Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Egg Soufflé (aka Christmas Morning Casserole)


Sharing one of our favorite Christmas morning breakfast dishes (again).  However, I have made it for other occasions.

The recipe is on my blog HERE.  I have made this with homemade bread, and it still turned out delicious.  Homemade sage sausage is good with this too.

The best part of this breakfast recipe, is it is made the night before, covered and baked the next morning.  You could also use leftover ham, or bacon, but we've always made it with sausage.

The recipe was given to me by a co-worker, many, many years ago.

The weather here is still rain. It's also causing a muddy mess outside.  It's definitely been a warmer December this year.

Egg Souffle © Dec 2023 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Anniversary Lunch ~ Rosemary Update ~ Back to the Grind ~ Garlic Fermented Honey Update


My husband and I had one last day to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary, so we drove to the lake for an island lunch.  We dressed up for the occasion.   I will admit, it was a messy burger, but good.  The fries were "truffle" fries.  They are fried in mushroom oil.  I have never heard of that.  The garlic aioli was for dipping the fries.  The whipped feta hot honey dip is our favorite.  The menu was limited, as the larger part of the restaurant was closed at the time.  I wasn't a fan of the drink, but overall it was a nice lunch. 

We have planned a few hikes for the future, as we could not do them due to the muddy conditions.  

It's back to the "grind" as they say it.  December is a busy month for us, in the way of celebrations, and we are back on track with projects and regular good ol' housework.

I did my best to keep my rosemary plants alive, but one is dead, and the other is hanging on by a hair.  I cannot, for some reason, ever dig them up and keep them alive indoors for the winter.  Honestly, I should have left them outside, as our weather has been in the 50-60's this month.  Anyway, I tried.  I even used different soil for them.  On the other hand, the propagated rosemary is doing fine.  It's just not very big.

Although the weather has been much warmer for a winter here, it brought a lot of rain.  Any outdoor projects, including the new coop, are all put on hold until the rain leaves us.  I think everyone in the area is looking forward to the rain ending.

Are you doing anything just for you this busy holiday month?  I was gifted some shower fizzers, and have enjoyed the lavender.  I am now on the hunt for peppermint (septic safe) ones.  I think peppermint would be a nice pick me up in the morning.  Don't forget to do something nice for yourself every week.

Speaking of waking up, the garlic fermented honey worked great for recovering from whatever bug I recently had.  I can tell you if you grind fresh ginger, and steep your tea first, then add the honey and squeeze a fresh lemon, it goes down pretty well.  There is something about the lemon, that keeps the garlic from being to intolerable.  I was not able to drink it in other teas.  The garlic was too strong.  Anyway, this is my update on that.

Anniversary Lunch ~ Rosemary Update ~ Back to the Grind ~ Garlic Fermented Honey Update © Dec 2023 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

This and That ~ Finishing the Unfinished


Although only for one night, we were able to travel a few hours away, to visit a 4.8 million Christmas light display, stay at a Historic hotel (which we loved), and visit some local shops, to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary.  It rained on us, but we were still happy to travel and celebrate.

Christmas is over with, and we have had the strangest weather.  We hit 64°F I think they said, and today it's rain and in the high 50's.  The nice part of not having a lot of decorations up, is we have very little to put away this year.

Christmas has been much different, with Mom not here to celebrate, so we will need to work on new traditions for next year.  I've come to terms with the fact, it will not be the same, and we will make changes.  It's hard to believe I made it past Christmas, and only baked one Christmas cookie.  I've had a request to make one more, before the month is over.

I don't know how, but I managed to finally finish this book.  I started reading it early in the spring. The garden/other projects keep me busy, with little time to read.  

I finished this one as well.  I know, a bit shocker.  I think this makes book 5 for this year.  I typically read a lot more.

I read most of Leslie Meier Mystery books years ago, but our library did not have some of the series.  I do enjoy them, but would like to venture into other books I have at home.

If you are looking for a Christmas movie to watch, try Netflix movie Holiday in the Vineyards.  We very much enjoyed it.

We tried a new deviled egg recipe, and we really like it.  The recipe says to put the extra filling on crackers, and it would be delicious on a cracker.  We loaded it all on the eggs.  It is a recipe from The Southern Lady Cooks, and the pimentos make it colorful for a Christmas side dish.  

I used my homemade garlic powder for the recipe, and just the small amount adds a good amount of flavor.  They are not low in calories, but I'm glad we tried them.

This and That ~ Finishing the Unfinished © Dec 2023 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Friday, December 22, 2023

Crockpot Creamed Corn


A winner in the "tried new" recipe category.  So good!  The only ingredient I did not add, was the red bell pepper, because I didn't have any in the freezer at the time.  I will be adding it and making this again.  A keeper recipe.

The recipe is online at The Southern Lady Cooks - Slow Cooker Creamed Corn.

