Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Flower beds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flower beds. Show all posts

Friday, May 10, 2024

Early May Blooms


I forgot what these are called.  I think it's called Alpine Columbine.

Tulips still in bloom.

Sage starting to bloom.

A dwarf variety of phlox.


We have a lot of purple blooms this spring, and a few pink, but there is one tiny yellow one too.  Last June I planted some half price rannuculus bulbs.  I planted out of season, and hoped for a few blooms.  

We planted a few blue delphiniums, but so far I do no see any blooms yet.  I'm hoping they survived winter, but I did lose a few dianthis that I had for several years.  I also have one blue bell type flower, that I have had for about 15-16 years.  I am hoping it also survived this past winter.  

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Welcome May! What's Growing?


We a getting more asparagus thankfully, but I need to (again) plant more this year.  We are also getting rhubarb from the garden.  Yum!  

The lilac bush is blooming, and it smells wonderful when I am outside.  You can even smell it clear on the front porch.   I"m so glad the pine tree did not ruin the bush.  It did some damage, but I think it's recovering.  It just doesn't have as many blooms, but boy it smells divine.

Herbs in the herb garden.  Just ignore the weeds for now.  I hope to be back to that job sooner than later.

Green Onions





Lemon balm


My bleeding heart is blooming.  Terrible photo.  It was very windy when I took the photo.

I have so many volunteer chives just about in every crack and nook around the herb garden this year.


What is this?  Wild garlic?  Wild onion?  They are growing up singular, and all over my flower beds this spring.  I can't even tell from smelling the bulb, and cutting a bulb to smell.  These are tall, but the bulb is small.

They do not look like green onions or chives, so I'm stumped.  


The rosebed with hostas from h-e-double hockey sticks.  If I wanted to harvest clevers, this would be a great time for that ha ha ha!  I see a mullein plant in there too.  I see several days of weeding this one too.  I don't think I could pay someone to weed for me ha ha!

I have a few spring perennials coming up, but have not bloomed yet too.  It's not quite time to plant any annual flowers, herbs or plants/seeds in the vegetable garden just yet.  I am pretty sure we are not planting any peas, considering I can't get out there to put up my pea fence right now.

Welcome May!  What's Growing?  © May 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Friday, April 19, 2024

Spring Flowers


(wild violets)

The flower beds are full of spring blooms, but boy are they full of chickweed and other weeds.  I took these photos over two weeks ago, and forgot about them.  Other than tulip photos.

 We did not mulch them last year for some reason, and we will be this year.  It will be hit or miss, as the rain comes and goes, and everything continues to remain wet around here.  I do have plans to add some new spring colors for next year.  The only reason I have very little tulips, is due to moles.  The new windmill is going up soon, and hopefully we can fall plant some more tulips next fall.

Many, years ago, I was out weeding the flower beds, and a van pulled into the drive.  The older gentleman opened his window, and said not to mind them, as his wife loves to drive thru and see the flowers in the flower beds. He said it made her happy.  It was a couple that lives down the road from us.  That was a feel good moment.  

We woke up to rain again.  I mean, it's great for all the spring herbs/veggies and flowers, but it's very wet out there.

Spring Flowers © April 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Monday, August 14, 2023

New Coop ~ Tidbits


Short post today.  We started building the new coop over the weekend.  However, he bought the wrong size wood, so it's bigger than it should be.  We got two wall frames up, and he changed his mind and will be cutting the walls down for a shorter coop.  This man.  I am happy we are starting to build it, but I thought he had this all planned out too. 

 I didn't get any other pictures, as it was very hot out and we were extremely tired.  We reached out for help, and once again, no help.   Just the shopping, loading and unloading wears us out.  Roofing is heavy too, and so far that job sounds like it will be just him and I, and I am not looking forward to that. I already have bruises, burst blood vessels, and he's sporting bandaids. Biofreeze has been our best friend.

 I'll try and get my camera out there for photos later this week, if we getting any progress done on it. Like I said, we will be going a bit backwards on it for now, before we can go forward.  Today, rain is in the forecast.

Ladders, carrying stuff up and down.....this is not going to be fun.  As of last night, I think we agreed the trusses will be built vs. bought.  They are expensive. 

I had one short break one day on the porch last week.  The butterflies love my tall phlox.  It's back to steaming hot again.  I was way too tired to check on my garden yesterday, and my tomatoes are probably getting ready for some canning.

I'm happy to say, the flower beds (other than the rose bed from h-e-double hockey sticks bed) are all completely weeded.  I managed to get most of the herb garden weeded too.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Gardening reduces stress and anxiety???

 Daughter E called us and we talked for an hour.  She loves her new job and of course the income, and we can really see a difference in her happiness and way less anxiety.  

We both got a chuckle when we were talking about being a stay at home Mom.  She said, "after seeing what Mom does every day, I don't want that job, I would rather work outside the home" ha ha ha!

Although some days are extremely busy, there are a few days where I get to take the day slower, but yes, homemade cooking takes a lot of time, produces more dirty dishes, more dishes to wash and whatnot.  I do prefer the real foods and prefer home grown, which is also work.  I get it, but some day she may change her thoughts on that.

Weeds!  Not sure this is a stress reducer or anxiety reducer, ha ha!  I'm tired when I'm all done.  I am thankful some of the gladiolus are coming up.  I only put a dent in one flower bed, but today's rain should make the rest of the job go easier this next week.  If it does really rain. 

