Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Late Planting ~ Tidbits Updated

I'm still planting and it's June 8th.  It has been oddly cooler here the last few days as well.  I just got the collards and kale in yesterday, along with the peanuts.  I am not finished either.  It just feels weird to be planting this late.  With Hubby working such long hours, big jobs lurk.  Patience, patience, patience.

Last year's parsley re-seeded on it's own, but not enough.  I had to plant more, along with basil.  I see the chard seeds are sprouting, but not my new lavender seeds (yet).

While out planting, I noticed a few bell peppers are on!  I'm pretty happy to have gotten the popcorn in before the rain.  The popcorn is up!  Most of the pinto beans also.  I am so praying for a good year.  My romaine plants are not growing real fast, and I am hankering for summer salads. And all of the shell peas are up.  

I'm almost done planting.  Almost. 

Monday, June 6, 2016

Raccoon ~ Rain

You know how I still like to share the ugly, or more difficult (more like frustrating) parts of homesteading?  Just in case someone thinks it's all daffodils and tulips?

The last few nights I've noticed more of my newly sprouted medicinal herbs (in pots) have been disturbed.  But how?  

They are destroyed now.   Not by barn cats either. 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Random Tidbits ~ Lavender Antiseptic and Calming Spritzer

 Like many of you, I am like a mad woman in the garden this week.  Rain was of little chance, so I worked my bum off to get seeds in.  We have a slight chance of rain on Sunday, so I am pacing it all out, not to wear myself out (which I already did and had to take a breather).  

Thank goodness I made a recent double batch of homemade ginger-ale. It came in handy for some much needed recuperation.  Plus, more kiddos (and myself) caught the bug Hubby had.

I've also delegated some garden planting to a few girls of ours.  I haven't been happy with the results of their housekeeping help, so outside they go (unless one is still stick).  We'll get daily planting done before it gets sweltering hot around 10:30am-11am.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Homestead Happenings and Tidbits

I was heading out to the barn to close it up for the night, and Leo ran out from under my car and meowed at me.  First time ever for him to come to me like that.  He won't eat with the other cats, so I gave him a water and food bowl.  He wouldn't let me pet him standing up, so I got down to his level, and he rolled over, thanking me for the food.  I guess he's warming up to us.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Rhubarb ~ Flowers - Tidbits

It's the second year for this rhubarb.  I had so much trouble getting it to take on here, first in the garden, then in a raised bed.  I'm so happy to see it flourishing.  Next year we get to finally eat it.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Stray is Named ~ Homemade Ginger-ale

This young guy has been seen off and on since last winter.  We thought he was housing up in what's left of our largest barn, but wasn't sure.  

Well, my Vet Tech-in-training, has been able to get the cat to come to her, let her hold him (a bit reluctant), and will come to the house to eat the cat food.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Herbal Eye Compress ~ Random Tidbits ~ The Planting Begins

Over the past weekend, my eyes were super sore.  Not sure why this year, but I have one idea.  Anyway, they were beet red, dry, and I wanted to rip them out (they felt that bad even with allergy eye drops).

I use the last of my dried calendula, poured a cup of boiling water over it, and cooled it.  I used it to make an eye compress.  It is a short relief, but I do feel like it helped.  It was the only dried herb I had that was suggested for eyes.