Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Friday, August 21, 2020

Random Tidbits

Photos of the sky before the sunrise this morning.

Well, we are not camping tonight.  Not at all this weekend.  I had to cancel.  We decided that the return of the awful heat would make us miserable.  We cook all meals over a campfire, and it would awful to do in 89-90 degree weather.

Yeah, I am bummed.  I was looking forward to unplugging and it won't happen.  Not anyone's fault but the weatherman.  The weather up until now was absolute perfect camping weather.

I got my dentist visit done.  So, first I went and got my crown glued back on, second, I went back the next day for a cleaning, so that's done before winter.  All the hoop-la they say about going to the dentist on social media is false.  I just had to wear a mask until they worked on me and wear it out.  That's it.  Other than they don't rinse as much due to the splatter of water, but they have face shields on etc.  Such a different world right now.  I took my crochet work with me, and finished another jar opener.  Then I drove over to my younger brother's house where Mom was babysitting the grandkids.  I gave them 3 cucumbers.  Apparently, my niece and nephew LOVE cucumbers.

On a good note, our youngest has an interview today with a different salon.  I think she is looking forward to it and she will be able to actually cut hair if she is hired.

The garden has been so-so.  The yellow squash is finally coming on, but plants are small.  The tomatoes are turning red, but the leaves are already turning brown. 

As for flowers, the zinnias haven't even bloomed and it's the end of August.  Despite watering, it's been a rough year.

I'm not sure if I will can pickles this year.  We don't really eat them that often (sliced pickles).

The chickens are doing well in the new coop, and no one has flown the coop since the last incident.  No raccoon sightings either.

There has been discussion about the new engine for my car.  It's been a slow process, but nothing is cheap.

I hope your weekend unplugs you somehow.  I will have to find another way now.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Christmas Planning ~ Free Printable ~ Other Ramblings

It's official.  The last breakfast casserole is our new Christmas morning breakfast now.  I will make it a few more times and add greens, ground mustard and possible half spicy sausage to try it that way.  It's going in my "Christmas" Binder.  

The honey roasted caramel corn is definitely in the recipe box and will be in the treat list for the holidays.  

I found a free printable online at the Homestead Hustle, it's called Product Pricing Worksheet.  It's great to keep track of cost and sale price for homemade or homegrown items you sell.

I bought myself a few new stitch markers.  So adorable!

My fall center piece made from a free metal strainer, and decor from the dollar store (bought by one of my girls).

Made a cucumber/tomato salad.

Picked another 1 1/2 cups blackberries to freeze.

Froze a quart bag of diced green bell peppers.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Not a BlueBell ~Chickens are Named

New hen

Older Auracana

Clearly, the one on the right (new) is not a bluebell egger.  I have a feeling they mixed up the batch when putting them in or out, and gave me a breed of Araucana.  It's definitely different from my older hen.  The head is different on her.

I named the newer hen Dolly Carton.

These two naughty ones are the ones that flew the coop and took us for a run.  I named them (left to right) Thelma and Louise.

I'm thinking Cookies and Cream for the 2 barred rocks, Bluebell for the blue/gray.  Now to finally come up with names for my older two hens. Dixie Chick for my Araucana.  I'm still working on the Buff Orpington.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Random Tidbits

Although, it's super convenient to use potatoes of some sort in a breakfast casserole, this one was delicious.  I have been trying to limit the carbs, sugar/starch etc. lately.  It makes a 9 x 13, but you can cut the recipe in half for a smaller family.  I cooked sausage vs. buying pre-cooked, and of course organic. 

The recipe is online at Pretty Providence, and the recipe is called "Best Breakfast Casserole."  Although I can't say it's the best of any casserole I've made, it is very good.

To relax yesterday, I made more of the jar openers.  They are becoming popular.  I have two more pending orders.  One wants 4 of them and another wants at least 2.  I think I will make one for the camper for us too.

I am waiting to see if I can get 16-20 bell peppers ripe all at the same time to stuff.  I may have to do it in half batches this year.  I had to dig and dig for Mama Pea's recipe for stuffed peppers.  We haven't had them in the freezer for the last 2 gardening seasons.

Only one zucchini and some cucumbers (planted 3 varieties of cucumbers this year).  The rain helped start a few more on the plants, so here's crossing my fingers we get more squash.  The yellow is on, but the plants are smaller than zucchini this year. 

I figured my green beans would be done, but the rain brought on a ton of blossoms. If they don't amount to anything, I'll be yanking the plants for the season.

As for the chickens and the chaos, we are going to clip their wings vs. spend a load of cash to re-do the coop.  Much easier and I surely hope they can't fly higher than the fence.  They are really giving me a run for my money.

I was given a pass on having to make dinner last night.  My husband took me on a motorcycle ride and dinner out.  A much needed ride after all the stuff going on here lately.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

Sunday I had some hot banana peppers a jalapenos to deal with, so I canned a batch of ....

Hot Banana Pepper Relish (Called Pepper Relish at online).

While the canner boiled away, I started on my mound of dishes I created. 

I also baked a breakfast casserole as our grab-n-go breakfast this week. A new recipe.  If it's good, I'll let you all know.

We got a good load of rain Sunday morning.  So very thankful for that too.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  

The weather outside is. . .
83°F/53°F  92% Humidity.

How I am feeling this morning . . .
Stressed. I lost two hens last night.  Apparently the newbies can fly very high.  With help we found them and put them back in the coop, but now we have to rethink the fence, put up tall posts, cover the top, and add a larger door.  I'm so done to be honest.

