Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Sunrise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunrise. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Sunrise ~ This and That


I took these photos of the sunrise yesterday.  There won't be many left to view as winter is rolling in.  So beautiful.

This is what the view from the porch looks like this morning.  Foggy and raining today.  No sunny sky today.

I got so side tracked on my to-do list.  I started in the living room, but realized I need a taller ladder, so that was brought in.  I took more yarn back upstairs, but brought more down, and completely got off track with the living room.  I did however, put a roast in the crock pot, so tonight it's easy leftovers.

We are so frustrated with ordering supplies for the living room.  The delivery date on our heater (fireplace) was Nov. 30th.  We've called two times, and each time they say they'll send an email to get more information on why it's not been shipped yet (and they never followed up/called us back).  I have brought in our small electric heaters we used to use in the pop-up camper.  It's taking the chill out and heating up the room for painting (for now).

Our flooring should be in by the end of the week, but we need the gas line hooked up before we can put that down.  Just a lot of "ugh" moments.

The nail polish ornaments got hangers attached, and were delivered to the salon.  I hope to sell them, as it feels so depressing not to participate in a craft show this year.

The chickens are not liking this weather, but are let out every day so far.  The egg laying is definitely on the slow-down.  I'm still trying to convince my husband to let me get a donkey.  We are him-hawing on putting some sort of meat animal in the barn (in the future).

I used to pick up note paper at the dollar store for my daily lists, but have not seen it there lately, and I am running low.  I still cannot get into my office.  I found one notebook to use for now, so I am hoping to stay on track today.

It sure doesn't feel like Christmas in our house.  We are hoping to have a tree up before Christmas, but with all the things slowing us down, I'm not sure that will even happen.

Daughter K is sick.  I felt bad that she is so far away, and had to care for her dogs while sick.  We called to check in on her last night.  Today I will send her my recipe for homemade ginger-ale, in hopes that her boyfriend will make it for her.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Tuesday Tidbits

The weekend went way too fast, and Monday snuck up on us fast.  Rain moved in, so I have been inside working on the to-do list.  

Sunday we purposely got porch therapy.  I was thrilled to get crochet time to work in this scarf.  I love this new stitch.

We have had hot weather, and foggy mornings.  We are back to the 90's again today.  Crazy, but good for the loofah plant, and the peppers I left in the garden.

We are hoping our smaller AC unit lasts until this heat ends.  It's on the fritz.  It sounds like it will just fizzle out any day.  The lawn mower is also on the fritz.  We already bought a new battery for it, but now it needs two more new parts to get it running.  We are also hoping it lasts until mowing season ends, and without more expenses.

Boxes for donations are piling up, so I must get them delivered soon.  It's crazy how much stuff you own, until you have to box it all up and move it for a while.  At least I can work on that while I wait for the rain to end and get back to clearing the garden.

While a lot is getting out of the house, this little cutie snuck in.  Daughter E gave it to me.  I collect keychains, but have deterred from doing it for a long time, as I have no idea what to do with the collection just yet.  There is a museum in our state that has a large pencil sharpener collection.  I would love to donate them all if I could find a place to display them like that.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Rain moving in.....


Well, here we are to the weekend.  The one and only perfect holiday weekend day to take the motorcycle out, and my husband left at 4am.

I have tomatoes to deal with, so that is happening after I down a pot of coffee and figure out a breakfast with minimal cooking.

I put up 22 1/2# of tomatoes yesterday, but here is the situation....I brought 38# back inside (bwahahaha!).  Oh my.

My husband is laughing, but I have no idea how I dealt with our 500# year.  I do need to freeze some tomatoes, can crushed ones, and make another batch of soup and pizza sauce (will gift the kiddos).

He joked "tomato fight" as the plants are literally almost dead, tomatoes falling off and some rotting as I try to keep up.  The summer heat waves were the cause of the late ripening.

I'm hoping to get my fall garlic planted.  Rain is moving in late Saturday and for several days (unless that changes).

Friday, September 2, 2022

Sunrise ~ More Canning with Tomatoes ~ Question

I woke up in time to see this beautiful sky.  I did however, sleep in, and did not get to see my husband before he went to work.  He is taking over a supervisor position for a few months.  Let's just say the coffee pot is pre-set at 4:30am now. 

Unless I try and put up another table in the living room, I am plum out of room for ripe ones.  I'm trying my best to get things canned, but I can only do one sauce/tomato recipe in one day.

We have surpassed 200 pounds of Amish paste this year.  There are more out there, and the plants are dying.  Sheesh, but so thankful for the stock up with all of them.

The recipe I use for the Lemony -Tomato Basil soup is from this magazine.  Looks like a magazine, but thick like the ball regular canning book.  I think I bought it at TSC farm store.  I canned another batch of this soup.

It is also the same magazine that has the BBQ sauce recipe that I can.  To me, it's the best one we've tried so far. I canned a batch of this too.

Question:  I bought a  motion sensor hand soap  dispenser a year ago and paid like 20-some bucks.  The same Simplehuman brand today costs $50!!  I kid you not.  I really want one for both bathrooms, but don't want to paid a fortune.  If you use one, what brand is it and do you like it?

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Blueberry Season and Chit Chat

Yesterday was horribly humid and hot.  We had a heat index over 100°F.  There were sever thunderstorm warnings and we literally got a few drops of rain.

I drove my 62 minute round trip to pick up 10# of Michigan blueberries.  I did not get the chance to plant potatoes this year, so I also picked up some potatoes, more peaches, and garlic.  If you read my blog, you'll know that we are pretty sure I forgot to plant my garlic last fall.

Anyway, I spring planted my garlic and two entire grow bags have zero garlic, so yes, I could have, and yes it may be a squirrel problem.  I'll be picking up some 1/2 in. wire to cover the grow bags this fall.

