Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Friday, June 30, 2023

Bad Air ~ Smoke Haze


At 7am yesterday, we were at an air quality of 174.  If you see the chart below, that put us in the "red" zone (unhealthy).  Very close to the "very unhealthy" level on the chart.  So there was no outdoor work at all.  Areas within in hour from us were in the 300's - hazardous, stay indoors at all times.

We've been praying for good winds to change direction and give us a break.  I was miserable all day, and the numbers reached to 204 (purple level) according to our local health department.  I had to run to the store, and the library ( needed their fax service).

Speaking of library.  I walked into our little library for the first time since Feb. of 2020.  It's been that long since I've been to our library.

This morning we did a complete turn with the air quality.  When I look outside, I do not see any haze at all, and the air quality number is a healthy low of 28.  However, today there will be more rain.  I am not sure how much time I will get in the garden, if any, but glad the air is clear again.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Miserable Air Quality ~ Einkorn Pancakes ~ Bare Shelves Shopping ~ New Recipe Tried: Einkorn Banana Muffins


We are once again getting unhealthy air quality reports.  I wanted to be out weeding the herb garden, but could not.  The air was that thick with smoke haze from the Canadian fires.

It's this bad again today, maybe even worse.  My husband told me to stay indoors again, no matter the condition of the garden (s).  Late last night, when the chickens were put in for the night, the air smelled like a fireplace.

I'm dealing with a dry sore throat, burning eyes, and partial laryngitis.  Everyone I talk to is experiencing the same or worse.  Never in our lives, have we ever lived through something like this.

I finally found a recipe for Einkorn pancakes that makes a smaller batch.  Recipe is from Jovial online.  I thawed some frozen blueberries and swapped sugar (only 2 Tbsp) for coconut sugar and they were delicious.  It's a keeper, and a great way to add those blueberries in the day.    It's been a long time since I've made Einkorn pancakes, so note to self:  store leftovers with a sheet of parchment paper between them or they stick together.  

I hardly ever shop at Wal-mart, but we went out recently to look at rechargeable sweepers, and decided to pick up some items while we were there.  I needed mozzarella cheese, and they had very little block cheese.  I guess I'll stick with my regular grocery store.  I could not believe how empty the shelves were.

My husband always makes fun of me for not getting all of my bananas eaten (he doesn't prefer them for a fruit choice).  I, once again, had some go ripe.  I hate to freeze them, as I tend to completely forget they are in the freezer.

I tried a new recipe using Einkorn flour and quick steel cut oats.  Recipe is online by the way.  Zero sugar in these banana muffins.  Very good too!  Recipe is from Indulge with Mimi, and you'll need to do some conversions with the recipe.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Moving along and tossing out. . .

There is nothing to harvest in the garden, but the rain is speeding that process up for us.  I know that I will be very busy out there when it dries up ha ha!  However, the rainy days are speeding up my indoor progress.  

Sorry if these cleaning/purging posts are boring.  It was a long time coming.  The big purge/clean.  This is a long post, so you may want to grab a cup of coffee, ha ha!

 My indoor purge/clean up is moving along.  I checked off another area off my clean it list, so that leaves two more areas.  

I will need the assistance of my husband for the last two, as it involves putting some tools and fix-it items away.  The garage will get a complete do-over this year.  It's just not on the "do it now" list.

Anyway, at one point in my early life, I was really into freelance writing.  I had articles published and kept articles in files.  I still had poems I wrote at a kid growing up.  I tossed those.  We got a chuckle out of some of the poems, but I can't believe I still had those.

In that box, and I kid you not, was a bag with brand new rolls of crepe paper for our youngest daughter's grad party (that never happened).  It was still in my office when we packed up the entire office area in the kitchen to cut up the floor and repair it over a year ago.  

It's all been boxed up to donate, tossed, or filed in the right place. 

Like I said, I didn't want to handle stuff twice, so I am cleaning/purging it all as if I was moving.  I ask myself, "would I move this to a new home" and it really helps the deciding factor.  Toss it, donate it, sell it, or give it away free.

I have "divorced" myself from so many craft supplies, and to be honest, it feels great.

I have heard from the recovery place, where I donated my craft supplies.  The women are knitting blankets to gift family when they visit, they are making jewelry, and they used wall paper samples to cover binders.  I'm so happy they are enjoying the supplies and finding uses for it all.

Stay tuned!  We both finally had a conversation about this bookshelf.  I bought it almost 12-13 years ago for $15 at the thrift store.  It was used for craft supplies until now.  It is solid wood, so we decided to keep it and paint it with whatever paint we have on hand, and put it in the spare bedroom upstairs.  

Just ignore the dust, but look at that new growth on Mom's cactus!  I will give it a shower when it gets watered again.

Our youngest daughter has left her career as hair stylist/nail tech.  It became too difficult in the financial world, and she has already started a new job and loves it.  She may go back to hair down the road, but in this world and day and age, you need a steady partner in your life to support that sort of job.  We are proud of her regardless.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Rain and Storms and Rainy Day Indoor Cleaning/Organizing

 Thankfully my husband got the AC back up and running.  Whew!  We will have to replace it next year for sure.  

It's been raining, hot and humid here the last few days.  We are thankful for the rain, but could do less with the tornado warnings or watch alerts.

I took a quick look at the garden, and I will definitely need to tie up tomato plants on the next dry day.  Everything is looking good however, other than the popcorn and spring planted garlic.  Some of my newly planted Gladys in the flower bed are now coming up too.  I'll definitely be busy weeding and tilling on the next dry day.

The upstairs AC was installed, and we are pricing new units for next year (don't want to end up without AC again).  

I brought down two trash bags full of stuff left from one daughter, and there is more to bring down.  I'm starting on the flooring in that room this week ( or next week ).

