Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Chickens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chickens. Show all posts

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Barley Sprouts and Barley Grass ~ New to the Coop Fun for the Chickens

 I have been spoiling my chickens with lentil sprouts and they love them.  They are not only inexpensive to grow, but grow in about 4 days.  They are very easy to get out of the quart canning jar.

I have started to grow them barley sprouts.  They take longer, but I used the same method.   They are also harder to get out of the canning jar, so if you use this method, I suggest a wide mouth jar.  They all stick together vs. lentil sprouts, when grown in a quart canning jar.

I also grew barley grass for them, using my microgreen tray.  I'll admit, it was just as fun for me to grow, as it was for the chickens.

I used this barley, and soaked about a 3/4 cup of barley overnight.  The next morning, I spread the soaked seeds out onto my 9 x 13 microgreen tray.  I rinsed them every day, and made sure they had ventilation.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

This and That


I've been terrible at meal planning, but we brought home some tomatoes from our recent trip, and sliced them up.

We made BLT's.  I have no idea for the rest of the week yet.  Other than I boiled eggs for egg salad.

I managed to get that air mattress into the bag it came with.  It's not shutting all the way, but it's in the bag ha ha!

I think my husband and I decided we need a complete day off.  It may happen this weekend.  We'll see, but that would be nice.  I feel like we've been working on the house for the last two years now.  There are so many people jealous of our updates, but it all started because it needed to be done, not by random choice.

I'll admit, I am exhausted daily lately.  I don't even have energy to read a book, let alone crochet our blanket.  I was excited about garden season, but lately?  Not.  We do deserve a break now and then.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Tuesday Tidbits


Although it is super foggy this morning, the sun is trying to shine.  Yesterday was a very dreary, dark and misty day.

I managed to accomplish a breakfast.  I'm still painting trim, so I get to multi-tasking and list writing.  I scrambled a dozen eggs, made sausage patties, and Einkorn waffles.  I used a random recipe online, but want to try the recipe Jovial has next time. I just didn't have yogurt on hand.

I boiled a half dozen eggs for egg salad.  I guess that will be tonight's dinner (egg salad), while I work on the menu plan.  I also put another dozen eggs in the fridge for future boiled eggs.

Daughter K's waffle iron, which I didn't like, and the recipe wasn't that great.  The recipe also said 1/3 cup of batter, and it was not enough.  I have to double the recipe.  I am reading reviews to look for a waffle maker for myself now. 

Our state has a law, that says you must purchase a minimum of 6 chicks.  It was created to avoid people buying them as Easter gifts/pets.  Dumb law, and if you look at the coop kits in front of most farm stores, they are not fit for the size to hold 6 chickens.  

Anyway, I picked up 6 new chicks, in hopes that a family member will need a few more.  I just wanted about 3 more.

The best news!?

We got our bed up and got a very good night's sleep.  We are far from being done in that room, but the bed is back up and so are the night stands.  The dresser and other furniture are still in the master bath ha ha!  We need room to paint trim, install the wall trim, work on electrical boxes, and finish installing wall paneling on one wall.  Oh, and we still need to install the closet door since we cut and framed a new one.

We still have carpet to remove out of the walk-in closet, so that will also affect the finale of this room.

More good news?!  Tiger's blood work came back and his kidney's look great.  Daughter said he has more energy now that before his procedure, but she is instructed to only feed him wet cat food from now on.

Speaking of cats, we had a stray come to one of our doors last night begging for food.  It dawned on me that it is kitten season, so I am wondering if it is a stray pregnant female.  No sign of it the cat morning however.

I'm hoping for good weather to wash, and dry a bed blanket and bed skirt on the clothesline today.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Transition Days ~ Chickens ~ Seedlings

 The first few days of start up hours, for my husband's work can be crazy.  It's a time of feeling whack-a-doodle, as far as routine goes.  He's either working 2nd or 3rd or who knows what shift, and it throws me off completely.

It takes us a good few days to try and get flow to our daily routine, mornings, evenings, all of it.  I took the day off from purging and organizing and moving stuff, but it has been overwhelming for me.  I love to create crafty items, but it's sort of at the point, where I don't need to create so many items anymore.  I have to come to a point of deciding what to get rid of what to keep, in that area.

