Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Whipped Feta Dip Trial #1 ~ Asparagus ~ Mexican Breakfast Skillet Tidbits


We really liked the flavor in this first recipe we tried, for Whipped Feta Dip.  The recipe stated to heat the hot honey with the red pepper flakes.  First, this recipe used sour cream, so it whipped up to a very light dip.  We prefer a thicker dip, so we will be "whipping" up (ha ha) a trial #2 soon with another recipe.  If you want this recipe, it is online with Greens and Chocolate - Whipped Feta with Honey Honey.

Results:  Very good flavor!  Just not thick enough for our liking.  We did top it with chives from our herb garden.

Tip:  Make the dip at the same time you heat the honey, so it is room temperature.  Otherwise the honey will harden on the dip.  Also, we felt this was way too much for 2 people, so consider cutting the recipe in half, unless you are entertaining.  

We are still getting asparagus from the garden.  We are thankful for that, but I still need to dig up the raspberry sprouts in that part of the garden.  It's just been to dry to dig them up.

The recipe for the Mexican Breakfast Skillet is online at The Kitchen Magpie.  I used garden tomatoes we froze last year, as it needed to be used.  I did not can stewed tomatoes, so I created my own, with the thawed tomatoes.  If you canned stewed it would be a perfect way to use them.  Very good!  I added some jalapenos.  It would be great for lunch or dinner too.  It reheated nicely.

Monday, May 29, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday

I've created a "on the back burner" to-do list now.  Sigh.  It's just reality for right now.  I've just accepted it.  By accepting, I stress less.  With the list, at least there is a future plan in place.

We have had a long week of cold nights, dry and very windy weather.  It has been an issue with the garden, and now we head into very hot weather.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  I will link up later after she posts.  I have to get this day started early.

The weather . . .

80's/90's with lows in the 60's

As I look outside my window . . .

No traffic, as it's a holiday and most normal people have the day off.  Not my husband though.

Right now I am . . .

Listening to the weather, making coffee, and getting ready to water the garden.

Thinking and pondering . . .

Considering cutting back on how many times I write a blog post.  Do you read blogs daily?  Every other day?  Once a week?  Once a month?  

I still haven't decided on a cordless stick vacuum.  I haven't had time to venture out either.  Gardeners would understand, as it is a busy time of year.

Listening to . . .


How I am feeling . . .

Pretty good.  Just feeling a bit frustrated getting behind with the garden.  

On the breakfast plate . . .

Enjoying reheated leftovers of this Mexican Breakfast Skillet.  Delish!

On the reading pile . . .

I'm still reading Atomic Habits.  Some parts are very interesting, and a few a bit over the top, but still enjoying it.

On my TV this week . . .

Well, not the news.  We were subscribed to YouTube TV, but they raised their price.  We will stick with what we can stream via our wifi for now.

On the menu . . .

-Mom's Dried Beef Casserole (using quinoa pasta), and crock pot root vegetables

-Burgers, with lettuce/tomato/home canned pickles, and roasted rosemary asparagus

-not sure on the rest

Looking around the house . . .

My one daily pick, for my extreme clean progress - two craft containers to purge.

To-do list . . .

In no particular order

-wash bedding and put on the line
-install new toilet seat in master bath
-clean master bathroom
-trim rose bushes
-water garden
-boil eggs
-cook a pound of breakfast sausage
-dust entire house

For the week:
-take donations and drop them off 
-finish painting Kilz on upstairs larger floor

From the camera . . .

Looked like Christmas cooking onion with red pepper and home grown asparagus!  I just "winged" this dinner.

I used some herbs from the herb garden, home canned tomato sauce, organic ground beef (that I pre-cooked and froze thankfully, which saved me time), and added some garlic.  I topped it with cheese, and more herbs.  So good!  Oh, and I finally mastered at making half of what I used to make ha ha!  Oh, another thing!  I baked with with green lentil pasta (100% organic green lentil flour).  It was pretty good.  More dense of a pasta, but healthier, and didn't fall apart like chickpea pasta.  The downfall?  It's not sold in our stores.

Devotional, Prayers, Quote. . . 

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Pity Party for One ~ A Little Baking to Break the Blues

 It's probably a good thing I didn't have anyone around me this holiday weekend.   I'm a depressing, oh' poor me, kind of person.  

The garden fence is not up, and I've lost 6 bell pepper plants, and all of my blazing hot peppers.  It's not our fault other than the fact work hours prevent the fence getting up.  I can't do it alone, and everyone else is having backyard barbeques, out on motorcycle rides for Bike Week, or camping.  It's not just me either.  My husband came home and said the same thing.  He's feeling very depressed. 

Also depressing is the weather pertaining to the garden.  It's dry.  I watered, but the ground is so dry it's cracking.  I'm glad we didn't plant any annual flowers right now.  I'd literally be watering daily for weeks.

I tried to perk myself up with some quiet reading on the front porch.  Nope.  Bees were attacking all over the place, and the bee removal has not come out, not even called or emailed as to when they are coming out.

On a happier note. . .

I managed to get some rhubarb macerating (for homemade rhubarb vodka), and I baked a rhubarb/strawberry crumble.  It was a new recipe, but it required you to use a food processor to finely dice the topping with cold, unsalted butter.  When I make my peach crumble, I add melted butter and stir the topping until it's in crumbles.  I may try melting the butter next time.  It would reduce the amount of work, and the amount of dish washing to be done.  Anyway, it was good!  I used frozen strawberries we froze last summer, and thawed them.

