Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Herb Garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Herb Garden. Show all posts

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Stocking Up ~ Freezing and Dehydrating ~ Herbs ~ Bag Holding Hack (if you have a jar lifter for canning)


Our last 87°F day was yesterday.  Woke up to find one of my older hens has passed away.   We are on the downward slide to cooler weather, with a pretty chilly weekend coming up.

Feeling a bit better, I took advantage of the heat, and washed bed covers, bedding and other laundry.  I mostly washed the large bed covers, so they could dry outside.  The bedding smelled so good too!  

Someone else wanted to enjoy the sunshine.

I even unpacked (and washed) our holiday bedding, which I forgot about, and had not used for 2-3 years or so.  I mentioned it to my husband, and he was all for using them the next few months.

Okay, now on to other happenings here. . .

I don't see the price of any culinary herbs and spices going down any time soon.  I am busy putting my herbs into storage for winter/spring.

Bag Holding Hack:  Use a jar lifter to hold your freezer bag in place while you snip away or fill your bag.  I used a quart freezer bag in this photo.  Worked great!  I haven't tried this with heavier fillings, but if I do, I will update.

I dice and freeze my green onion and chives.  These two do not dehydrate well.  They just blow all over inside your dehydrator.  Trust  me on this, as I have tried it.  I am freezing these two in freezer bags this year, due to freezer space.  Otherwise, in the past I have used freezer containers.

I am dehydrating sage, yarrow, spearmint, peppermint, and more oregano, and thyme.  The peppermint this year is limited, as the plant is not that big.  I have my mints in pots this year.  I have yet to convince my husband for a medicinal/wild growing weed garden somewhere around this homestead.

My cilantro has gone to seed, so I am saving the seed.  My outdoor basil is still going strong, so I have taken a cutting for propagation, and the same with parsley.  My dill has also gone to seed, so I am saving dill seed as well.  Not one store in our area sold dill seed (for culinary uses).  We had to travel 3 hours to the Amish area stores to find any.  I will be sure to dry as much of our own as I can.

Mullein that grew up in a flower bed, but has not gone to seed/flower yet.  I will harvest it before our fall frost arrives.

I have been making notes in our garden journal, on new herbs to grow next year.   A few that I used to grow and for some reason just didn't get them planted, like Tarragon and Marjoram.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Rosemary Propagation

 I have never been good at keeping a rosemary plant alive during winter indoors.  It will not last outdoors in our climate, so they are dug up and brought inside.

I took a cutting from my outdoor plant, and put it in water, changing the water daily.  I forgot to write the initial start date, but....

It began to get one root in June.  That root took off, and eventually it fell off, and then I checked again, and it had 4 roots.  

I planted it indoors. Here's to hoping I can keep it alive all winter, and not have to buy new plants in the spring.  I figured, if I have a few extra plants, I have a better chance ha ha!

Here it is in August, and it has new life showing.  So happy!  By the way, the top turned brown at the beginning of potting this, so I cut back on the water.  I also used soil specified for cactus type plants.  If I can keep it alive all winter, I can start my own plants in the spring again, and not have to buy them.

Here is a photo of the current growth.  I'm so happy.

I enjoyed doing this, considering you could do this to sell plants, or share with family/friends too.  Maybe a barter?  With this day and age, we need to all help each other.  Everyone I know is broke right now, or struggling with the high prices.

I attempted to propagate a few more cuttings too, but I think the earlier in the season works much better.  It's in it's growing stage then, so your success rate is better.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Roasted Beet Foil Packets


I know the instructions on this recipe are on my blog somewhere, but my searching came up empty.  Any way, I bought these organic beets at the store, but they are not the same as homegrown. Nothing is.  Homegrown is the best.  

I didn't measure.  Dice trimmed and peeled beets, dice onion, and put on a oil sprayed piece of heavy duty foil (or toss in olive oil then place on foil).  Sprinkle with thyme and sprigs of fresh rosemary from the herb garden.  Wrap foil and pinch to seal it.  I place my foil packets on a baking sheet.

400°F, 60 minutes or until beets are tender.  Enjoy!  We have made these on the grill too.

