Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Stocking Up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stocking Up. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Corn Freezing Day


We had a beautiful evening sky last night.  We were out shucking corn on the front porch, and Daughter E pulled in for a visit.  We fed her and she helped shuck some corn.

My tool to clean the last of the pesky hairs off the corn - inexpensive bottle brush.  I learned about this a few years ago, while watching the cooking channel.  Works great too.

It's weird to be freezing corn today by myself.  No kids to help, and we joked about my husband taking a vacation day to help.  I'll get it done, and the chickens are going to be very happy today.

I did however, get a good portion of carpet cleaned upstairs.  It has to dry, get vacuumed again, and possibly spot cleaned.  I hope to hire a few strong men to move the treadmill up there. 

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Stocking Up Day

 Saturday I woke up feeling very depressed.  I will not lie, I pouted for a while. My husband's work hours have been extremely miserable this year.  While our friends were all out on an all day charity bike ride and rib fest, my husband worked a double shift ( 16 hours), which left me home alone.  I don't think we've been on a motorcycle ride since March, and Saturday was the perfect weather for one.

My saying this year is, "well, I won't run out of things to do" and I got back to the long to-do list.

It was a freeze and stock up kind of day.  I froze asparagus, watercress, zucchini, and more green/wax beans.  My husband worked a double shift, so there was no "fun" weekend time for the both of us.

I had one bag of shredded zucchini from last year that had to be used up.  I baked us a double chocolate loaf of zucchini bread (King Flour recipe).

Monday, July 4, 2022

Easy Pickled Carrots

 We are not going to get a lot of carrots this year.  Sadly, the derecho we had washed out the seeds.

I picked up some organic carrots and decided to try something new - pickled carrots.

We'll toss these in salads, on sandwiches and even on tacos.  I'll let you know how they taste when we do taste them.

I spent about 3 hours cleaning the upstairs.  Some items went to the roadside for free, some were donated and I filled the trash, cleaned one closet out completely, and shampooed most of the carpet.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Strawberry season is here!


Strawberry season snuck up on me.  Canning season officially started yesterday.  I'll be even busier the next few days.  I was so no ready for this either.  I used my jam maker yesterday and got a small batch of reduced sugar jam made.

I had a horrible time finding the pectin I use for the jam maker.  I also had to go to 3 stores to locate liquid pectin.  Last year we couldn't find jars, or lids, and this year it's other supplies.

My new item for the island store.  I'm working on the packaging.  I'm thinking about getting some white sand from the Dollar Tree and glue a bit in the bottom corner with a tiny seashell.  What are your thoughts?  Leave it as is, or add the sand and seashell?  It will go into a plastic bag with our farm store label on the backside.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Dehydrated Chives ~ Scrap Lapghan ~ Going Paperless with Coffee Brewing


I did something different this year.  I dehydrated my chives vs. freeze them.  I had a bit of trouble though.  I thought  dicing them up first would help dehydrate faster.  My dehydrator fan sort of blew them forward, but they did dry.

I dug out this unfinished lapghan.  I took a completed one over to Mom's house.  It will keep her legs warm in her transport chair, however she loves it so much she wants another one for the house while she rests in her recliner.  I'll be working on this at the craft show.

Why I have not thought of doing this, is beyond my mind.  I noticed that the paper filters at the store were pretty low, and I checked Amazon for a reusable one.  I bought one that said it would fit my coffee maker.

We finally cut the last of a tree down and starting cutting it to move to the splitter.  It's finally time to fire up that wood stove soon.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Puttin' Up


I sliced up 6# of apples and cooked them down, while I multitasked....

...and sliced and diced 6# of onions and filled my large dehydrator. Part of them will be ground into onion powder and part will be saved as they are.

I'll probably make applesauce again.  I didn't write down any notes on my recipe (basically instructions with number of pounds), and may have doubled it last time. 

