Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Homemade Ranch Dressing Mix (Question) ~ Cinnamon Sugar Pretzels

We are getting just a wee bit of snow this weekend.  We literally did not get a lick of work done Saturday (if you read our winter project list I posted recently).  We did a lot of "window" shopping to check prices on supplies for the winter project list.  Only one hardware store had an attachable ladder shelf, which required a half hour drive.  I can now paint with lot more ease.  The ladder we are using to paint and do work, does not have a shelf, nor the smaller ladder.  We also needed the odor killing primer, which only one store had in stock, and only on can left on the shelf.

The prices for anything right now are so over the top, it is mind boggling.  How can anyone afford to even buy groceries right now?  Due to the cost of paint, we will do a re-check on what paint is leftover from other rooms, re-calculate, and see if we can use any for the hallway.  We priced light fixtures, mirrors, and other items, and could not believe the price of mirrors for the bathroom.  We came home to look at ours, and we cannot take off the hardware and frame them either.  They were installed used, and the mirrors are scratching off the edges.  Anyway.  The cost of anything is crazy high right now.

On a good note:  one large box of donations and one huge bag of random baskets were all donated on our day road tripping for supplies.

Although it is so convenient to buy the ranch packet dip at the store, the ingredients are not healthy.  If you google the top two ingredients, they are basically of a form of some sort of sugar/flavoring.  The packet also contains bioengineered (gmo) ingredients.  They also just say "spices" so what is that?

 Back in the day, I found a recipe for homemade Ranch Dressing (Simply Scratch, online) making our own dry mix and using that for making the homemade dressing.

The post to the recipe link is HERE.  The recipe is very extensive, and I have to buy my dried chives, because the last time I tried to dehydrate my own from the herb garden, they blew all over in the dehydrator.  If you have a tip for this, please share.  

My question is, do any of you have a tried and true dry ranch mix (homemade) for using as a dip?  One that perhaps has less ingredients, but tastes good?  We like to add it to a container of blended cottage cheese to dip fresh vegetables in.

Living up to our motto, I had four opened bags of different (non-gmo) pretzels.  I wanted to try a new recipe, but I should have made a half batch of these, and used the other half for whiskey stix.  Anyway, I mixed them all up and tried Cinnamon sugar pretzels.  They are good, but I made too much lol.  I will need to gift some to the kids perhaps.  It's an easy recipe for a make and take food for gatherings (recipe is from The Southern Lady Cooks online).  Did you know that Snyder's now makes non-gmo pretzels?

Homemade Ranch Dressing Mix (Question) ~ Cinnamon Sugar Pretzels © Jan 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Honey Roasted Cashews ~ Oven Baked Frozen Garden Green Beans ~ Gingersnap Pear Pie (old post link)


Winner recipe!  New recipe tried!

I had just enough cashews to use up, and the oven was already on, so.....

Of course I used my homemade garlic powder in this recipe.

Perfect for a chacturie board for any occasion.
Delicious as a snack.
The recipe is free online with The Southern Lady Cooks.

A bit sticky for a travel snack, but pack it up and enjoy it at your accommodations with cheese/crackers and a bottle of wine.

It would make a nice gift too, along with some other creatively made food items, a bottle of wine, or specialty cheese/crackers.  The ideas are pretty endless.

I've been experimenting with our frozen garden green beans.  I recently just tossed a bag full (maybe 3 cups) into an 8 x 8 baking dish, added 1/2 tsp. homemade garlic powder, and drizzled it with some organic olive oil.  Gave them a toss with some tongs, and baked them at 400° for 30 minutes.  I then sprinkled some parmesan cheese on top of them.  Oh my gosh!  Delicious, and so easy for a winter side dish.  

I had a blog follower interested in the ginger pie, so I went on a search and found it.  We did not get pears from our trees last year.  The proper name for the pie is Gingersnap Pear Pie.  Gosh, I haven't made this in many years.  I have frozen the pears for this pie before, and it still turned out delicious.