I finally tried a new recipe, that I have had printed for almost or more than a year.  It's whipped feta dip with hot honey.  I have the dip made, and just need to heat up the honey mixture to drizzle over it later today.  If you are interested in the recipe is is the website Greens and Chocolate.  She uses sour cream in her recipe.   There are other recipes online too, and I plan to try the one with greek yogurt next.

We had the feta dip at a restaurant about a year ago, and went straight home to find a recipe online.  I think it would be great for when you have company, and/or need an appetizer.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Sprout Jar/Rack/Tray Kit Update


You can go to my post HERE to see the jar/rack kit I purchased.  I bought it on Amazon, but can't remember the brand etc.  Anyway, I love this set!  The jar lids are wide lids, and fit any wide lid 1 quart jar (came with 2 as well).  The lids have groves to hold the jars sideways, which is needed to keep the jars drained between daily rinsing, and the tray underneath is perfect to catch any drips.  I had been using a kitchen towel.  Anyway, this was the next day after soaking and rinsing day 1.  Works perfect, and no hassles trying to balance the jars on the counter.

This was 2 days after initial soaking.  By the way, I soak for the first day, rinse and drain for the night.  I rinse daily.  I will be sprouting some microgreens for us soon using these.  Current sprouts are lentils, I sprouted for the chickens.  I take the black out cover off to rinse, then wipe the jar and cover again.

Day 3 after the initial soak and drain.  

Day 4.  All ready to feed to the chickens.

Friday, May 26, 2023

Garden ~ Herb Garden

I've gotten, what I can, planted in the garden.  Not sure we'll get the raised beds built in time for the rest I wanted to plant.  My husband is working 16 hour days with little time in between to rest/sleep between shifts.  I need last few rows tilled, and can plant the last of what is actually getting planted in the larger garden.

I'm sort of worried about what has been planted in the way of a plant start right now.  Today we woke up to a chill factor of 42° (feels like), with an actual temperature of 44°F.  It's been pretty cool for nights in May this year.

I've finally added some dill seeds to the herb garden. Again worried I planted too early with the temps here lately. 

Speaking of herbs, I need to mix up a batch of "fire it up" mixture again.  The recipe is on my blog post HERE.

I'm getting more handiwork time in my evening, and not by choice.  Last night, however, I was so tired I did not want to work on the blanket.  I tried.  I really did, but out went the light.  I am banned to the living room right after dinner, so my husband can sleep.  Working 16 hours is too much for the both of us.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Something new for us ~ Asparagus

 It's a brisk 44°F this morning.  We are having a much cooler May this year.  Days are in the 60-70's, but yesterday the wind was horrible.  I'm not in a hurry to get into the garden today.  Pretty chilly out there.  Our internet is going in and out for some weird reason as well, so I will get this posted.

One day I had to run into a Dollar General for a funnel for cleaning spray, and saw these cute placemats.  Of course I bought some for us.  They were only $1 each.

I did not get any advice on a magnifying glass for crafting, so I went in search of one, and decided on this one.  It's portable, not too large, and converts to a handheld version, which makes it easy to store.  There are 3 light options on it.

You cannot move the magnifying glass upwards, to make it taller or shorter, but you can bend the lens part to your desired placement.  I will let you know how it works out for small crafting, such as jewelry.  It will come in handy for any small work in the garage for my husband as well.  There are a few light options on it.  I can't remember the price, but it was inexpensive.

I caved and bought us a sprout kit system.  They came with a drip tray and black out covers  (I had been covering the jar with a towel before this).  I will be growing microgreens in these, of which I use smaller seeds.   My green microgreen tray has holes that are too big, so this will work out perfect, and I won't have to buy seed paper or hemp sheets to grow them in my green tray.  These can be washed out and reused.

I can grown lentil sprouts in these for the chickens too.  I love the stand for it, and the covers.  Before, I would prop the jars up on a towel and cover with another towel.  It is more convenient this way.  I'll update on these after I get them in use soon.

We are still getting homegrown asparagus.  It is so delicious!  I'm so glad we expanded the bed last year and this year.

I have no sprouts yet on my spring planted garlic.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Tiller is Down and Hens Being Punks

Today's post is photo free, and short and simple. 

The tiller took a poo.  It's going to take some serious repairs.  I've been hand hoeing out any weeds, that are popping up in the garden.  Not good timing as we just paid a fortune to get the truck out of the transmission repair place. 

Do you ever have one of those days where you are just not into the garden to-do list, and want to "throw in the towel?"  I had one of those days yesterday.  I still got out there, but I know I was not as productive as I should have been.  It's also dry here now, so it's more difficult to dig out weeds.

I have disassembled my garden start rack(and lights), but it has yet to make it's way to the barn.  I'm waiting on the bee removal service to come give us an estimate.  These are not honey bees, before anyone gets upset.  They are big bumble type bees.  Did you know there are actually two types of them?  Anyway, we have a swarm here this year, making it impossible to get to my "garden barn."

My herb seeds are starting to sprout, despite the lack of rain here.  My indoor cilantro plant looks terrible.  My basil is doing great.  I will put it outside later today and see if the good ol' sunshine will perk it up.

My oldest Araucana is being a punk to my littles.  I have to scold her constantly now.    I have had some short conversations with her lately.  She better straighten up.  Today all of the older hens went after the littles.  

On the handiwork front. . .

I finally found some more Heather Grey for the current blanket.  Not that I have time every day, but I really didn't want to buy more.  I'm thinking of making a new project, but for gifting purposes for someone in October of this year.  I have to check my yarn supply on that.