Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Friday, September 25, 2009

Road Runner and a Double Yolk

We were truly blessed yesterday with a double yolk egg from one of our chickens (Road Runner). I actually took a picture of it, but my son, in a hurry with a photo project for class, deleted it from the camera - Grrrr! I never knew raising chickens could be such a blessing to our home.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Saving Money ~ Stop buying wet mop pads

Make these instead: Biffer Shrug (pdf) I definitely have to make these! I will save so much money. There are more patterns on the Internet.

Naughty Kittens

Well, well, well. One of them dug up my dwarf lemon plant. Hmmmm? Which ever one it was, they climbed the kitchen counter some time this morning and dirt is everywhere. Both are sleeping soundly right now. I can't put mothballs in it, so I guess I need another roll of masking tape.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Freezing more garden vegetables

Wow! All of this was in the garden today! I couldn't believe it. I thought there wouldn't be anymore zucchini, but wow! I even had an eggplant! I just froze 2 quart bags of zucchini and 2 bags of tomatoes. I am even getting more tomatoes peeled for Lentil Soup for dinner. I'm adding fresh zucchini to it too. Then, I going to bake 2 large spaghetti squash and make hash browns and a Greek dish. What a blessing this is today! Oh, and the squash are from the garden too.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Chickens and more eggs!

I'm thrilled with raising chickens for eggs! We are now getting 4 eggs a day. Two more chickens have started laying eggs.

I was tickled to see our hummingbird again yesterday. He's brown bellied and has visited us often. Each time we've moved, we've been blessed with at least one hummingbird. And I don't feed it special food. I've attracted them with my flowers and that's it. He/she loves the flowers. It's better for the birds too.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Another beautiful sunrise today

We were blessed with another beautiful sunrise this Sunday. I'm so glad I took the time to watch it.

It's about time to check on the chickens and see if more are laying eggs. Yesterday I bought a metal basket for the kids to bring the eggs inside with. They laughed when I showed them the basket, and said we should call our house "The House on the Prairie". We may not be on the prairie, but it feels wonderful to be in the country.

Yesterday we had a stray dog visit us. Actually there were two, but one ran off. The one that stayed was limping and very friendly. He appeared to be neglected. His tag was a year old, which didn't even match the dog it was on. His nails were way too long, he was missing hair in spots, his eyes were glossy, and his teeth didn't look right. I'm sure whoever was out hunting just let them roam free. He took a nap in one of the bars, but left later. We tried putting him in a tie-out, but he just kept getting loose from it. He smelled horrible also. Poor dog. Why do people get pets and then just tie them outside and ignore them?

We still have the five kittens. We haven't found a home for any of them yet. We did however get the other barn cat spayed before she had even more kittens. They would be great mousers for someone too.

I was woken up this morning by Tiger pouncing on me. He brought his play mouse up to the bed and was darting around with it. Soon, Jasper was there too.

A few days ago, I had chenille stems sitting on the kitchen counter for a craft project. The next thing I knew, both kittens has stolen them and have been playing with them ever since. We also discovered they love drinking straws. We can't store them on a low shelf anymore. One look and we could see tiny teeth marks in the tops of them - ha ha ha!

Crocheted Slippers ~ Christmas Handmade 2009

Another crocheted pair of slippers for Christmas. This pair is for one of the girls that has a dog for a pet. I love the buttons!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Our first dozen chicken eggs

Here is the first full dozen of eggs two chickens are now laying. It feels pretty good to raise our own chickens, and save money on the eggs. Not only that, but we are eating healthier and together it blesses the family.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kittens and Toilet Paper


I went to investigate the noise I just heard. It came from the bathroom, and sounded like the shower curtain rod hit the floor. Kittens!

There on the floor was the shower curtain and rod. Yep. It was both kittens. And sitting on the cabinet next to the wall mounted toilet paper rod, was Jasper with the end of the toilet paper in his mouth!

