Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

New Cracker Recipe Tried ~ The Good and the Bad

I dusted off my rolling pin, and tried a new cracker recipe for our hummus.
Recipe states to bake 15 minutes on parchment, flip over and bake again on parchment.

Cut into crackers, and make sure they don't touch and bake 30 more minutes on a lower heat.  I had to remove the thinner ones on the edges, or they would burn.

I left them cool on the baking tray.

My review?  First, I do not like to try a recipe, where the website online, has no comments.  I like to read through the comments and get tips or tricks or whatnot.  I went ahead and tried it, as I was looking for one without white flour, wheat flour and without any sweetener or sugar.

I do like this recipe, other than the original recipe calls for salt, and the to top it with everything bagel seasoning (I used homemade).  It is too salty.  I will omit the salt next time.  Although, my husband loved these crackers as is.

Delicious with homemade hummus!
Tahini too expensive?  You can make your own tahini:  Click Here.

Secondly, do not use parchment.  The dough sticks with the first flip.  You could use the parchment, but you lose some of the dough after the first bake (when peeling off the parchment).  I will be using my silicone sheets next time (for the first flip), and I may try other seasoning such as rosemary and garlic.

So...the good?  It's easy, tastes good, gets crisp like a cracker should be.  Very little ingredients.  I rolled the dough into sort of a log shape, then flattened it, then I used the rolling pin (over a second sheet of parchment).

The bad?  Use silicone baking sheets, it sticks to parchment, and omit the salt in the dough (unless you use a different, less salty topper for the cracker dough).  Also, do not leave the kitchen during the last 30 minute baking time.  It's hard to get the entire dough rolled evenly, so you'll need to watch for the outer crackers to be removed and continue to bake the thicker crackers in the center.  I sort of rotated them around, putting the thicker ones at the edge of the pan.

The recipe is online, 3-Ingredient Everything Bagel Grain Free Crackers (it has more than 3 ingredients).  Recipe is by Liz Moody.

 Bake time:  1 hour (or more, until crackers are crisp), with a 10 minute dough rest time in addition.

I have made many different types of homemade crackers, and we like this one the best.  I have also made many types of hummus. You can search my blog for beet hummus, pumpkin hummus and a few other types.

Updated:  I placed my crackers in a rubbermaid container, after covering the top with plastic wrap.  The crackers lost their crispness over night.  Can anyone recommend an airtight cracker container without breaking the bank?

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

. . .from the handiwork journal


. . .made a head hair wrap using #2 fine yarn.  I think it turned out super cute.  I have enough yarn to make a few more to sell, and use up yarn.

. . .finished the XL hot pad.  I gifted these to the family years ago.  They are great for 9 x 13 baking dishes at the holidays, or for baking sheets, your larger baking dishes and even pizza stones.

. . .made a few more dishcloths (knitted), and I am getting worn out making them.  Seriously, why did I think it would be a good idea to do one last craft show??  I have been timing myself, and it takes me almost 3 hours to make one of these.

. . .finished the crocheted strawberry keychains/keyfobs.  Daughter K was making a trip over, to pick up some home canned tomato soup, taco sauce and other items.  I finally got them done in time for her, when she arrived.

If you didn't read the story about these, I had made one back during the kitchen floor repair work (that was a year and a half or so).  I was playing around with some yarn and made one.  I later gave it to Daughter K.  She attached it to her purse.  Her co-workers saw it and pretty soon I was getting 3 orders.  I had no intentions of making them for sale, but I made them ha ha!  

. . . learned a new crochet stitch work!  I learned the wiggly/wavy pattern for a hot pad.  I am working on this being a Christmas gift.  I'm having fun with it, but lack the time to work on it.  I just needed a break from knitted dishcloths.

Also, the person who made the Youtube tutorial, said their template would be on their website, and it is not.  The pattern won't print correctly either, so I'm going by the photo and winging it.  I even sent a message to inquire.  I got zero answers.   It is supposed to be 8 x 8 inches, but mine measures 9 x 9 inches.  Either way, a cute way to make a hot pad, and/or use cotton scraps of yarn.

I started a second one using black (for someone with a black and white themed kitchen) as the starting yarn, and it came out smaller.  The ecru cotton (for the starting base) I used on the first is the same yarn company, but I had it for probably 14 plus years.  

They are not the same thickness.  Do you find some colors are not the same thickness?  It could be that they just don't make the yarn the same over the years.  I will be making the first one over again, but starting with a different yarn color.

That's all for handiwork updates.  I'll be back to update you on the Christmas present hot pads.  I think they are super cute, and they are so different from anything I have made.  The first two rows use a good amount of cotton yarn, but the smaller rounds are great for scrap yarn.  

