Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Car Repairs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Car Repairs. Show all posts

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Good Day ~ Imponderabilia

Yesterday went much smoother.  Thankful for that.  The sun shined, although pretty cold.  Before Hubby left for work, I loaded the back seat with 3 large bags of library returns.  I texted him late in the day to remind him to drop them off.  Of course, I had a load to pick up as well.  I've decided not to order anything from the library until the car is fixed.

By the way.  Just my luck.  Hubby worked overtime last night, so the library books are still in the truck. 😟

I worked a bit in my office area, and even completely cleaned out a drawer. Much of it went into the trash, but some will be donated.  

I am finally getting the tinctures strained and bottled.  I had to do this one day at a time, due to lack of strainers.  I had to wash and dry completely, so I didn't contaminate the tinctures with any water.

The only other thing I needed to do in the kitchen (other than a big dinner), was make blueberry syrup for the pancakes.  The pancakes will get us by, while the eggs re-supply.

My latest choice of rooster that's in with the ladies is doing well. So far, he's picking up on my cue to treats and being a nice gent.  Hopefully, he'll stay that way.  I just need to give him a name.

The fate of the car - imponderabilia.  We are getting frustrated trying to "ponder" about this situation. There is a possibility we may have to trailer the car home.  Sigh.  They want there garage space back and the car isn't running yet.   And....and...the only way to back it out, is to push it out.  Sideways, into a muddy field.  Their camper is in the driveway.  To be honest, the first thing I asked Hubby (when I saw the car) was, "how in the heck did you get it in here?"

It'll be up to 52°F this weekend.  There is no way they can get a truck, trailer and car through a muddy field (adjacent to the driveway).  The camper will have to be moved if we trailer it.  What a mess. 

This morning however, it's a chilly 8°F.  Just love this up and down stuff.  Not.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Good Grief! The Car Saga Continues

Sunday, while Hubby worked on the car the entire day, I got 3 "F" bombs done for my current order.  Just 3 more to get done.

Monday, I went with Hubby to work on the car again.  His exact words were, "it'll be 1/2 hour tops and we'll bring her home."  It didn't happen.  She's still not running after putting her all back together.  I was starving and we were thankful for leftover turkey and sweet potatoes when we arrived home late.   

Sadly, we didn't have any time to cut wood.  Hubby is going work on the car every night until they figure it out.  We didn't have the boys help yesterday, and Hubby is stumped.  It starts, but won't stay running.  They will hook up a code test and see what comes of that next.

Since we have been super busy with the car, I have a full "to-do" list today.  Over the top long.  The sink is filled with dirty dishes and the housework is so far behind.  Daughter had a full day of musical practice Monday and that continues after school, so the entire to-do list lands on me alone.  

My computer area in my kitchen is a total mess.  Papers need shredded, papers filed, mail opened and sorted, and printed recipes laying around.  Sigh....I'm gonna need a lot of coffee today.

Send good mojo that Hubby and the boys can get my car running, and soon.  They are needing the garage to work on their skid loader next, and we are hogging up their garage space.  

Everything is just a hot mess today.  Every room a mess.  I don't even know where to start today.  Please be patient as I respond to comments when I can.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Romeo ~ Life

While picking up chicken feed, I couldn't help but spoil Romeo with a new dog bed.  It's supposed to be on the floor or in his kennel, but obviously it's on the couch, ha ha!  He loves it though.

I got those green beans blanched and put into the freezer.

Just my luck.  Just when we get daughter a car, and I get a vehicle to myself, the car breaks down.  Life.

We canceled our weekend camping  trip to stay home and do the car repairs.  

The weather is absolutely wonderful this weekend too.  Windows are open and air is off. 

Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Good ~ The Bad

The Bad: I spilled honey all down the front of my bathrobe.
The Good: My bathrobe got an early spring washing.

The Good:  We are eating a lot more pumpkin and squash this winter (thank you Garden!)
The Bad:  I haven't eaten a fresh lettuce salad in months.

(cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, yellow squash, snap peas, onion, carrots were added last)

The Good:  All of this delicous-ness came from my garden - Chicken Teriyaki was made

Saturday, December 16, 2017

All Things go Wrong ~ Granny Squares

Just when I think we are gaining, the all-things-go-wrong storm continued.  

The chicken barn door froze to the ground, daughter's work called her in, so no car was available to pick up anything (when I was about to head out the door to do that), chicken feed can was emptied, fire wood ran out.....I'm trying to be the half-full kinda gal, but man.

The truck is running, but the car is not.  Daughter is paying for parts but her dental bill arrived ($300.00).  We are now not even sure she can afford the car insurance let alone the repairs needed (maybe $160.00 plus).