I don't know why he has an obsession with the toilet paper, but it's not a cheap one. He stole a roll last week and took it to the hallway to devour. Yuck.

Later I checked on the chickens and we now have two laying eggs. I'm pretty excited about that. It will surely save us money on the groceries.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Lunch Surprises

Today I am sneaking a snack size bag of Good & Plenty into a few of my kid's lunches. Unfortunately, I didn't get them into two of them, so tomorrow I will try again. With a short note (because they always hate Monday's), I included a small pack of candy. I hope it makes their day better.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Our First Home Grown Cabbage

We are enjoying our first home grown cabbage. For some reason, only a few grew, and late too. It's our first vegetable garden, so we are learning quite a bit. Tonight we are eating cabbage, mixed with potatoes, onions, and home grown zucchini, and green pepper. I threw in some grated carrots and flavorings. Topped it off with ground turkey sausage. Yum!

Despite the cool nights here, I still have a few eggplants growing, and a few zucchini yet.

The kids camped out last night and had a ball. I'm encouraging them to do it again, even though they have school tomorrow. Even though I am allowing it, they are saying "no way Mom". I think they have gotten into a no spoken rule zone or something. Who said it can't be done? I sure didn't. And why not? Life is too short to not enjoy it.

Today I found the most delicious hash brown recipe to make, using my spaghetti squash instead of potatoes. They are so good and good for us. I also read, and I'm not sure if it's true, that winter squash is high in pesticides. I will be buying organic when we run out of it in the garden.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Is it worth the time and effort to write articles on-line?

I just checked my earnings on one Web site I write articles for. The earnings have not changed since yesterday, and the day before that it was pennies. So is it really worth it? Writing 100 articles for a few pennies?

I just read a blog about choosing sites wisely. This is absolutely true. Articles on the Internet will not be there forever either. Spending more time writing a novel, while writing a few less time consuming on-line articles makes more sense.

So, in my quest to make "writing" a career and main source of income, I have promised myself to start the "book" I keep talking about but never do anything about. I just wrote an article on the debate of motherhood and time we have to write. Motherhood is a job in itself and mothers have a lot to write about.

Volunteering at the Humane Society

Last night was another night at the Humane Society. Sadly, "Monkey" (Willow) was still there. He's such a playful and loving cat too. We met many new ones, including Lolita, a gorgeous calico kitten with gray, tan and white. What beautiful colors! As I sat on the floor to invite felines to my lap, Owen plopped, and stood ground on not letting any other cat in my lap. There were some crazy cats too. You know, the kind that walk around with their ears back, tail twitching, just looking for something to move so he/she can dive in for an attack. Ha ha ha!

When we arrived home we put all of our clothes in the washing machine. However, even though we did that, and washed our hands good, our kittens must have still smelled the other cats on us. My 12 year old daughter went to bed, but was visited by Jasper. Lovingly, he slowly walked over her on her bed, but stopped and peed on her. We now know that we will have to shower to remove every last scent of cats and other animals.

And all the while, we were more worried about Mom's "devil cat" attacking us at her house. When we stopped to visit before driving home, we faced that fiercesome feline. Here is a glimpse of the "she devil" herself.
Sorry Mom, but I have to post this hilarious picture of your cat. Ha, ha, ha, ha!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Handmade Gift Ideas for Boys or Teenage Boys

In my search to find the right handmade gift idea for my nephews, I decided to post the links I find to many projects. Hopefully it will help others too.

Frugal Front Porch: Boys Denim Wallet

Family Fun: Crafty Lunch Sack (made with recycled jeans or other denim

Make a Hemp necklace

Make a Floppy disk pencil/pen holder

Tie-dyed t-shirts

Stamped t-shirts

Visit us soon as I locate more creative ideas! Get started early for the Holidays!