I used to make homemade gifts, that required bottles, or jars or whatnot.  Not anymore.  The kids are all grown, and do not put up Christmas trees, so I'm not making ornaments like I used to.  By the way, the "starbucks" ornaments in the making, made their way to the trash. I took off what could be useable, and tossed the rest.  The kids did not want one for their homes/apt.

I used an old bookshelf to store craft items in my closet, so that is the focus, but now I'm trying to decide if I want to paint the bookshelf and put it in the upstairs bedroom.  It is a solid wood bookshelf, so I will think a bit longer on that decision.

His schedule also throws off my meal plans.  I managed to clean a large amount of fresh spinach, blanch and freeze it.  I may be using some to make a breakfast frittata.  I do sort the spinach, because the last few times, I have found weeds, and sometimes grass it in.  I also lift it out of the soak water, and rinse again, before blanching it.

Our weather was a bit warmer yesterday, but we are still drying out from the recent downpour of rain.  We are back to cooler weather again.  

The chickens are back to regular egg laying, but their coop door is falling apart.  We'll need to start thinking about the new coop now.  For now, we will have to rig it, so the door shuts properly.

My saved hot banana pepper seeds have not sprouted as of today.  I saved them from pepper plants we purchased, and planted, so I'm not sure what's going on .  I may need to purchase Hungarian wax pepper plants and try saving those seeds this year (or buy seeds from my regular sources).  Also, the Cherry Bomb pepper seeds I purchased from someone on Etsy (I should learn my lesson after twice), did not sprout.  Only one did.  I can live without the cherry bomb, but I do use quite a bit of the hot banana peppers for a few canning recipes.

Speaking of canning.  I can confess, the first year I started growing a garden, I went nut-so with canning.  Boy, can you dive right into all those interesting recipes and end up with way too many condiments the first few years.  I have been very careful now, on only canning some "interesting" and delicious condiments for gift giving.  I decided not to can corn relish the last few years, after realizing we did not use it as much as we thought we would.

I have been discussing canning and the garden with my husband lately, and I may can some jalapenos to compare with freezing this year.  I'm not talking more cowboy candy, but just canning them.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Sprouts for my Chickens

I'm growing sprouts for my ladies (chickens) right now.  So easy to do, healthy and fun for the chickens, and in expensive to do.

I bought a large splatter screen at the nearest Dollar Tree store.  You can of course, order a seed sprout lid online as well.

I then used my quart jar to draw a template, and then cut those out to match the tops of the jars.  Simple right?

Fill your quart jar with water to the top.  Each day, soak, dump and rinse.  You can get complete instructions online (never leave them soak over night).

After each day of that process, I let it sit upside down on a towel for a bit.  I wanted to make sure all of the older water was out before leaning the jar on it's side, and covering with a towel.  It gets air flow, and sprouts grow this way.  They have gadget kits for standing your jar(s) tilted.  I'm just easy peasy, use what I have right now.

In about 3-4 days your sprouts will look like this.  Fun for the ladies and healthy for them too. 

Has anyone sprouted other grains or beans for their chickens? So far, I have only used green lentils.  

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Sunrises ~ Tidbits


We have had some beautiful sunrises this week.  It makes me want to be outside and enjoy the warmer weather.  The evenings have been cold though.  Yesterday we hit the lower 60's, but with a wind warning.  Today thunderstorms move in.

My wonderful husband had these delivered on Valentine's Day.  This is big!  We live in the boonies, so he paid greatly for these beautiful roses.

I tried a new recipe.  I forgot to take a photo of it, but took a picture of the cookbook.

It's in one of my fix-it and forget it cookbooks - Enchilada Shredded Chicken.  I served it over quinoa (with diced jalapenos, oregano and cumin - I didn't have cilantro).  A nice recipe for a Mexican Potluck Meal.  I honestly don't know how this would be good on a tortilla, unless you drain the liquid off at the end of cooking.  Anyway, we topped it with some shredded cheese and sour cream.  Delicious.

