Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Pandemic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pandemic. Show all posts

Monday, November 30, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

The porch is fully loaded with split wood for the upcoming colder nights this week. We also moved the splitter inside the barn, and more wood, so we can split wood despite any weather.

We got more stuff taken off the porches and put in storage, all garden hoses put away (I use a lot to get out to the gardens). Got Youngest's car fixed.  Thankfully, she did not blow the transmission.  Got the larger air conditioner out and put in storage (been after Hubby for a few months on that job).

I'll try and remember to post an update on handiwork.  I'll have time this week, as the snow and rain are keeping us inside for now.

I'm finally back to cooking.  Since the passing of my Dad, I had zero motivation/mental capacity to cook or bake.  We had no meal after the service, nor any meals delivered from friends/family (we lived on take out).  First dinner we had was a ham, potatoes and corn.  The family is elated.  As for baking?  Well, that may happen in a week or two.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  I'll link up when she posts.  I need to run out to the barn and fetch kindling.  

The weather outside is . . .

40°/27°F, Raining early this morning, turning to snow, with 1 inch expected.  Snow all day Tuesday.

On the breakfast plate this morning . . . 

Omelet with sausage and cheese, coffee.

As I look outside my window . . .

Cloudy, dreary, raining, cold

As I look around the house . . .

My front room is a mess, but one daughter can't lift her laundry basket and take it upstairs with her hand healing either.  I'll try and help take stuff upstairs for her.

What I am wearing . . .

As of posting this, pajamas, robe and slippers.

To do today or this week . . .

Taking it easy today.  Long mentally/physically exhausting week.

For the week?

-split wood

-clean masterbath

-vacuum carpets

-extreme clean the kitchen hutch 

Currently reading . . .

I haven't picked out a book, but will be posting in a day or two.

On the TV this week . . .

Night Shift on Netflix

On the menu . . .

-BBQ turkey cutlets, crockpot veggies

-Sweet potato/lentil soup

-Crockpot Chicken Tikka Masala and Basmati Rice (new recipe to try, including homemade garam masala)

-white bean and ham soup, homemade bread

-a healthy breakfast dish with greens for the next few days

Something to share . . .

A story about my Dad.  When I was raising 3 kids as a single parent, and helping build my first home (Habitat house), I was a full time travel agent.  I was going on 10 years of that profession, when a woman was hired, did a dirty deal on my boss (a boss who I absolutely loved ), got her demoted and moved to another store, and didn't like me because I could sell travel better than her (never pushed higher priced packages and we were on commission), and I would go home with headache after headache, hating my job . . .I got sick of it and literally walked out.  When I told Dad, he smiled, raised his hands in the air and said, "Hallelujah!" (Mom said, go back and get your job back).

Biggest risk I ever took, but I found a job within 30 days, made twice as much money, holidays off, weekends off, where I met my current husband (he worked maintenance and I was an office girl). and now married 22 years and 6 kids, 3 grandkids (one passed).  

Favorite photo from the camera . . .

Just a dog and his wine bottle.

Prayers, Inspirational quotes, Devotionals . . .

Continuing to pray for our K (21 year-old) and her hand to heal quickly and good recovery, for Youngest (Romeo is no longer with us, and I am not sharing details, just know she is in a very mentally stressed state), for our daughter with Covid, our nephew with Covid, Our state, my family and health, Mom (she's been mentally worried since Dad passed), any personal requests.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Chicken Coop ~ Dog Fencing ~ House Cleaning


If you have been following along with my blog, you read about the coop massacre and the emergency purchase of a used coop.  Well, although it is keeping my ladies safe and sound, it is a pain in my royal rump.  Literally.

I have no idea why someone in their right mind would build it that way, so I have printed out what I want built in the spring (above photo).

The fenced side will be on the other side of the coop itself, but you get the idea.  

So what's wrong with the one we have now?  Well....