Latest crochet project for Christmas 2009

These are not the best pictures. I tried to take the photo, avoiding shadows. Today I was blessed with a lot of porch time - ALONE! The kids, prior to leaving me, were discussing what I would be doing all by myself. It doesn't happen very much at all. In fact, I can't remember the last time I had more than a 1/2 hour to myself.

This is the project I just completed. It's a purse for my niece. I hope she likes the colors and the button I used. It reminds me of the colors of India. It measures about 16 inches from the top of the handle to the bottom.

If I have more time later, I may crochet her a chapstick holder to put inside it. Now....if I could just think of something to crochet for my nephew? Maybe I can swindle my daughter to macrame a boys bracelet or necklace? Hmmm. I'll have to think more on that.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sunset on September 5, 2009


Here is our chicken named "Road Runner". She's not the biggest, but the fastest. She's also the first to start laying eggs. They are all locked up nice a tight to keep "Foxy Loxy" away. We also put all the kittens into a dog cage for the night. They are safe too.

Fox in the Field

Here is a photo my son took today. A fox was right in front of the house, walking through this plowed wheat field. He's not very big either. This is the first fox we have seen around here. It's dove hunting season here, so he/she must be out hunting too. This was very neat to see today.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

What to do with all of your spaghetti squash

I found this wonderful Web site with wonderful recipes using spaghetti squash. I can't wait to try some. Next year we will add more to the garden. YUM!

Healthy Recipes for Kids - Spaghetti Squash

Teaching Geography to Kids ~ Making it Fun!

I found the most interesting regarding teaching kids geography! It's called "The Everything Kids' Geography Book". I wish I had this book when I was a kid. The authors combined so many other areas of learning with learning geography. One of the kids may find a copy of it in under the Christmas tree this winter. If you can get a copy at your library, take a look at it. It really is a good teaching tool for kids, and the authors make it fun!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Enjoying our Garden Tomatoes

Our cherry tomatoes were pretty plump. They are the perfect size to top our heart healthy refried beans and low fat cheese burritos. We also topped these with Kale and fat-free sour cream. Yum!

Guess who did this?

"TIGER! Bad kitty! Argggghhhhhhh!"

Our First Chicken Egg!

We are proud to announce the arrival of our first chicken egg!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Reaction to Cutting Zucchini and Eggplant

Well, I'm not the only one, according to the Internet, to have a reaction after cutting up summer squash. My hands are burning, red, raw, peeling, and itching. In the last 2 days I've cut up zucchini, eggplant, spaghetti squash, turnips and beets. I'm betting it's the squash. I put Burt's Bee's hand cream 4 times last night. I'm just about out too. And I'm considering making zucchini brownies for everyone at dinner or after school.

Latest Handmade Christmas Gift Project

You can find the pattern at: Men's Easy Slippers

Although, with all the big feet in this house, I will have to make the ankle part of the slipper wider. They are nice, however, for handmade Christmas presents, or gifts for men.


Monday, August 31, 2009

Freezing Turnips

I'll be pulling all of the remaining turnips, blanching and freezing them tonight. If the good Lord blesses us, we'll have more zucchini to blanch and freeze also. Maybe even beets.

I am making the eggplant/zucchini casserole tonight, but instead of whole wheat spaghetti noodles, I am using baked spaghetti squash. The kids don't like the squash that much, so it's a good way to sneak it in. I hope it tastes good.

I cannot wait to grow this bountiful garden again, and of course with God's blessing.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Spaghetti Squash, Zucchini, Eggplant and Tomatoes

I'm on the search again for new recipes. I have beets roasting to go with our Spinach/yogurt/tomato pizzas. With the cooler weather suddenly arriving, I am a little sad to the zucchini slow in growth. I really enjoyed being able to just walk outside and pick something to make dinner with.

I may substitute the spaghetti noodles in the eggplant/zucchini bake, with the spaghetti squash. Not sure yet. I found a few that looked good too.