Roasted turkey with homemade garlic aioli sauce, and those delicious beets/onions.

Here's to praying we get the new raised beds built in time to fall plant beets.  I am really gonna miss my spring planted beets this year.  

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Spearmint Iced Green Tea ~ Blooms


It was high time to make homemade spearmint iced tea.  I love this stuff!  My Mom hated it, but her Mom (Grandma), used to make it.  Love, love, love it on a hot day.  It's nice to have when I come in from the garden.  Now that my husband is doing all the mowing after work, he too enjoys this delicious tea.  I use organic green tea bags.

My popcorn is not doing that great this year.  I may have planted it too late.  I hope I did not waste garden space with a fail crop.  

Here is what's going on in some of the flower beds.

The two "red" ones are actually two different colors.  The last one is more of a burgundy.  

My lavender is in full bloom too.  I brought some in to enjoy.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Rest and Tea

 Feeling bad I am schlepping myself around with a stuffy nose, and cough, my husband ordered me to "rest."  Ha!  Well I am trying.  It's definitely not hard to do today.  We are getting more rain, which we greatly need, and it looks very stormy outside.  The kind of weather you want to curl up with a book, and light a candle.

I'm living on ginger/lemon tea, doses of mullein tincture and what not.  I normally drink a nettle tea concoction for allergies, but did not get started on that early enough apparently.  The recent smoke haze in the air did not help either.  The air is much better now.

I have been doing a ridiculous amount of internet surfing, working on a color scheme for the next blanket (to use up yarn in my stash).  I guess you can call it a stash.  It is really yarn that was leftover from other projects, which I over bought I believe.  Anyway, the one color scheme I really like, involves (gulp) buying yarn of a color I am out of.  

So...I've been doing more searching for a color scheme of which I already have. So far, nothing is coming to mind.  A large blanket project won't be started on until cooler weather, so I have all summer to work on that.  I still have the other blanket to finish as well.

Anywho, it is hard for me to "not" be busy, but I can write lists, meal plan, read a book, sit and shred paperwork, and do low-energy jobs around here.  It definitely is something I have to teach myself - rest.  Like I said, the rain is helping me with that today.  

The herb garden is springing back to life, other than my green onion.  I am hoping with today's rain it will.  Yesterday I noticed all the seeds I planted are starting to come up thankfully - basil, cilantro, parsley and dill.

Now, to go find an unfinished eye pillow project I started several years's around here somewhere.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Meal Plan Fail ~ Purged more Craft Supplies ~ First Herbs to go in the Dehydrator

We woke up to a brisk 36°F outside this morning.  I'm so glad I brought in my hanging potted flowers, and all of the veggie plants.  I was worried about getting things planted late, but this year I am glad we are behind.  I even brought in my potted comfrey plant.  Brr.

I failed to write down my meal plan, and discovered I had a pound of ground beef, and a pound of sausage thawing at the same time.  I cooked both up, put some sausage in the fridge for dinner, and split up the rest to freeze for the up coming week.  I guess you could can I made a plan from a failed plan ha ha!

I made us some air fryer stuffed mushrooms for the first time.  These had some sausage in them. They were delicious, but now my husband wants me to try other recipes, ha ha!

No gardening these past few days.  It's been too cold, and my husband was called off to help a family member, so no more tilling either.  I dumped all the grow bags, and every single one had holes in them.  The plan is to replace them with raised beds.

When the kids were in elementary school, I signed up for several holiday classroom parties.  I loved volunteering for the Christmas parties, and I would make a homemade ornament for every kid in the class, and even wrap every one.  I had a lot of ribbon in my craft stash, and some of those rolls had 100 yards on them ha ha!  I have saved any ribbon I use for crocheted baby booties, and have boxed up the rest to donate.  I have 4 boxes ready to deliver, but may need to go through a few more items.  They are going to a center for women.  

I also created handmade ornaments every single Christmas to gift my family.  I did this for years, and loved creating a new one every year.  They probably had enough for several trees, ha ha!  I just stopped making them after a while, but this was the latest purge.  Feels good to unload some things for once.

I harvested my oregano before the frost arrived.  It is thriving this year.