Well, I dug through the un-split felled tree and pulled a sled full of wood to the house.  The "glass is still half full."  At least I gained on that troubling situation.

My most depressing moment was calling the hotel and canceling our anniversary trip.  I had exactly enough earned from my recent craft sales, until truck parts were needed.  I'll admit this was a tough pill to swallow, as we have not been out on our anniversary for over 17-18 years and we are going on 20.  I sulked and sighed, and dug through my pantry for comfort food.  

I came up with a cheese and cowboy candy grilled sandwich and home canned tomato soup.  It helped, but it took an entire day for me maturely wipe those oh-poor-me emotions from my head.  A bottle of wine would have come in handy.  I got over it and pulled on my "big girl panties."

I pulled back my shoulders, ate a few pieces of fudge, turned on the Christmas music and told myself, "it could be worse."

Granny squares were created by the numbers to de-stress.  Or at least it looks that way.  The dogs, thankfully were troopers and slept quietly by the wood stove.  Most of the time.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Puttin' Up Pasta Noodles

I am car-less once again.  The minute I got my own car back, it was gone that fast.  I had just finished my workout a few days ago, and Vet-tech Daughter calls.  Her brake line is broke.  Gah!!

Next thing I know, her older sister is driving her to the house to borrow my car.  


Sigh.  So I skipped breakfast, skipped my chores, and high-tailed it to the grocery to stock up.  Then I drove over to the library, who had about 10 books in for me, and not willingly gave her my car keys.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Garden ~ List Making ~ Car Repairs

I put on my big girl panties and just pushed through the sinus headache and sore throat I had.  I planted carrots, beets, french breakfast radishes, and cherry belle radishes.  Watered everything with rain barrel water, and the rain is once again in the forecast for the weekend.

I am making a new "rainy day" list for this weekend.  I plan on getting more deep cleaning done.  I have also left my "office" area a mess.  It's "messy house" time of year if you grow a garden (for me anyway).  I have papers to file, library books to at least look through and return, a table to clear off, and the walnuts are lurking....

My tomatoes look great.  Hubby had his doubts.  The last time we grew plants from seeds (we used a front room  window) the plants didn't grow tall nor produce well.  Also, my cats kept eating them.

Friday, March 24, 2017

More Checked Off

It's been a "get-r-done" week for me, which feels good.

The weather went from warm to cold.  Even so, I let my ladies out and gave their coops a clean sweep.  Egg production is still a bit low, but as they get more sunshine I hope to see an increase.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

From Pile to File ~ Random Tidbits

I really liked this new recipe we tried recently - Pasta with Spinach and Ricotta.

You boil 8 oz. of rotini pasta and drain.  They suggested the tri-color veggie noodles, but I can only find organic regular noodles.

While the noodles are boiling, drain and squeeze a frozen and thawed box of  chopped spinach (or use equivalent of homegrown).  Place in a 12 inch skillet, add 1 minced clove and heat 5 minutes.  Add 1 cup ricotta cheese, 1/2 cup water and 1 1/2 Tbsp (I didn't measure) of Parmesan cheese.  Add salt and pepper.  When heated, add drained rotini and serve.  

I doubled it for our family, and had to buy the spinach, but I can typically find organic ricotta at our one grocer.  It was very good.  I had practically no leftovers.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Mini Retreat ~ Back to Reality World

Hubby surprised me and whisked me away over the weekend.  Even though he was feeling under the weather prior to the weekend, he took us away for that much needed (balance) time we need alone by ourselves.

I gave up my computer over the weekend, and wrote with pen and paper.  Which was a challenge, considering I wrote in the care with Hubby driving.  I hope I can read my hand writing today.  It will be a  challenge in itself to get caught back up.

Upon returning, we plunged directly into reality world.  No time to sip wine on the porch, or lounge around and read books either.  We dove right back in whether we wanted to or not.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Random Tidbits

Well, well, repairs loom over us once again.   Our college daughter who is 2 1/2 hours away, drove home with car problems.

I guess it's time to go car shopping, unless Hub-ster the mechanic can pull miracles today.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Random Tidbits ~ Camper Everything ~ More Cleaning

Yesterday's chores were still getting worked on when the kids got home from school.  I had to get everything washed and on the line as rain (storms) are expected today.  

I got all the rugs washed and dried too.  Speaking of rugs, our 18 year-old daughter took the peach colored (crocheted in cotton yarn) rug for her dorm.  I just read somewhere that they cannot have rubber backed rugs, so that worked out nicely.  So, if you kiddo is heading to college, a handmade crocheted rug would come in handy for her/him.  The ones you see on my clothesline are from old sheets, old jeans, and scrap cotton yarn.  They all wash up nicely too.

