perfect double toaster cover?!

I was going to sew one with the craft material I have, but now I don't even need to sew.  Sorry for the poor photo.  I meant to edit it, but I was so excited with the frugal idea that I had to blog it.  I sure hope this tip helps anyone considering sprucing up their kitchen.

Friday, April 9, 2010

40th Anniversary for Earth Day on April 22, 2010

I think the approach of Earth Day this year couldn't be more inspiring.  It's the date that is keeping me focused on clearing out items in the home we do not need anymore.  Goodwill in our area is sponsoring a gift card drawing for anyone dropping off 2 bags or more during certain days.  I think that is great!

The kids want to start a compost this year.  We should have started it last year.  I think it is a great idea.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Declutter challenge and Spring Cleaning ~ April 2010

In the personal challenge to declutter and clean my home, I now have a van full of clothes, purses, curtains, and books that are soon to be dropped at a thrift store.  Today I found 7 more items to give away and one to recycle.  I can't believe how I have kept ahold of some of these items.  I still have an electric typewriter.  Does anyone even use those anymore?  I'm not sure they even sell the typewriter ribbons for them.  I can't believe I moved that thing twice.  What is wrong with me?  Maybe a child can use it to play house with. 

Even the kids are going through their clothes too.  It's been a great feeling to live with less and help someone else.

Rain and cooler weather has given me more reason to go through items.  One shelf or drawer at a time, and sometimes an entire area.  The garage will be last.  I am sure there will be a trip to the dump following that cleaning job.

I have not even given myself a deadline for my cleaning, but I am hoping for the end of May.  Then I can rest easy over the summer in caring for the vegetable/fruit garden.  And of course, what would be life be without several flower gardens?!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bible Reading Challenge ~ Day 89 of 90 ~ I Finished today!

I finished the 90 Bible reading challenge with one spare day left.  Having read 12 pages a day created a habit for me to read it daily now.  I finished early and feel like I should be reading it more.  Funny how things work out.

What an awesome day to finish it too.  I am heading outside in the sunshine to journal and read a fiction book.  Who knows, maybe I'll come up with a novel idea.  

Monday, March 29, 2010

"Mom! I wrote a book!"

While resting on my bed most of the weekend, our eight year-old found a way to keep herself occupied.  With a bad cold, a bottle of Vick's Vap-o-rub, a box of Kleenex, and a book, I took advantage of the restful Sunday to regain my health.

Even though rest was not all undisturbed, including an 80 pound dog sitting on my chest pushing her bone up to my face with her tail wagging enough to shake the bed (literally touching my nose) while trying to wake up up, some of the time was peaceful.  By Sunday evening, our eight year-old daughter had taken a small spiral notebook and had written a book.  She even included dialogue and used quotation marks and had her ten year-old sister illustrate it.

Every other page she wrote, prompted her to visit me by reading me her "book." 

Now if I could just get her motivation to motivate me...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Soap making day ~ A husband funny

I was a bit under the weather yesterday, so I placed the grater and the bar of Fels-Naptha soap on the table.  I told the kids that who ever felt like grating a bit, to go ahead.  It's a hard bar of soap.  The grater was placed onto a plate and each child made an effort to grate the soap for me.  As dinner approached, which was a crock pot dish, the grated soap remained on the table.

My husband sat down at the end of the table where the soap, grater, plate and pot were still sitting.  One daughter had finished the grating, leaving a tiny square of soap.  During dinner I hear my husband say "Oh yuck! That's soap!"

We all busted out in laughter as he reached for something to drink.

"It looks like cheese sitting there," he said.

"Don't you smell the soap?" we all asked in unison, laughing and laughing.

Monday, March 22, 2010

90 Day Bible Reading Challenge ~ Day 81 ~ Nearing the end of a new beginning for me

It's hard to believe I have gotten this far.  Reading 12 pages a day had truly been a challenge to a Mom like myself.  It's so easy to fall behind when turns and twists in they daily schedule can throw me off.  I do my best reading when the kids are all in school.  Once they are home, I literally have to read out loud in order to keep my brain focused on my reading.  This challenge has created a new daily reading habit for me.

I still have about 8 pages to go today.  With 2 kids home for sickness and injury, it's been extremely challenging to read with "Sponge Bob Squarepants...." going on, and being beckoned to sick beside my sick daughter and focus on my Bible. 

