Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Weather and Update ~ Online Ordering Saga ~ In Store Shopping Frustrations

Warning.  Grab a Java.  I did not mean for this to be long and winded, ha ha!  I also didn't realize it has no photos, so you may find that boring today.

We are having another 87°F degree day today, and tomorrow.  We have been watching the weather closely, and so far, our area will not dip below 40°F this coming weekend.  It looks like possible rain for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, so if the two of us are feeling better, there will still be a delay on the chicken coop (my frustrated face here).

Update on us:  my husband called our doctor yesterday, and there was no answer.  The answering machine said our doctor would be out today as well.  He was out last Friday.  So, my husband drove into town and went to one of the Urgent Care Clinics.  

First, he asked once again for someone to look in his ear that has been bothering him for weeks. Low and behold (after me pestering him to go get it checked), they found a tiny ear bud that fell off inside his ear from the headphones he wears when he mows.  Finally, his ear is better, and he has drops too.  Whew!  No more ear buds.  The nurse said it happens more often than you think.

As for the sickness, he asked for them to do a covid test.  She told him the results would take 48-72 hours.  Okay, this is where I'm confused.  When we got it two years ago, the test results were immediate.  What is he supposed to do about work?  We are hoping for an answer before his 3 days allowed off for illness are over with.  If it is positive, obviously, there is someone at his work going to work with it, and spreading it.  If he has it, then I have it (or had it).  I'll update when we know results.


Okay, here is the online ordering saga . . .

This takes care of an old blog draft too, ha ha!

One large item was literally dropped off by UPS in an empty box.  Please forgive me if I shared this already.  It was large box, and the UPS driver had to realize it was empty.

The box was opened, and taped back up with a new UPS label, so my inkling is, that someone at UPS stole the item.  It took weeks to get that item replaced.

Another time, I ordered two crochet hooks (ergonomic), because two stores have been out of stock for months.  They were delivered by UPS from Amazon, and the package sealed.  However, inside there was only one hook, and it had been opened, and the other missing (shipping said both were delivered).  It took some work to get it replaced.

Another time, I ordered a pack of yarn from Wal-mart (this was a while back).  It was a specific number of skeins with a solid color not available in stores.  When it arrived, it was a pack half the size I ordered, and get this.....a completely different color (and variegated).  

I had to go through hoops to get that returned, and stated that they shipped the wrong color and wrong amount.  It was returned, but they were to "replace" it with the correct color and number.  I am still dealing with that, but may just get the refund and look in more stores for something doable for a winter blanket project.  It was a really good price, but maybe too good of a deal.  Who is packing these orders??

I have also had Amazon email me saying they canceled my order once.  Not sure why, but I went online and it was still in stock and had to re-order it.

It took a month to get the bed sheets I ordered as well.  It has arrived, now we have two sets finally.

Most recently, I could not find what I needed for homemade granola bars, so I just placed an online order.  It was to arrive last Friday.  It has yet to show up.

On a sad note for me.... the Meijer store that is the closest to us (North), has stopped selling any crochet/knitting hooks/needles completely.  The last time I shopped there, the yarn was almost completely gone.  I have a feeling they are not going to sell yarn there anymore.  Sad news for us in the area.

Is it me, or is it hard to find items in stores lately?  I could not find unsweetened coconut, nor a few other ingredients.  It is very hard to find raw nuts around here as well.  If I can get one trip in to Amish this month, I will be seeking out supplies for us.

The grocery store that is the closest to us, has downsized their section for dishwasher soap pods.  I used to make homemade, but I may have to start doing it again.  They literally sell one type now, where as they used to have a good size section of chemical free dishwasher pods.  Unless I can stock up from another store for winter, I will be digging out my recipe for homemade again.

At one point, I realized I am my Dad.  I am buying my canning supplies for next season already, and writing the cost and date on them.  Are you buying supplies now, to avoid higher prices next year?  Or to just be prepared for, once again shortages or lack up items in stores?

Monday, October 2, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday


Last Friday night's moon.

Saturday morning fog.

Sunday morning fog.

My husband and I tag-teamed and washed all the dishes that were laying around.   Then we sipped coffee on the front porch, but the bugs are terrible with the heat here again.

I had two of our apples go bad, as I have not felt up to taking care of them.  I am hoping that happens soon, before more go bad.

My husband also did a patchwork job on the chicken coop flooring, in hopes it holds until the new coop is finished. 

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .

We are to get our first possible fall frost this coming weekend.  If we do, it will be the end of the bell peppers and any hot peppers.  We are in the 80's for now, and the rest of the week, but again cooling down after that.

As I look outside my window . . .

It's foggy again, and the sun is up.  We both slept in, and my husband called in sick.  There will be a doctor appt. today.

Right now I am . . .

Making a pot of coffee.

Thinking and Pondering . . .

I haven't baked an apple pie in so many years.  I do not have a recipe in my binder or recipe box either.  Does anyone have a recipe for the innards of the pie?  Instructions on baking temp and time?  I have the crust.  I guess I will be doing some research online if not.  Golly, it's been so long since I have made one.  I may just bake a crisp instead.  I found a few recipes for pies in an old recipe book I have.  It will all depend on my energy level.