The part for the stove has arrived.  It most likely will be installed this weekend.  I'll update you on that when it's done.

Half of the hallway is cleared of flooring tools and what not, and swept and mopped.  The other half remains full of tools for my husband to deal with.  I started to clean woodwork, to prepare for primer.

It's been nice to see the egg basket filling up again.  We are so thankful for this.  We changed their feed, adding black sunflower seeds and more supplements.  I am working on adding more to their diet - more on that soon.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Collecting Recipes Addiction ~ Deep Clean Continues ~ Tea Healing Trick ~ Longest Egg Laying Hiatus Ever!

 I've been going thru a box of recipes from Mom's house.  I know where I get the collection addiction from now.  Golly.

It appears that Mom started to create her own cookbook many, many years ago, in a binder (by typing it up).  She saved every recipe the local newspaper printed, and she used to sit and listen to a radio show where they shared recipes.  There were notepads filled with recipes she wrote down from that radio station.

I found her recipe for Chop Suey.   When I was a young kid, Mom made me sit at the table until I finished chop suey, and I hated it.  I remember being forced to sit and finish another meal I did not like, but chop suey was on the top of the list.  Not sure why I did not like it, but the memory of that was traumatic.  I never forced my kids to sit and eat something they did not like.  Anyway, the box has been delivered to the next sibling.

I copied only two recipes that involved rhubarb.  I think this box has cured me of collecting recipe, ha ha!  Now I need a cure for collecting crochet patterns.  Sheesh.  Do you have a "messy" habit of collecting something you really don't need? Or something you collect, and then neglect?

I got one more kitchen cupboard shelf cleaned and lined, and one more drawer.  I have more to do, but I feel better if I do at least one a day (or every other day), so I can still rest up after regular chores.  

My laryngitis is still hanging on, but slightly better.  Trying a trick my Dad taught me about curing sinus infections (but will also help laryngitis) - add a few drops of oil of oregano to my teabag before brewing (food grade oil).  I rememebered this hack, after someone suggested I drink oregano tea.  As you can see, the cool mist humidifiers are going, plus one diffuser.

My washing machine was giving a code again, so my husband took the filters apart and cleaned them (both water incoming and water out going).  He found a quarter blocking the out going.  

This winter was the longest hiatus from egg laying in history.  Not one egg since last October.  So it got me thinking.  I checked the ingredients on the organic feed we buy.  I am pretty sure they dropped the amount of protein in it, so we switched it up, and I picked up some black sunflower seeds.  Of course they get kitchen treats from me too.  Never, have we ever,gone this long without fresh laid eggs.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Random - ness


Progress is slow, but continues - cleaned out two boxes of stuff from the computer area (we are talking stuff boxed up since last February/March).   Yes, there are very old floppy discs in that box, ha ha!  

Broke down 4 boxes to get rid of, and in the process, found my devotional, and some forever stamps.   I found a file folder filled with new recipes to try, body butter recipes, salves to try etc.  I'm half tempted to just toss it all out, considering it's all been in a file for many years now.  No surprise there.

Don't laugh, but in the process of that, and opening mail, I lost two lists I had going.  I am sure they went into the trash with the envelopes from the mail, and that bag was already taken outside.  The lists were started again, and carefully placed, so I don't do that again.

Garden seeds have been ordered.  I just have to check the herb garden seeds.  I am pretty sure I need basil, cilantro, and parsley, but will check again this week.

Laundry was started, but I'm limited to two drying racks inside, and I filled my unit in the laundry room that holds shirts on hangers. Just trying to save on my electric bill.

Outside Christmas lights are down and back in storage.  The rain returned, so that is off the list now.

I updated the home journal, and taped the paint swatch inside on the living room page.  I still need to get photos printed to add to the journal for the floor repairs we did.  I am also missing my paint chip for the doors and other trim.  I'm sure I will find it when I do more cleaning.

I think I over did work yesterday, so today it's hunkering in, crochet, thunderstorm day.  I did not sleep well with this sore throat.  I have already been on a round of antibiotics.