Plus, to even concentrate to write period, is a challenge.  I think I need another box of Milk duds and another pot of coffee.  I may be a long afternoon.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Dogs Snoozing

I was going through photos on the computer and located this one.  I'll never forgot this moment.  All three dogs were snoozing together, and no the kids did not put them like this for the sake of a picture.   The kids were watching television and the dogs wanted on the couch too.  They only had a portion to share, so they did indeed share it.  This is truly a picture that shows how well the pets get along with each other.

This morning I had to clean up a spilled plant.  The two newest cats were chasing each other around at 6:00am.  They were zipping here and there and having a blast.  Of course, now that I am up and have cleaned it up, they are snoozing and worn out.

Well, that's okay.  I can exercise and get busy writing early today.  As long as my cough stays away and my nose clears up so I can breath.  The kids brought more germs home again.

As for adding "Mazda" to our small homestead, he's been a delight.  I love to watch him woo the hens and I love to listen to him.  This journey of having a small farm has not been a "bucket list" item, but more so of living our life as we wish.  I'm not sure I am ready for goats this year, but raising chickens and turkeys for meat is definitely on the list.  Growing our own garden and herbs has been a wonderful experience despite the hard work.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

90 day Bible Reading Challenge Update ~ Day 75

It's hard to believe it's been 75 days now.  I started this Bible reading challenge on January 1, 2010.  I have only 15 days left.  It's definitely been a challenge.  Considering how many kids I have, how many requests are made to me, how many mouths are chattering at once, and how many responsibilities I have as a wife and mother, I am thrilled I have gotten this far.  

In reading in Matthew, Mark and Luke, I had to look a few word up in the dictionary.  In one book of the Bible it says Jesus was given wine with "gall" and another said he was given wine with "myrrh," hence the interest to see if they were the same thing.  After looking them up, I am still not sure. In Luke they say it was "sour" wine.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Mazda the Rooster

Last Friday we added another member to our small, but growing homestead.  A rooster.  The kids named him after a famous rooster in a story they read.  If it's so famous that why haven't I read the story?  Mazda?  It sounds like a car to me.

He talks a lot and he is very fast.  And of course the ladies don't like him.

So, what's next to come to our little farm?  Hmmm?  I guess time will tell.  We are living life, that's for sure!

Friday, March 12, 2010

School Delay ~ Fog

I am really enjoying the fog delays we have had, including today's delay.  My son had made me eggs, which I received right after my shower.  One of girls had made a pot of coffee too!  I was so nice to walk out to the kitchen and have a fresh hot cup of coffee.  Mmmmmm!  Now I have no excuse to get things done today.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring Cleaning and Making Home a Better Place

Choosing my bedroom closet was probably not the best are to clean today.  My craft supplies are kept in there.  I keep finding craft ideas or craft projects I would like to make or do.  I have a feeling this will take me about a week to do it right.  And then there are the clothes. 

Now I not only have a wish list on my computer desktop, but an on-going craft project list.  Mom's get bored too, so I guess you could call it my "rainy day" fun list.

I feel guilty when I write and don't clean.  My goal is to have order before Thanksgiving.   Giving myself a long challenge and a deadline, I feel it will get done.

Happy Spring Cleaning!  You feel so much better when you have it done, and keep it that way! Phew!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Foxy Loxy is back ~ Close call for one of our dogs

Well, I decided to take the dogs outside, sit in a lawn chair, and soak up the sun  - in my slippers.  Bad move.  I heard it but I didn't know what it was.  One of our dogs kept sniffing the air so I was keeping a close eye on him.

Then, all of the sudden they darted and I screamed until my throat hurt, and chased after them through mud, leaves, and snow.  One of our dogs bolted across the 2 lane highway and would not come back.  Thank goodness there was no traffic was passing.  And then I saw him.  A small animal running across the empty field. 

To make sure of what it was, I googled the sound of a fox.  The dogs went crazy! And yes, it was the fox.  He's back.  Good thing the chickens are still in their pen.  Phew! 

That was a bit scary for me too.  I thought our dog would not come back and he just stood there in the road.  Now I have a headache and dirty slippers.  I guess I better have running shoes on the next time I take them out, and maybe even take a quick walk around.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Drying Clothes Without Electricity in the Winter

I'm taking advantage of the beautiful sunshine and breeze today.  At the end of the day these towels will be dry.  I saved using my dryer on 3 full loads of towels.  It's actually been fun trying to find new wasy to dry clothes inside or outside without electricity.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sunday Family Fun

I warned the kids that I would blog about them today.  I almost forgot too.   While trying to fight boredom on Sunday, my 16 year-old daughter jumps up on the coffee table and starts singing into my hairbrush - off tune.  Meanwhile, I was trying to read No Plot? No Problem!, while my 10 year-old gave me a hair-do.  This was not easy considering she was ripping my hair out.  My 8 year-old daughter was sitting on the couch, painting her toe nail with a purple sharpie.  That was after I caught her drawing on the palm of her hand with it.  It was a permanent sharpie no less.