On my mind . . .
I have to call the dentist this morning.  A crown fell off.  Gonna be interesting now that appointments are limited.  I'm not a fan of mask wearing either.  Don't get me started on that.  I mean I touch mine a ton during one bike ride and stuff it in my purse several times, so how is that sanitary?  I watched a person drop theirs on the floor (inside of the mask fell on the floor), pick it up and put it back on his face.  The mask wearing isn't about the virus (just my opinion). It's part of the plan to keep economy from getting better (putting fear in people so they go out less, spend less), so America will blame the President, and keep him from being re-elected.  Most likely closing the bars at 10pm and causing them to lose 4 hours of business is part of that same plan?  Well, the caption did say "on my mind" so off my soapbox.

On the breakfast plate . . .

The breakfast casserole I made.

On my reading pile . . .
I haven't really been in the mood to read.

On my TV . . .
Not much.

On the menu this week . . .
-Crockpot shredded BBQ pork, oven roasted brussel sprouts and carrots
-Crockpot salsa chicken, Mexican Rice
-Leftovers.  We seem to have more leftover nights lately

From the camera . . .
The moon the other morning.

Chore I am not looking forward to this week . . .
Figuring out how to re-do the chicken coop.

To relax this week I will . . .
Have an adult drink.  Seriously.  Get a motorcycle ride one day.  Maybe two days.  We'll see.

Something I want to share . . .
I finally got new yarn colors for the jar openers.  They are posted for sale at Rooster's Crow Farm.  

On my prayer list . . .
Myself, our family, our youngest and her boyfriend's family, America

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Christmas Gift for the Girls ~ Honey Roasted Caramel Corn ~ Sanity Saver Ride

The moon early this morning.

Breakfast yesterday morning.  First time to eat healthy in about 5-6 days.  Hubby's famous omelets, and this time he put jalapenos in them.

When I can remember....I am scanning any good family favorite handwritten recipe when I use it.  I'm printing it on cardstock and will cut to size for a recipe box for my younger two girls.  The recipe boxes I want to buy them are no longer sold.  The general store that sold them closed.  I may see if my husband (hate to even ask him) will build me two wooden recipe boxes.

One day when we had lucky leftovers, and I didn't have to cook dinner, I made this!  Honey roasted caramel corn.  It is the best I have ever tasted.  No kidding.  My Mom's taste test approved this as the best too.  It's not my recipe.  I found it online from the Stay at Home Chef.  She has a video on making it.  It uses butter, brown sugar, honey, salt, baking soda and vanilla.  Of course I popped my corn in my stovetop whirley popper.

Hubby had Saturday off, but works double shift today sadly.  I am back in the kitchen with garden stuff.  

Considering he had Saturday off, we took advantage of it and go the chicken fencing (temporary fencing until we officially move it) up. We used a dog gate to make a gate for the fencing, and need to add more t-posts, but for now they can get out and about.  I had to laugh.  The two older hens came outside right away.  All day long the newbies kept popping their heads out the door and then back inside.  They'll figure it out eventually.

I also dug this old elementary desk out of the barn.  It's being given to our granddaughter.  She is being home-schooled this year.  In their area, the kids were divided between two school districts, and there was no room for her in either school, and is forced to home school.  I hosed it off, and it needs cleaned up, but so glad I could help them out and clean out at the same time.

How did we get the desk and chair?  Way back in the day when our elemetary schools were torn down, Junior high torn down, to build an all in one school, one teacher of one of our kids bought every desk and chair.  She sold them back to each family for $1.00 each.  

After that we took off on a motorcycle ride, which I badly needed.  Our 21 year old worked all day, so youngest hooked up with another sister and went swimming at a nearby beach area (at the lake).

It'll be a long day today, but the pantry is being restocked, and we are very grateful for that.  It's a struggle, and we haven't had a good garden year for the last 3 years, but it's more than last year for sure.

Now, if the Rain Gods could bless us again today, and plump up those root veggies and tomatoes, I'll be a happy gal.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

1:30am Moom ~ Small Day Adventures ~ Barn Cat ~ Crochet/knit Socks of Another Kind

The things I do when I cannot sleep.  Take photos of the moon.  This was, I think, from last Thursday early in the morning.

I am being very bad at eating breakfast at all.  I have a light lunch and come dinner, I don't want to eat either.  The stress has been over the moon bad.  Just lots of things going on.

The chance for rain on Saturday (60%) went off the radar as fast as it went on.  However, we thankfully got a nice pour down last night.  

My 21 year-old and I went on a small day adventure and visited an antique store in the Big City.  

I've been wanting one of these for a long time.  First, I thought I might paint it red, but I may leave it yellow.  I kind of like it.

We also went to a thrift store, which I sort of thought was not stocked by much (oddly).  I snatched up this green pepper dish for $1.00 and it now holds my vegetable scrubber.

Picked up this wine bottle stand for a few bucks as well.

I picked up a few books as well, and a beat up metal strainer the antique guy gave me free.  I wanted it for a table center piece for the fall holidays.  I have battery operated lights (rechargeable batteries), and will top with some holiday colored something or other to pretty it up.

More tomatoes are turning red, but as you can see the drought has not helped with the size of most of them.

Looks like a raccoon right?  It's our barn cat.  I brought the pool out to clean for the grandkids, and it filled with rain water the last time it rained and it still has some oddly.  Anyway, she loves to go in the water and give herself a bath and get a drink, even though her water bowl is filled.  Silly cat.

My socks finally arrived in the mail.  I thought I deserved to buy myself something special.