The inside is not conducive to roosting nor cleaning.  It's not that big either.  The lower sides are where they are to roost and lay eggs.  They tops of those extended parts have no way to get the eggs (does not lift up).  I have to crawl inside to get the eggs.  The door?  If it swings back closed, I'm locked in.  The heat lamp is inside and wired so we could wire it to the garage for heat, but the chickens have flown around inside and already broken the lamp that it came with.  The photo was taken before we got the ramp out and fenced it, but anyway....the ramp is slick in rain, frost and snow and I have to climb up it to get inside.  To do that, I have to (which we added)  a hook and eye screw to hold the door open so I am not live streaming from inside the coop for help.  When I do that, the hens all come outside while I get eggs.  So, come winter, I would have to deal with this and hope I don't slip off the ramp and fall.

Unless we figure a way to be able to lift up those lower sides.  We were going to cut a hole in the very back for a small door, but they are laying all over the coop now.  For a long time, they all laid their eggs in the very back corner.  Not anymore.  Sigh.

Again, shaking my head why they built it this way.  It's almost impossible to clean. I can't stand up in it at all.

So....working on getting my husband to agree to build a better design and sell this one.  Crossing my fingers.  Sounds like I'm ungrateful, but I'm very grateful, just frustrated.

This may be a repeat, but my husband found a 10 x 10 x 6 foot high metal panel dog fence.  The price?  Three cases of beer.  Seriously.  A co-worker is bartering it to us.  We have to go pick it up yet.  Once that is up, I will be a very happy dog Grandma.
(just ignore that wrinkled tablecloth)
(still searching for a shade for my oil lamp)

(ornaments on display hooks, candles inside them light up)

I've been tidying up the kitchen this week.  One small area at a time.  I've explained to the kids, that if they see an area cleaned up, keep it that way.  Once I have order in the house (again), I'll restart at decorating for Christmas.

Done!  My computer/bill paying station area in the kitchen is cleaned up, papers filed, cookbooks put away, craft and crochet patterns filed, one recipe filed, counters sanitized.

Gulp!  I found printed recipes to try.  I.  Have. Got. To. Stop. Doing. This.

I purged one cookbook and one kitchen utensil.

Sad and glad I didn't book a cabin for Christmas.  I am sure, the way things are going for us in our state, travel bans will be put in place by then.  We are now under a mandated curfew.  All retail businesses must close at 10pm, and everyone must be in their homes from 10pm to 5am.  It doesn't apply to 3rd shift manufacturing jobs, take out services, ER, Pharmacy etc.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Frozen Cucumbers Update ~ Breakfast and other tidbits


Picture of the moon this morning.  I was up at 3:45am, because I had no body heat to snuggle up with (and because Tiger was also meowing at my bedroom door).  My husband worked midnight shift, and will be working morning day shift today.  Sigh...

I thawed some cucumbers I froze last August, so that's about 4 months in the freezer.  I did not peel them.  When thawed, they are not fresh crisp, but not as soft as a canned pickle. 

 I used them to go in our Tex Mex Macaroni (one dish meal - cold).  It tasted the same as using fresh cucumber. Oh, and when I opened the bag of frozen cucumbers, it smelled amazing, as if I had sliced a fresh one.

A breakfast I made - sweet potatoes, zucchini, red onion (needed to use some up), garlic, oregano, swiss chard and farm fresh eggs.

It was a day to clean up and tidy up.  I needed to do that badly in my bedroom (gulp).  I had crafting supplies all over the place.  No wonder I can't find things, ha ha!

Carpet cleaning resumes today.  I need to get it done before it gets too cold to dry the carpets.  Unless one of the girls are off today.  Then I will be going out to restock some items.

Well, there is a threat of a lockdown for our state (again).  Our Gov. is threatening to close restaurants now.  He's formed agents to do compliance checks regarding mask wearing in all businesses with fines and threat to close them down.  I'm so sick of it.   I am really am.  Truckers are talking about a strike this month.  I don't blame them.  They are our life line and need food on the road.  They are sick of the restrictions more so than all of us in this state.