Finally, they broke out Hullabaloo and got some of their energy out.  A game of Upwards followed that. Phew! No more singing.

And they think I'm crazy!

Balancing Life

In my midst of walking for 60 minutes, it became the hardest when I hit 45 minutes.  I read No Plot?  No Problem! up to that point.  I decided to put my headphones on and turn up the volume, which indeed pumped up the speed.  Thank you Toby Mac!

Before that, I decided to get up early and write.  Well, that didn't work out so well.  The two younger kids were up at the crack of dawn - bugging me!  Talk about torture.  Hrmmmph!  Give them a day off of school, and they wake up early - too early.  Give them a school day, you can't get them out of bed.

Sunshine Galore!

I could  not resist.  Today I have towels on the line.  The sun is out if full force and there is a breeze.  I have to say it sure looks funny to see the towels on the line, and still have snow on the ground.  One more task that saved us money.

The chickens are outside enjoying the sun too!

Thank you God for this glorious sunshine!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Medical bills, exercise and weight loss

The kids accident has put everlasting memories on all of us.  After we regained our sanity, we can now have a conversation without tears,.  However, I am drowning in medical bills.  Aftern numerous phone calls, calling and calling and sitting on hold, I am now a firm believer of getting everyone in shape and staying that way. 

Keeping the doctors visits down to a bare minimum will save us money, and we will live healthier and longer lives.  Although the medical bills are from an accident, I am seriously looking at my health, and everyone else's health (kids, husband) differently.  Now, don't get me wrong.  That doesn't mean I am running out and getting a physical, mammogram and everything else that's required at my age.  It means I am faithfully exercising daily, watching what we eat more than ever, and drinking more water than juice and pop.

Then, just maybe, after I lose weight and get in shape, will I consider getting my physical.  Maybe.

After I challenged myself to 30 days of walking for at least 10 minutes a day, I lost 2 pounds.  I missed one day and the other days were anywhere up to 20 minutes of walking.  Now, I am up to 30 minutes and some days, I walk 1 hour.  I feel better, but I have a loooooong ways to go.

I'm getting a lot of reading done on the treadmill these days, but I should have invested in a Large Print Bible.  I could be reading my daily reading while walking too.  I've influenced the kids too.  I know have to fight for the treadmill.  They come toting books and invade my room for hours.  At least they are staying fit.

Now....if I could just stop eating Milk Duds while I sit and read my Bible.....and whoever said prunes were tasty must have been sleep deprived. 

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Holy Cow! An Earthquake and we didn't even know it!

I took my laptop to the library to observe people while the two younger ones were in a program.  About a half hour of typing "boring" and "no juicy action" there was a huge rumble.  My 13 year old was sitting at a table with me and we both looked up at each other.

"What was that?"

"I don't know?" she answered with raised shoulders.

"Sounded like the roof was coming down!"

I continued to type, and after getting frustrated with no one to "observe" I put the computer away.  I read a bit of my Bible and soon we had to leave.

After we arrived home, I got a text from Mom.  There was an earthquake in a town 10 miles from our house and further from where we were at the library.  An earthquake.  I couldn't believe it.

My son was home, and after sharing the news, he said that the dogs went crazy about that time.  I guess they started barking when it happened.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Are on-line surveys that pay money worth the time?

Well, I gave it a try anyway.  I figured what do I have to lose?  Well, time is what I really lost.  I registered with and found it to be a disappointment.  For the first seven surveys that were e-mailed to me, that I did complete, only one earned me points.  These points go towards cash pay out or shopping.  Either way, each survery I received stated that it rewarded so many points when completed.  After I completed them, it stated that I did not qualify and I received one entry into a drawing.  After earning about 16,000 points, and needing 60,000 for my first pay check, I lost my survey mojo.  I'd rather be throwing snowballs with my kids.  There are better ways to spend my time.

