Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Writing updates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Writing updates. Show all posts

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Dehydrating Blueberries & Topless Blueberry Pie

Each year we purchase 20 pounds of blueberries, and it gets us through winter and spring.  I make blueberry syrup, jam, jelly, freeze some, and bake some. 

This year I am doing something new - dehydrating some.  They will be wonderful in baked goods for after school snacks and lunch packings.  I will use them in my homemade granola bars too.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Keeping Letter Writing Alive ~ A Work Week

Remember my girls writing letters?  My 11 year-old wrote 3 letters, and got 3 back.  She also got some bracelets from one of her Aunt's (a brother/sister celebration held in India, sorry for the bad photo).  

I have mailed the last of my postcards for the postcard swap I participated in. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
We are currently doing an entire inside and outside homestead clean up.  It's long over due, but it's best to get it done this week.  I've been carpet cleaning (cannot wait until we have zero carpet here), dusting, wiping, weeding flower beds, and doing a lot of coughing. 

We've washed up bedding for the camper, took a load to recycling, cleaned up the garage, but there is so much more to do.  Including those light fixtures that keep collecting more dust.  

My bedroom needs a complete overhaul.  When they cut the tile in the bathroom, dust went everywhere, despite the air purifier.  It may take me two days in that room alone, just to get all the dust out.

Our barn roofing is being delivered today, and will be in progress soon.  They are calling for more rain yet this week, so his project is taking priority.

Hubby has many jobs going on this week too - replace the front screen door, tar the wood-stove piping on the roof, replace an electrical outlet we found went bad after the last storm, camper repairs, and a lot more.  And we still need the fencing finished before winter.

Today, I plan to make a batch of homemade ginger-ale, to enjoy after my work is done for the day.  

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Roasted Rabbit ~ Keeping Letter Writing Alive

Hubby and I located a son/father business, who basically raise animals for 4-H and so forth.  However, we were given their business card, because they sell a natural feed for both chickens and goats.  He picks up the feed about a little over an hour from here, and sells it to folks from his house.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Daily Devotion of Another Kind

I woke one day last this past week, and did not want to garden, can, or clean.  I dedicated the day to my writing.  And that's exactly what I did.  Or maybe "tried" to do.

I had to go to the barn to get my breakfast - no eggs in the house.  After I walked into my room to tidy it later, I got caught up in striping the bed and doing 2 loads of laundry.

Then, while putting the laundry on the line, I saw that the flower pots needed watered.  And before that, I skimmed a crock pot recipe book for something to toss in for dinner (which I did, and adapted it to whatever I had in the freezer from last season).  However, when I did that, I pulled stuff out of the freezer to take a quick inventory.

And that's how it went.  However, I did get rid of 3 magazines (to the recycling box), put two sweatshirts away for fall camping, and picked up other things in my room (where my writing desk is).  Then I made a list of to-do's and put it on the computer for the kids.

Then, and only then, did I go into my room to actually write.  I just got started on revising one article, when the kids started to appear in my room.  One by one.  Hmpf.  I need an office on the roof.  I need one way out in the back, in a cabin or camper.

"If I was canning at the stove, not one of you would have bothered me," I said in frustration.

"You should have shut your door and put your do not disturb sign on it," one said.

Like that would make a difference.

I did manage to do a revision, and started a second one.  And that's when I realized I'm done with "motherhood" and "how-to" and non-fiction articles.  At this point in my life, I have realized I am done with that type of writing.

Either way, despite interruptions, I give myself a high-five for putting in time for my writing - my life's passion since I was in elementary school.

Just for fun, I am starting to document my published writing over in the sidebar of this blog.  One of these days, I'll get a book written (let me rephrase that, when I get my book written) and that will be the day I create my author blog.    I have dug out my folder full of tear sheets.  Now I'm ready for a shelf full of published novels.

Oh, and even though I "tried" to stay away from the everyday, mundane jobs and other work, it was an overall good day.  My son took the girls swimming, so I had a bit of a break.  However, one goat got loose, so after chasing her back in, and re-watering, I decided to put it all away for the day.

Hubby helped out too.  He did an evening run, and now our hay is stocked up.  This time it cost us $4.50/bale (it was $3.00/bale prior).

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Rue and Heat ~ Hubby's Long Work Days

Rue, short for Rudy, does not like the early heat we are getting.  I took some scraps out to my daughter, to feed her goats, and saw her giving Rue a hair cut with her trimmers.  He was panting miserably.

The lamancha goats handle the heat better, unless they are babies, but generally their breed can handle heat better.  Poor guy.

