Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Apple Trees ~ Handiwork ~ Radishes!


Our apple trees have apples this year.  However, we need to get the tree baffles made very soon or the raccoons will strip the trees.

We are having some fantastic weather lately.  I got more weeding done and more crafting time carved into my days.

I have been working on crocheted water balloons.  I have located these colors so far.  They are eco-friendly and re-useable and washable.  No mess to pick up on a hot outdoor fun day.


Finally!  We haven't had these bad boys since 2019.  2020 was a wash out due to a very dry season.  Of course these are up much later than usual, but we are getting them.  

Friday, July 2, 2021

Restoring Cast Iron


I have one large cast iron pot with a lid.  I noticed this after getting it out of storage (yeah, I haven't used it for several years for some reason).  Anyway, I looked up instructions from the Lodge cast iron company.

First, remove any signs of rust with steel wool or a rust remover you can purchase from the Lodge store.

They say to wash good with soap, and not to worry because it's getting re-seasoned next.

To re-season, spray a light coat with cooking spray and bake in the oven at 450°F for one hour (place foil on bottom rack to catch any oil).

They said it could take 2 times of doing this to correct the pot.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Extreme Heat ~ Rain ~ Rhubarb Vodka

Whoops!  Yesterday morning I overslept.  First time in years.  Not sure if it was the extreme heat we had or what, but I felt terrible that I did.  I am always up making coffee, feeding the cats, packing my husband's breakfast and lunch.  There has been a lot on our minds though. 

The ladies cooled off the best they could with chipped ice.  I left the coop open when we finally got a down pour, so they could get wet and cool their hot feathery bodies off.

Although I will now be behind in weeding, I am so happy for the rain.  The funny thing is, is that we both said if it's a rotten year we'd not plant a garden next year.  In fear of a rotten year (3 years in a row), we really cut back on what we planted too.  Now I regret not planting my popcorn, peas, spaghetti squash etc.  Well, I'll be over those regrets, as soon as I visit Farmer's markets and re-stock.  

I finally got rhubarb vodka in the making.  We like this better than strawberry, but both are good.

I finally found organic broccoli and asparagus!  I blanched both and got them in the freezer.

More photos of my snapdragons.  My lens kept steaming up, it was that humid.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Garlic and other gardening


Two varieties and they are all pulled from the grow bags.  Some roots where 6-7 inches long.  Just need to top off the grow bags with more soil and put new cardboard under the bags.  

I tied up almost all of the tomato plants, and some already re-tied do to good growth.  Some tomatoes are already on the plants.

It was too hot and humid to stay out in the garden, even though there is one more flower bed to weed.  I managed to plant two parsley plants and one more rosemary.  One rosemary died for some reason, and it's getting watered.

I was walking on a small sidewalk we made between two flower beds, and I almost stepped on a slithering snake.  In my flip flops.  I am sure anyone driving by, got a kick out of my dance in the yard trying to avoid it.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Another Re-Stock ~ Chicken Freezer Treats ~ New Recipe Tried and other random tidbits


Although on the "rainy day" list, I got a batch of meatballs restocked and in the freezer.  I like to do this early in the year, before the freezer is too full to put trays of them in there to freeze.

To help cool off the ladies, I filled a muffin pan with veggies and water and froze them for some delicious freezer treats.

Our internet has been working, but it's slower now.  I hope they get all the bugs out soon.  Several people are having issues.

More stores and restaurants have been closing numerous day.  They cannot hire enough employees, as no one wants to work.

We tried another new recipe - Slow Cooker Jalapeno Dip.  I used frozen jalapenos from the garden (vs. canned as the recipe called for).  

How did it taste?  Very good!  You can control the amount of heat by the amount of jalapenos too.  When I freeze my jalapenos, I leave the seeds in.  We topped this dip with freshly diced green onions.

Monday, June 28, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

We are still getting rain daily, but the heat is back too.  The garden is doing great, but the weeding is hard to keep up with (with the rain).

We had a relaxing weekend. Sunday we played cards on the porch, and grilled steaks and corn on the cob.  Believe it or not, the organic ribeyes were way cheaper than buying other non-organic steaks at the grocery store.

Once again gas was out at the other grocery store.  I am hearing it is due to lack of drivers to get the gas delivered.

My to-do list is right back at it this morning.  We deserved to have a relaxing weekend, so it's back to work

-master bath
-restock freezer (that's a list of itself, ha ha)
-dishes, run dishwasher
-laundry before it rains
-muck chicken coop

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .

I'm told it will "feel like" 94°F today.  More rain in the evening.

How I am feeling this morning . . .

Frustrated after getting some news I wasn't expecting.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Sausage, bell pepper, onion scramble with other goodness added.  Coffee.

On my reading pile . . .

Pioneer Grit

On the TV . . .

Heartland, Netflix

On the menu this week . . .

-Breakfast for dinner.  Not sure exactly what yet.
-baked walleye (haven't made this yet)
-grilled chicken fajitas

From the camera . . .

Banana bread with extra mini chocolate chips.  Yum!

Looking around the house . . .

Zuri attacked a dog toy again.  Fluff everywhere.

To relax this week, I will . . .

Crochet or read.

Something I want to share . . .

A while back I learned something new watching a cooking channel.  Here is what I learned and I tried it last night, and it works!!  

You know those pesky hairs on corn on the cob?  Well get one of these bottle brushes.  I bought this one for a buck at the dollar store.  Just run the brush gently over the corn.

The corn hairs will come off so much faster and easier than trying to hand pick them off.  

I am thankful for . . .
The rain.  Motorcycle ride days.  My husband.

I am hoping to . . .
Get the cement slab cleared this coming weekend, for the new coop.

Devotional, inspirational, prayer list, or Bible verse. . .

Prayer  list, Daughter E.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

More Flower Bed Blooms

I took some photos while weeding flower beds a few days before we lost internet.  You are finally getting to see them today.