How to Find Your Inner Child While Parenting in Your 40's |

How to Find Your Inner Child While Parenting in Your 40's

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Jasper the Naughty Cat ~ The Missing Tissue Paper Flowers

Oh I wish I had a camera that video taped constantly around here.  Not that I would want my life on the Internet, but these cats of ours are hilarious!  I wish I could have gotten a picture of video clip of Jasper running through the house carrying a tissue paper flower attached to a chenille stem. 

The girls made tissue paper flowers over the weekend, and I fell in love with them.  Immediately I stole two of them, and the vases they crafted, and placed them in two kitchen windows.  It was like bringing spring into the house early.

However....yep there is a however in the story.  The flowers disappeared during the night.  Vases were toppled and we soon found out what happened.

"JASPER!"  Or could Tiger have helped?

The girls removed the flowers to a safer place, or so they thought.  Ha ha ha!

Just minutes ago, Jasper, tailed by Tiger, went flying through the kitchen with his prized possession - the chenille stem with the tissue paper flower!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 53 ~ Reading the Bible in 90 days Challenge

Although, my daily e-mails from the challenge stopped showing up in my inbox, I am still reading my Bible.  Can you believe it's day 53 already?  I had to catch up on it yesterday, but I am staying on task with this.  Even with laundry, floors to clean, dishes to wash, library books to return, bills to pay, straightening to do, chickens to feed, dogs to play with . . . I am still on task.  Pretty amazing I would say.

My Freezer Garden ~ Homemade Zucchini bread

Sunday was a hoot!  The kids ran back to my bedroom, where I was eating my breakfast in bed (made by my husband), and asked "Is it really true today is Pajama Day?"

"Yes, it's true!"

After eating my delicious farm fresh egg omelet, I decided to make my mother's homemade zucchini bread.  I had frozen shredded zucchini last summer (from our garden) and used farm fresh eggs again.  Yum.  I decided to make mini-muffins so the kids could take them in their school lunches today.  I love baking, and if the garden is involved I love it even more.


This morning the kids had a school delay, and some of the kids wanted to eat these for breakfast.  They also asked me to make more!  They are not low fat or low calorie, but I did use my bountiful garden, even during the winter.
I cannot wait to get the spring garden growing again.  There is so much to appreciate and be thankful for.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pajama Day!

In my quest to keep myself from working on Sunday, I have announced to the kids that today is Pajama Day!

"Hang out all day in your pj's and do whatever you want!"

Of course there are limitations regarding the use of electronics around here.  Those are really limited anyway.

I do have the urge to write an article, what writer doesn't?  I have to restrain myself and rejuvinate for one day.  It's going to be a challenge, but as a mother of six kids, I need to do this for myself.  If I don't, what good will I be for anyone else?

The snow is not packing, so building another snowman is not going to happen today.  I woke up with my 8 year-old poking at my face.  I told her she ruined my good dream.  I was dreaming that I was ramping snow banks with a motor bike, and having a blast!

"That ain't gonna happen" laughs my husband.

We all remember what happened when I went rollerblading with the kids.  With a crushed wrist, I had to have him hold our youngest, at the time, so that I could still nurse with a broken wrist.  Well, at least I tried it and I did spend time with the kids.  And I made memories that we can laugh at now.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Making Homemade Detergents


Yesterday I made homemade dishwasher detergent and it worked great.  Today I made laundry detergent and detergent to hand wash dishes.  I used the recipe that makes the liquid form due to our well water.  So far, after 2 loads it has cleaned the laundry well.  I could not find Zote soap.  If I do, I may try it as well.  It will save us so much money, and require us to use less chemicals with our cleaning.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Sunshine Today! Cats, cats, and cats

The sun is shining on the wintery February day.  The snow is so bright, bringing in more light.  It's a good day to get outside and soak up and store up.  The barn cats are loving it too.  God is gracious today!  I love watching the cats stretching themselves out in the bright sunlight.  They look so happy.  The inside cats will most likely be searching the house for the best sun spot, so they too, can stretch out.

Speaking of barn cats, we have not see the stray gray cat today.  He/she sits on our wood pile and waits to sneak up to the house to eat.  I wonder if it will stick around or move on?

It's amazing how different our cats are.  We adopted our first cat over eleven years ago.  That's a long time to get to know your cat huh?  Now, not including the stray, we have six cats now.  I never thought I would even have more than one animal.  Now, here we are, considering raising goats too.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Snowmen and Snow and Getting Caught

Here is a photo of the two snowmen we built.  When we built them, the sun was shining brightly.  This is from yesterday morning, when we had a frosting of sorts. Can you see the evergreen hair on the larger snowman!  My kids keep telling me he looks "evil" so I have to build another one this year.  I was just working with nature to build my snowmen -sticks, evergreen sprigs, and a carrot.  If you look at the bottom of the smaller one, my youngest 8 year-old daughter made a baby snowman. 