I have a nice mullein plant that showed up in my flower bed. I need to move it or plant it in a pot.  So happy to see it though.

Friday, July 14, 2023

I can't believe it's Friday already . . .

The recent rain gave the garden a sip of glory, but not a full drink so to speak.  There is a good possibility for a good soak tomorrow.   The gardens are doing well, and my green onion is springing back to life.  I check it daily, as those squash bugs can lay eggs in a hot minute, and I have to keep the sensors on my motion sensors out there clean, and make sure they are charging.

I started weeding the herb garden and flower beds, but it will take several days.  We did not mulch the flower beds, as we had plans to expand one flower bed (for easier mowing).  It is on the back burner for now.  


I'm still working on the utility room, by washing up hats, scarves, gloves, sweaters, and coats, and drying them on the clothesline.  Anything I haven't worn for the last 14 years, is going in a donation box.  That all came out of one coat cubbie, including more sweaters that I put to dry inside on hangers.

One coat cubbie scrubbed clean.  These are the only coat closets we have in the house.  No linen closets etc.  Each one has two hooks in the back.  We installed rods to hold coats, jackets, rain coats, and sweaters.  These were installed by the last homeowner, and have no doors on the cubbies (other than the one we installed recently.  There are small cupboards above and below, and I am going through every single one, purging, cleaning and re-organizing.  It will take some time, now that the garden is producing.

I have found some "are our serious?"  items found way back in a corner, and some "what were you thinking" items, ha ha!  I have added two more plastic storage drawers to the garage project.  I cleaned another upper cupboard, and now have an official storage (out of sight) for our paper towels, napkins, and toilet paper.

(There are about 50 more of these to take off the walls upstairs, ha ha!  Kids!!)

On the upstairs updates, I bring down anything that the kids left every trip up there.  I am almost done cleaning out what was left in the other closet, but progress is being made.

I'm compiling a trip to town, with several lists, and two donation drop off locations.  I found a home for 3 binders that had craft instructions for any type of handmade craft.  I saved pages from magazines, printed stuff, and kept free patterns and instructions from the craft store  (elementary classroom parties, teaching crafts at MOPS etc).  I knew that if I took them to donate to the thrift store they would toss them out, so I inquired with the recovery place, and they were excited to take them.  They do a "creative" weekly, so I am happy I found a good home to donate them.

I'm still adding to my lists, and dreading the trip to town.  My hometown has road construction at every (literally) entrance into town, and adding many round-abouts (we all feel are ridiculous), and we all have to go many miles out of our way to get to and from places in that town.  It will be bad for the next 30 days.  The town is a hot mess, and we try to avoid it as much as possible.

I have placed a few online orders, but that is becoming a joke too.  I may share my experience with that in another post.  I can't believe it's Friday already.  

Saturday, June 24, 2023

This and That


We have been getting rain, so I'm not doing any garden work currently.  I weeded out the larger weeds in the rose bed, but the rest will have to wait until the the rain stops.

I have been successful with my new to-do list (the 7 areas to tidy up).  I have now crossed 2 off of my list of 7.  My husband hasn't noticed.

Speaking of my husband, there is no sign of the long work hours ending.  He promised me a "date" night, which was taking the motorcycle out and dinner out.  Didn't happen.  They held him over at work.  We are all tired of it.  He has been forced over every night.  One night he was to be home by 8pm, and ended up home at 9pm.

I'm considering going back to work.  We never see each other, and there is no sign we will be getting our projects finished.

I still have a list for us when these hours stop, but I not able to vision any of it being accomplished.  I'm still upset half of the garden was not planted.  Nothing we can do about it.  I probably sound like a broken record.  It can be very depressing at times.  

July is almost here, and the coop materials have not even been bought yet.  We still need more supplies for the raised beds.  The solar fence is still in the box.  I never got my potatoes planted....

I'm getting burned out crocheting.  I have been using up some yarn, and making hats for winter.  I went on Etsy, and was shocked that some people are selling hats for $50-70!!!  What??  And here I was worried that $18 or so was too high.  As for that, my husband said he does NOT want me to do any craft show this winter.

I also saw knitted dishcloths being sold for $7.00!!  What??  I've also noticed that everyone is selling something, and no one is buying.  I read that the area garage sales were a flop as well.  They said "no one was into it" this year.  Well, no one has the money.

I'll be back when I have something more positive to post.  I have just been drained of all positive mojo so far this summer, and feeling like we haven't accomplished anything is mentally draining.

This isn't "throwing in the towel" on homesteading, but the thought is there.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Spearmint Iced Green Tea ~ Blooms


It was high time to make homemade spearmint iced tea.  I love this stuff!  My Mom hated it, but her Mom (Grandma), used to make it.  Love, love, love it on a hot day.  It's nice to have when I come in from the garden.  Now that my husband is doing all the mowing after work, he too enjoys this delicious tea.  I use organic green tea bags.

My popcorn is not doing that great this year.  I may have planted it too late.  I hope I did not waste garden space with a fail crop.  

Here is what's going on in some of the flower beds.

The two "red" ones are actually two different colors.  The last one is more of a burgundy.  

My lavender is in full bloom too.  I brought some in to enjoy.