Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Asparagus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asparagus. Show all posts

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Rainy Day Baking and Cleaning ~ Homegrown Asparagus

 I told my husband that I am, despite the work, having fun getting the house the way we want it (and stay that way for once).

I was sort of just going around getting side tracked, but things are going forward.  As I opened a cupboard, I just decided to empty them both and re-organize.  It's been sort of like a "sigh" moment along the way.

Our friend who repairs cars, came over and did an oil change on the truck for us.  We are thankful for that.  You never now how long you have to wait in town for one anymore.  We buy the supplies and he charges way less than in the "big city."

The chickens are laying great right now, so I baked us an angel food cake.  I haven't baked one of these in many years.  We just eat it plain for a snack, and sometimes add a dollop of whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

It's raining again today, but warmer than yesterday.  I checked on the asparagus and I have a few shoots up about halfway. It won't be long now, after this rain, to harvest some.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

New Recipe ~ Garden is getting planted


We cooked up of what may be the last of of this year's harvest of asparagus.  My favorite way to prepare this for a dinner side is to bake it 20 minutes with olive oil, crushed rosemary, salt and pepper at 400°F.

Tried another new recipe.  Daughter K had bought some pasta shells that needed used up.  It takes beef stock, tomato sauce and other ingredients.  I adjusted it with homemade and organic ingredients and the family loved it.  I used the recipe at Damn Delicious called Creamy Beef and Shells. I will be adding more garlic next time.

Tomatoes finally made it in the ground.  I was done by 10am, as it was already very hot (90°F day).  I planted way less than normal, so it will be interesting.  I planted 35 Amish Paste (not my usual San Marzano), 1 Big boy and 1 cherry tomato.  The planting resumes after the rain stops.  I'm tickled pink for the rain today though.  We needed it and the tomatoes love it.

I'm getting more crocheted water balloons made for the grandkids.  I may get more done today as well.  It will be a less stressed day for sure with the rain.

The chickens are doing well, although I still need to muck the coop.  I boiled more eggs for egg salad (for those hot evenings we want cold food).  Last night was one of them.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Signs of Spring



Lilacs are on.



Bleeding heart.

So many signs of spring, but I'll be digging out the old sheets to cover during these next few days.  The daffodils and hyacinths are about done for the season, but will need to cover the asparagus, rhubarb and everything pictured in this post too.  Oh, and my green onions.

I went out to pick asparagus for dinner (finally have enough for a meal), I saw that some Russian kale and some collards were up.  Yummy!

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Spontaneous as it gets!

Just to warn you, there are a lot of pictures in this post.  I guess I'm making up for lack of posts, but we had a very fun, amazing, spontaneous three state, 3 night vacation.  It was perfect and took our minds off anything we didn't need to be thinking about.  

However, everywhere we went, they either lacked employees, were closed on Monday due to lack of help, or the employees were telling us that they can't get anyone to work due to the status of unemployment in these states.  Anyway, we still found things to do and see.

First, we rented a lake house for a few nights with a hot tub.

Driving around trying to figure out what to do on day two, my husband found an adventure park.  We rented this and our guide was in his in front of us.  We had walkie-talkies to talk back and forth on.  My husband has driving experience with these, and it was an hour and a half of full blown fun.  We left covered in mud, but it was so worth it.

After that we drove to another lake lodge where the food was said to be very good.  The windy roads were so beautifully dotted with redbud trees.  

The view over the mountain where the restaurant was, had an amazing view.

Out of the blue, we decided to drive to West Virginia and try the well known Hillbilly Hotdogs.  Did you know Guy  was here and did a review?  His picture is inside.  The seating area inside was closed, but when it's open it is all inside old buses.

They are known for their deep fried hot dogs and one that they serve with slaw on top.

Our spontaneous route to Portsmouth, Ohio took us through Kentucky.  In Portsmouth, you can view a flood wall mural that is very stunning.  These are not all the murals, but you can see the art work is amazing.

Back home, my husband wanted to mow before taking off on a bike ride in the evening, so I quickly went out to one area of the property.

I picked wild violets.  Although our vacation was coming to an end last night, it felt great to be back too.

We'll be eating some home grown asparagus soon too.  Tip:  I pick it and put the stems in a jar of water in the fridge until I have enough for a meal.  It will stay crisp that way.

Our weather was perfect for our getaway, but we are back to the 50's and the news this morning (via radio) said watch for a mix of snow.  I'll be watching that evening low, in case I need to cover the asparagus.

Today, I have lots of cleaning to do, and laundry.  I need to check the pantry and freezer to bake us a healthy breakfast and write a dinner menu plan.  After eating out most days, I need to get back to some healthy food.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

This and That and a baby duck

I hope you all had a nice Memorial Day weekend.  We spent most of it in the garden and on the Harley.  We now have to do a repair on the tiller and the mower to resume work sadly.  