Today, these snowmen are decorated with yellow spots.  One of our dogs decided they needed to mark their spot - on both of them!   I'm sure the kids will laugh about it when the get home from school.

As for me getting caught, well this is funny.  Last night as I was getting ready for bed, I hear my 13 year-old daughter yell "Mother!  I object" as she walked briskly to my bedroom.  Raising my eyebrows, I asked her what in the world was she talking about.  Trailing her footsteps, was my 8 year-old daughter.

"What's this I hear that you write her (pointing to my 8 year-old) notes and give her a piece of candy every day - in her lunch?!" she loudly demanded.

"uh..." was all I could say.

So, I was caught.  I was asked to write notes in their lunches and give them a surprise piece of candy.  Just after that, my 8 year-old daughter asked if I "notered her."  As I sit here, I just realized I wrote one for the other kids, and had planned to write out one for my 8 year-old, but forgot.  Ugh!  I'm going to be in big trouble when she gets home.  How could I have forgot?!  I better make sure she gets "notered" tomorrow with an extra piece of candy.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Building Snowmen ~ Winter Highlight Moment

Well, I did it.  I built 2 snowmen, and the kids think I have lost my mind.  In their opinion, what mother of my age goes out to build a snowman, without her children?  He he he!  The caught me.  As I was rolling the giant snow balls around the yard to pack on more, they were gawking at me from the upstairs window.

A few minutes later, my son came out laughing and helping build one too.  Not soon after that, my oldest daughter was peeking around the side of the house - with the video camera!  They were so  shocked at my "childlike" behavior that they had to out it on tape.

I can now sit in my work space, and view the snowmen as I write today.  I need two more on the other side so my view is all about fun, fun, fun!  You should see them this morning.  I put sprigs of evergreen on the top of the larger one for hair.  We had a bit of freezing rain or drizzle, so everything this morning has a beautiful coat of white.  Just gorgeous.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Finding my muse when the sun is not shining

The winter time is more difficult for me to stay positive and focused when it comes to my writing.  I have realized that it is very easy to fall into the sweatpants and t-shirt syndrome.  Years ago, I saved Fridays for my "T-shirt" days, and dressed casual for the other days.  By casual I used to wear nice summer or winter skirts with sweaters or jeans and a nice top.  I guess after this last move, I landed in the t-shirt zone on a daily basis. 

Today I dressed in an Indian top that flows past the knees.   It came from India and is decorated with sequins.  Immediately, this kids who are home for another snow day, sent me their "ews" and "ahs" as I walked into the kitchen.  I realized that after writing, I did find my "muse" and that is to dress for "work" and to accessorize with my the style I prefer. 

Today, however, I did not work at the built in desk in the kitchen.  I moved a table to my bedroom, and faced it towards the glass doors, so that I could view the outdoors.  I burned a candle, sipped ginger ale, and got a lot of work done.  In fact, some of the kids are now interested in what I did write for the day.  Could it be that I did not "hog" the family computer and they had more freedom?  I have not idea, but for some reason they are respecting my "work" time a little bit more today.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blizzard of 2010 ~ Snow Day!

This photo does not even compare to those who got more snow than us.
The snow bank on the right of the photo is over 6 feet tall.  Just after we dug the mailbox out, the snow plow came back through.  Grrr!  The predicted amount of snow here today is 10 inches by tomorrow morning.  We shovel by hand and we need to keep at least one portion of the large drive clear.  Snow or not, my husband still has to go to work.  He will need to be able to get back in the drive after work.

After a nice warm cup of hot chocolate, and a nice long hot shower, I have articles to write and articles to edit and articles to submit.  Although I wanted a snow day pretty bad, it is very difficult to work when all of the kids are home.

While we were outside working, I glanced up at the snow mound from the snow that arrived the day before.  My 8 year old daughter was trying to ride her big wheel down the snow bank! Ha, ha ha!  Of course I had to be the bad guy and put a stop to it.  I have had enough visits to the emergency room to last a lifetime.

We've already split wood, shoveled, put out a small fire on the stove top, cleaned up a broken plate that one dropped a mug on, and just had lunch so we can start on the house work.  