(photo from November 2017)

Here is the post for the pie:  Gingersnap Pear Pie

Honey Roasted Cashews ~ Oven Baked Frozen Garden Green Beans ~ Gingersnap Pear Pie (old post link) © Jan 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Wednesday, January 3, 2024


 I picked up some local orchard apples, so I baked us an apple pie.  Not the healthiest way to start the new year, but I did.

I freeze my pie crust crumbles, so all I have to do is add the ice water and roll the dough (recipe is online with King Flour's website).

The recipe is from a very old book of mine - Farm Journal's Complete Pie Book, printed in 1965.  I haven't bake an apple pie in a long, long time.  I used to can apple pie filling when all the kids still lived here.  The pie was not a pretty thing, but tasted okay.  I have only baked Dutch apple pies if I remember correctly.  I will bake it again, but not too soon, and tweak the recipe. 

I also realized, I only have one pie cookbook on my homesteading bookshelf.  Do you have a favorite pie recipe book that you use?  Do you have a good old fashioned apple pie recipe?

I have gotten tired of breakfast sausage and bacon lately, so I switched things up, dug into the freezer, and baked us a breakfast pie. I tossed this together with eggs, Canadian bacon, mushrooms, and a few more ingredients.  There are no potatoes in this, so it's healthy, and we won't be eating it for 3 days, like our scramble breakfast.  We are due for some greens on our breakfast soon too.

As you can see, the news around here is a bit boring.  The rain left us, but the colder air is with us.  

It doesn't look like much, but I finally got around to using some thawed spaghetti squash.  If you follow my blog, I roasted all of our garden spaghetti squash and froze it.  I tested it out with a combination of healthy ingredients.  I call it chicken spaghetti.

What's in it?  When it's sort of like the recipes I found online for using an instant pot (don't have one), but I baked it in the oven.  If you google for recipes, you will find many recipes to give you ideas.

I cooked the chicken the day prior in my crock pot, and shredded it.  I thawed 4 cups of frozen spaghetti squash, added tomatoes, cooked onion and garlic, seasoned it all, added some sliced bunching onions from the herb garden, tossed in some cheeses and baked it.  

It turned out very good, although, we both were him-hawing on adding some flavor to it.  Maybe some jalapenos, possibly some "fire powder" or even homemade taco or fajita seasoning.   I may add some black olives too next time.

I have written it all down, to also tweak, but we are very happy with the thawed spaghetti squash in this vs. pasta.  I am also happy with the thawed spaghetti squash.  I didn't have a lot of liquid in it, as I drained it prior to freezing it.  Overall, happy I froze it the spaghetti squash.

Kitchen-ness © Jan 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday

 Happy New Year!  I do not write out resolutions for the upcoming year.  I started working myself  (physically, and there may be an update this new year, we'll see).  I'm just glad the holidays are done with this year.

On to other news . . .

A little homemaking tip:  I fill a small spray bottle with vodka (sanitizer) and add a few drops of lavender essential oil.  I spray our mattress when the bedding is being washed.  It cleans the mattress and leaves a lovely scent.

Self Care:  my self care this week was to buy myself a new set of casual dress boots (tossing out a very old, and very worn pair too).  I never find anything in the size I wear, so this is a pamper me moment.  A big bonus, was that the price tag said $55.00 and they were on sale for $14.99!  What did you do for yourself last week?  Or do you plan some self care next week?

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. 

The weather . . .

It rained all weekend, and we are so stinkin' tired of it.  We did not get any work done on the coop either.  Woke up to more rain, and a slight possibility of a snow shower today.  Temps are in the high 30's/low 40's here right now.

Right now I am . . .

Making coffee, and will be putting the Christmas tree in storage for the year.

Thinking and pondering . . .

I'm considering hiring someone to paint one ceiling, and possibly more.  It all depends on my energy level this winter, ha ha!  Also, the cost.  

I'm also thinking about changing my blog background/theme on blogger too.  There is much on the side bars that can be removed too.

How I am feeling . . .

Honestly?  Pretty good, and I feel on task too.  I got all of the Christmas decorations put away, other than the tree, and life in general is pretty good.

On the breakfast plate . . . 


