Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Healthy Hair and Nail Tips (update)

I'm posting this today to give you an update on everything have tired over the last year and a half, regarding hair and nail growth (and strength).

I have had very good results with all of my hair health recipes.  Over the last year I found the following for hair growth, shine, strength, and overall healthy hair.  First, let me say, a year ago a lot of my hair fell out due to sickness combined with the pharmaceutical drugs and x-rays (and chemicals) used by doctors. I am so happy to say, that more than a year later, my hair is stronger, growing, and I have had more new hair growth.  I have been consistent, and it took a long time, but worth it.  It could be another full year before it's fully restored, but I'm so glad I tried all of the following (most are linked to older blog posts for more details):

Monday, March 19, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday

It's Monday and I'm joining Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  You know, many years ago, when I attempted to do the cleaning routine from a book author, I revised my own routine.  I can't remember the book, but I signed up for the daily emails and it was very overwhelming.  I got tons and tons of emails on what to clean and organize.  I deleted the program she offered and simply made up my own routine.  

Monday became my "attack it with gusto" day so my week would start out fresh and clean.  So far I've managed most of the my list on Monday.  

Also, here is a cleaning tip:  if I'm taking off for a weekend getaway (which doesn't happen often enough), I clean the bathroom the day before we leave, and finish up laundry.  I I also make sure the kitchen is cleaned up, dishes washed sink empty etc.  When I return, I don't feel like I have jumped back into reality too fast, or add more stress from a chaotic home.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Ta-Da Moment and Weekend Tidbits

I reluctantly weighed myself Saturday morning.  Even after drinking coffee, the scale made my day!  Ta-Da! I lost 2 lbs. in one week of my changes, and I ate pasta and cheese.  I'm going to keep up with these changes and keep an eye on the scale once a week (maybe, as I don't like to weigh myself).  I am feeling more energetic, and get up earlier vs. lay in bed and him-haw on getting up.  I'll update in a month or so.  Age can be cruel (especially for women), but I do believe in getting natural remedies from real foods/herbs/weeds etc.  

We decided to only make a quick trip to town on Saturday - too many people out drinking and consuming tons of toxic green dye.  Staying home, cutting more wood, was a better choice.  However, that didn't happen.  Hubby got called to work.  

The sun is shining brightly today and it will be warming up a bit.  Not sure what Sunday will bring yet, but have an awesome day where every you are.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

A Big (half way) Finish!

Finally done.  

192 granny squares, and 7 years later.....well half of it, one baby blanket and one more to make, ha ha!  192 is a correct completed count, and I used 6 panels of 16 squares to make this blanket.  I decided the entire blanket was too big, and I am making 2 nice sized baby blankets instead.

It took this many years, because I started it for a gift, but soon realized I didn't have enough time to finish it.  I made a granny square stitch blanket instead.  These granny squares went into the closet, which were often forgotten about.  I'd did them out when I cleaned or remembered them, or simply had time to make them.

My "ta-da" moment this week!!!!

Friday, March 16, 2018

Wacky Winter ~ Indoor seed planting has started

I think anyone living in our neck of the woods, has lost their marbles by this point in the season.  I think most of us, look out the window and just start laughing hysterically.  This tells it exactly as it is....
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Hubby got a laugh out of this too.  What a "wacky" winter we are having.

So what's going on here lately?

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Thursday Nothing-ness

Not to let my readers down, I thought I would share I have nothing to share today, ha ha!  It's the in-between season, where I have simply indoor housework.  The weather has been super chilly, and uncomfortable, so outdoor work is shunned upon.

I'll be back with something more news-worthy I am sure.  It's just been another long night last night.  Youngest didn't get out of rehearsal until 10pm.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Random Tidbits

My weekly menu is going by the "seat of my pants."  Monday I really didn't want to go out, so I made "Garbage" soup.  Basically, it contained whatever veggies I had left in my freezer, and pantry - green beans, dehydrated mushrooms, celery, tomato sauce, the very last pint of onion soup, a small bag of corn, some zucchini....some last bits of leftover zucchini salsa in the get the point.  It was actually very good too, and it helped start the cleaning of the fridge.

Monday was a catch up day on laundry, bedding, and what not.  It literally took all day, and in between fetching the last of the firewood pile and taking dogs out, I wrote out my grocery list for the remaining week.  I did absolutely zero handiwork.  I think I just got to a "burned out" point last week.

Tuesday, there was plenty of leftover soup, and I made a huge bowl of organic romaine/spinach and lots of other raw veggies.