If you freeze your corn off the cob with butter, you can use that and add less butter too.  I save bacon grease, so I used that, and already had some bacon cooked that was leftover from another meal.  The sugar could be left out too.  I mean, it's only 2 Tbsp, but we freeze our corn with butter and sugar so I can leave it out.

A win-win recipe if you freeze your corn off the cob, and freeze your garden bell peppers.  Saving your bacon grease is always a frugal tip I share often.

Sharing for those looking for a new side dish for your own meals, or for potluck meals.  I've tried other variations in the past, and we really like this one.

I like to try new recipes exactly according to instructions, and ingredients.  Next time I will swap the corn starch with arrowroot powder and see if it makes a difference in consistency or flavor.  I do by organic corn starch, but for us arrowroot would be a healthier option.

Tip:  We cook up an entire package of bacon, and save half for a second meal or use it in another recipe.


Thursday, December 21, 2023

Garlic Fermented Honey

 The problem with winter gatherings with lots of people, are the germs that spread.  I had good intentions of cleaning the house, after the gathering we had here, and I failed.  I love my family, but with them come germs.

By "clean" I mean to disinfect bathrooms, door knobs, and the like.   Not all hands get washed (especially little hands when no one is watching), and I had not gone anywhere other than the library.  My husband said to me, "I don't get it. You haven't been anywhere but the library."  Yep.  Also, he can bring germs home from work (as we have found out back in October).

I caught a bug of some sort, which started with a runny nose, then sore throat and watery eyes etc.  I instinctively took Four Thieves Vinegar, but later remembered I made garlic fermented honey.

I have been sipping hot teas with the garlic honey, and will report back as to if it helped shorten the length of this said bug or not. 

I'm still finding reasons to get outside to get fresh air.  I'm hoping this bug passes quickly.

Random wise words I recently heard:
"Words come from the lips.  Actions come from the heart."
I have no idea if these are famous, or who said them, we heard them in a movie recently.  I had to share.

Garlic Fermented Honey ~ A Family Christmas Tradition © Dec 2023 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Sour Cream Softies ~ A Family Christmas Tradition

 I thought for sure, that I had posted the recipe for these cookies, but so far I have not located it on my blog.  So...

Here is the recipe for Sour Cream Softies, a traditional Christmas cookie, that was passed down from my Mom.

I had no idea where the recipe came from prior to my Mom, but she loved to sit and listen to a radio station, where recipes were shared (definitely a thing in the past that is not done today on the radio). It is possible she obtained it from the radio station, but I am not for certain.

Sour Cream Softies

3 cups sifted all purpose flour (we use organic)

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 c. butter softened (we use organic)

1 1/2 c. sugar

2 eggs (we use farm fresh)

1 tsp. vanilla (I made this homemade)

1 cup (8 oz) sour cream (organic)

Measure flour, salt baking powder, and soda into a sifter.  Cream butter with sugar until well blended.  Beat in eggs and vanilla.  Sift in flour mixture, alternating with sour cream.  Drop by teaspoonful on parchment paper lined baking sheets (spread each teaspoonful out a bit).  Sprinkle with red/green sugar sprinkles.  Bake at 400°F for 12 minutes.  Cool on wire racks.  Store in an airtight container.

I never got the chance to make homemade sour cream, when we had Lamancha dairy goats.

Sour Cream Softies ~ A Family Christmas Tradition © Dec 2023 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Tuesday Tidbits


The aftermath of the Christmas gathering has all been cleaned up.  Dishes are washed and put away, the Christmas tablecloth removed and washed, living room debris picked up, floors swept and mopped.....the worst part of hosting is the clean up.  One thing I have learned, when someone says they are coming early to help, don't count on the help.  Two, don't count on people bringing what food they say they will bring.  Hence the dip I made at the last minute.  

I also learned that the day after a gathering is the best morning to have a make-ahead breakfast ready to simply pop in the oven.  We did not, and I did regret not having one ready.  I will definitely remember next time.

Finished!  Off the list now.  My husband's scarf is done.

I mentioned we tried a new dip recipe - Sausage Artichoke Dip (The Southern Lady Cooks, link goes to the recipe online).  It is very good, although we think we may use "hot" breakfast sausage (or homemade) next time we make it.  Everyone loved it.

Bonus:  It's a crock pot dip recipe, and can be thrown together very quickly.  We keep canned chilis on hand for several recipes.

The new gadget I mentioned the other day - a water pump for a 5 gallon water jug (we have well water).   You simply charge it, and put it on the top of the jug.  No expensive water system, and no flipping it upside down.  It works great, but we did notice that not all 5 gallon jugs are the same.  We first got a jug at a farm store, which the pump worked, but did not securely attach.  Other stores sell the jugs that properly fit this, but we love it.  No more filling 10 gallon jugs, and having to make room for them.  

(available on Amazon, and inexpensive, and no I am not an affiliate for this product, as it was just recommended)