Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Knitted Dishcloth/Washcloth Pattern

I have had a few requests for the knitted dishcloth pattern.  I sell these at the Farmer's Market and our family store site (new site under construction).

I've adjusted it to the size that I like, but you can do the same as well.

Note: for dishcloth I knit to 52 on my needle, for a larger dishcloth or washcloth, knit 72

Friday, August 10, 2012

Honey - Cider Slaw ~ Surprise Mail

This recipe was very good.  I like the fact it did not contain mayonnaise in it.  I also read that the combination of the organic cider and raw honey work together to benefit one's health.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

More Canning and Garden Bounty

I woke up Tuesday morning with a stuffy nose.  Not good.  I had trouble sleeping on account of congestion.  I was up early to drink my honey/ACV/water mix, hoping to prevent it from getting worse.

I spent the day canning more Queen Anne's Lace Jelly.  I plan to give samples out at the next Farmer's Market day.  I was told that we can give them out, and I several people interested in trying it.  I was disappointed to see the color more yellow than pink this time.  I think it has to do with the amount of purple centers in the flower that I put in.

I canned more sweet pickle relish too.  Long day for sure. In between that, I cooked up 7 pounds of ground beef for homemade sloppy joes.

The weather is much cooler at nights here.  I am yearning to go camping.

All but two of my zucchini plants died - squash bugs!  They are on my heirloom baking pumpkins now.  I spray every day with a natural spray, and even dust with flour/black pepper.  I hope to stay ahead of them.

The heirloom watermelon looks great.

The fall planting of green beans and peas looks good too.  We decided to skip on fall lettuce this year.  

Cabbage is doing pretty well, but a few died during our season when rain was lacking. 

I spent most of yesterday working on some crocheted items for the Farmer's Market and decided to let my tomatoes ripen another day. 

However, today thunderstorms are in the forecast.  I will be canning up a one of the two 10 lb. boxes of blueberries I picked up.  I'm lucky to find them this late in the season.  If it's not raining later tonight, I'll be picking pears from my husband's nephew's trees.

Monday, August 6, 2012

German Potato Salad with Honey ~ French Vanilla Ice Cream with Honey

(before baking)

Yesterday we tried two new recipes that used honey.  They were both delicious.  We are keeping both recipes, but cutting the bacon drippings in the potato salad down to a minimum.  They were both very good. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Thrift Find ~ New Recipes

A cup made in France for $.30.  I found this a few days ago when I was in search for something else.

I never intended to bake and cook so much today, but we wanted to enjoy some the sweet corn we purchased yesterday.

I was up and milking goats at 6:30am, then out to the front porch to shuck 5 more dozen ears of corn.  Before 9am I had 30 more cups of corn blanched and cooled for freezing.

For dinner, I ended up making a new potato salad recipe, and the kids hand churned a new ice cream recipe that is made with honey. I may be sharing both of the recipes if they are winners with the family.  I also baked 2 apple pies with my last 2 jars of homemade pie filling.  Looks like I will be canning some more this season.

We finally got rain, so I plan on getting some much needed rest for the much needed weeding tomorrow. Our tomatoes are also turning red, so canning salsa may be happening soon too.

If you don't see me commenting on your blog, I'm having trouble.  Some blogs have the box, and then a drop down arrow for selecting a profile.  Once I do that and enter it, nothing happens.  Until then, know that I continue to enjoy reading your blogs.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Dehydrating Potatoes

  I'm dehydrating potatoes this year.

I have a 4 tray Excalibur dehydrator.  I filled those trays up in no time, and will have more to dehydrate during the next few days.

Friday, August 3, 2012

More Ideas for Beets

We plant beets every year, and different types.  This year we've roasted them with onion and rosemary, and roasted them with other vegetables.  I have made Green Tomato Cake, so why not one with beets?

I made a Chocolate Beet Cake.  It was delicious!  Even without frosting.  The family gobbled this cake up instantly.