"Still want to live like a pioneer Mom?" asked my seventeen year old son after we stacked the wood and could not feel our noses or hands.

"Yep!" I replied with enthusiasm.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snow and Wind

I had to laugh yesterday.  I was ranting at the kids for "breaking my computer" and all the while, the wind, snow and bad weather, had taken out the cable/Internet lines.  They are up and running, however I try not to write on Sunday now.

We did not get an extreme amount of snow.  The wind caused terrible drifting, and a driver went off the road out in front of our house.  She was able to get her truck back on, but that's how bad the roads were.

The kids are loving it.  The drifts are very tall, and they are sledding down them.  I see that the snow is coming down again this morning.  I'm sure they will be praying for a snow day tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Frog Spit

I was tickled to come across Frog Spit (frozen treats) for an after school snack.  When I brought them home last night, one daughter said, "Mooooooommm!  They sell those at school" in the whiniest voice I have ever heard.  That just deflated my excitement.  Either way, that's today's after school snack. 

Now I have to come up with another, off of the wall, treat for after school.  I may have to bake something this time.  Hmmm? 

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sunday Family Games

I have been pretty good at keeping my writing to "work days" and keeping Sunday as Sabbath.  In my attempt to read for pleasure yesterday, I failed.  The kids begged and begged me to play a game with them.  They kept saying, "Come on aren't like other Mom's." When I asked what they meant they replied with words such as "boring" and "not fun" and a few others.  How could I not play.

So I did.  They took all of the cards, with nouns, from a game we have called Whoonu.  They shuffled the cards, and each player took one, but could not look at it.  Then another player would tape the card to your forehead, so that everyone else could read it.  Each player was allowed to ask one question each time around, until someone guessed what their card said correctly.  It takes time to play this game, so my reading didn't happen.  Was I sorry I played with the kids instead?  Nope.  It was kind of fun actually.

Friday, January 29, 2010

"You always said you wanted to be a pioneer"

Today I am reminded by my kids that I have always wanted to live like the pioneers.  We, once again, have no hot water.  However, I am thankful we have running cold water, so that the toilets can be flushed, and animals fed.  It could be worse.

In a way I am glad.  I can take a break from my morning routine and go about my day differently.  I do hope that I have no visitors with the way my hair and face look!  Plus the van is undergoing repairs and evaluations.  So, what would a writermom do stuck at home without a hot shower to wake her up?  I'm not sure yet.  Without my shower I don't feel like I have completely awakened.  Maybe I'll write about that feeling.

Monday, January 25, 2010

New Recipe - Kale Chips

Yes that's right!  Chips made from Kale!  I'm putting the first batch in right now. 

For the Love of Dogs

We adopted our first dog 6 years ago, and I am still seeing new behaviors.   Funny and hilarious behaviors, and some that are just plain surprising.  Life would be so boring without them.  So far our adoptions included one that was left tied out with no food or water, one that was dumped in a box full of  puppies, and one puppy that just needed a home.  Then of course there are the barn cats we inherited with the house.  They gave us two more kittens to befriend the one cat we also adopted from the Humane Society. And the funny thing about them all is that they all get along.  Including our indoor rabbit.

In reading a recent news paper article, my heart broke.  A family's house became uninhabitable and they were forced to give all of their animals to a Humane Society.  So what did I do?  I asked my husband even though I knew the answer.  It's been a tough year with feeding our own pets, but I asked anyway.  I wanted to foster one of the family's dogs until the family got settled into a better home.  Otherwise all of their pets would be adopted out to other families.  I tried, but it still breaks my heart.  This family with children could use prayers.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

David and Goliath - Bible Reading in 90 days - Day 21

I am finished with today's Bible reading.  After I reading through David and Goliath, my thoughts turned to my childhood.  Back when 6th grade was still in an elementary school, our school allowed the 6th graders to put on a play or musical for the school.  One year the 6th graders put on South Pacific.  When it came time for my class, we put on David and Goliath.  Can you believe that?  Could you see a school putting that on for all to see in today's schools?  Nope. 

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 17 ~ Reading the Bible in 90 Days Update

I have decided to add another journal to my daily writing.  Instead of simply underling every Bible verse that digs at my heart, I am writing them down.  After I finish reading the Bible I can open my journal and see those verses, and study them one by one.

I have a greater understanding each day I read.  One thing that has been weighing one me is the sabbath.  How often do I do laundry on a Sunday?  The answer is a lot.  I do housework, shopping, laundry, and a lot of other work.  But where do you draw the line on what "work" is?  What about yard care?  I love my gardens, so in the summer I do spend a lot of time in them on Sundays.  But the Sabbath doesn't have to be Sunday.  For some people it is Saturday.