On the lunch plate . . .

Not sure.  Maybe homemade cauliflower crust pizza with home canned sauce.

On the dinner plate . . .

Chicken Spaghetti using garden spaghetti squash for the pasta.  Garden green beans.

On the menu . . .

-One pan Pork Loin with Brussel Sprouts and Apples (new recipe to try - The Real Food Dieticians)

-Chicken Spaghetti using Spaghetti Squash (new recipe to try), roasted vegetables

-Crockpot Sweet Garlic Chicken, Green Beans baked with garlic powder

-grilled ham/cheese sandwiches, home canned tomato-basil soup


-Greek Hummus Dip (new recipe to try, for a summer dip when the garden is in full swing)

On my reading pile . . .

Top two books are borrowed from the library.

On my TV this week . . .

Anything but Christmas movies ha ha!

Looking around the house . . .

I know some people get upset when people paint wood, but these dark wood doors need to get a new look.  I'm back to priming and painting some interior doors.  One door is completely done and back up where it belongs, and another down on the saw horses for a new, and brighter look.

I got the drill out, removed an old curtain rod (missing a part since last summer), installed the new one and put the curtain back up.  Some days, it's the "little" unfinished, now finished jobs that make my day complete.

I've also filled two boxes of purged/no longer needed items to donate soon.  I have a small stack of books to donate to a free little library soon as well.  If not, the books will be donated to the library book sale.  

To-do list . . .
-wash a kitchen rug (I can only do one at a time, as they have to dry flat, and I only own one drying unit for doing that).
-put Christmas tree away, and other decor
-wash oven mitts (I try to do this once a month, but if I use them daily, then once a week - Homemaking Tip)

Use a clothes hanger with these hooks to hang dry your oven mitts.

Deep Clean for the week
-Clean oven and oven racks

From the camera . . .

In case you didn't see the recent post, my bunching onions are doing great!  I harvested some the other day.  they are larger than normal green onions, but seem to be hardy for this time of year.  Of course, all of this rain is helping, so I am harvesting more and enjoying them.

Devotional, Quote, Prayers. . .
No specific prayer requests at this time.

Happy Homemaker Monday © Jan 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Homemade Granola Bars

 I have had homemade granola bars on my to-do list for months, and have not gotten around to making a batch.  A daughter had requested the recipe, but I have made a few different ones over the years.

My Mom gave me a recipe for peanut butter granola bars.  They require a cereal, but when I made them, I found an organic non-gmo cereal variety that worked with with them.  I have no idea if the cereal even exists anymore, but the recipe for those can be found HERE

I do roast the nuts and oats in the oven, but it's not necessary.

I use one of my measuring cup bottoms to press the mixture down into the pan, and fold the parchment over a bit to press down the edges.  Otherwise, it will stick your spatula or hands.

Another variety of homemade granola bars, uses a bit of butter, and we do love this one too (more of a fruit/nut bar).  The recipe is posted HERE on my blog, but it does contain sugar (brown sugar).  I have not tried making them with monkfruit, but I will be giving it a try next time.

Cut, wrap, or put in sandwich bags.  Store in the fridge.

Homemade Granola Bars © Dec 2023 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Back on Track ~ This and That ~ Cashew Brittle

I hope you are enjoying the recipes lately.  I am sorry I am posting them after the holidays, but maybe it will spark motivation for next Christmas season.  Or for that matter, any time of the year.

No, I am not turning my blog into a cooking blog ha ha!  It's winter, and there is not much going on that is "news" worthy, so you get to see some new or older recipe posts.

(Before a weeding day, and they grew almost 6 feet tall!!)

...... and yes I do miss my garden shenanigans.  Oh man, this last season was a good one, and I will not forget how I would start my day with a good laugh.  Every time I went out to work in the garden, I would just laugh and laugh about the enormous squash plants we had.  Not to mention the enormous bounty we got from them.

Something ate the tops off of a few of my bunching onions, that are in my herb garden.  Hm?  I will have to put a deer camera on it if it continues to come back.  The herb garden is very close to the house too.  