We have decided we will do our motorcycle rides before or after our meals at home.   No more eating out unless we can order ahead of time.  It is taking us 2-3 hours to get food inside restaurants and then good luck getting them to give you your bill timely.  It's not worth it to help a business, unless like I said, we can order ahead.  The wait time is awful.  One day we put over 300 miles on the bike.  I am now sun burned, but will be outside again today.

The plants are hardened and ready to plant though.  I just need my awesome husband to repair the tiller and get more tilled.

We are getting more asparagus from the garden. Yum.

The green beans, carrots and beets are coming up now.

Our daughter who works, was outside on her break and somehow a baby duck showed up.  It had no family anywhere, so she caught it, boxed it up and brought it home.  Thankfully, the animal sanctuary took the duck. 

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Spring Garden Goodies

Early photo from yesterday.  Purple dead nettle is up.

Our rhubarb and asparagus is coming up too.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Teabag Tidbits

Just a little teabag quote for the day.

Started a jar of comfrey infused oil.  I haven't decided yet, but I'll either use this as an oil or make a salve, to topically treat my varicose veins.

Made a breakfast scramble with collards, jalapeno and bacon.  Of course eggs, potatoes and green bell peppers as well.  I felt bad Hubby had no breakfast nor lunch to pack on Monday.  We grilled out Sunday night, and had been busy outdoor Sunday morning.

Baked Bourbon Blueberry Banana bread.  Snacks for the next day or two.

You know when the weather really is wacky, when you have this much asparagus, and no snap peas to go with it (when I normally do).  Peas aren't even planted sadly.  I roast the asparagus with rosemary and olive oil.

Today is our youngest daughter's last day of school. 

Considering our weather the last two years, I've asked Hubby to put building a green house to the top of the to-do list.  I can't survive with out it now.  It's imperative in order for us to eat healthy and stock up for the winter and spring.  The weather is definitely a struggle and I have a bad feeling it will happen more often than not.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Oh the possibilities...

I literally made a "possibilities" list yesterday.  The sun came out (shocker), and the rain was only 10%.  I had no idea what to tackle first.  Garden?  Herb garden?  Garlic? Wash rugs?  Clean off the porch?  Fix the vacuum?  Harvest chickweed, plantain and clevers?  Start another jar of Four Thieves Vinegar?  Take a lawn chair out into the sunshine and read a book?  Oh, so many possibilities.

I just wrote out a list and went with the flow, starting with anything that could be washed and dried outside (taking a chance).

First off the list - leaning tower of dishes.  Put them away only to get most back out again.  Oh look!  Rotten bananas!

Second off the list - rugs washed and on the line.  I could not believe the sun was out and the rain went away for a day.

Next?  I had all good intentions to get the bathroom scrubbed, tidied, swept and mopped. After checking the garlic and asparagus I noticed the rhubarb needed tops trimmed.    First thing I typically make is Rhubarb BBQ sauce, but not yesterday.

Then I brought this in, and made this . . .

Rhubarb crunch. I'll be posting the recipe soon.  Asparagus was saved for another meal.

I weeded the herb garden, and brought this in....

... and made this.

Chickweed pesto.  I need to make chickweed tincture, and dry a ton of it for tea and oil infusions.

So this happened.  Again.  At least the herb garden has been weeded.  Again.  Tomorrow we have a 20% chance of rain, so I am praying the garden dries up.

Hubby is now working 10 hour days for 6 days straight, so it's odd for me to adjust.  Even so, he wanted a short motorcycle ride, which didn't happen.  I knew he'd be too tired, and he was, but the intention was good.

A friend sent me tomato seeds, but it's too late to start the for this year.  I will save them for next season.

All of the chickens are finally getting along.  I just can't let the younger ones out in the run just yet.  Too many hawk and eagle sightings to take a chance. 

Friday, May 10, 2019

Steak Sheet Pan Dinner ~ Whiskey/Blue Cheese Butter

I made a steak/potato/asparagus sheet pan dinner the other night, and all of us were disappointed in the steaks - organic ribeye and expensive.  They were more fatty than I have ever purchased.  These are typically not available until "grilling" season starts, and I was super excited to have them again.  This time?  Not so.  I'll be checking out a new organic, grass fed farm that is one hour away.

I however, made our delicious whiskey/garlic butter (Black and Blue Cheese Butter) to top the steaks and potatoes, so now I have to use up that butter one way or another.

The recipe for the sheet pan dinner is from Rachel Ray's show.  Just google it.  Super easy, I just need a new steak to use for it. 

Please be patient with me catching up with your blogs.  I have so much to catch up on in my kitchen alone right now.  Hmpf.  I know it'll be so nice when I'm done.  Now, if I can get Hubby to start on that bathroom.  Again.

Rain is in the forecast for the next 15 days.