The Sabbath is one area I plan to work on.  I don't give myself a day of rest.  This could be why the kids are so stressed lately as well.  It's amazing what I can learn from participating in this challenge.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Taking Pictures When I am Not Writing

I will have to put a new camera on my wish list.  I can see that this one is not taking that great of pictures.  These are a few that I snapped while taking the dogs outside to play.  The sun is out so I could not resist taking a few snapshots.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Challenges for the New Year

I have made it through day 13 of reading the Bible in 90 days.  I have made it to day 7 of walking for at least 10 minutes a day, and have started to read a book while walking on the treadmill.  First it started by reading my Writer and Writer's Digest magazines.  I came upon an article about how Richard Goodman published his first book while in his 40's.  So, out of curiosity I borrowed the book from the library.  His book French Dirt is very interesting.  Having grown my first vegetable garden last year and having traveling abroad, I find his book very unique and enjoyable.

It has been inspiring considering my own age right now.  I know I would not have read it, or heard about it, if I had not had the magazine subscription.  I am so happy I had time to read through them while getting my walking challenge off to a good start.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Foods List for 2010 ~ Starting the year out with more good food

Swiss chard is now included in our meal plans.  One day I spent the morning in my pajamas, sipping coffee, and watching Food Network.  I actually have a journal specifically for recipes I see and would like to try.  I am usually a fan of certain chefs, however this time, watched a different one.

I made Saucy Salmon and served it with couscous and my family raved about it.  In fact, my husband starting packing up two servings and actually drove it over to his nephew's house.  He wanted his nephew and his wife to try it.  I wasn't even finished with mine when he was doing this either.  That tells you how much he liked it.  He devoured it.

I made the recipe exactly as the recipe stated, however I did not use the whole dried chili peppers.  I could not find them at our local grocery store.  I'm sure that when I do find them, and make the recipe again, it will taste even better.  The swiss chard was very tasty with the flavors this recipe used.  In fact, the only swiss chard I could find was actually organic.

Although I have actually eaten couscous while in Africa (many moons ago), my family had not.  This was also something different for meal time. 

Saucy Salmon

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 11 ~ The Bible in 90 Days Challenge

I've been able to stay right on track with this challenge.  In fact, because I am seen reading my Bible often, I've actually stirred up conversation with the kids.  They have not only asked me questions, but have participated in conversation about my current reading.

My 8 year-old daughter is reading her Bible every day I do.  She often sits right next to me if it is not a school day.  Yesterday I asked her about reading the Bible and she said, "Some of it's boring, some of it's interesting, and some of it I don't understand."

Friday, January 8, 2010

Writing Goals ~ Resources

If you are thinking of writing out new goals for this new year, these resources might be useful.  I've already printed out pages for the kids to write their own goals on.  It's fun!

Personal Goal Worksheet (pdf)

Creative Goal setting Worksheets 

Christians in Recovery Worksheet for Achieving Goals 

 Goal Setting for Kids

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Learning from Old Magazines

I just read an article that gave tips on twenty things to do with 20 minutes.  If you are interested in learning some new words and their meanings, they suggest you visit and for every answer you get right, they donate rice.  Check it out for yourself.

Naughty Kitty and a Poster

The naughty cat award goes to my 10 year-old daughter's cat - Jasper.  Just before the kids arrived home, on their first day back to school, I heard a loud bang from upstairs.  When they arrived home I mentioned that they might want to check it out.

Groans followed my comments and they slowly made their way up the stairs.  A few minutes later my 13 year-old stood at the bottom of the stairs.  She was holding her Twilight poster and groaning.  That little booger not only ripped the poster from her slanted ceiling, but put holes it in with his claws.  I guess he didn't like the poster, or he was looking for attention.

Now I'm on the hunt for a replacement poster.  I'm guessing she'll have to put the poster a bit higher or somewhere else.  He's the same cat who likes to chew up rolls of toilet paper, and cardboard boxes.

The "Ding Dong" award goes to my husband.  He bought the chickens a new heat lamp and now he can't find it.  He had it in his hands and was multitasking outside.  Now it is no where to be found.  I checked the other barns, the garage, the vehicles, and the chicken barn.  Nothing.  Good grief.  Poor chickens.  I'm sure their freezing their pa-toots off.  They are sitting two to a roost to stay warm right now.  I better look for that lamp again today or I'll have frozen eggs.