My husband's first day back to work was yesterday.  He talked to co-workers, and there is a virus going around with laryngitis.  Lovely.  Also, the trip to FL was a blessing for my husband.  He found out the guy he was to work with, had he not gone on the trip, had covid while we were gone.  

Anyway, I could not sleep with this scratchy throat, so it's ginger root tea today, possibly with honey and lemon.  My husband caught something too now, so he is not sleeping well either.  

I'm thankful for leftovers for tonight.  We have had to purchase eggs this week.  My ladies are not laying again yet, and that is frustrating, but they do deserve a winter break.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Taking back the house continues and other ramblings....


Woke up to fog.  The weather today is high of 51°F.  No rain until tomorrow, so the chicken coop just might get cleaned today.  As you can see in the upper part of the photo, the Christmas lights are still up (but off).  I may just get those down and put away as the weather is nicer.

The living room floor has been cleared of boxes, styrofoam, window screens, and whatnot.  The breakfast bar has finally been moved from kitchen to living room, and the new plant stands have been put together for Mom's plants.  It's early, so hence the dark photo, but will try and get a day time photo for you.

The stands hold all but Mom's cactus.  It is blooming again.  I need to figure out a place for that.  I also need to re-pot it.  The cactus is still in the container that it came in (how it was at Mom's house).  I will need to contact a friend to make sure I get the correct soil, and I will need a new pot for it.

We have no end tables or lamps just yet.  The kids broke the last lamps we had (most likely the help of their dogs).  It's on the to-do list.  

I still have to clear up my yarn stash in my bedroom, now that the living room is done (and I can access the upstairs).  I need to find the last tie back for the curtains.  I didn't feel like doing it yesterday, so it's back on the weekly to-do list.

I also pulled the new wall decor from the closet to the living room.  We have not decided on where to hang the decor.  We may put up a shelf to match the white wash theme, but we have not found a board for our white wash barnwood shelf brackets just yet.

I have pulled several boxes of "office" stuff that was shoved into the office from the computer area (kitchen) when the kitchen floor was done first.  Lets just say, I have a lot of boxes to go thru and purge, re-organize and put back where it needs to be (or find it a new home).

I still need a file folder for the computer desk area in the kitchen.  I better write that down before I forget.  The last one I tried to order from Amazon, had to be returned due to damage.

Our paper shredder died on us, so I have asked my husband to get us a burn barrel.  We'll see if he remembers. 

Most importantly, today I will be getting out my garden planner and getting a plan in place.  Possibly some new chicken coop plans as well.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Extreme Clean Day


Other than preparing a breakfast for a few days, which now will last a day, I cleaned out much of the upstairs.  I have filled the kitchen with items to donate.

The plan is to load up the truck this weekend and donate.  I offered it to a family member, who is seeking funding for an adoption.  I suggested a garage sale, and we'd donate it all, but they say there may not be a date set.   I just don't have anywhere to store the items, and I need to get it out of the kitchen before anyone trips on it.

Daughter E came out and had dinner with us, and stayed the night.  She is loving our newly repaired/remodeled bathroom.  Now we just need to get the upstairs worked on more to make a spare room.

Today there is a heat advisory.  I watered everything yesterday. There is a possibility for rain later this week.  I guess we'll find out.  The rain keeps leaving the radar, which is not good.

If I have enough, canning resumes today.  I will be getting out my scale to see if that happens.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Bluebell flew the coop....again...


Bluebell flew the coop again.  My husband put the ladies away the other night, and didn't realize she flew the coop and was not in the run.  She was left outside all night long on her own, and survived.  We found raccoon and coyote scat nearby.  She is one tough bird, but naughty.  I have to clip her wings soon. 

It's thunder storming, so it's not happening today.  Although thankful for the rain, our bathroom project is delayed.  There is no where to saw the wood, unless we move it to a barn possibly.

I'm taking inventory on our freezer stash today, and in one pantry area.  I have a lot to keep me busy, so that is not a problem.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Newest Crochet Project - Mini Camper Keychains and other Tidbits

I made this for Daughter K's birthday.  I'm not sure I'll get the other project done in time.  I'm heading out to the garden this morning early.  Anyway, it turned out super cute.  She is into a black and white theme in her apartment this year.

