Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Random Tidbits

You were not graced with a talkative blog post yesterday because I was out beautifying myself.  I got a hair cut.  I had it layered, and I do love it!  Youngest did a "job shadow" day with the hair salon, so I thought I better get one while I had someone home to watch the pups.

Youngest learned a lot at her job shadow day.  First, she learned working a full-time job out side the home, is a long day.  She got to answer phones, sweep hair, help with rollers, clean combs and brushes, and more.  I'm glad she had the opportunity to experience the atmosphere of what she really wants to do when she gets older.  Unfortunately, the school makes this "mandatory" job shadow day when they are only 14 years-old.  I think it should be when they are approaching 16 years-old.  

Herbal News!  I ran out of lemongrass.  Sigh.  I had to buy a bag of organic online until spring arrives.  I love the tea.  It has so many benefits, and one being a "calming" tea.    I don't even add honey.  It's tough each day to decide what tea to drink anymore, they are all so good.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Tahini Update ~ Homemade Wheat Thins

I let my homemade tahini sit about 9 days before using it to make hummus.  The oil did not separate.   It was also darker and smelled better than the jar of tahini from the store.

I should have taken another photo comparing the color of each, and it stayed softer too.  The jar of tahini from the store separates quickly and is difficult to stir again.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Dark Rum Truffles ~ From pile but not quite to the file ~ Tidbits

This time of year I get to itchin' for that crazy, run-around, busyness I'm so acclimated to over the summer.  Sounds crazy in itself, right?

There are days where I just have to do something new.  What's new?  A recipe.  A recipe from the stash pile.

Dark Rum Truffles.  I have never, in my life, made a truffle.  Now I can say I have. However, I'm looking for a different recipe now.

Were they good? 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Chilly Temps ~ Get Well Soon Box ~ More snow

The school put out a 2 hour delay Sunday night, for Monday morning, but I couldn't figure out why they closed.  Not until I took the pups out the second time, did I realize why.

They were jumping and romping and loving the snow one minute, and holding up their back feet the next - our temperature was "feeling like -8 degrees" outside.  I didn't feel it of course.  Having had -26 over the past winters, I guess I was thinking it was somewhat decent out, ha ha!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Read a book? Ha!

I woke up to the downpour of rain yesterday morning, which as you saw in yesterday's post, quickly turned to snow.  I for once, was glad to see it. 

It was my excuse to hunker in for the entire day and do something I do not normally have the time to do - read a book. 

Our 16 year-old was up making us all omelets for breakfast, which started our day out great - potatoes, bacon, green peppers, etc.  Mmmm.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Garden Planning ~ Puppy Updates

I'm adding many new herbs to the gardens this year - feverfew, yarrow,  tarragon, valerian (did not grow this last year), white horehound and summer savory.  

My lavender plants died the winter we had temps at -22°F here, so I have new organic seeds ordered.  I did some research on hawthorn, and I am pretty sure I will find it growing wild along the edges of our property.  Stinging nettle, catnip and plantain are all wild here too.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Winter has arrived, and other homestead ramblings

It rained here again.  No big news, considering our monsoon year.  In with a bang, out with a bang.  Although it is a new year, so it can stop now.

I'll let you know of the weatherman was right.  We are to get an inch of snow tomorrow.  We haven't had any snow that has stayed this winter yet.