I can't wait to can tomato sauce. I use it so much during the summer with vegetables. I'm even using my green onion to top the pizzas for tonight. We went through all of my dried Thyme and Oregano, so I had to cut more to dry. I also cut Rosemary to flavor the beets that are roasting.

I brought a sprig of thyme into the house and potted it. I have never grown my herbs inside, other than rosemary, which I usually kill before spring. I'm heading out tomorrow to cut some oregano to grow inside also. I have grown basil inside since spring, and I am really enjoying not having to buy it. The cats don't bother due to the taste.

Now all we need here are peach trees. I would love to bake with fruit too. The pear and apple trees are young, so it will be a few more years for them. I think we will plant a blackberry bush and strawberries for sure.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Christmas Gifts ~ Handmade

Here's is another finished crocheted Christmas gift - Reusable Shopping bag (book bag or purse).

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Living in the Country and Pesky Salesmen

We moved to the country for privacy and more room. However, we have had health insurance salesmen stop twice now to sell insurance. I think they own a secret satellite up in the sky, that instant messages them when someone moves to the country. It beeps and blurps until they run their little shiny cars to your house and knock on your doors wearing their suits and ties.

I'd like to see them get out of their car when all of the dogs are outside - ha ha ha ha! "Opps! I accidentally let the dogs out sir! You'll have to get in your cars and leave now!"

Good grief. It's bad enough to have sales calls on the phone, but door to door in the country? I'm moving to the high hills next.

I was a bad Mom this morning

In a hurry, while in between buses coming and going, I signed onto the computer. Bad move. I should have never thought that I could check e-mail and check on my articles at the same time the kids were getting ready for school.

I had one child left home (other than the one going to on-line school). She was late getting up because of me. I was trying desperately to get my writing done, and did not pay attention to my motherly responsibilities.

The bus rolled in, and she had no lunch packed. I scooted her out with a bag that had only a few items. I felt absolutely horrible to have her so upset at the beginning of the day. I logged off everything, and finished getting dressed.

Feeling so horrible, I decided to not only pack her a lunch and deliver it, but to deliver it in my special pink ribbon lunch cooler. I wrote her a small note that I hoped it would bless her day and that it was packed with love. I added a neat sticker too.

When I got home, I decided I wasn't going to let the computer steal my day or mind away from me. My family needs me, and it's bad enough I started back to college. I can't delegate chores anymore because they are all in school during the day.

I surely hope her day was blessed with the lunch I packed, and that she forgives me for getting her up late. I think I am putting too many "things" into my day and I need to re-prioritize them.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

An abundance of zucchini and daily rambling

I just started the baking zucchini pancake receipe x 6. I still have zucchini for dinner as well. I'm not sure yet what I will do with it. I am usually on target and have meals planned for the week. It will take a while to make the pancakes, so I am reading my school work in between flipping pancakes, and also while the washer is going.

I have a feeling that road work is about to start on the 2-lane highway in front of the house. I keep seeing men in florescent colors measuring, driving back and forth, planting sticks with bright pink flags, and even measuring from the road to the trees and barn. Out of curiosity I almost went out and asked what they were doing. Wouldn't you? If you saw 3 men walking a great distance onto your property, you might too.

The kittens think my "hippy" skirt is a play toy today. They never did it before, but today they are playing with the hem of it. To them it's probably a moving target.

Four pancakes made, and about 100 to go. Unfortunately, I do not own a griddle. Maybe I can add that to the family wish list.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Freezing more Sweet Corn

I got another 32 cups of sweet corn frozen yesterday. I had planned to make a quadruple batch of zucchini pancakes, but didn't get that far. I plan to get the pancakes made today.

I have already put dinner in the crock-pot, and have one load of laundry on the line. I'm a bit behind and still have to do my homework. The kids think it's funny- watching me try to juggle everything and go back to college. They laugh at the fact Mom has homework too.