The rain kept me indoors yesterday (there is so much to do outside and inside these days), but they say it will be going away today and tomorrow.  It's been on the chilly side, and more of a sweatshirt weather.  

I need to take inventory of my bulk herbs for tea making today, and write out a list for anything to re-stock.  

Monday, October 16, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday


We had a crazy weather weekend.  Saturday the wind was so bad, that many ferry lines, and outdoor activities were canceled.  It was so dreary out - wind, rain, and what I call "corn" snow (pellet snow).  Yes, it was snowing here.

I got some rosemary dehydrated.  I still need to dehydrate more sage.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The Weather . . .

50-60's for the highs, and 40's for the lows, rain possible mid-week.

As I look outside my window . . .

It's pitch dark at the moment.

Right now I am . . .

Getting ready to post this, sipping some hot coffee.

Thinking and pondering . . .

To freeze or bake with some over ripe bananas.

How I am feeling  . . .

Tired.  We were either on the run for supplies, or working outside, and it wasn't the chicken coop.  

On the breakfast plate . . .

Not sure, but eggs will be involved.

On the lunch plate . . .

Have no idea.

On the dinner plate . . .

Leftover roast and vegetables.

What I am wearing . . .

Still in PJ's ha ha!

On the reading pile. . .

Nothing right now.

On  my TV . . .

Nothing special.

On the menu . . .

I will need to work on this later this morning.

Looking around the house . . .

The kitchen is a hot mess, but I will take care of that.  We just spent so much time working on things this past weekend.

To do list . . .

-remove items from the camper for the season
-write out a menu plan
-clean up kitchen
-pay bills

From the camera . . .

The canned applesauce needs rings removed, labeled and put away.  I may be canning more applesauce soon.  

Devotional, quote, prayer. . .

No current prayer requests.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Brussel Sprouts and Butternut Squash (roasted) ~ Bell Pepper Oven Fries ~ Wild Rice Soup (with chicken) ~ Turmeric Honey?

 I decided to try this combination, after seeing it on SkinnyTaste online.  They recipe simply states to add 6 sprigs of fresh thyme and black pepper.  Well, in my opinion, it needs more flavor, such as garlic perhaps.    Anyway, I had the butternut squash in my freezer, and it needed rotated out, so I thawed it and used that.  The squash cooked to a soft texture, but it was all good.  I will try fresh butternut next time, and add garlic powder or even sliced shallots or onions.  

I make this side about once a year, with homegrown bell peppers.  I used the healthier version of "panko" this time, and we loved it.  The dip is hand made as well.  I believe the recipe is online with Delish (Bell Pepper Oven Fries).

What are you cooking for your fall side vegetable dishes?

Thank you for the tip on freezing chicken rice soup.  I found a recipe that I will be trying during our next cold spell.  It is on another blog, and the recipe is here:  Wild Rice Blend Soup.

On another note regarding medicinals, has anyone used a blend of turmeric and honey for illness?  It's not a jar method, but mixing ground with honey and using on the spot.  I'm just trying to be prepared.  Two weeks of feeling ill was not fun, and we want to have many options on hand if people start spreading sickness again.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Green Bell Pepper Powder ~ Dehydrating


I decided to dehydrate some of the last of the green bell peppers.  Sorry for the bad photo.  I am using my cell camera for now.  My download cord to my actual camera died, so I need a new one (it's on the way).

I made green bell pepper powder.  I will try this in scrambled eggs, sauces and dips for now.  It smells so good!  Have you made/used green bell pepper powder?

Green Bell Pepper Powder ~ Dehydrating   © Oct 2023 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Friday, October 13, 2023

Chickens Carving a Pumpkin


We gave the chickens a pumpkin from the garden, and scratched the surface to get them to start carving it.  At first, they were not sure about the pumpkin, but by day two they were enjoying it.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Keeping Produce Fresh ~ Cucumber Tip


It was suggested that I buy these larger Fresh Longer containers for keeping summer cucumbers fresh "longer."

The tip:  I was told, when I bring in a lot of cucumbers, but cannot can them the same day, to immerse them in cold water first, then put in these containers.  I'm always taking notes for the next year, so if you immerse in cold water, is there a reason for that?

Well, out of the blue I spotted these three at a local grocery store about a month ago.  On clearance!  I paid $6.49 for the large one and $2.50 each for the smaller ones.

Our bell peppers were huge in harvest this year, so I put some in the large container, and I can tell you they stay fresh!  I had the ones on the right in that container for over a week, and the ones on the left in the bowl only were going soft in one day.

I will be buying one more larger container for summer harvest.