Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

This and That


We've been blessed with some beautiful sun-shiny days, and we are so thankful.  We get more clouds this time of year in our area.  It really does make a difference in your mood.

Hallway update:  all of the door and window trim has been painted. 

Plugs have been ordered for the entry door off the hall.  I guess I never noticed they were missing, until I scrubbed the door and window for priming.  

The plugs have been shipped.  One side had them, and the other did not have them.  We just need to install them before priming.  I didn't have to do this, but future cleaning and any future painting will be much easier.  It will look nicer too.  I used an old toothbrush/vinegar water to clean the holes out.

I finished painting the entire upstairs flooring.  Stairs will be next, but only when I have time.  The hallway is getting full attention right now.

I little ditty about this book.  Mom gave it to me a while back, and it got packed up when we ripped out carpet, and found again.  The back story - Mom handed it to me with a grin on her face, and said "just read it" explaining it was about an autistic boy, and his mother is a vet and brings home a baby skunk.

I read it, and it's getting passed on.  I just need to locate a shipping vessel to get it on its way.  It was a cute book.  A kids book, and I have no idea how or why Mom had it.  

We had a hankering for garden goodies, so I made us a salad.  We sure do miss going out and picking it all fresh.  It'll all be happening again soon.

Bad photo, but do you all remember me blogging, that I was growing sprouts for the chickens?  Well, they are not sprouting. Well, some are just now starting to sprout.  It's been taking forever, and I'm not doing anything different, other than it's a different brand of lentils.  The expiration date is '26 so I'm not sure what's going on.  Bad batch?  I started a second jar to be sure.  If they don't sprout, I'm going back to the store for a different brand.

Fun information to share.  My sister-in-law sent me this photo, and asked if I knew what they were?  They were in some crochet/tatting supplies of her Mothers.  The first person I asked said they were for making bias tape, but the next person told me they were "braid-aids" for making braided rugs, and I do think that is what they are.  If any of you think they are for something else, please comment, but I do (after looking online) think they are for running the fabric through (like a bias tape), to then braid the fabric into a rug.  Very fun stuff if you ask me.  Did you know these existed?  I did not.

I don't make braided rugs anymore, but wanted to share, as I know some of my blog followers still make them.

I got the last of our pre-paid propane ordered.  They only give us so many months to have it delivered, and then it's put as a credit if we do not.  The pre-paid cost is much lower, so we are still trying to gauge what we think we will need each winter.  I'm hoping we are on track, and that the heaters will be off in a month or so.  We've had 60 degree weather in march before.

I have not found a widget of gadget to add to my blog, to all an email contact form.  I want one that will send the email to me, but one that will keep the actual email address private.  Is that even possible?  I'm working on it anyway.  

Monday, February 12, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday


A sunrise from last week.  We've been blessed with some beautiful sunrises lately.  We actually grilled out on Sunday.  It was slightly chilly, but the sun was out.

Do you remember my post on the Butterscotch Sugar cookies (from a Joanne Fluke book)?  I froze some of them, to see if they froze well, and they do!  Just sharing in case you like to have something in the freezer for unexpected guests, or need to quickly take a treat to someone.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather. . .

Highs in the 40's and lows in the 20's for the week.

Right now I am . . .

Making a pot of coffee.

Thinking and pondering . . .

Butter beans.  Do you use butter beans?  I do.  I have to order them online, as our stores here do not carry them.  Weird right?  I see that Meijer sells them (via looking online), but they add sugar to their canned beans for some reason.  Do you have access to butter beans (organic, non-gmo)?  I currently by Eden Butter beans (USA grown, only contains Kombu seaweed for better digestion).

Just when I am thinking of purging some writing books, a "freelancing" article comes up in my reading list today.  Hm.

So many blogs I follow/followed have ended or are coming to an end lately.  I go to where my reading page is and there is mostly blogs on crochet or writing anymore.

How I am feeling . . .

Coffee made, music on, and ready to tackle the day.

On the breakfast plate . . .

-Breakfast:  Egg/Sausage/Cheese breakfast sandwiches, coffee

On the lunch plate . . .

Maybe chicken salad/boiled egg, grapes.

On the dinner plate . . .

Chicken quesadillas possibly.

On the menu . . .

-Southern Beefy Skillet (Eating Well Recipe, formally from Diabetic Living), but the recipe does not list the tomato sauce in the ingredients, so read the entire recipe and instructions first.

-Pork loin, roasted green beans, and wild rice blend, made with organic stock and pre-blanched kale.  Home canned BBQ sauce to pour over the pork over rice blend.

-Mexican Lasagna, Crockpot Creamed Corn (using frozen off the cob corn)

Beverage:  a gallon of homemade iced green tea infused with dehydrated spearmint from the garden.  Did you know spearmint is good for helping memory?  I just learned this.

When the current Mediterranean Orzo salad is gone, I plan to make another salad.

On my reading pile . . .

Thanks to two 65°F days (and mostly sunny) that lured me to the porch to actually sit and read, I finished this book.  