I forgot to dump my ice trays and bag it, so I could freeze all the organic collards I had yesterday.  I managed to get half of them froze.  I have more to freeze today.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Monday Coffee Hour ~ Car Repairs ~ Noodles ~ Surviving the Party

Grab a cup, and enjoy!

Wood splitting was stalled again this past weekend.  First, Hubby got a call to go in for work Saturday morning.  On his way home, he met up with Oldest Daughter and drove her car out to our place.  It was so funny to see that tall man crammed into such a small car.  Ha ha ha!

After $120.00 and a few hours later, he was driving it back up to her work.  It purred like a kitten instead of putter, putter, shake, grunt, and stall. She'll need to change a filter too, but it won't stall in the rain now.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Clearing the Mess ~ Rainbow

I'll admit, the computer sometimes interferes with my ability to be prudent with time well spent.  I'm getting better at it.

The weekend went by too fast.  Laundry was put out early, recycling was gathered and delivered,

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Cooking from Home Storage ~ Homestead Tidbits

Remember all of this from last year?  Well, it's slowly dwindling.  However, the pepper mustard sauce (the yellow quart jars in the photo) will be a "keeper" recipe.  I canned the 4 jars using 36 hot banana peppers, and it's been wonderful.   How do I use it?  

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Snow Storm and Frigid Temps

I'm not sure how much snow we got last night, but they predicted up to 5 inches.  As you can see, it's extremely windy, and more snow is predicted.  Drifting will be a huge problem out here.

I can't complain about the -1°F wind chill, considering the temps that Minnesota is fighting right now.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving Break

"Honey?  Remember I told you I felt the driver's side was lower than the passenger's?"

When one car gets fixed, another breaks down.  Hubby is lucky to get his truck back home.  I can't remember the part he had to replace, but he (and my son) got it completely fixed by nightfall. Yay!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Cold and Cozy ~ Vehicle Repairs/Sales

Last night I attempted to get my jammies on early (very early at 5pm), and read my new Folk magazine.  A dear friend gifted me a subscription, and I have never read this magazine before.

However, last night, we had a lot of traffic in and out.  Thus, my jammies never went on early, and I didn't get to enjoy this magazine with a cup of tea.

This morning, it's a different story.  I plan to read with peace and quiet, as all the kids are in school/college, but one.  It's freezing here, and snow on the ground from yesterday, so it's a perfect day to "cozy" up and read.

With so many leftovers, I won't need to make dinner tonight either.  Yay!  I do need to use up 4 more bananas.

Yesterday I baked a blueberry/banana muffin recipe to use up both, then baked a batch of homemade granola, and then started a crock pot of beef stew.  I tossed in frozen Kohlrabi I had in the freezer from last summer's garden too.

We sold both the van and the car yesterday.  There's good and bad news.  We discovered the intake was cracked on the van (could have been done by the last guy we hired to install the last parts), and it would cost about $289.00 to replace.  Then we discovered a strut broken on my son's old car.  If driven this way, could cause the driver to have a bad accident.  We informed the buyers, they offered much lower prices, we sold them as is, as they offered to do the repairs.   However, overall, I am glad we discovered it prior to selling.  We are honest folks, and want to keep it that way.


A Year of Quotes:

"What's important is that one strives to achieve a goal."
    ~ Ronald Reagan

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Downsizing Our Vehicles ~ Smaller Paychecks

"Old Faithful" is finally repaired.   She needed a new water pump and heater core, among other small repairs.  

My son's car is at it's end.  His plan is to junk the entire car for cash.  He can put that cash towards a new one when he gets a job and can purchase one.

But in the meantime, he needs a way to get to work.  We are in the boonies, and a bicycle is in no way, an option.

So, he and and plan to share old "Eunice" until he can do that.

As we put our truck "Old Faithful" up for sale, we are sending the van back over for more repairs (again).  It's not been driven for a year now, and still needs a new battery (the plan is to keep the battery from my son's junked car).

Once those repairs are completed, it will be up for sale too.  We both agreed.

The sale of the truck and van, and eventually the Buick my son and will share, will buy us one new vehicle that I can drive, and be used for all the farm hauling - a truck.  

Or, we sell the van and car, and keep the truck for farm hauling - plan B.

Those are the plans anyway.   I still have another 16 year-old in training, and will need a car, but that will have to be put on the "wish" list for now.  

First things first....