Thankfully I thought ahead for the busy day.  I put an all-in-one dinner in the crock pot.  Four beans and sausage, with home grown green bell pepper and home canned ketchup.

I cut up yellow netting, and it took almost 3 hours to cut enough strips for 11 scrubbies.  It's sort of back breaking work, as it is a lot of netting and I cannot just simply fold it over several times (10 yards) and cut it quickly.  I'm not sure how many more years I'll be selling them.

By the way, two tips with homemade scrubbies.  I've had someone buy them for her husband and said he uses them to get the bugs off his windshield.  My brother uses one to scrub his potatoes.

Today marks day 5 that our mower guy didn't show up.  We had a biker friend over last night and asked if he would mow for a fee.  My husband works all weekend, and I do not know how to use the mower (it's a larger golf course style mower).  I have asked him to teach me, but he refuses.  I think he realizes though I am putting something up every day, and home cooked meals take time (which he appreciates). 

Hubby had his check up at the doctor.  He not only lowered his sugar number, but also lost more weight.  We are both thankful for this, and I'll continue to concentrate on meals to help with his health.

We woke up to a brisk 27°F.  The weather will be a bit warmer this weekend.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Canning Beets

Yesterday my kitchen had the wonderful aroma of beets boiling.  

My wonderful husband brought home some organic beets so I canned them.  Mmmm!  I'm so blessed to add more to the pantry this winter.  Considering how the world is going, it's nice to have more preparations for our meals.

Yesterday morning the dogs started barking at a particular door in the house.  We all assumed it was raccoons eating the cat food.  Not so.

It was around 5am.  Daughter K beat me to the door and took her dogs out.  Had I been more awake, I would have gotten my husband up.  Daughter K said she could hear something out near the woods but could not figure out what it was.

Later when daylight arrived, and after canning beets, I went out to the camper (which sits under a pole light all night) to get the last of the items to winterize it.

I found the door wide open and lock still in lock position.  Someone (or more than one) broke into our camper, but the dogs barking ran them off.  Nothing was taken.  I alerted my husband considering where we live and anyone would be seen from the road.  These people had to have come out from the woods (parking down the road or up the road).

I guess it's time to take precautions anymore.  I am also highly considering to get ourselves a dog when Daughter K moves out.  Those dogs sure let me know when someone or something is outside.

Friday, October 29, 2021

More Stocking Up and Random Chit-Chat


Stocked up more on broccoli, asparagus and bell peppers.

Stocked up on a few more of these disposable pans.  They have come in handy for delivered dishes.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Random Tidbits

It's been a busy few days for sure.  I took advantage of the weather and washed bedding and quilts and dried them outside on the line (smelled so good after bringing it in).

I pulled the bedding from the camper and got that on the line too.  My wonderful husband dismantled the dishwasher (cleaned it too) and fixed it.

Our trash pick up left me a "nasty gram" on the handle the other day.  Literally our mail system is a total mess right now.  I typically remember to pay regardless of a bill, but I did not get one this month.  At all.  They left me a nasty note with a late fee stating they will not dump our trash until it's paid.  Keep in mind the bill with the late fee was $24.00.  It was not like I didn't get a bill for two months.

I called and explained.  They are taking the late fee off, but I'm switching any bills I can to paperless for now.  I'm also using my planner religiously, marking due dates for utilities etc. so I don't get slammed with late fees for not getting my mail in time.

I finally got an email from my Aunt M.  She said it took 2 weeks to get my letter I wrote her.  We live an hour apart.

Something probably boring to you, but I signed onto our insurance points program the other day.  In order to keep our insurance at the current price, my husband and myself are required to earn 1,000 points.  The programs range from boring online classes (health related, financial related etc) to tracking steps with a fitbit.  

Well, my fitbit disconnected and I could not re-connect it to the program.  My device is so old they don't even make it anymore.  I sent a request via live chat (which takes more than a day) to get a new one.  I am still working on that, but it took much of my precious time.