Here is an updated photo of Primrose.  I had trouble getting a good photo, as she thought my camera was food.  When I went into her stall to get the water bucket, that little stinker got out twice.  Good thing she has a collar on her.

Well, the joke is still on us.  No rain as of this morning.  Hmpf.  The weather continues to forecast thunderstorms, yet we get nothing.  I did read that tornado type weather was coming our way around Tuesday.  They are forecasting storms around 2pm today.  Should I believe them? 

Hubby was so happy that he was not working over 8 hours yesterday, and could come home to help plant tomatoes.  However, 15 minutes prior to quit time, they told them to stay until a job was finished.  He got home around 1:00am, and was back up at 6:30am this morning.  

The heat is making us miserable.  The house cats are laying around on the floor, which is not normal early in the morning. The typically rub all over us, try to trip us, and meow for their breakfast. Today, they could care less.   One of the dogs, enjoys cooling off with ice cubes, and the other has her own pool.    

I guess I'm going out in this humidity and planting more tomato plants.  Then I am coming in to work on my short story.  I promised myself to make more time for my writing, so I better get crackin' at my chores.  Plus, Martha (the scarecrow) was blown down by wind yesterday.  I better get her back up too.

Enjoy your day!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Writing Letters

I've been using my rubber stamps to spruce up plain writing paper to hand write letter with.  I only have one color of ink, and a few stamps, and still I am having fun with them.  I am stamping my envelopes too.

I can see that I will need to save up and get a few more colors of ink and a few more stamps (of my favorite things).  I got these pads of paper at a very low price, and can reuse my stamps for anything.

Mom is getting a hand written/homemade Mother's Day card.  My Aunt is getting a hand written letter this week too.  Anyone else writing letters/cards this month? 

Happy Mother's Day to all!  

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Could I Have Written It?

The release date, for the new movie The Great Gatsby, is May 10th of this year.  With it landing smack dab on my birthday, I decided to read the book before then.  

My family was sitting around talking about it, as it was on the front cover of my writing magazine (with the subtitle of "could you have written Gatsby?").  My son told me it's based on the book, and then we realized that not one of us has read the book.

With that said, I am happily reading a 1925 edition I borrowed from the library.

What are you reading?  Could you have written it?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Writing Woes ~ Spring Break ~ Home Repair Wish List

It appears I need to do more diligent planning, to create more uninterrupted writing time in my day.  The other day I only got 247 words finished in a short story, in less than 30 minutes.

I feel like the Mom and the Muffin story - one thing secretly blindsides me into doing something else.  Or could I be inadvertently procrastinating?

I'm not giving up.  I worked all my life for everyone else, and I deserve to do something that I have wanted to do for a long time, which has been delayed more and more, over the years.

I just need some cheer leaders to cheer me on.  Got any pom poms?

The weather is up in the 40's, with high's expected in the 60's this Friday.  Spring break is over, and the kids are back in school today.  Hubby took the entire week off for vacation time as well.  He booked a room at a local hotel, and let the kids swim from check in to check out.  It was their last fling before school started.  It think they enjoyed it. Even the older ones drove over later after goat milking, and had some fun.  This is about the only "vacation" the kids get every winter, other than summer camping.

Our Spring Extreme Clean continues.  We have started a list of much needed repairs and a wish list - new front screen door (metal hinges are broken), and new front room ceiling fan (broken and light fixture is worthless).  

Yesterday, Hubby and I drove to Bass Pro and let the younger girls try out a bow.  We earned $200.00 in gift cards from our health insurance (yes, they took away our co-pays last year, but gave us gift cards).  We decided to use the cards to purchase one bow, some arrows, and a target.  They have already been out practicing.  One daughter may yet seek out an archery program (or team), if we can locate one.  The nice part about this bow, is that even I can use it.  It was the last "fun" thing we did before school started again.

Speaking of school, one already called and has forgotten her gym clothes.   


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Poo on the Shoe and Hair Loss

Writing is one of my passions.  It's also how I help support our income.

I successfully wrote a narrative essay as an exercise yesterday.  That was after two days of writer's block.  

I am back to writing daily.  It really means a lot to me.  As a child, I fell in love with writing poems and still have many of them.  However, today, l do not write poetry.  For now anyway.

I follow a few blogs, regarding writing for a living, more encouragement, motivation, and tips.

In following Rachelle Gardner's blog, she adds statements to "tweet."  Since I do not "tweet" I am reposting one on my blog today:

“The first key to making a living as a writer is VOLUME."

So, today I plan to increase my "volume."

Over the last 5-7 years, I have let many distractions pull me away from writing.  It's very easy to do, when you have a large (blended) family.  It's not all peaches and cream.  It's also poo on you shoe and hair loss.  