 * * * * * 

The outside Christmas lights are all taken down, and put away.  The tree decorations are off, the holiday bedding washed, dried and put away, and other decorations collected to be boxed up as well.  Another Christmas all wrapped up and put away for a year.  The tree will be put away this weekend.  Believe it or not, my husband is the one pushing me to keep it up longer (it only has lights on it right now).

Lists are back in action.  I have a goal for each winter month.  Trust me, when I say we will not be running out of things that need done around here.   I've already cleaned out one shelf in my refrigerator.  The holiday season baking/cooking really put a toll on my organization.  The fridge is a hot mess, so the plan is to finish that job first.

The warmer days have spiked the egg production here at the homestead.  I guess we can't complain about that.  

We had some leftover "innards" from omelet making, and I did not want to waste them.  I decided to whisk up 9 eggs, and make a small-ish sheet pan egg dish using all the leftover omelet bacon/bell pepper mixture.  

I harvested some bunching onions from the herb garden for this too.  I cooked up some sausage patties and made it into a sandwich.  I'll be doing this again, but adding some greens too.  Gosh, you could eat it without the bread, jazz it up with flavor etc.  

Tip:  I save my bacon grease, and greased my pan with the bacon grease.

The weather otherwise, is still damp.  However, we are starting to cool down again.  The current chicken coop run is a muddy mess.  

Detox for the win!  

I'll admit the holidays get us off track of every day meals, and life in general.  By the way, I am still waiting on my holy basil to arrive.  In the mean time, we are using what tea we have on hand.  

I forgot about our traditional Christmas Cashew Brittle recipe.  I did not make it this year, only due to the lack of time.   I do have the recipe already posted on my blog, and it makes a small batch (I use my metal round baking sheets for this).

You can get the recipe HERE.

Back on Track ~ This and That ~ Cashew Brittle © Dec 2023 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Friday, December 29, 2023

Angel Cookies ~ A Recipe that I found reading a library book!


Angel Christmas Cookies.  Recipe is online, but I found this recipe in a book I read years ago - Aunt Dimity's Christmas, by Nancy Atherton.  We use the recipe for our traditional cut-out cookies at Christmas, but Christmas has passed, so I made them "winter" themed this year - snowflake cookies.

I'm glad I went searching for the book on my blog, because the link does not work anymore, and the recipe has been changed over the years.  

In the book, the recipe is called "Angel Cookies" because she makes them all angels.  I make all sorts of cut out shapes with the dough.  Very easy to make and you can make it the day before to chill the dough.

The recipe states that if the dough is sticky to chill it, but every year we've made these cookies, we chill the dough.  I take half the dough out, cut the cookies, and take out more chilled dough as we bake them.  You can also chill this dough overnight.

Did you know that if your dough is cold when you cut your cookies out, they are more likely to keep their shape vs. puff out when baked?

Over the years, I have only used the frosting recipe that comes with this cookie recipe.  I noticed the only change in ingredients was the amount of butter in the frosting.

Recipe from the book says:  1/3 cup butter
Recipe online says:  1 cup butter 

All other ingredients are the same.  I used one stick this time, and had enough frosting for 38 of these snowflake cookies.

TIP:   I use parchment paper.  My notes (on my own recipe card) stated that I used air bake baking sheets and did not grease my sheets, but that is not the case.  I have no idea why I wrote that down ha ha!  These cookies will not come off the sheets without greasing them or using parchment paper.  I highly recommend using the parchment paper (original recipe states to lightly grease your baking sheets).

A little "ditty" about the cookie recipe. . .

The cookies were so popular with my kids, that one year a daughter took all of my recipe cards out and copied them.  However, when she filed them, she did not put them in the right place in my recipe box.  I had to go on my blog and find the recipe again for these.  Later I found the recipe card filed in my box under something else.

Another year, our youngest wanted to make this recipe.  She rolled the dough and cut the cookies, but forgot to grease the cookie sheet.  They all stuck to the baking sheet and she cried and cried.  I felt so bad for her that year.

Angel Cookies © Dec 2023 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart