Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Tuesday Tidbits

 Due to a "stop and drop" that we did on Sunday, so we could go do something fun for ourselves, work rolled into the week full blown.  By stop and drop, I mean stop working, and drop the tools and go do something fun.

We are getting great weather for clothesline drying, so that is a bonus, but it's been one of those weeks.  In order to take the laundry outside, I had to go get the leaf blower and blow all the helicopters (from the maple tree) off the back patio, so I didn't drag them back inside.  It has been a start to the week like that - have to do something before I can do the actual job on the to-do list kind of week.

More spring blooms.


If you own a cordless, rechargeable stick vacuum, with detachable handheld vacuum (with canister on top), which do you recommend?  We are almost carpet free.

I have searched reviews for days now, and I like the black and decker, but the reviews are not good.  I really don't want a Dyson.  I would prefer not to shop on Amazon either.  

I may just have to venture out and check Lowes, Menards, Home Depot and such, and I may have to just buy a good hand held vacuum separately.   Any thoughts?  I am looking for one to handle the whole house and one that can stand up on it's own (no screws in our walls to hold it up off the floor).

2.  Does anyone have a good homemade sourdough sandwich bread recipe?  The kind I can bake in a bread pan not a round dutch oven?

Monday, May 22, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday

 The weekend went by pretty fast.  Gardening continues daily, as well as yard work. We are planting less than usual, and making some changes.  We have yet to get the raised beds built, and that is due to life in general.

The weather has been nice in the 50's at night and 70's in the day time.  We won't see rain for a week or so however.

The new chicks have finally figured out the ramp into the coop.  Getting them all inside at night is going much smoother.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.
I will link up when she posts.

The weather . . .
As I said above, nights are about the 50's, with days in the 70's. 

As I look outside my window . . .
The sun is up.

Right now I am . . .
Making coffee, and getting this post up.

Thinking and pondering . . .
So, I am thinking we need a garden bed, or raised bed just for potatoes.  They don't grown well with so many other vegetable plants.  I have some to plant, but they may go in grow bags this year.  

Listening to . . .
Rock and Roll station

How I am feeling . . .
Tired.  I need to get back to my regular work out routine.  Garden work is exercise, but I need my routine back.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Leftover bacon/bell pepper/onion and cheese omelet

On the reading pile . . .
I haven't had time to read.  Between garden work and inside work, it's just not happening.

On the TV . . .
Honestly?  Whatever looks interesting.

On the menu . . .
-Sloppy Joes, Sweet potato baked fries
-Sheet pan chicken and veggies
-Leftovers with roasted rosemary asparagus

Looking around the house . . .
I have a pile of donations to take, but I may be adding to the pile.  There are things that still need finished from renovations, but like I said, life is pretty hectic at the moment, so those jobs remain on a to-do list.  

I'm pretty sure the flower bed expansion job will remain on the list until spring.  We just have too many interruptions, complications, and happenings going on.

On the to-do list . . .
-unload dishwasher, wash and dry dishes
-bake a breakfast (French Toast and Sausage links)
-garden work (all week on the to-do list)
-make a call for a free estimate 
-tear down garden start stand, and disassemble lights, and put everything back in storage.
-water porch flowers
-sweep/mop floors
(this list may be the "all week" to-do list ha ha!)

From the camera . . .
Nothing.  I've been pretty busy with the garden, so no photos.  I did see our finches the other day, but didn't have my camera.  I also had a visit from a red-throated hummingbird, and didn't get a photo either.
Prayers . . .
A co-worker of one of my brothers who is battling stage 4 cancer.  He went through 6 months of chemotherapy, and was doing great, and some tumors where completely gone.  However, he has suddenly gotten sick, and has a rapidly growing tumor on his liver.  Please pray for Jerry.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

. . .from the handiwork journal

Warmer days are arriving, so this may be put on the back burner until fall.  We'll see, I guess.  It's still in progress.

Another wire crocheted/beaded pair of earrings, but this may be the last.  I am donating all the beads I have soon.

On good weather days, I'm spray painting these last small clipboards.  I will add magnets to the back for fridge note paper.  I just wanted them done and ready for gifting if needed.  I should have just donated them, but it's getting done.

. . .still working on the other square doily for the living room.

. . .and lastly (that I know of ha ha!), this scarf is finished!!!  However, I have a bit more yarn, so a matching hat may be my go-to, on-the-go project soon.


Saturday, May 20, 2023

Garden Going In ~ Rain ~ Prayer Request


The garden is going in now, but it feels like slow motion.  So far, I am doing the planting by myself (thanks to my husband's once again eye rolling work hours).  I have gotten all the tomatoes in, but feel we should buy a cherry or grape tomato plant.  I put my tomato stakes in when I plant, as it keeps the animals out.  We don't have fencing for all the gardens this year.  Solar lights also keep the deer out of this garden.

I got all the hot peppers planted.  I'm not sure the habanero will make it, but I guess we'll see.  It never does great starting by seed, as it needs much more heat.

I had planned to get all the bell peppers in today, but the rain arrived last night, and it rained the entire night, leaving everything very wet.  It's a good thing for all that is planted, but will put me behind a bit on the rest of the garden.  We scaled back from 100 tomato plants to about 52 this year.  Next year we will scale back on the jalapenos.  

May is fickle around here.  It was 80°F yesterday and will be a cool 67°F today (but too wet to weed or plant).

Nothing exciting on the extreme clean front, other than I cleaned the air fryer.  First, we never would have had one.  The story is, that Mom had this one from Pampered Chef.  She said it was too big for her, so we bought a smaller one for her and exchanged.  We do not like this one.  We'll most likely look around for something else, but this one is too big.  It also, has trays and not the buckets.  The only nice thing, is that the door comes completely off to clean.

I will be drinking some nettle/ginger tea today.  My allergies apparently didn't like my full blown day outside yesterday.  Do you have a go-to for a natural medicinal remedy for allergies?  

Prayer request:

A co-worker of one of my brothers who is battling stage 4 cancer.  He went through 6 months of chemotherapy, and was doing great, and some tumors where completely gone.  However, he has suddenly gotten sick, and has a rapidly growing tumor on his liver.  Please pray for Jerry.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Dehydrated Oregano


Tip:  I drop my hydrated oregano (and other herbs) off of the dehydrator tray, and onto a piece of waxed paper.  I gently take the dried leaves off the stems.

I hold each side of the waxed paper, and with a canning funnel in the top of a quart canning jar, slide the dried herbs into the jar.

I do not crush the dried herbs.  I wait until I am cooking and then crush what I need.  It helps them retain flavor longer.

Another tip:  Check those lids you get on anything you do buy.  I saved a lid from a jar of organic mayo we bought over winter, and it fits perfectly on my quart canning jar.

It's a task, but I wash and dry all the trays before dehydrating another food in the dehydrator.

Happy Harvesting!

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Meal Plan Fail ~ Purged more Craft Supplies ~ First Herbs to go in the Dehydrator

We woke up to a brisk 36°F outside this morning.  I'm so glad I brought in my hanging potted flowers, and all of the veggie plants.  I was worried about getting things planted late, but this year I am glad we are behind.  I even brought in my potted comfrey plant.  Brr.

I failed to write down my meal plan, and discovered I had a pound of ground beef, and a pound of sausage thawing at the same time.  I cooked both up, put some sausage in the fridge for dinner, and split up the rest to freeze for the up coming week.  I guess you could can I made a plan from a failed plan ha ha!

I made us some air fryer stuffed mushrooms for the first time.  These had some sausage in them. They were delicious, but now my husband wants me to try other recipes, ha ha!

No gardening these past few days.  It's been too cold, and my husband was called off to help a family member, so no more tilling either.  I dumped all the grow bags, and every single one had holes in them.  The plan is to replace them with raised beds.

When the kids were in elementary school, I signed up for several holiday classroom parties.  I loved volunteering for the Christmas parties, and I would make a homemade ornament for every kid in the class, and even wrap every one.  I had a lot of ribbon in my craft stash, and some of those rolls had 100 yards on them ha ha!  I have saved any ribbon I use for crocheted baby booties, and have boxed up the rest to donate.  I have 4 boxes ready to deliver, but may need to go through a few more items.  They are going to a center for women.  

I also created handmade ornaments every single Christmas to gift my family.  I did this for years, and loved creating a new one every year.  They probably had enough for several trees, ha ha!  I just stopped making them after a while, but this was the latest purge.  Feels good to unload some things for once.

I harvested my oregano before the frost arrived.  It is thriving this year.

I also harvested some chive flowers.  I plan to make chive flower infused oil.  Chive oil is tasty for frying potatoes, and for any dips.  Did you know you can eat the flowers?  I just read that.  I have not tried them, but have any of you?  Interesting for sure.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Weather ~ Asparagus ~ Organizing Tip for Tall Boots


I took another look at the weather yesterday.  Not liking this dip.  We had to re-till the garden, so that has been started, but the planting will wait until this chill passes.

The roots we planted this year are coming up.  Just had to share how cute they look.

We are still harvesting asparagus from the very first year we planted.  Some are huge!

Tip:  I'm not sure you can say this is an organizing tip, but it worked great for me.  I have a few pairs of casual boots that are not stored in a box.  They were falling sideways.  For a cheap fix, buy a pool noodle and cut it to fit.  Slide that puppy right inside your boots.  Wa-la!  You are welcome.  

The truck went to the the transmission guy.  Sigh.  It will cost us a pretty penny to have it rebuilt.  It almost left me stranded last week.  We both knew it was going to be bad news.  Like $4200.00 bad news.

On top of that the dental insurance we have is not that great.  I went in for a cleaning, only to find out I had chipped a tooth, which required a crown.  I went back to get the permanent, and they have to send it back again for a better fit.  

Double sign.  It's a 35 minute drive to get there, so I was a bit frustrated.  Anyway, I talked to them and after insurance with a filling, our out of pocket will be a grand slam of $1575.00.  I cannot believe the cost of a crown, let alone a filling.   How are people supposed to take care of their teeth at these rates?  Crazy.  No wonder some people just have the tooth pulled.

So, with that bad news, there are projects on the house that may have to wait until next year.  Good grief.

Update on the new chicks - two have figured out how to use the ramp that goes up into the coop.  They are learning and figuring things out now.