I think, as I find ways to grow and freeze or can our own vegetables, the kids are starting to feel the same "pioneer" spirits that I do. They are already talking about how they don't really get to "live" there own life if they are forced to work a job they really don't like, just to survive. They are imagining running a farm, raising their own meat, dairy, vegetables, etc. It's interesting to see them consider schooling, college, and the final outcome. Is it really worth it? I know I will find out for myself, as I have just started back to college. I'm already wondering, "What was I thinking?!"

I can say, that bartering vegetables this summer was worth it. I would love to meet more farmers and vegetable growers, and barter for items that didn't grow or were not planted. We did buy the corn, but it was worth it. The freezer is filling up and it will help our grocery costs. It's also much healthier for us, than to buy it canned from the grocery store.

I may even try to blanch and freeze some more zucchini. The nights are getting cooler here and the garden won't last much more.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Blackberries and Raspberries: Power Foods

Blackberries and Raspberries: Power Foods

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Book reviews and using up old ribbon

I wrote another book review yesterday. While on my mission for a simpler holiday, I found one more way to use up leftover ribbon - making gift tags with them. If you get the chance, check out the book reviews in the sidebar of my blog.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Freezing Sweet Corn

Whew! After enlisting the help from 4 of the kids, we froze 32 cups of sweet corn. I bought a bushel for $12.00 and we are still having corn for dinner tonight. And after all of that, we still have corn to clean, cut and freeze tomorrow. My freezer is filling up for winter and it sure feels good to have good, healthy food. Maybe next year we will grow better corn. My husband's job was to plan the corn this year and only one stalk grew.

Kids and Watching the Sunrise ~ Preparing a child for Middle School

When our oldest daughter found out that I wrote about the younger two (on my blog), she attempted to get up early this morning. She set her alarm clock to join the other girls to watch the sunrise this morning.

I'm not surprised, but all of them slept in. Either way it didn't matter. It's raining and very cloudy today. Thank goodness we are getting rain. The vegetable, herb, and flower gardens needed water badly.

Already this morning, my 12 year old is making a dog leash with her macrame board. It's wonderful to see each child find something to improve themselves with. I may even make a second macrame board for myself.

I learned something from my oldest daughter, regarding preparing our 10 year old for middle school. Buying her a bra had not been on my mind, but new socks and underwear were. She advised me that in Middle School the girls all change for gym in the same room, where everyone can see every one's everything. She let me know I should buy some training bras to ease that situation and help her feel less awkward in during physical education. With so many children going in so many directions, it was definitely helpful to get this information. Hopefully it will help other parents sending their daughter's into Middle School for the first time.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Sunrise, Vegetables, and Working Out

This morning I was stunned to see two of my daughters up before me. They were sitting outside waiting to watch the sunrise. My son, who already started school was out there also, but his bus picked him up before the sun was up.

I wrote a somewhat funny and very true story about parking spaces on It was from my mother's view, and if you happen to go to helium and read it, she now has a handicapped sticker (thank goodness). Note: I'm moving this article on helium to another category. I'll post when I have the link.

Tonight we are benefiting from the vegetable garden once again. I pulled several zucchini so we can make another quadruple batch of zucchini pancakes, I pulled several tomatoes, which will be added to our ground turkey burgers, I pulled two acorn squash, and 2 cantaloupe. Since we do not water our garden ourselves, some items are smaller, but I'm so glad we don't use chemicals of any sort to grow it.

Tomorrow I'll be pulling more turnips and beets. I sure hope it rains though. We really do need more rain.

We have benefited from the garden so much. It's lowered our cost, provided healthy meals, and is helping us all lose weight. On July 26th I measured my upper arms, waist and thighs. I just measured them, and I have lost 1/8th inch on each arm, 1 inch off of my waist, and 1/2 inch on each thigh. I've also kept off 15 pounds (approximately). I am really going to miss the garden, but look forward to canning next year. I may buy a bushel of corn from a farmer, blanch it and freeze it for the winter months.