I'm on my second pot of coffee already this morning and it's 6am as of posting this.  Have a great day!

Saturday, November 7, 2020

2020 Reading Challenge and other tidbits


My book arrived.  I just hope it isn't one I already read from the library over the years ha ha!  I hope to get some reading done ASAP.  I need a mental break from life overall.

We are getting some very nice weather this weekend.  Possible high 70's degrees on Sunday.  Crazy!

We are still seeing beautiful colors around the homestead.

When something goes out of the freezer, something goes back in.  Keeping things stocked, with a world of uncertainty.

A head of organic cauliflower and a few yellow squash (organic) were blanched.

Called my Mom.  Didn't talk long, as she was babysitting.  Got caught up with dishes, folded laundry, took scraps out to the chickens, and other mundane tasks.

I put together my barter, now I need a date and time to get it to her.  I hope she likes everything.  She is the family member who had 4 boxes of canning lids shipped to me.  I decided to include a set of homemade cards and a jar opener.

I ordered (and surprisingly received already) a manual coffee grinder.  I realized that we buy organic whole bean (have a cold press), and no way to grind them if the power went out.

I printed a few crochet patterns for winter projects.  I still have some printed recipes floating around the kitchen that I want to try.  If they float around long enough, they may get recycled.  I think I save too many recipes, ha ha!

I'm getting crochet time in most days, just before dinner and sometimes after dinner.

Someone told me that canning supplies will not be made until next March, but I have already seen jars with lids in stores.  I hope lids appear before another shutdown or whatever happens.

I hope everyone is staying calm as they can be, and healthy right now.  We are doing well, although considering I just poured homemade Kahlua in my coffee, I can't really say we are all "calm" here ha ha!

Friday, November 6, 2020

What a year....

What's been going on here?  Well, I realized when I was short of one box, I could go online and order them for free from the USPS.  It's been shipped, but my books have not arrived.

Dirtiest election year ever.  With so much uncertainty for our country, there could be the possibility of my husband losing his job (as well as many other Americans).

There is voter fraud.  It's real.  Friends of my best friend (of many many years who I email every single day) went to vote.  The wife was told she could not vote, because she had already voted.  She said "no I didn't vote."  She had to verify that the ballot that was mailed in was not her signature.  

Haven't started on the bathroom renovation.  My husband has had no time and also no motivation.  He's been working 10 hour days and more overtime is possible next week as well.

No word on the car.  I think my husband has been too busy to even think about calling about it.

Chainsaw parts are delayed, but a friend is loaning us a chainsaw for now (husband just has to go pick it up).

I made headway on my daughter's cardigan while watching the news, but had to turn it off.  I couldn't take anymore of it.

I started to put together a new crochet set to sell.  Made a list of items people requested, and the first things that need restocked.

I've been mentally exhausted by dinner time, so I switched up the dinner last night and made a one dish baked casserole with asparagus in it.  Forgot to take a photo.

I made a batch of Einkorn flour peanut butter cookies.  It was just what we needed at the end of the day.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Supplies are hard to find

We started our Sunday on the hunt for dog fencing supplies.  The wooden posts are out of stock everywhere.  We located 3, but even with my insistence, my husband did not buy them (hmpf!).  I may talk him into going back today.  We'll see if I'm successful.

I was also on the hunt for a metal watering unit for my chickens.  I literally bought the last one.  I was told by one store that there is a metal shortage, due to the shutdown, and they are all behind in production.  Makes sense.

We were lucky to have breakfast with Youngest and the family of her passing boyfriend.  Gosh, we had such a good time.  I really miss them.

After that we went to vote.  The process was pretty quick.  The line moved continuously.  We decided to vote early.  Overtime is in the books for next week for my husband, and my car is still in repair.  It was better to vote early, than have the chance to not get to vote at all.