Currently reading this:

I also borrowed some interesting books from our library. 

 The "swap" book has some very interesting ideas in it.  I'm still waiting on a Sally Fallon book, and it is taking forever to get a copy from the library.  I thought for sure I owned a copy, but I do not.  I'm hoping it comes in soon.

On the TV this week . . .

Movies:  The Ice Road

Looking around the house. . .

What I purged - 16 books, 1 pair of 1.50 readers, 1 cast iron griddle, and gave away the last of my nail polish Christmas tree ornaments to a friend who does nails for a living (she loved them).

The house is pretty tidy, as we had guests over the weekend.

I'm very slowly purging items from the office, which may end up not an office.  That is topic for "thinking and pondering" I guess.

I finished giving my quilt rack a fresh coat of paint, and it's back up on a wall.  I am looking for a new quilt now.  The current one does not match (it's a knock off, cheap version quilt)

The to-do list . . .

-put another paint chip in the home journal
-order propane
-place an order for items I cannot get in the grocery store
-dishes, run dishwasher

For the week (moved from last week, as I did not get it done)

-clean kitchen window, window blinds, wash curtains

-the hallway project is still on-going

From the camera . . .

I finished this lap afghan. It is packaged up to donate to the senior center.   I started another.  I keep getting notified (by friends) that there is a need for shawls for a group in our state called Shawls of Support for organ/tissue/eye donors.  One specific wanted purple ones.  I have yet to check my yarn stash, but the senior center was thrilled to get what I have already donated, I really would like to finish a few more lap afghans for them, before winter is over.  Then again, they may be able to use them in the summer if they have the AC on too.  Anyway, there are two great ways to help others with my yarn stash.

Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses. . .

It's not a prayer or bible verse, but a strongly written statement.   It's possibly encouragement to someone today.

Friday, February 9, 2024

Reading Books


It was about the time Mom started to get worse, and rotated from Emergency room to the nursing home, to home and back around again, that I completely lost my reading mojo (2021)

I think more than half of the books Mom had, were from me.  I used to read so often.

I am just starting to get back to reading.  However, with all of the home repairs and renovations going on, I often put it off or completely off for the day.  I often feel guilty for sitting down to read, when I know there is a window trim that needs painted, or a counter full of dishes that need put away, or laundry that needs folded (but more so the home repairs/renovations).

How do you not feel guilty to sit and read on a daily basis?

I am currently reading a book I started back in December.  Seriously. light of all of that....

Ha!  Trying to squeeze in a few pages when I can.  I was waiting for the blanch water to boil.  

We shall see how this goes.  My one Grandma (Mom's Mom) used to have a book with her all of the time, and I was told she'd even read a book while standing in line (say at the bank or wherever).

We hit a high of 64°F yesterday, and it was warm enough to read on the porch for once.  Getting some fresh air was just a bonus.  We are to hit another 60-ish degree day today (winds as much as  35mph), but it will return to cold again.

Reading Books © Feb 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Spring Fever? More like Spring Teaser


We are having some wonderfully warmer weather, causing spring fever around here, but it is more like a "teaser" for us.  It will hang around a few days, and then return to colder weather.

The spring-like temperatures are making me yearn for the gardens again.  Half of my chickens are laying again.  Woohoo to that.  

I'm also growing sprouts for a "spring" weather treat for the chickens.  They will be tickled pink when they are ready.

I was just reading about how lettuce will thrive better, if you plant it with your chives.  Have any of my garden growing blogger friends done this?

My chives are in my herb garden, so I am hesitant to plant anything but herbs in the same area, so I don't bring in any bugs/worms that may be attracted to it.  I once planted Swiss chard in my herb garden, and it grew wonderfully (without any additional insect issues).

The idea of trying this method, with the lettuce, is intriguing.  One, the lettuce would be closer to the house, making salads quicker to make, and two, if it is true then we'd have more in abundance.  I'm reading that the chives actually keep the bugs away from the lettuce.  

Spring Fever?  More like Spring Teaser  © Feb 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Olive powder ~ Dehydrating Black Olives

 I've been wanting to do this, but I've typically had enough cans of olives on hand, to not do this.

I'm resurrecting this draft from March of 2016.  I guess if I have not done this by now, do I really need to?  We both like olives in our dishes, so I have not found a "need" to dehydrate them for grinding it into a powder.

I guess if you have someone who does not like the texture of olives, but you want the flavor it would come in handy.  Same with dehydrated and ground mushrooms.

Do any of you dehydrate and grind up olives for cooking?  I'm curious if there are other ideas for using it?  Other than adding it in place of diced or whole olives in a recipe?

I found this video on dehydrating olives.  I'm sort of intrigued on the camping snack.  Hm?  Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

One step forward, two steps back ~ 3 Ingredient Crackers ~ Red Lentil Crackers


I dropped my readers, while looking up at the ceiling for some reason, and they fell off my head. Ha!  I've been using them this way for a few days now.  I hope to replace them soon.