Daughter K sent me a message she loved the zucchini I sent home with her, and we decided to use some for our favorite side dish (to also use up corn in the freezer).  The recipe is no secret.  It's online with AllRecipes called Corn and Zucchini Sauté I think.

Wednesday, my day completely changed gears.  I was heading out to the tomatoes and saw our handyman getting the mower out.  Back inside I went.  It was a day of putting blueberries in the freezer, making Einkorn blueberry pancakes and a pitcher of spearmint iced green tea.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

This and That


It's been nice to watch the sunrise with my husband lately.

I went out to pick green beans and almost stepped on this guy.  Ugh.  The bugs are horrible this year.
The green beans are rolling in, but wax beans have yet to keep up.  I now wish I planted more, but they are coming in anyway.

The bathroom ceiling has been textured and painted.  Now the last piece of drywall goes up, but they are calling for rain.  I guess we'll see what happens today.

I printed yet another free pattern for a crochet project.  It's for kids, so I have something inexpensive they can buy at a future craft show.  If I ever get crochet time, I will post a picture of it.

Friday, July 8, 2022

Beautiful Sunrise ~ Homemade Thousand Island Dressing


My computer loaded these backwards, but from bottom to top this morning's sunrise.

I whipped up some homemade Thousand Island Dressing for us.  Recipe is linked.  You can make your own mayo, used home canned sweet pickle relish and home canned ketchup.  Yum!

Friday, May 13, 2022

Hooky ~ Shortages/Businesses Closed and othe ramblings


We've been having beautiful weather lately.  My garden starts are loving it too.  I'm just starting to get worried about getting the tilling and planting done.

I played hooky and went to the "big city" and had lunch with my bestie from high school.  It was nice for a change, because I have been so busy in the kitchen lately.

I'm seeing more businesses closed, and I'm seeing more shortages of different items as well.   I may need to make my own ricotta.  The last few times I needed some, I had a terrible time finding it.  I filled up the truck yesterday - $4.30/gallon.  Toilet paper we typically by on sale for $7.99 was on sale for $13.99.

I tried a new recipe - Lasagna stuffed chicken.
Organic chicken is very expensive as well, but my husband loved it.  Recipe is online with The Stay at Home Chef.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Asparagus ~ Garlic....where did it go?!

It's going to be a warm, gorgeous day today.  We'll hit the 80's.

I picked more asparagus, so I roasted some last night with rosemary.  Oh my gosh!  Delicious!  So much more flavor than from the store.  It's been a year waiting for this bounty.

My favorite garlic to plant in our area is Music garlic.  The first year we spring planted, and every year after that we fall planted.

I'm so depressed.  I went out to the garden to start prepping for the year, and found all of my garlic eaten but 3.  My guess, from research, is that a squirrel (or more than one) was the culprit.  Never in all the years here has this happened. Rabbits, deer and ground hogs do not like garlic, so I am just guessing.  They have plenty of black walnuts to provide, so I am stumped as to why it happened, other than the smell of the dogs is not out there anymore (guess I'm gettin' a dog).

I want to now spring plant my garlic, so it cost me an arm and a leg to order some to plant.  I didn't record how many I planted last year for some reason.  I think it was a crazy fall due to my husband's sister passing away from covid, and Mom's health declining. 

I typically plant 80-100 cloves, so this is a tremendous loss with organic garlic.  It's just such a shock, because nothing likes the smell of garlic.  We toyed with the idea that I forgot to plant them.  I did not.  I remember planting.

We toyed with the idea that someone stole them.  Ha ha!  Actually, it's not such a crazy idea.  Every day for the last two weeks a car has been stolen in the city about 12 miles from us, and now they are breaking into chicken coops.  Seriously.  Stealing kids bicycles, and more.

I plan to pull the pea fence.  We didn't get any planted with this crazy kitchen floor repair, and we need to till that area as well.

I finally got the carpet spot cleaned from Daughter K's dogs being here, and laundry put on the line, but got zero painting done.

I believe it's finally time to call an exterminator, unless someone has a sure fire way to trap those big bumblebees (a LOT of them).  I've tried every year, and they get worse every year.  Yesterday they were swarming the doors of the house and porch.  I cannot for the life of me find the nests, but I'm guessing they are by one of the barns, by they way they swarm over there.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Weather and what-not.....

We continue to have crazy weather.  Snow fog so bad you can't see the driveway or the highway.  Crazy (yesterday morning).

I'm already making a to-do list in regards to homesteading/food stock-age etc.  I've depleted some homemade freezer items.


Beautiful sky this morning.  There is an advantage of having to go out early for wood for the wood stove.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Sunrise ~ Lamancha Goats ~ Wonderful Surprise and other Tidbits


Beautiful sunrise.

Good memories.  Our first Lamancha doeling.  We have had a few discussions about raising them again (along with other meat sources).

My husband brought me home a surprise!  Man I love him so much.  It's been a rough couple of weeks for sure.

The weather will be up in the 50's today, so I am heading outside for anything that needs done, aside from splitting wood.  I can't do that without my husband.

Update on Mom:  she finally got her own room and will possibly be discharged today.  However, we are adding another doctor appt. to her schedule.  The doctor that did the surgery, is the only doctor to handle her wound on that leg.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Fall Blooms ~ Sunrise


The recent rain has brought us some beautiful fall blooms.

A beautiful sunrise.

I've been washing a lot of dishes.  Our dishwasher is on the fritz.  My husband will look at it when he can.  Not this weekend.  He is working all weekend.

Egg production is low.  They are molting.

I'm still putting hot peppers away.  I have not pulled the plants due to the daily rain we have gotten.