We stopped at Home Depot and picked up some door seals to prep for winter (needed replaced).  We looked at flooring for the bedroom.  Not much in stock to choose from sadly.  We picked up solar batteries for some of the solar lights, but need a special kind for our driveway posts.  I may have to order them online.

It was a beautiful sunny day, so we got to splitting wood, but slightly after starting the chainsaw malfunctioned.  Go figure.  Parts are ordered.  We are coming into a nice, warm week, so hopefully the parts arrive early and we can get back at it.

Again, we have ideas for what to get done today, but planning anything is impossible these days.  We need a trailer, that we already put a call in to borrow, to pick up the fencing for the dog fence.  It's pretty heavy stuff, so that's on the "plate."  Not sure if it will be delivered today or not.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Tiger ~ Broccoli ~ New Cookbook

 Little story about Tiger the cat....

He sleeps all day, alone, in the utility room.  He's not been happy with the 2 dogs, rabbit and cat that moved back in last March.  He always looks sad and lonely. 

Lately, I've been taking him into our bedroom and he soaks up the love, massages my arm to thank me, and is in pure joy.  Of course I have to let him out before I retire for the night, but he has really been getting some one on one touchy lovey time.

Yesterday, I opened it to head to the kitchen and start working in there.  That little stinker flew in the bedroom like he owned the place.  He went right under the bed of all places.  Later one daughter, and myself, tried to find him.  No cat to be seen and not anywhere in the house.  I was stumped.

Then later....

I noticed a lump under the bed quilt.  Ha ha ha!  He crawled under there and got his little cozy spot, so I left him there, and just kept checking the bedroom.  Poor guy just needed some attention and love.

I finally found organic broccoli, so that was blanched and put in the freezer.  I cannot find organic cauliflower, so I may be changing my tune in how big the garden is next year.  Something else I cannot find on shelves (or online where I typically get other items), is organic pumpkin puree.  I will most likely plant pumpkins next year too.

I strained a tincture, and have two more to strain today for winter prep for medicinals.  I need to strain a jar of homemade vanilla extract as well today.

I bought myself a early Christmas present.  I have yet to look all through it, but a looking forward to this cookbook.  I pre-ordered it, and I'm glad I did.  People ordering it now are having to wait 2-3 months to get their order.

Yesterday we warmed up to 77 degrees.  Later today, we are to get rain again.  I have yet to get to the garden to finish getting it ready it for winter.  Our weather will go cold again after this.  There is much to do yet to prep for winter.

I'm contemplating a new Christmas Eve tradition in our home this year.  It's just 4 of us, so it wouldn't be that expensive.  I may do it a bit different than the idea was presented, but still a good idea.  I'll be sharing later if I do.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Determining to become an egg preservation expert - Water Glassing, Freezing and Dehydrating

First, thank you all for all your help with knowledge to freeze eggs for winter.  In the process, I was able to locate a wonderful article (and thank you Debby Flowers for the emails too, very helpful) online that you all may be interested in.

The article is online at Backyard Poultry, and is titled, "Water Glassing Eggs for Long-Term Storage."  It's an excellent read.  At the bottom of the article they also share other methods, such as pickling, freezing and dehydrating and how to use them best.

Water glassing requires your eggs to be completely free of debris, which means maintaining the roosts to keep the eggs clean.  It's not always that simple in winter though.  I purchased a food grade container to do my water glassing, and a lid.  Later I was told if you call your big box store and speak to the deli, they can save you containers they get frosting in, but to be honest I don't know how big those are either.  The container I purchased is 22 qt. and food grade.  It also has handles to move it easily.  I am following the directions of the article on using a "food grade" lime as well.

I knew my ice cube trays would not be large enough to freeze the egg yolks with the whites, so I went on my handy dandy computer and with the help of Amazon, purchased larger ones that come with lids.  On Amazon it said they were BPA free, but when I got them, the label does not say that, so I'm thinking these will be going back and I'll look for different ones.  I can't find anything like this made in the USA.  