I got two more made in other colors, but it takes quite a bit of time to make these mini campers.

I got a strawberry crunch cake made yesterday evening.  I'm trying really hard to rotate out of the freezer, so I don't waste anything in there.  I forgot to take a photo, but my husband was pretty happy to come home to it.

Found out my husband's boss is out sick with covid right now.

All of the loose floor trim is painted but one piece.  The flooring guys broke one piece in half, and I didn't find out until the other day.  Frustrating for sure.

I'm off the hook with making breakfast for my husband's crew.  However, he needs scrambled eggs now for the weekend burritos.

I'm the queen of list making right now.  There is a list for the day, a continued list for the grocery store, a list of things that need re-stocked that require another list to pre-start those, like infusing oils.  I'm doing my best at this, but evenings are the hardest I think.


Saturday, May 14, 2022

Heat and Eat Breakfast ~ Painting Progress ~ Asparagus

My husband and his crew are getting taco breakfast burritos.  I had to cheat and use tater tots vs. real potatoes, but it's their heat and eat meal this morning.

I spent the entire day painting.  I have officially used almost an entire roll of frog tape.  The trim on the ceiling takes the most work.  I have a second coat to do on one window and start on the very last window.

Window blinds arrived, but I'm only ready to install one for the moment.  I am still doing painting on the wood above the window and sink area.

My new drawer knobs arrived.  I have to buy longer screws for the desk drawers, but what an amazing new look with just paint and knobs.


After, but still in progress

I'm still painting floor trim and corner trims, so those in the back ground are the darker wood I am painting white.

Our asparagus is still coming in.  So thankful for that.


Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Run errands day . . .

Tuesday was my run errands day.  It, unfortunately, leaves me little time at home to get things done.  When I cleaned out my one drawer of food containers, I realized I was missing several of my mini dressing containers and lids.  While in town, I bought new ones, but the lids are a stiff plastic and do NOT come off the container.  Now I have to make another trip to return them or hopefully exchange them.

The truck was also packed full of items to donate to our friends thrift store.  It did not happen.   It was pouring down rain, and the truck is still loaded for another day.

Last night we had a tornado warning.  There was damage elsewhere, but from what I heard it did not touch down.

Until I get my mini containers replaced, my husband's fruit is packed into disposable containers.  I spent what little time I had making a breakfast as well.  I cooked eggs on a sheet pan again, and this time they came off the baking sheet much easier.

I spread a layer of olive oil on the baking sheet, pre-heated the oven at 425°F and then added the eggs (already cracked and ready to go), and baked them until the yolks were cooked.  It worked perfectly.

The chickens continue to supply us, so it looks like I may boil more eggs for a back up dinner of egg salad or just for snacking.  I am thankful for that.

I had plans to bake a birthday cake today for my husband's upcoming birthday, but my frosting gear is temporarily buried in my utility room on a shelf.  I had plans to make cupcakes as well, but it may not happen.  

We are still working on locating a reliable person to help with the living room floor (and smaller bathroom).  Praying it is not much of the subfloor to cut into for both repairs.

While paint dries, I am back in my master bath emptying drawers, cleaning them and washing dividers (and purging anything expired).

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Tuesday Tidbits

 Although I thought  my brain would re-set, after a break, it has not.  Yesterday I forgot my husband's birthday.  Sigh.  My husband told me yesterday I was a "hot mess" and not to drive anywhere today.  There is nothing worse than instinctively picking up my cell phone to call Mom and realizing I can't.  I guess the ol' journals will be coming out again. Maybe designate one solely for chats with Mom.  It will take time to get thru this for sure.

The chickens however, are back to laying a good amount of eggs.  I never got around to baking a breakfast, so that must be done today, or my husband has no to-go breakfast for work.

The weather is warming up enough for drying clothes on the clothesline, so I'm going to tackle all of the remaining laundry today.

I felt like everything, at a point of the day where I just wanted to relax, went wonky.  First my scanner froze in scan mode.  Then, when that was fixed, my emails were not going out.  It's all working again this morning thankfully.  Electronics can be a headache for sure.