Update on my last grocery shopping.  I could not find most of what I had on the list, but froze some fresh spinach, and froze some squash.  I have more produce to freeze today.  I can tell you the section in the store that had anything tomato canned, was almost bare.  Same with the canned beans (like garbanzo, great northern).  I'll be stocking up with dry beans from now on.  The bread section was fully stocked, although that was not on my list.  I typically bake that myself.  I could not find cauliflower, and bacon was almost $7.00 (I have another resource to check for that later).

The dairy section was fully stocked, but cream cheese was very limited.

Sadly, another bad news text I received yesterday.  The stepdad to one of our niece's passed away from covid.  He was only 49 years old.  I was asked to make a dessert for the celebration of life.

Just found out this morning a good friend of ours lost his brother as well.  Lord, help us all!

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Putting Up Peppers

Froze the last of the green bell peppers.

Jalapenos and green bell pepper went into this breakfast, topped with freshly cut chives.

Froze the last of the mad hatters and some more hot banana peppers.

Made hot sauce with some of the habaneros.  New recipe.  I'll let you know if it's good or not.

Filled the dehydrator with a mess of peppers for more fire powder.

Dinner last night.  Something I haven't made in a long, long time - pumpkin/ricotta stuffed shells (recipe is still online with Country Living) with basil and sage.  I sliced home grown carrots and put them in the crockpot with honey, butter and thyme.

Sadly, another extended family member on my husband's side of the family, had passed away from covid.  

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Some things I learned and other ramblings . . .

 I was watching a foraging video on making dandelion pesto, and the person mentioned using "soaked and dried" nuts (unroasted) or seeds for the recipe.

I had to google it, and yes there are video's on doing this process.  Apparently, it helps you digest them, brings out their flavor and nutrition.

I did not even know that re-usable freezer bags, that use a handheld tool, existed.  The tool removes the air from the bag.  They re-seal and are washable.  I bought one (not the one I wanted, as I don't think it is being made anymore), but trying it out to see if the bags keep the air out after months of being in the fridge.  I hope it works out well.  I just put hot peppers in the freezer.  I can take out a bit, re-seal and put back in the freezer.  I love the fact that it will cut back what I spend on ziploc bags.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Tuesday Tidbits

Monday was a busy day for sure.  I called Daughter E to ask if the homemade ginger-ale I delivered was helping with her nausea.  She has lost her smell, but not her taste.  She is moving around to keep her from getting worse, and getting sun and fresh air.  She's basically bored stuck there all by herself.  She has dug out her craft box and made some friendship bracelets.

I called Mom to check in and see if her 14 free meals arrived.  Unfortunately, she is not seeing any improvements and said she'll call her doctor. Oh, and no meals.  

Breakfast - sweet potato, onion, sausage, mad hatter and jalapeno peppers, collards and kale, and eggs.

Dandelion greens were blanched and frozen.  I dug into the jungle of our potato patch.  Zero.  Well, not really zero, but a teensy one on each plant.  Lack for and too many super hot days was the problem this year.

I submitted a vendor request form to a business that is similar to one in the "Big City" but haven't heard back yet.  The one in the "Big City" was too expensive to rent and offered one table space to sell my handiwork.  

However, some great news!  I may be selling some things at a store on the island next summer season.  So excited.  I'll be working on those items this winter.  I've also spoken to the owner of the General Store in another town.  I've emailed them a photo of my jar grippers to sell there.  I pray it all works out. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Hot Peppers and other tidbits

I did one more picking of the hot peppers.  Some went with my husband to his work to share with co-workers.  Three trays of the rest went into the freezer.

I spent most of the day doing housework and laundry.  There was so much to catch up on.

There are two upcoming large outdoor fall festivals (prior to the one I signed up for selling crafts).  If more people become sick from attending these, I plan on pulling out of my commitment (craft show), for the safety of my mother.