Speaking of winter coming, I have rearranged the front room furniture so nothing is near the wood burning stove. We've cleaned under the furniture, and will be washing the curtains soon too. It feels good to have all of that done already.

My current project, along with the last pair of crocheted slippers, is a reusable crocheted shopping bag. My 12 year just made herself a macrame board and is starting to make handmade gifts for the holidays as well. I'm finding many useful patterns at the local library.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Kittens, Chaos, and School Fees

Well, it's come to the point where we are needing to make a decision. One or both of the kittens killed the goldfish last night, one messed on the floor, and both of them destroyed my room last night. Evidently they think it's the main playground for their rambunctious lives. I know they would both be good mousers, even though they are males. The seek to destroy.

The girls are already outside giving poor "Caspian" a proper funeral. Cat claw marks are evident on the poor little guys sides.

Today I have the joy of paying $105.00 in school fees for 3 kids. Plus, I get the joy of paying a student fee for my son, who does not even attend the school. He's bussed to a career center school, but because we are in this school's district, I am required to pay a $7.00 student fee and a $1.00 guidance fee. Evidently, some of it goes to pay for the prom. I had no idea that, we the parents, are paying for that.

The kids have now managed to destroy the PS3. It's probably a good thing, now that school is starting. It is way to expensive to replace it, so if they want a new one, they need to find a job and buy it themselves. The best part is that I don't' have to worry about it monopolizing their free time. Now they can find more time to be creative and spend more time applying for jobs.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Free School Resources for Parents - Making School Fun!

Encourage your kids in school with printable certificates you can print at home:

Free Printable Certificates

Free Printable Bookmarks

Free On-line Resources for Geography

While attending a middle school orientation, the social studies teacher mentioned that the first topic to be discussed will be geography. She also mentioned that the kids may find it "boring". I went on-line to find fun sites to help at home, while she is learning at school and found these:

Free Geography Publications

Geography Quiz Bowl Questions

Free Printable Geography Worksheets

Scholastic Free Printables (register to print)

National Geographic for Kids

Free and Inexpensive Geography Materials

Fact Monster - Geography Guide

Knowledge House - Study Resources: Geography

Free Federal Resources - Geography

Printable Outline Maps

Geography Study Resources

Fifth Grade SS Geography and Map Skills - On-line Flash Cards

Monday, August 17, 2009

Certificate of Completion: Perserving Food at Home

I've passed the canning course and now have my own certificate. I can't wait to purchase all the supplies and start canning. It will be new for the kids too.

To learn how to take this course read an article I have written on how to register for it (on-line).

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Christmas Handmade 2009 Update

Crocheted lip balm holders for each of the girls. I'm using leftover slipper yarn, so each girl will have matching slippers and lip balm holder. I'll be attaching a lanyard clip and ring to each one before I wrap them. These will be stocking stuffers.

Here are 3 pairs of slippers completed. I found buttons from $2.00-3.50 (2 per package), on clearance from $.50 to $.97! What a deal! The camo slippers have deer crossing buttons I found in clearance for $.50! I'm working on the 4th and 5th pair. They know they are getting them. They picked their color of yarn and they picked out their buttons. I had to size them as I crocheted them, so I needed their feet anyway. Believe it or not, but they are trying to make me give them the slippers now. Ha, ha, ha!

Now the challenge remains on what to make my 17 year old son. I'm looking for more bootie type slipper patterns for him.

Sun fried Momma

Whew! Talk about hot weather! I told the kids to come water me down every five minutes. Luckily the garden is doing okay. It could be better, but it's still producing. The herb garden is looking wonderful and I have already dried more rosemary for bus driver and teacher gifts. The flower beds are needing a good weeding and the rose bushes. We really need rain.

School starts tomorrow for one daughter and for myself.

Jasper has been at it again. So has Tiger. They have chewed on books, tried to eat a plastic fly swatter, and more. Argh!

