Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Friday, September 1, 2017

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

What's Cookin? Greens. That's what's Cookin'

In 2016, I canned sweet-hot caramelized onions for the first time.  I used them often in different recipes, meals.  This time I used the onions on pizza....

Garden Swiss Chard, ricotta, Parmesan, garden garlic, herb garden thyme, barnyard egg....topped with home canned sweet hot caramelized onions.  Tasted amazing.

Here is how I made mine, but you an google for other recipes:

Monday, August 28, 2017

...from the handiwork journal

I thought I'd post a handiwork update while the kitchen is in full swing.

. . . made more granny squares for the baby blanket, only 11 more to make. 

. . .making progress on the dishcloths.  Finished this one, which was gifted to my older brother for all that fish he gifted us.  Another one still continues in progress.

. . .started on a set of embroidered kitchen towels. These are for Grad Daughter's Hope Chest.  I had to hold this down in the wind to get a photo of it.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Zoo-ing It!

Although I had different plans, my daugther reminded me it was Family day at the zoo (provided free by Hubby's work).

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Second Picking of Tomatoes and other goodies

Woke up to 48°F.  

Break out the carhartts. Brrr!  This is not normal for August.

Hubby worked late last night.  When he got home he advised me about Hurricane Harvey.  I had no idea.   I don't get the news on my TV.   Praying for Texas and any surrounding areas.

My recent garden goodie harvest. 

This is only two rows of the back tomato patch.  I later enlisted the help of a daughter and got all the tomatoes picked (aside from rotten ones and ones the chickens got into).  The grand tally later was 51 lbs.  That didn't include the grape and heirloom pear tomatoes either.  Despite cooler weather and no rain.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Welcome to the Jungle! Homemaking at it's Best ~ Fox and the Chickens ~ Garden Provides

I feel like I need to add music to this post, ha ha ha!

I decided to take photos after all.  A little humor for you today. I was outside taking photos of Youngest on her 2nd day of school, and just started to laugh.

You have to have humor to see this, and deal with this (all things considered).

This doesn't even include the jungle of a vegetable garden we have either.

Grab a cup of java/tea or your favorite beverage.  Things just got interesting....

Thursday, August 24, 2017

No Rain ~ The Jungle ~ Our Lamancha Goats passing hands again

We were to get rain all day the other day, and got  a 1 second sprinkle.  The garden really needs it too.

In the meantime, I wrapped up my leg really good (I didn't want dirt in it) and went out to weed the jungle of my herb garden.  I needed to get in it to start dehydrating for winter.

One hour later, my left eye started to itch and burn.  Sure enough when I came inside, it was red and swollen.  Allergies.  I am almost out of nettle, so I whipped up a cup of nettle, ginger and peppermint tea.