 Once again, Mom's 14 free frozen meals arrived rotten and thawed out.  They are once again shipping another 14 meals.  I however, would personally tell them to not attempt it anymore.  We can pick up groceries, and although the free meals would have helped, delivery is just not going to happen with today's situation.

It's just that more and more people we know are getting sick from attending large event.  Too close to home for us.

It's 58°F this morning, with wind and rain.  

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Ground Cayenne

(dehydrate for 6-10 hours at 125°F, then grind into powder using a coffee grinder)

I finally got the dehydrated cayenne peppers ground into powder.  I believe I used my last spice jar, but I'm already set with homemade "fire powder"  (random mix of dehydrated hot peppers and ground into powder).  Look at that beautiful bold color next to the expensive organic store bought color.  

There have been 4-5 shipments of Mom's free 14 meals (via Fed Exp).  Non of which actually made it to her house.  There is another shipment that is due to arrive today.  

I have felt my uppity self lately.  Not sure if it's what's going on with our world, or the added stress and overwhelming race to get so many things done before winter. I'm just not feeling my motivated, good mood self.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

More Squash ~ Crazy World and No Cashiers at Wal-mart and other Tidbits

My husband brought home more yellow squash and zucchini.  So happy to get it, so  I'm blanching and freezing almost daily.  The hot peppers are rolling in daily too.

I've been pretty good at keeping my cell phone charged and on me.  Mom's blood pressure dipped and when she couldn't get ahold of any of us kids, she went into panic mode.  I'm making sure she has all are cell numbers in case she has to call from her house phone.  Last time I called, she was feeling a bit better. (I drafted this post before the event at the end of this post happened)

I had to order new shelves online.  The stores are pretty limited (again).  Daughter K could not even get them at her store.  I have more totes of yarn waiting to be moved upstairs.

Not sure what's going on in your neck of the woods, but here it's back to restaurants going curbside.  Meanwhile this coming weekend the National Tractor Pulls is happening with thousands of people gathering from all over.  I'm not sure if the Canadians will be there, but it's crazy.  I have a bad feeling the gathering will be a super spreader and that is not good.  There are fairs still going on in our area as well, and a big street event in the "Big City" next month.  

Daughter E went to the local Wal-mart and bought a lot of stuff for her apartment.  She said every single cashier manned check out was closed.  Everyone had to use the self-check out.  She was not happy, because her cart was very full.  Crazy times we are in.

We have a few more camping trips booked, but we are monitoring the parks to see if they close.

I've decided to make a 3rd batch of Four Thieves.  Just in case, as my husband reminded me.  At least I have two and not three people here working full time.

We had plans to take a longer motorcycle ride for dinner, and at the last minute changed plans for a much shorter one.  Thank goodness we did.

Mom called (and had we taken the longer ride, I would not have answered my cell phone) and we had to run up and take her to the ER.  They admitted her.  Three doctors (Heart, Kidney and Endocrinologist, for thyroid) will be called in this morning to access what she needs. 

We were there for almost 4 hours and got home very late. We are running on 5 hours of sleep (or less).  Please keep her in your prayers, send good mojo and good thoughts.  Please keep my husband and I in your prayers as we are running on no sleep and he had to work today.  We are running on zero energy and sleep and feel like zombies today.

We both literally left the house to get her wearing slippers.  We went out the door that quick.  When we got home around 11:30pm, I saw that my chickens were still out in the run.  Gonna be a long day.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Canning ~ Breakfast Frittata and other Kitchen Stuff

 My hot peppers are rolling in like crazy.  I'm thankful for that.

I canned some hot pepper mustard sauce with the hot banana peppers.

I also made fresh salsa, and now have tomatoes on the table ready to can more stuff.  Feels strange to be canning again, but very thankful.

My zucchini plants are dying, but thankful I picked up some free zucchini.

Breakfast frittata with zucchini, leftover taco meat, jalapenos and cherry tomatoes from the garden.

Got some jalapenos frozen as well.