Yesterday we attended another fair and our youngest brought home a gold fish. Adding more animal in the house. At least it doesn't need brushed and doesn't need a litter box.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Christmas Teacher Gift Ideas - Handmade/Homemade

This year I am contemplating teacher gifts early. One gift may be dried herbs in a cute glass spice jar or recycled jar. I'm drying rosemary for these cute jars I found in clearance. I grow rosemary in my herb garden without chemicals. What's better than home grown?

What do stay-at-home Moms do all day?

If you are a curious reader, and have been wondering what stay-at-home mothers do all day, then you've come to the right place. You can put the stereotype that we are all couch potatoes, watch soap operas and eat bon bon's all day, into the toilet. We are all different. We all have a different size of family and the demands and responsibilities are all different. I can't even say there is a "typical" day for us either. To give you a sneak peek into my day, this is what today amounted to. We've had zucchini for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Now it's time for Braised turnips over brown rice or barley. See how the day went:

1. got up showered, dressed, ate breakfast
2. made bed
3. wrote for 2 hours (my time)
4. put laundry on the line outside
5. vacuumed
6. watered outside plants
7. did dishes
8. called financial aid office regarding application
9. cleaned up bathroom floor
10. went through yesterday's mail, sorted and shredded etc.
11. put cushions out on the back patio
12. cleaned off kitchen table
13. put more laundry in the washer
14. cleaned up utility room floor
15. cleaned off kitchen counters
16. checked library on-line for items due and items in
17. swept off front porch
18. ran vacuum in bedroom
19. picked up kids flip flops laying in hallway floor
20. ran dishwasher
21. sent e-mails to sister, mom, brother, and friends
22. make chicken and cheese Quesadilla for lunch
23. put corn pudding in the crock pot for dinner's side dish
24. checked garden for any veggies - pulled turnips for dinner, beets, and zucchini
25. put away dried herbs that were drying on the herb rack, cut more to dry
26. read Bible
27. swept kitchen
28. worked on handmade Christmas gifts (keeping the it frugal and budget friendly this year)
29. put more laundry on the line
30. put more laundry in the washer
31. got the mail
32. delivered a healthy meal and fresh zucchini to Mom
33. took one daughter to a doctor appointment
34. picked up needed items and attempted to get prescriptions (that's a whole story in itself)
35. drove home and wrote another article while eating my dinner
36. drove to the gas station to fill up the van
37. took towels off the line
38. washed my face and got ready to go to bed

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Update on Finding the Crocheted Slipper Pattern

Regarding the crocheted slippers with the button closure:

I could not find the pattern on-line. Here is the link to other free patterns that are in the same issue of "Makin' Hay" and other issues - Mary Jane Butters Patterns and Instructions.

If you have access to a fram supply store such as a TSC store (Tractor Supply), you might find the Aug-Sept 2009 "Makin' Hay" Issue of this magazine. In it, you find patterns for knitting and for crocheting the slippers.

Healthier Eating

All of this healthier cooking and baking, has allowed us to lose weight, even when we forget or have little time to exercise. Ever since I started making heart healthy meals, I've noticed most of us slimming a bit, and having a lot more energy.

I love doing research, so I'm spending quite a bit of time reading about every food I cook with, and learning the benefits to our bodies. I've researched and continue to research about the foods we grow ourselves. I've learned a great deal about the affects of sodium and how we were including way too much of it with canned foods.

I've taken a free home study course on how to preserve foods, and passed the course. It was fun and I learned something new. Next year, I will be canning - something my grandmother used to do. I've learned to blanch my cut zucchini before freezing, and so much more. It's been fun!

All of this has led me to write so many new articles. On eHow I wrote how to register for the free home study course (which i found out about in MaryJane's Farm Magazine), and I've written an article on Helium about how to add fiber to your diet. I've added articles on eHow how to make our Refried Beans, and my famous "tades" as my 7 year calls them. The more garlic flavor, the more she'll eat. And through it all, we are staying healthy.