The creative dog award goes to my 13 year-old's dog - Jesse.  He wanted to play this morning and kept bringing me his toy.  He does that when he knows everyone is going to school.  When I didn't play with him, another one of our dogs (black lab/german shepard) decided she would play with him.  However, he wanted to part of sharing his toy.  He placed it into an open backpack that was hanging on the back of  a kitchen chair to hide it from her!  How funny!  He definitely gets an award this morning.

Life would be so boring without our animals.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

School Starting and Messy House

It is amazing how fast the kids use school as an excuse to not pick up after themselves.  What will they ever do with they get a money paying job?  But then again, they see their father use his work as an excuse for everything too.  I'm a stay-at-home mom so it is assumed I have all day in the world to do the "dirty" work.  I'm so stressed today with having so many demands, I'm not sure how spring semester will go for me.  The idea is to learn, get a degree, get a job, and make money.  Lots of it.  But I'm wondering if it will ever happen now.

With demands outside of the home, and all of the demands within our home, it feels like I have no support for myself.  I spent the entire day yesterday with a meeting related to extended family, a ton of phone calls related to caring for my own home, a ton of laundry (I am not stretching the truth on this either), cleaning a flooded utility room, running errands regarding my own home........................basically the day ended and I had no time for writing whatsoever.  It doesn't mean it's the end of writing.  It just means I need family support and I'm not getting any of it.  It sure makes me feel worthless, abused and taken advantage of.

Yesterday, I did however, complete day 5 of reading the Bible in 90 days.  I read it in between stoking the firewood, desperately trying to get a fire started again.  With everyone leaving the house for school and work, not one person touched the wood burner, thus the fire went completely out.  With all of my responsibilities, demands and expectations, I never did get the fire going until almost 4pm.

I often wonder if I had an office to leave to every day, if the family would not put so many expectations on me.  I so often feel that the things I do, to keep the budget as low as possible, mean nothing to anyone but me.

I line dry my clothes all summer.  I never use the dryer.  This winter I have a retractable line, and two wooden racks to dry clothes to avoid the dryer as much as possible.  I use the library, and cannot remember the last time I bought an actual book.  I rotate the same two purses, and have not bought one for over a year or more.  My slippers have a huge hole in the toe.  I tried to buy myself a new pair yesterday but the only thing I could find was $8.00 or more and the $8 ones were white!  So I am still wearing my falling apart slippers.  I am the care taker of the wood burner and corn burner during the day, and pile on the clothes to avoid using the very expensive electric heat.  I make sure we have extra gallons of water, so that when the pipes freeze we have water for us, the pets and the chickens.  But.....does anyone care?  Nope.

I wonder if I am the only writer Mom, with more than five kids, who goes through this.  Some days I do not feel worthy of calling myself a writer, not having published a novel or an article in a well known magazine.

It all comes down to money.  If you have it, life is great.  If you don't life is miserable.  Especially kids feel this way.  When they can't have what they want, or even what they need.  It all comes down to money.  Whether my husband or kids will admit to it or not, it really boils down to money.  And they detest you for it. 

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4 of Read the Bible in 90 days

I have made it to day 4.  It is a lot of reading, but considering it is winter (and snowing right now) there is bound to be time for it.  Even though we are cleaning up before everyone starts school tomorrow, there is still time.

I am a little depressed that we cannot rearrange our front room furniture.  It always creates a "new" look and feeling.  This old house is lucky to have a cable and the only one keeps us from moving the television.  Then there is the wood burning stove that takes of an entire corner, and that too cannot be moved.  It's going to be a battle to find a "new" look.  Maybe a few throw pillows and something new on the wall?  One way or another we will find a way to create a nice look.

My SCRAP blog needs new ideas, so if you are a reader, and have a new idea please post a note over there.  Your name will be added to the craft or activity.  Some day, I will get the chance to open the SCRAP store I've always wanted.   I've always been a crafty person, and for several years looked for ways to recycle items into art or gifts or activities.  I see I have lost a follower on that blog already.  I'm not sure if it's due to the lack of updates or if they were a writer looking for article ideas.  Either way, that blog is on the list of to-do's this week.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Reading the Bible in 90 Days Challenge

I've decided to join this reading challenge today.  What a way to start of the New Year!?  I've printed off the reading schedule and will try my best to stick with it.

Check it out at Mom's Toolbox Blog