I feel like the hallway repairs/renovations are one step forward, and two back lately.  First, we are painstakingly painting a second coat of paint to all of the trim in the hallway.  The hall gets a lot of light, and I'll be honest, the second coat does look a lot better.  It will take some time to complete that job now.  

Next up, we discovered that one outlet is not working at all, and another is on the fritz.  We will be replacing both of those in the hallway too.

I am a journal junkie, and yes we have a home journal.  I have been good at taking notes, and stapling/or taping the paint chips on appropriate room pages.  I log the store, the cost, and sometimes include the receipt.  If we need to touch up paint or buy new anything, it's been written down for future reference.  If you are repairing or renovating, I highly suggest getting one for your own home.

I made the 3-ingredient crackers again, and this time I used my silicone mat for the first 15 minute bake.  The recipe states to flip them onto another baking sheet with parchment paper.

The dough sticks to these too, so I guess use parchment paper to avoid more things to wash.  I still like these the best so far, but it is pretty difficult to get the entire dough thin enough to bake crisp. I even put the thicker ones back in the oven and they did not crisp up this time.

Welcome to my kitchen, where I try recipes, so you don't have to - Red Lentil Crackers.  They are less fuss, bake nice, and are crisp.  There are several recipes out there, and this one I tried did not have a lot of flavor.  Look for a recipe with more spices/herbs if you try these.  They are thicker, so I'd spread it out much thinner, but they are very crisp (some are too crisp in my opinion).

The last trip to the grocery store, I found some organic cucumbers again.  We made my quick chicken salad, and love these.  It's been light meals here lately with all the work, but healthy meals.

In a quick pinch, I mix organic canned chicken with organic mayo, and a bit of home canned hot pepper relish, and a bit of sweet pickle relish.  I did not have any red grapes, or would have added those, and I did not add a boiled egg, as we had egg salad for another meal.  If I have celery, I dice some of that too.

Did I share this tip?  I save the lids off of our organic mayo (I don't make it fresh in winter when the eggs are in low production).  The lids fit perfect for when I open a jar of hot/sweet pepper relish.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday

The lack of sunshine was dragging us down, but we finally got a full day of it Sunday.  We didn't have time to go get the hallway flooring over the weekend, but that is okay.  If you have done repairs and renovations, you know it's best to start at the top and work down, and get all of the painting done before the flooring goes in.  We are not done painting.

 Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .
We are excited to hear we may reach the high 50's, and possibly 60° later this week.  Perfect weather to paint the door to the garage and possibly side door (interior side of the doors).  They forcasted "freezing fog" for this morning.  I have never heard of that.

Right now I am . . .
Making a 2nd pot of coffee and finishing this post.

Thinking and pondering . . .
I'm thinking about purging another bookshelf, that contains mostly books on grammar, writing, and writing skills.  I had a moment in my life, where I wrote freelance articles, and it was fun.  I have not had the ambition, motivation, nor energy to continue that path, so the books may be purged.

How I am feeling . . .
My fingernails are down to the quick from washing walls and window trim.  I am constantly applying hand cream too.  Otherwise, pretty happy with our repairs and hallway progress.  My elbow is sore from constant work (the one I fell on the ice).

My hair is much softer from using the homemade hair detangler.  It is said it will repair damaged ends, so I hope to have a good update in a month or so.

On the breakfast plate . . .
French toast made with Ezekiel bread, blueberry sausages and scrambled eggs.

On the menu . . .
I have absolutely no idea, ha ha!  I will be working on that later this morning.

On my reading pile . . .
I'm still reading this book, although with all of the painting going on here, I have had zero time to read it.

On the TV this week . . .
YouTube videos on fixing dog scratches on a fiberglass door.  I have just learned about dog scratch protection panels that you can simply stick on your doors to prevent them from causing damage.  I wish I knew about these before the dogs here (over the years) damaged the door.

Movies on Netflix

Looking around the house . . .
Excited to purge more.  I donated all of my display stands (took 3 boxes) to a local thrift store (not a chain thrift).  I'm going to start purging books in my "office" in between repairs/renovations.

I also got rid of a large box of large plastic Easter eggs.  I bought them for an "adult" egg hunt, but year after year, the rain and mud prevented it.  

The new smoke alarm was installed in the hallway, ceiling paint touched up in a few areas, walls were spackled and sanded, and hallway windows primed and painted one coat.  It will take a second coat before we paint the walls.  The wood trim was just so dark in color.  Both drywall patched areas were re-installed and mudded in (and drying).

On the to-do list . . .
-clean veggie/fruit drawers in fridge
-dust living room, Master bath/bedroom
-wash bedding
-sweep and mop Master bath/bedroom

For the week, deep cleaning:
-wash kitchen blinds and windows, wash valances

From the camera . . .
To save money on paint tape, we are using this tool to prime and paint around the window trim edges. It takes longer, but paint tape is not cheap either.  Photo is the beginning of priming the window trim.

Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses. . .