If I run out of room, which I don't expect will happen for both water glassing and freezing, I will be trying the dehydrated method.  

Saturday, October 10, 2020

This and That


It was time to re-stock my celery cubes for winter.  I really like this better than dehydrating.  I just dice and add some water and freeze.  Store in air tight containers.

I finally got to town again, due to one daughter being home with the truck.  We hightailed it to town and restocked butter and a few other items.  I was able to save $.85 on one of the boxes and thankful for that.  I brought home 4# because I noticed the other organic butter went up to $6.99.  I may go back and get 4 more if I have room in the freezer.  It's filling up fast now that it's the end of the garden season.

I had grand plans to buy myself fresh flowers, and totally forgot.  Sigh . I just wanted to do something nice for myself.  I hope to remember next chance I get. 

I mixed up the menu for the week.  A few days ago I made crock pot taco soup using leftover taco meat, opened jar of home canned taco sauce, opened a jar of home canned tomato sauce etc.  It was so good, my husband said write that one down and make it again.  So good.

So glad for the weekend.  Hubby has taken the Harley to work for the last 3 days due to both cars in repair.  Buying chaps was well worth it.  I'm a pro and getting them on him now too.

Good news!  The car is ready to be picked up today.  It's the car we are selling to our 21 year-old.  We will be finally (and I say finally, as my car has been on a jack since the beginning if the pandemic) going to be towing my car over for a new engine.  I never thought I would see this day coming.

Another happy moment for me as a Mother....youngest moved back in last night.  Romeo is so, so happy, not to mention Tiger.  Now.  Just maybe now, I can sleep all night.  I'm up at 4:30am and can't really do much until the sun rises.

However, my husband is working forced overtime.  He went to work first shift yesterday, came home and took and nap, and worked midnight, so he'll be home later this morning.  He'll sleep and work midnight again and work 2 shifts Sunday.  So.  I probably won't get much sleep.

On a sad note, my hometown has canceled the Holiday Parade with Santa Claus.  They are allowing contact sports to be played, but canceled the parade?  Such a sad, sad year for sure.  Nothing makes sense anymore.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Yarn Shopping ~ Applesauce and other tidbits

I've been on a mission to restock a specific crochet thread color and size.  Every store is out.  I even checked the Hobby Lobby where one daughter was working the other day - sold out.  Supply and demand is definitely a problem with not only food/essentials, but with yarn.  I placed my order, despite the cost of shipping.

Don't try to buy a car either. The prices are jacked so high right now.  We decided to fix both cars and sell one to our 21 year-old at an affordable rate, so she has a car to get to work.  I just hope repairs are not too expensive, but glad they are finally getting done (of course the second car was a surprise).  In the end we'll each have a fully working vehicle.

We got word yesterday that the first car we took in needs a new intake (which we knew).  We asked if he would put a new window regulator in one door and check a few other things.  I am praying it's not expensive and it's done tonight so my husband doesn't have to keep taking the Harley to work (it's a bit frigid this morning).

Applesauce was finally canned, but I will need to do it again soon.  Thanks for all your help with my question about lemon juice.  I am so glad I lost the instructions, because it forced me to sort and organize my binder better and toss some recipes.  I actually got 9 pints, but only 7 fit in the canner and I didn't want to water bath just 2 so those went in the fridge to enjoy for meals and hubby is taking one to work to keep there to enjoy with his lunch.

I've retired the canner pot for a short bit.  I have to see if we have any good size beets out in the garden.  That's today's job, other than to finish up the mound of dirty dishes I've created.  I'll be posting the Bourbon Chicken recipe tomorrow (hopefully).

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Random Tidbits ~ Question about freezing eggs

I finally had time to bake bread.  I literally messed it up the first time, and had to start over.  Sigh.  I am re-writing this recipe and filing it.  

I spent yesterday sorting all my recipes and sent an SOS to my 21 year old to bring home tab dividers.  Oh boy.  I can't lose another recipe again.