So, whether the kids like it or not, Mom is back in action.  Which means (reality moment: kids don't like responsibility) a messy house most likely - Family Meeting Friday.



Tuesday, March 12, 2013

From the Homesteading Journal. . . (work, work, and work)

. . . Hubby and my 16 year-old worked on building the new goat stalls.  Only a few more boards to go.

. . . meet the newest member on the farm.  She's from a good bloodline of purebred lamancha dairy goats.  She is not named yet, but will be increasing our goat's milk, soap production, and homemade cheeses.  She's such a cutie.  This little gal follows my daughter everywhereI had to laugh when Sadie (black lab mix) brought her rope toy to the goat, to play with.  She was even (the dog) growling at Jesse to warn him to stay away for "her" baby goat playmate.  

. . . purchased early spring seeds (peas etc), but still need our potatoes and onions.

. . . worked on painting more of the kitchen cupboards.  With the temperature change, I hope to finish this project this month.

. . . washed up a vintage feed sack, and reused it for a curtain for one lower cupboard

. . . mixed up 5 more jars of homemade vanilla extract, and more homemade ginger ale.

The weather has quickly changed from 50 degrees and sunny, to 40-50 degrees and rainy, and now to the 30's, 100% cloud cove,r and a teensy bit of snow (or is that drizzle out there?).

Either way, I have a load of towels going on the line today.

It's a good day to get out my writing gear, and get something down on paper (or computer).  I've put it off way too long.  The kids can cook dinner tonight.  They joke why I haven't "written" my book yet, but they consistently leave me a very messy house.  Who can write with a clear mind, when the house is a chaotic mess?  I need my "office" out at the back of the property....and soon.

I may just make a big pot of hot cranberry punch to get me in the "mood."  That is, after I re-start the wood stove (hmpf - kids!), and bring in more wood.   Looks like we'll need it this week.


A Year of Quotes:

"In life, all good things come hard, but wisdom is the hardest to come by."
   ~ Lucille Ball  


Monday, March 4, 2013

Writing and Therapy

This pen, another one from my collection, is great for writing.  It's a "Wellness" pen.  It even has it written on the pen.

The ink contains a fragrance that is pleasant and said to create a "wellness" overall feeling, when you write. 

....there has been a lot of writing going on in this home lately.   Two of us in particular.

Money.  Have too much, and it can get out of control and cause you to lose focus.  Don't have enough, and it forces you to make unwanted, aching sacrifices.

  To feel so powerless to prevent certain things from happening, can be a tremendously emotional roller coaster.  Especially when it involves your own children.

It becomes extraordinarily stressful and very overwhelming. 

Helplessness shattering sense that nothing will be the same.  Headaches, heartaches, stomach pains.  Asking God why did it have to be this way.......

Parenting is enormously complicated, and raw.

......more later.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Cow?

Meet another journal I have - the dream journal.  I warned you all.  I'm definitely a journal junkie.  It's not the most written in either.  Most of the time I can't remember the dream very long after waking up.  It's looking rather boring too,  don't ya' think?  I really do need to make a cover for it. 

I woke up the other day, from another odd dream.  I must be delirious, so I checked my forehead for any signs of a fever.

Nope.  No fever. 

Hubby was still home and getting for work.

"Uh, I just had a dream we got a cow," I said clearing my parched throat and dealing with congestion.

So....that dream went right into the journal before I forgot.  It was so strange too.  A farmer nearby had a cow, but wasn't taking care of it, according to one of my daughter's.

"Mom!  We have to do something!  she screamed at me.  "He can't be feeding it!  Have you heard it moo lately?  she screamed in panic, and worried about the care of it.

Yep.  That's the kind of dream it was.  So, in my dream, we go talk to the farmer, and find out he doesn't want the cow.   So we take it.  

And then I woke up.  

I know, Earth shattering news, right?  Not the most intersting blog post yet.

The dreaded cough has set in now.  I wonder what the next dream will be about. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Collections....Pens and Keychains

I can't say I really "collect" antiques, because I use all the antiques I do buy.  Except for my coffee pot collection.  I do use two of them when we go camping, so I am still considering options for the remainder of them (maybe turning them into plant pots).

Here is another pen in my "collection" of pens.  They kids bought me this one year.  It is a bit challenging to write with, and I tend to play with it more than write, but it's definitely different.  

I remember playing the game "Trouble" many times as a child.

P.S. I know a few followers asked to see more of my keychain collection, so I hope to get that posted soon. 

It's pouring down rain this morning, and the weather is to be up to the 60's tomorrow.