How I am feeling . . .

Tired, still congested a bit, still have some body aches, and once again a day with no work out.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Not sure yet.

On the lunch plate . . .

Have no idea yet.  Possible a turkey, lettuce, tomato, mayo roll up sandwich with thin low carb wraps.

On the dinner plate . . .

Have  no idea yet.  It could be leftover chili, so I don't have to freeze it.

What I am wearing . . .

Right now?  Jammies, robe and slippers.  I'm in no hurry.

On the reading pile . . .

Yarn labels is about all right now.  Just wasn't feeling up to reading yet.

I have made another discovery concerning my cotton yarn stash.  It will be a post of it's own, so if you are interested, you can read it or if not, skip over it.  

On my TV this week. . .

Any movies that look interesting.

On the menu . . .

-breakfasts:  Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal Pancakes, Blueberry (local) Sausages or other sausage, Eggs with spinach or an egg bake
-Chicken Alfredo Spaghetti Squash (still on the menu)
-grilled steaks, oven roasted sweet potatoes with whipped feta dip (this may roll into another week, depending on how we feel)
-will try and work on this later today (or this week)

Looking around the house . . .

It's not tidy again yet.  It will take time.  The AC units will be removed this coming weekend or early next week, and put into storage.  We really need fresh air in this house anyway.

The hallway pile up of tools is still awaiting the complete garage clean out as well.  I also have the binder deep clean job to finish, that was started way back when I started the utility room.  Some jobs just need to be finished and done with before winter.

To do list . . .

-work on stocking up herbs/medicinal herbs/weeds etc
-laundry, wash bedding
-work on a meal plan
-write up grocery/essential shopping needs
-clean camper (still on the weekly list)

From the camera . . .

Devotional, thoughts, prayers . . .

Well, I would say prayers for my husband and I, in regards to getting our health back.  We get to doing something, and start feeling exhausted 30 minutes later.  We are taking breaks, but would really like to feel ourselves again.  We are even taking immune boosters, along with medicinal teas, and whatnot.  I will be making a new medicinal soon, in light of getting sick.


Sunday, October 1, 2023

Recovering . . .slow going . . .

 One thing I realized being sick is, that I am on my own.  Too sick to get the mail?  Don't.  Too sick to do the housework or cook anything? Don't.  It was a rough weekend, as I rested to get over whatever I had.  It was bad enough, that I did not leave my pajamas for a few days.  The first morning I slept the entire day.  The only thing I did was let the chickens out, and that was also in my pajamas.  

I cannot stress on how I cannot wait for the new coop.  It will make my life so much easier in the way of layers.

My husband had brought home a pizza for himself, and chicken noodle soup for me.  The aftermath is yet to be cleaned up around here.

There is one thing I know now.  Do not try to knit when you do not feel good.  At least for me anyway.  I was halfway done with a dishcloth, and messed up, and just frogged it all.  I put it way until I feel better.

My husband was not back to himself either.  I felt so bad we had no breakfast made, no dinners, no lunches, no laundry done, no dishes done from starting to get sick.  When he goes to work, he needs a packed breakfast, lunch and coffee.  At least the coffee can be pre-set the night before.

Homemade Ginger-Ale Simmering (before adding lemon and lime from real lemons and limes)

On a good note, we had medicine, medicinal teas, essential oils, lemons, limes, etc. all on hand.   Thank goodness we were stocked up on tissues.  On a bad note, we live too far away from anyone we know, so we have no one to bring us a meal, or anything we may need.  Sort of stinks in that way, in where people tell you "I wish you didn't live so far away" and such.

We did have one daughter text us and ask if we needed any medications or anything else.  

I realized when I out for the count, and my husband is still not feeling well, we do suffer.  We do are best, but there isn't anyone to cook healthy for us.  

I will have to step up on this, and put some things in our freezer.  Any suggestions for healthy breakfast to freeze (I know oatmeal is a good quick breakfast) when one is sick, or even other meals.  I have never frozen chicken noodle soup, so I am wondering if the noodles go to mush after thawing?

When you are ill, what do you eat for your breakfast if you can?  Just hot tea and toast?

I could see a need for some homemade bread to go in the freezer.  Toast is sometimes needed during times of sickness.  Maybe just some broth in the freezer?

While my husband is still on the mend, he is feeling better.  I hope to be feeling that good in 2-3 days.  He said his lasted about 5 and then he still had to take it slow.

I forgot to ask.  What is your favorite wellness tea with either an herb or medicinal weed or store bought tea?

Friday, September 29, 2023


 Everyone at my husband's work is sick.  My husband doesn't have a fever, so he goes to work not feeling well.  That is the problem with sickness.  Now it has spread to me despite keeping things clean, and hand washing around here.

I didn't even have the energy to let the chickens out.  Literally.  I slept in late.  I did not work out of course.  