Updates on the cars.  My car is still here, but will be towed tonight to get a new engine.  The other car was delivered yesterday to the same guy for guess what?  A new intake.  Our 21 year old is working long days.  She's working almost 25-30 minutes from home right now (and long hours, which puts doggie daycare on me). We went to pick her up after my husband got home.

Speaking of her, she looked absolutely exhausted from wearing a mask on her all day shift.  Her checks were red, her eyes looked like different and she acted different.  I am so concerned with her wearing a mask that long.  It's horrible to see your kid look and feel that way. Just so you know, she works in a store that not only sells essentials, but furniture too and she is lifting heavy stuff.   

Our youngest daughter moved out, but is living with someone and looking for an apt.  She's going through a rough time and we believe trying to avoid memories with her boyfriend.  I just hope it all works out.

We started to call around to find supplies for the dog fencing.  Most of the stores do not have what we need.  We believe we have one person that can come help put it in if we do find supplies.  I definitely need it right now.  Romeo had the zoomies so bad the other day, he flipped one couch over and then put himself in time out in his kennel (sort of got a chuckle out of that, but man...).

The only reason his kennel was out, was due to company a long time ago and the kennels were not taken down (they are up for people like chimney sweep etc).  I had to laugh though. Although he does look sad or knew he did something he shouldn't have and was sorry ha ha!

Question:  Do you/have you stocked up your eggs by freezing them?  If so, please share details on freezing them.  My littles are laying a lot of little eggs right now.  Yes, I googled it, but zero of my homesteading books have info on this.  Would love your input.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Shopping Issues and Wins ~ Canning Question


The price of organic butter has skyrocketed.  Sheesh!  As for produce, I still cannot buy organic broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and beets.  I should have planted at least broccoli this year.  Smacking myself for that.  Anyway, I'll be substituting butter with home canned applesauce when I can.

I went to restock canned organic fire roasted tomatoes. There was nothing on the shelf.  In fact, most of anything tomato was almost gone.

I went to Wal-mart to restock my red #3 crochet thread.  Nothing on the shelf.  Meijer stopped carrying thread (nearest store anyway).  I went online and my favorite supplier has it, but on back order (hopefully I will get it next week).

Canning supplies completely gone at our nearest Wal-mart.  not surprised.

Went to the dollar store and found tissues for $1 a box.  Win on that visit.  I also picked up gift bags, bows and boxes to restock.  I also bought a $1 notebook to keep all my medicinal tea recipes in.

I also picked this magazine up for $1.00.  Some recipes are repeats but some are keepers.

I went to purchase a new hair dryer at our Meijer store and there was hardly anything on the shelf.  Literally 3 styles of them left.  

Walking through the baking aisle to pick up powdered sugar, I noticed one bag of regular sugar left, and even though I don't buy boxed cake mixes, I saw that shelf almost empty.  

Are people still hoarding?  Or are the supplies just not available due to all the shutdowns they did?

So I lost my instructions for canning applesauce (unsweetened).  Then while googling other recipes I found it in my scanned recipes.  However, I noticed my instructions do not include lemon juice, others do.  Should I be adding it?  I do mine in 6# batches.  Thanks in advance.  Today I am organizing my binders so I don't lose stuff again.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

More Canning ~ Tomatoes


I canned another (and the last) batch of hot pepper jelly  I've already had two people say they would buy a jar.  I have 3 hot banana peppers left to freeze, but a bag full of jalapenos.  I'm tempted to give them away ha ha!

I tried a new recipe for dinner last night.  Crockpot Taco Chicken soup.  It was okay, but nothing fantastic (but filled our tummies).  I made buttermilk cornbread to go with it.

Believe it or not, the tomatoes and I have another date with canning.  I'll be checking the remainder I brought in and start freezing some.  I am pretty sure I am getting down to where there is not enough to can anything specific, although I may do a small batch of crushed tomatoes.  I'm just thankful for a good tomato year.

