Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Rain ~ Pest Control and other chit chat

The weather was not wrong this week.  We are getting rain off and on, but so much on that the weeds will be an issue.  

I ordered a very large container of cayenne pepper.  I can't keep up with the rabbits and the snakes are out of control.  I'll be giving it a try to deter both from the garden.  The snakes keep other pests out, but they also keep me out of the garden ha ha!

It paid to open every envelope that I had in my old small lock box.  I have now purged that mess of paperwork.  I found an autograph I got as a young child, while in FL at an old motel visiting my Aunt.  It's from Norm Crosby.  Mom saved it and gave it too me years ago and I have uncovered it again.  Not sure what I will do with it ha ha!  Anyway, glad I got that old mess of paperwork gone.

We went and looked at a hard sided camper last night.  It doesn't have a slide out, but has a shower, toilet and hot water.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

New Recipe Tried ~ Campfire Beer Cheese ~ Question and Tidbits

Campfire Beer Cheese

2 - 8 oz. blocks of organic (or homemade) cream cheese
3 cups organic shredded sharp cheddar cheese
1 cup beer (I used Wicked Easy, what I had on hand)
1/2 cup buffalo sauce (or homemade)
1/4 cup organic ranch dressing
1/4 cup organic blue cheese crumbles

Melt all ingredients over a campfire in a cast iron skillet.  Top with chopped homegrown chives and serve with veggies, organic tortilla chips or homemade soft pretzels.

Note:  I made this in my crockpot to give it a taste test before making it during a camping trip and it worked great.  It only took a few hours.  Leftovers reheated nicely too.

What is your favorite way(s) to use pickled carrots?

I'm wondering if those last few cold spells killed my red raspberry blossoms - zero berries.  However, the blackberries are doing great.  Squash blossoms are on!

Monday, July 12, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

We got our first camping trip in this year.  We haven't camped since 2019.

Although we decided (and a good decision) to pack up early before the rain hit, we had a wonderful time.

I'm definitely going to be working on new campfire recipes for future trips.  We needed a dose of nature.

Yesterday, my husband and I took Mom lunch and had a nice time catching up.  

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .

Rain.  Lots of rain. Not sure why the photo is so blurry, but you can see the rain in the forecast anyway.

How I am feeling . . .
Sad to not be on our weekend vacation, but ready to tackle the housework I guess.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Blueberry pancakes, sausage and coffee.

Looking around the house . . .
It's a mess.  I have camping stuff to put away, tidy the kitchen, sweep and mop it, do some dishes, empty dishwasher, do laundry, purge a small lock box, purge a filing cabinet, get Daughter K to clean her stuff off one table, purge one box of binders, 

On my reading pile . . .
Nothing this week.  I loved being able to get my dose with nature and play cards.  My husband said it's the most time he's spent outside (aside from garden/yard work).

On my TV . . .

 On the menu . . .
-pumpkin/sage macaroni, veggie
-grilled philly's
-baked walleye, steamed broccoli
-grilled BBQ chicken, corn on the cob, asparagus and baked beans

From the camera . . .
English muffin pizzas (camping trip), using home canned pizza sauce.  Yum!

I am thankful for . . .
Getting the chance to go camping, for a day with visiting Mom, for the rain (giving the garden a good soak and me getting the time to get caught up inside), my front porch and so much more.

I am hoping to . . .
Well, for starters, we hope to have time to go check out a few more campgrounds in the next few weeks.  I'm hoping for a few dry days to pop up the camper, and give it a good cleaning.

On my prayer list . . .
No special requests, but we are still having concerns with Daughter E (she is moving out next month).

Friday, July 9, 2021

Garden Pests and Random Tidbits

In 2019, our garden was flooded out by so much rain.  In 2020 it was so dry the root vegetables and much of the garden died off.  This year?  Rabbits and ground hogs are a HUGE problem.  They have literally eaten the tops off of my sweet potatoes and now some greens.  Zuri almost caught one the other day.

We are getting rain off and on, and a few storms.  So thankful for a cooler weekend too.

However, we woke up to rain this morning and it was not supposed to rain today.  I'm glad things are getting watered, but sheesh.

I went on a search for my wedding ring papers yesterday.  Man oh man, I found so much paperwork that can be tossed.  I found a tote with about a dozen purses in it too. More to purge I guess.

Anyway, I found them, and I found a savings bond in one of the kids names, and a certificate of my husband's (work related).  I guess I have a lot of tossing to do next week now.

I didn't get a photo, but I made campfire beer cheese in the crock pot to try it (another new recipe from pile to file).  My husband said it was best ever, so I'll try and get the recipe up later.  I used Wicked Easy beer in it (all we had in the fridge).

The cheese would go great with homemade soft pretzels.  

I dried a round of thyme in my smaller dehydrator.  My indoor plant is doing great right now.

Daughter K had the day off yesterday, so we pretty much sat on the porch, and later grilled chicken fajitas (so good) when my husband got home.

While sitting on the porch, I saw the brightest red bird I have ever seen.  I think it was a summer tanager.  I wish I had my camera, but it was there and gone quickly.  Beautiful bird!

Thursday, July 8, 2021

The Homemade Baked Beans Saga

It looks good, right?

Ha! This is why I asked what dry bean you use to make baked beans.

Oh boy, let me tell you, it was not.  I tried a new homemade baked bean recipe the other day.

I followed it to a "t".  I soaked navy beans over night.  I boiled them and simmered them for an hour.  Baked them for 2 with the lid on, and baked 40 minutes after that with the lids off.

The beans were still crunchy.  Seriously.  We baked them for another hour.  Still the same.

What in the heck am I doing wrong?! Do you use dry beans or canned beans?

I want to use pinto beans and try the same recipe, but my husband had another opinion.

I grew up with canned baked beans that were doctored up.  I just want to accomplish a homemade baked bean dish that is fantastic. 

Any suggestions?  I am going to try this recipe with new dry pinto beans.  I told my husband they were probably just older than I thought.  Everything I researched said they are either old or a storage issue.  I guess, unless I get suggestions, I'll try new dried beans.

I have cooked dry pinto beans a ba-zillion times and they have always cooked, but for some reason dry navy beans do not cook for me.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

More Blooms ~ Dehydrating Sage ~ From Pile to File


More garden blooms.  I had a hard time getting the photos, as the lens steamed up from the humidity and heat.

I dehydrated my first small batch of sage, using my smaller dehydrator.  I learned that if you cut back your sage too much (close to fall), it will die over winter.  I dehydrate in small batches over the summer to avoid killing my sage plant.

We had another very hot and humid day.  Garden work was done early.  I needed to check the radishes and tie up more tomato plants.

I got another new recipe off the pile.  It's a healthier breakfast bake using sweet potatoes vs. white potatoes.  I added some finely diced jalapenos to it.  I also used sage sausage vs. the sausage the recipe called for (no water, just cooked it first), and of course organic ingredients.

It was very good, but the sweet potatoes released some liquid, so I would cook the onion and sweet potatoes before hand, and shorten the cook time.  Oh, and you can make this the day before and refrigerate and then bake the next.

Question - what is your favorite dry bean to use to make homemade bake beans?

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Garden goodness and updates

 We both did a lot of hurkle-durkling in the morning.  Mainly due to heat, but the weed whacking was done.

By 1pm, we were playing cards and grilling out.

Basically, t
he only thing I made, also due to the hot day.  Garlic scape and radish dip.

The tomatoes coming on, and one cayenne pepper plant already has peppers.  I picked a couple of cherry tomatoes too.