I sipped a hot cup of yarrow tea.  Funny how I had just put some in the dehydrator too.  

I'll be back when I'm feeling better.  I hope to have the energy to make some homemade ginger-ale today.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Pie Crust Crumbles

I put this re-stock job off until winter, as I did some other projects.  I have mostly used these to bake pies to take to potlucks or family get togethers.  I know you can bake pie shells and then freeze them, but I do not have the space for that.  It's easier for me to find space for pie crust crumbles, as they are mostly flat in the freezer bag.

I followed a tip on the recipe site - freeze butter and use the food processor to dice it up, with just a bit of the flour mixture.

I use a scale to weigh out the final mix.

We are not able to eat an entire pie ourselves, but I like to have them on hand for when the kids are over for a meal or holiday meal as well.  They also come in handy if a family is in need of a meal.

It uses less freezer space vs. an entirely made pie crust, and simple to make when I need it.  I triple the crust recipe, and bag up enough for 6 pie crusts.  I also freeze my unsalted butter in freezer bags, so it's already in house for this to be made.  I do need to re-stock my butter.

The recipe is on King Arthur Flour Blog.  You can find it:  HERE

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Using Apples and Kitchen-ness ~ Soup for the Sick ~ Hot Peppers

I tried a new apple oatmeal breakfast dish to change up breakfast.  It's called Apple Cinnamon Baked Oatmeal, and if you have canned applesauce from last year you need to eat up, this recipe is for you.   I used one apple from our trees as well. The recipe is online with "The Real Food Dietitians" and honestly, I have no idea how I found it.  It has 1/4 cup maple syrup/honey in it, but in moderation, it did not bother my husband's sugar levels.

I made these banana muffins a second time.  I noticed the recipe does not call for salt, but calls for baking powder.  I added 1/4 tsp. salt this time.  They contain organic quick steel cut oats and Einkorn flour, and no sugar/sweeteners.

Homemade Granola.  I think I used every measuring cup and spoon I own ha ha!

I used one of our apples to make a mayo free slaw salad.  It was pretty good too.  Simply juice from a lemon, some olive oil and salt.  I added chives from the herb garden.   It was 1/4th of a cabbage, one carrot, one apple, and some chives from the herb garden.

I was prepared to whip up a mayo free dressing, if needed, but we like it this way.  Just something different to try, and healthy.

Meals were adjusted again, off the meal plan.  I had some barley that needed used up, so I ended up making a vegetable barley soup.  My husband was still not feeling well.  I roasted a rutabaga and added it to the soup.

I went out to pick jalapenos for our next meal this week, and it was slim pickin's.  Not much.  I was hoping for a round of "fire powder to end the season, but there is not much out there.  

We are to have a few cooler days, but we warm back up to the 80's soon, so I'm am hopeful, but I guess we'll see.  I did not check the bell peppers, but will today unless it's raining.

Thank you all for your kind thoughts and words regarding my husband being sick.  He came home with a runny nose.  I brewed up a few cups of hot yarrow tea, and he was feeling much better this morning.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

...from the handiwork journal

 I have not ordered or purchased yarn in a while, because I am trying to use up my supply I already have.   However, at some point in the past, I purchased cotton yarns from Herrschners online.  

Beware, that the Village Yarn they sell, is made in China.  They do not tell you that on their online store.  They simply say "imported" and I somehow missed this.  Luckily, I only have a few balls of their yarn, but wanted to let all of my crochet/knit people know.  I also feel it is thinner than the typical 100% cotton yarn from Peaches & Creme/Sugar & Cream.

. . . I am back to knitting dishcloths for a winter Holiday craft show.  I thought I had a bunch of dishcloths already made, but when I looked through the totes, I did not.  I have a lot of cotton balls of yarn, as it was one item my Mom always liked, and purchased from me (she was always gifting someone).  It takes me almost 3 hours to knit one of these.  I make mine 52 stitches.  I will not offer a 3 for $ price on these this winter.  They take took much work to make.  Or am I just a slow knitter?

. . .I have had a request from someone for an XL hot pad, so that is on the afghan hook.   These are crocheted, and my own pattern.  I am limited to colors for this, as I need my cotton yarn to be on a cone.  They have discontinued many of their yarn colors that are sold by the cone.

We are getting rain.  I think the rain will not end until Friday this week.  Sunday looks great though.  I changed the menu a bit, and we had home canned tomato soup and grilled cheese last night.  My husband wasn't feeling all that great.  

A co-worker that works with my husband came to work sick last week, and now my husband has a sore throat, feels fatigue and not well.  Wonderful.  He has been taking Four Thieves Vinegar.

I'm busy in the kitchen, but hope to get a bit of order back in the rest of the house.  I gave up on finding some grocery items I needed, and placed an online order.  It's frustrating, that I cannot find healthy ingredients in the stores anymore.

If the rain quits a bit today, I hope to go check on the hot peppers and bell peppers today.  I am trying to focus on getting the herbs either dehydrated or frozen before the fall frost arrives.