Things are looking so-so in our area.  On a good note, one daughter said that fast food joints in the "Big City" are now opening their lobby area.  On another downside, they are some restaurants shutting down due to someone getting sick or a patron (for deep cleaning).  We are just eating at home and avoiding shopping until needed. 

Okay, I need to take a dog out (he's an early riser) and get cracking on the tomatoes.  I'd like to have some crochet time today.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Plantain Dehydrated and other randomness

It's been on the cold side here.  We will be a high of 69°F today.

Due to some last minute business I had to do in the afternoon yesterday, I could not can with tomatoes as planned.  I instead took a slower day and tackled other jobs.  I folded neglected towels, washed bedding, made homemade laundry detergent, refilled our homemade foaming hand soap and other stuff.

I went out and picked some plantain and dried it in the dehydrator.  It wasn't as much as I wanted, but it's been slim pickings with the drought.  The recent rain brought some up, and I wanted it done before the mowing resumed and colder weather gets here.  I will be infusing a plantain oil, which I will use later this winter to make a salve.

I got all those bell peppers put up.  I'll be picking a few more to try a new recipe I found.  Hopefully, I will have time one of these days to do it.

I haven't had time (or the space, with all the tomatoes in the kitchen) to make a good breakfast.  I am only getting small eggs, so I just tossed some veggies, herbs, etc. into a small baking pan.

How is everyone doing?  Well I hope.  The Governor is now doing covid testing on sewage in nearby towns and cities.  He also signed an order for setting up Fema camps (that part is true, as I read it).  There is talk that they are pushing kids to take extra supplies (emergency) to school, so if they get sick they can ship the kids off to these camps and take them away from the parents.  Not sure if that is true or not.  The college students are back.  Cases are rising with off campus students.  They are talking about another outbreak.  Now they are randomly testing students, so the testing just keeps going and going.  Also, if you have a procedure at the hospital, they test you before that as well.  Again, more testing.  Just a very scary world right now.

I have been talking to my husband about selling the house and moving.  We decided it was not a good idea right now.  Houses are selling like hot cakes right now in our area, however the buyers are paying higher than asking price to get a house.  There is a housing shortage, and even if we found one, we'd be paying a premium for it.  We also talked about the fact we have a septic and well, and with the way things are going, it'd be safer where we are.  Not sure what project we'll start first, but I have 3 on the "first list."  

Meanwhile, we are busy with the garden, and then there is wood to cut.  Mostly trying to stay home, but I do want to go camping before the season ends.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

2020 can go away....

The year has been crappy overall.   I feel like the government is keeping us from family and friends, so we may have a bonfire out here, but it depends on the heat.  It's been dry and hot.  That's not a good mix for burning.

I'm seriously concerned for our state.  A few days ago, after midnight (in the big city two of my daughters live in), there was what they called purging.  I can't make this stuff up.  People with cars without plates went around shooting at people randomly.  I read a toddler and an elderly man were shot and killed.  Purging?  The world has really gone to h-e-double hockey sticks.

Oh, and I have 2 more dead hens.  This time it was a weasel that came in the top of the fencing (which we recovered with harder wire fencing, and he said it would hold until we get the fencing up on the new coop).

Well, he felt awful, so we moved the hens last night.  Temporary fencing goes up tonight.  Then we start removing debris from the cement slab (cutting trees down etc).  I went from 8 adult hens to 2.  I have 6 newbies.  So I have 8 vs. 14.  It is the first time in 12 years I do not have a rooster crowing out there.  I miss Sparta.  He was the best rooster ever.  Anyway, I will (and I repeat) never buy straight run just to get a rooster. I still plan to get some photos of the new ones.  

We have never, ever had a problem like this in the 12 years living here.  I am pretty much sure it's due to our drought.  We have never experienced such a dry year in all the years living here.