I still have a huge pile of mail to sort, toss and take care of. My computer desk area is in total disarray.

Meanwhile, Daughter K continues to move stuff out of the house.  Her rabbit is now at her new apartment.  However, I am constantly on dog duty, meaning that first early am trip out is on me.  I am not eagerly excited about taking two dogs out in the dark.  Her cat Jasper is acting funny, and possibly needing a trip to the vet for a check up.  On a good note, her new job will almost double her pay.  

Hopefully this crazy schedule and mass load of things to be done will taper off soon.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Saturday Chit-Chat

The boys came out and plowed out the 3-4 foot drifts that buried a few cars.  They sped off before I could pay them though.  Little turds that they are.  We'll catch up with them soon.  Thankfully, they plowed out the mailbox area for us as well.

Woke up to a wind chill of 1°F this morning.

I have a 5 foot drift blocking my chicken coop, so after I slowly wake up with some coffee, and get a warm shower, I'll be outside shoveling a path for that.

Daughter K is out of town visiting with her boyfriend.  They are looking at more apartments.  That means I have dog, cat and rabbit duty.  Jasper (cat) is already meowing at me from the stairs.

My sinus medications have not kicked in just yet.  Hopefully today will be the day.  I'm getting tired of being tired (and sick).

We are having trouble getting someone affordable to replace the brakes on the car.  Normally, my mechanic husband does the repairs, but we have the Chevelle in the garage right now.  It's not a car you can leave outside in 1°F weather to pull the other car in for repairs.  What a battle it is this time of year. 

My seed/grow light stand is up and ready for action.  The plan is to get the seeds in the trays today and get the lights going.  To be honest, although it's always so much work, I'm looking forward to growing the garden this spring.

I spent most of yesterday loading the wood stove, taking dogs out and crocheting.  It was nice to have a somewhat rest day despite taking dogs out in freezing weather.  I'm now on the edging on the baby blanket.

Speaking of baby.  Our grand-niece (my husband was a late baby) gave birth to a baby boy yesterday.  So stinkin' cute.  I'll need to put together a gift for her soon.  

Another pizza place in the town closer to us, closed permanently.  I was told there was an issue with the owners health and lack of employees to keep it open.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Thursday Thoughts

It's still very cold here.  Woke up to -9°F.  We are really not likely it either (who would?).  I got everything marked off my to-do list yesterday except for one thing - wash bedding.  If the water is flowing today, I'll get it done.  I'm thankful for leftovers and pre-cooked breakfast.

Hubby is not feeling 100% himself, and found out that some co-workers have been out the entire month of January, and one was out 17 days.  He felt he should have stayed home a few more days to get his body feeling better.  I agreed, but he is back to work anyway.  

Yesterday, I felt off.  Just weird.  Can't explain it, other than I'm not my 100% just yet.  Daughter K can't get rid of a bad cough.  My cough is a bit better.  My cool-mist humidifier arrived and was set up and running before bedtime.  I also sipped some sage tea, and made ginger tea (freshly grated) for my husband.  Thanks for all your support and encouragement and ideas to get us back to "business."

At least I don't have the entire full blown day with dog duty today.  Yesterday, the dogs stopped on the way back in and pulled their paws up.  I had to hurry them inside before having to carry them inside.  I asked Daughter K to bring down any booties they have.  They will need them today as well.

As best as I know, they are springing Mom from the nursing home tomorrow.  I'm not sure if this is a good thing yet or not.  If she has troubles again back at home, the hospitals and the nursing homes are at full capacity, so getting her back in one will be a problem.

Looks like I will need to go fetch firewood for the day.  As soon as I warm up with some coffee, and get my brain fog to ease a bit, I'll work it out so all my outside chores are done in one swoop.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Sunshine! ~ Post Office Nasty Gram

 Although we had a good amount of sunshine, it was still cold yesterday.  I donned my full body winter wear and headed to the coop with treats to beg for eggs, fresh water and headed out to get the mail.