I also harvested some chive flowers.  I plan to make chive flower infused oil.  Chive oil is tasty for frying potatoes, and for any dips.  Did you know you can eat the flowers?  I just read that.  I have not tried them, but have any of you?  Interesting for sure.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Blooms and more planting . . .


Although no annuals have been planted yet, the flower beds are springing up some more perennial blooms.

I planted spearmint and peppermint.  Last year's pots did not come back, and I have yet to make a "weed" bed somewhere here.

I have not started to plant vegetables yet.  We are to get a low of 38/39 degrees mid-week.  I'll wait until that cold night passes.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Egg Shells ~ Lilacs ~ Rain moves in ~ Yarrow uses?


I  have been saving egg shells for the garden(s), and even when I shelled eggs for egg salad.

Lilacs are in bloom, and it smells wonderful outside.  I cut a few to bring indoors.

I love snail mail like this!  A Mother's Day card from a blog follower.  Thank you!

Rain is moving in.  We need it, but I wish the evenings were warmer to get this garden planted.  Spring time is always a battle of weather for planting.  I got basil, parsley and cilantro seeds soaked and planted before the rain.  Last year I had to buy plants for some reason or another.

Any medicinal herb gardeners here?  Wondering what the best use is for yarrow?  I have grown it for two years, and failed to harvest it.  I read it's good for IBS, ulcers, and other digestive issues, but wondered what your go-to is to make with it (if you grow it)?

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Getting Outdoors ~ Doily Finished


The chicks are about 7 weeks old now, so they got a day of introduction to the hens.   They say your chicks should be as large as the smallest hen, before putting them in the coop together.  I had to laugh, as the hens were scared of the chicks and they were on the other side of the run fence ha ha!

My potted comfrey is springing back to life.

Updates with the garden(s):

-planted about 100 cloves of garlic for spring planting (it was very difficult to locate organic garlic for spring planting too).  As some of you read, voles ate our entire 80 fall planted cloves, so we moved the grow bags this year.

-started weeding the herb garden, and I will be digging up all the lemon balm and moving it to the water trough (hopefully I don't kill it, as I use it often, and I need to dig out some chives that moved their way to the green onions

-started weeding the larger rose bed (this one is terrible)

-asparagus is getting harvested

Asparagus is up that we grew from seed last year.  I gave up on it, but it did not.  It's on the weed-it list after the next rain.

-rhubarb is ready to harvest as well

Herb Garden Progress.  I filled the wheel barrow 4 times with weeds, it was that bad.  I got some of the flower bed weeded as well.  They are FULL of purple dead nettle, chickweed, and thistle.  My bum muscles are sore and my arms are scratched up.  I need a day of rest, and a slather of chickweed salve.  

My arms were covered with itchy spots. Not as bad as stinging nettle, but between that and a mosquito bite.  I had no idea that tall thistle, that is dead, can still have thorns on it.

Here is a before and in progress of part of the flower bed.  We plan to expand it (why oh why??), to make mowing easier.  We weighed a tarp down with landscaping stones to kill the grass.

 I think our plan is to put in a ground cover there, such as ground phlox.  We put it off last year.  It may be next year.  You can see the trimming has not been done.

Our hired help used to be hired to mow/trim once in a while, when we are pinched for time.  Not anymore.  We are doing it, as he has raised his prices.  He's not doing more either.  Actually he'd be doing it all in less time, so yeah, we are doing it now, and it's just taking it one day at a time.

I spent my birthday doing more weeding, replanting, and putting some starts in pots for donating to a plant fundraiser.
I also got a haircut and treatment to pamper myself at the end of the day, and dinner out.  Honestly, I would have been okay with grilled dinner on the porch, but we were in town, and our empty propane tank was at home.

One done.  Finished and blocked.  My new porch project.  Only one more to make for the living room lamps.  I ended up with a larger doily than the pattern said.  I took this on a road trip, so my stitches may not be as tight as they should be, but it still turned out nicely.  I found this pattern for free online.  

Today is going to be a hot day.  No weeding today, as the ground is so dry right now.  The rain will be returning, and lots of it.  It's a brisk 49°F this morning but a high of 82°F.