Speaking of drought, we will rely on rain water that's in the rain barrels.  We are very worried about our well and water for winter at this point.  I may be sacrificing flower watering to save on the well. I may sacrifice my root veggies as well.  Just frustrating.

We have a few chances of rain this coming weekend, but not much.  Whatever comes down will be saved in the rain barrels.

Well, on a good note, I spent 5 hours cleaning my kitchen.  It's back in order, other than I need a storage area for my new pressure canner.  I'll worry about that later.  I think today's hot spot is the utility room.  It's a hot mess.  First, I have some zucchini to get in the freezer, and I need to count eggs to see if I can make a breakfast casserole.  Now that i have only 2 laying, it really, really stinks.  So if you are getting eggs, count your blessings.  

Update on our youngest.  She hasn't been home for 3 (going on 4 days).  She can't be around anything that reminds her of him, so we stay in contact, but her absence is weighing on us.  

I have a library movie due back, and have no way to get it back today.  My car is still up on the jack.  There has been so much mentally and physically going on, we've not had a minute to even think about the repairs.

Sorry for the long post today, hopefully the Rain Gods will bless us and I'll have some bounty to share.  I'd just be peachy keen if I start getting eggs from the newbies.  Oh, by the way, Hubby said "absolutely no way" on raising meat birds next year.  We have no secure place to raise them.  Too many other jobs to get done before building a secure building either.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Random Tidbits ~ Camping Trip Plans

I don't have any photos for today's post.  We had a very busy day yesterday, and we had to go help one daughter (the one with our grandkids) with her van.  Unfortunately, it's their only vehicle and my husband told her it's the transmission.  So....we are trying to get them a vehicle.  And...and...our daughter that lives here and works STILL needs one too.  Ugh.  So many things going wrong all at once.   The same daughter with the van, also needs a new washing machine, and now their mower broke down.  I'm barely holding on. 

Update on the pandemic in our state and county:  We went down a notch on his scale he made, putting us out of the mask mandate, but then put one state-wide.  He actually said that more people were wearing them, but yet the numbers keep increasing in our county and he's expanding day care (but today he may start shutting down bars).  None of this makes sense.  We personally know people who got notices of testing "positive" yet never tested at all (one person 15 times).  The numbers also include probable, so we again are not getting true facts and it is disturbing as to what they are doing to destroy this country.

Our Governor also closed down our fair, which was next week - from what I read, only 4-H.  Now the local health dept. is chiming in to place orders on how that happens.  I'm sure they were already set up too, so all of those vendors, rides, games etc. have a worse financial burden.  I do know people already paid for their camping spots for the fair, and some plan to camp anyway.

Also, not sure if I shared this, but I know of one large area business that banned homemade cloth masks (saying they are not medical).  Now lawsuits will start on those making these masks.  So if they don't work, and the paper ones clearly state on the box they don't work for this virus, why the mask mandate.  Control?  Like I said, none of this makes any sense at all.  Other than to try and lock us all down, so they can force mail in voting (which would be bad).  By the way, we had a lady ahead of us at the grocery store talking to the clerk.  She looked back at us and literally told us who to vote for in November.  Next time it happens, I will NOT keep my mouth shut.  

I'm digging out my camping journal to see what our best camping sites were, and where.  We need a camping trip badly, as we won't be back to the island this year.  I feel bad for the island too.  Their season to make money is very short of over there.  Anyway, we shall see if we get a camping trip in soon.  Then again, if they start shutting more down, we'll all be in lock down before a camping trip happens.  All of us need some camping therapy, to go off grid, to get with nature, so please pray that happens.  Camping is true isolation at it's best.

I tried to make a visit with Mom yesterday too, as we did a "pay it forward" for someone in that town the same day.  I tell ya' it's hit or miss with a visit.  She is out and about most days, ha ha!  I don't blame her.  She was in lockdown a lot longer than the rest of us here.

We haven't caught anything in the live trap, and so far no more casualties.  I have one goal (okay two) today - pick beans and do the dishes.