Hubby was in the barn fetching firewood.  It didn't take long to get a "nasty" gram from the post office, with a visual drawing of the 30 foot area (yes, that is right, 15 feet clear to the mailbox and 15 past the mailbox) they demand be shoveled/cleared of snow.

The post delivery person drives a jeep.  Sigh.  We have lost 2 of the 3 shovels.  Daughter K shoveled some of it, and my husband some of it.  I hope we can find the shovel, but darn it all.  I'm not going to cough up a lung, only for the plow to bury the mailbox again.  I am praying the snow is done for a while.  We are all not up to shoveling snow, and too far out to have some of the boys come plow it out for us.

Our current morning weather is -1°F with a wind chill of -14°F.  I'm pretty sure I may not have a hot shower today.  Thankfully, there is little wind.

I'm "flying" solo today.  My husband is back to work (praying it goes well), and Daughter K stayed the night with friends.  Her timing is not great, but I understand her wanting to spend time with friends before she moves.  She'll be back home this afternoon though.

I swear I heard a cat outside this morning.  When daylight hits, I'll look for tracks.  I'd hate to see a stray cat freeze in these temps.

I have written out a list for my to-do list today, but "flying" solo, I have dog duty, chicken duty, mail fetching, wood fetching, manning the wood stove, and possible laundry.  The dogs are already crying to go out and it's not day light.  Our pole light does not come on in this chilly weather, and darkness is not my friend with coyotes.  

Speaking of Daughter K, her workplace is forcing their employees to present a vaccine card, or be tested weekly (I honestly don't see how they can, considering test kits are out everywhere right now).  I'm glad she is moving and can find a better job elsewhere.  I never thought my kids would have to live through this.  Or us, for that matter.

Thankfully, we have a big pot of chili, and a pan of homemade buttermilk cornbread for the next few days.  I just have to do some dishes (if we have hot water, ha ha!).

I have slept great the last two nights, but wake up to a coughing fit.  I'll be happy to get my cool-mist humidifier today. I still have laryngitis, so I plan on sipping some hot sage tea.

More co-workers are out with covid at my husband's work.  It's still spreading.  

The chicken coop is a disaster.  I cannot wait for a warmer day, so I can clean it.  The ding dongs are poo'ing in their roosts.  What a mess.  

One of these days, I'll actually have some photos in my blogpost.  Sorry if they have been boring.  

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

I'm Back

I'm back.  It's been cold here.  In fact, we need to split wood today.  Brr.  The chickens continue to lack egg production.

My ankle continues to ache, so I'm calling my doctor today.  I'll update on that when I have any results of further tests.

Daughter K said 3 people are out at her work with covid.

Daughter E had to test due to someone at her work with covid.  She was negative and returned to work.

Update on Mom:  The heart clinic nurse had a serious talk with her.  Over the weekend, Mom fell 3 times in 24 hours and two ER visits.  She was kept in the ER until last night (due to no rooms and the hospital wanting her out). 

She was transported to a nursing home last night.  Her heart failure is worse and now she cannot walk.  She was talked to about hospice or continuing meds/doctor visits etc.  She chose meds/doctors etc.  I have yet to find out if (due to the wide spread of covid) visitors are even allowed.  I'm betting the answer is no. It's spreading so badly here, that people are unable to find tests when they are sick.  Daughter E was one of them.  She was off work for 2-3 days due to lack of finding  a test.

Not sure this is happening in your area, but in ours, medical people are told to go to work if they have covid and their symptoms are mild. I'm concerned over this, as Mom could be treated by a nurse with covid.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Random Bits


I'm making progress on the baby blanket.  I'm thankful I had a few very old unfinished projects in my closet.  I will need to ask Daughter K to check my yarn stash upstairs.  I will be keeping this one for any future grandkids.  

Updates on Mom are good thankfully.  

Woke up to a brisk 27°F this morning.  My wonderful husband got more wood for me.  I can load the wood stove, but getting the wood inside is a bit tough right now.

The Christmas meal is planned now.  My chickens are still on strike.  Not sure what the mailman did, but Daughter K found half of it all over the ground yesterday.

My wonderful husband, although rushed for time, made us breakfast before he left for work - sausage/egg/cheese breakfast sandwiches.