A dozen crocheted hats were spilling over on a bookshelf in the living room.  Along with the recent scarf I finished, and a few crocheted flower pots (still need the leaf coasters made).  Anyway, that was all put away, but honestly, I think the finished items take up more space to store than the yarn itself ha ha!  Oh boy.  

We actually talked about a camping trip, and we even sat down to check dates.  It didn't happen.  The next 3 weeks are all booked at all the campgrounds we go to.  I will have to do some looking around at other ones maybe, but for now, camping is not happening.

I apologize.  I think I accidently deleted a comment on my post for the garlic scape/radish spread.  I must have been coffee depleted while working on the blog.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

On a roll until we had no AC!

 Success!  If you were reading my blog, do you remember my new list of 7 areas (these are all in plain sight) to clean up/purge/ put things back in their homes?  All of our set backs were making me depressed, so I dove full speed ahead into my list.

I have now checked off 4 of those 7 areas, and it has been heaven to wake up and start my day.   I would otherwise get side tracked, or be outside.  Anyway, my kitchen is back to neat and clean, and tidy.  I filled the truck with more donations (can't believe I found more stuff).

I even washed the tablecloth!

I have gifted these a few times, and they were well received.  They are sturdy, and hold notepads, you can buy at Wal-mart or the Dollar Tree.  I glue a magnet to a pen, so the pen stays on the fridge too.  I will not glue magnets to the pens until I gift these (so the pen does not dry out).  You can get the full instructions:  HERE (on my S.C.R.A.P. Blogspot).

In the process to clean off the kitchen table, and my computer desk area, I had craft projects that needed to be finished, and put in craft show totes (or boxed up for gifting).

I finished that pair of crochet wired beaded earrings.  I finished a pair of crocheted candy corn earrings, I finished the wedding penny (and created packaging for it), and I finally got the magnets glued to the backs of the small clip boards (for fridge shopping notepads for gifting).

My Word on my computer stopped working, so I used an Avery template with 2 x 2 stickers I had on hand, and put them on cut pieces of card stock for the packaging.  I also had the resealable bags and safety pins.   It felt great to get all of this done and put away.  I was temped to make a few more of the wedding penny crocheted flowers, but put those supplies away until the list of "7" areas are done.  

By the way, the penny flower can be given with other poems about a "lucky" penny.  It doesn't have to be a "wedding" penny.  That is just what I needed it for.  Pattern is free on YouTube.

My husband intentionally took the weekend off but, he needed to mow.   Today, all I wanted him to do, was install the upstairs AC.  Instead, he insisted we remove the main window unit downstairs, hose it down (literally, and have no idea why), and put it back in.  However, the unit will not work, as he got something wet he shouldn't have.  He's tried to dry it out, and what not, but to no avail, we are roasting in this house.  

I won't be working so hard today, and maybe not tomorrow.  I may be opening windows and buying some fans.  We don't really have the cash to buy a new unit after the $4400.00 we spent to repair the truck.  Lord have Mercy on us, more so my husband, because I'm not a happy wifey right now.

Toodles, and Happy Sunday!

Saturday, June 24, 2023

This and That


We have been getting rain, so I'm not doing any garden work currently.  I weeded out the larger weeds in the rose bed, but the rest will have to wait until the the rain stops.

I have been successful with my new to-do list (the 7 areas to tidy up).  I have now crossed 2 off of my list of 7.  My husband hasn't noticed.

Speaking of my husband, there is no sign of the long work hours ending.  He promised me a "date" night, which was taking the motorcycle out and dinner out.  Didn't happen.  They held him over at work.  We are all tired of it.  He has been forced over every night.  One night he was to be home by 8pm, and ended up home at 9pm.

I'm considering going back to work.  We never see each other, and there is no sign we will be getting our projects finished.

I still have a list for us when these hours stop, but I not able to vision any of it being accomplished.  I'm still upset half of the garden was not planted.  Nothing we can do about it.  I probably sound like a broken record.  It can be very depressing at times.  

July is almost here, and the coop materials have not even been bought yet.  We still need more supplies for the raised beds.  The solar fence is still in the box.  I never got my potatoes planted....

I'm getting burned out crocheting.  I have been using up some yarn, and making hats for winter.  I went on Etsy, and was shocked that some people are selling hats for $50-70!!!  What??  And here I was worried that $18 or so was too high.  As for that, my husband said he does NOT want me to do any craft show this winter.

I also saw knitted dishcloths being sold for $7.00!!  What??  I've also noticed that everyone is selling something, and no one is buying.  I read that the area garage sales were a flop as well.  They said "no one was into it" this year.  Well, no one has the money.

I'll be back when I have something more positive to post.  I have just been drained of all positive mojo so far this summer, and feeling like we haven't accomplished anything is mentally draining.

This isn't "throwing in the towel" on homesteading, but the thought is there.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Bell Pepper Eggs in a Nest


No part of the bell pepper was wasted either.  The parts that I could not make a ring out of, were sliced for snacking, and the seeds went to the chickens.

Why have I not made eggs in a nest this way until now??   By the way, one was not enough, ha ha!  I made each of us two.

I love cooking recipes with bell peppers.  These are delicious!  I cannot wait for the fresh garden goodies to make these all summer.  

I will have to tweak the chicken "sausage" patties however.  I just picked a random recipe online.  It was on the dry side, with little to no flavor.  I prefer the turkey ones over these.

Do you have a good chicken breakfast sausage recipe?  I feel you almost have to add a bit of pork sausage to it.  When I make turkey patties, they are more flavorful.  I may go check my recipe and see if the ingredients to flavor them are different. I know I put sage in these, but like I said, just no flavor.  Healthier, but the recipe needs something changed.

We like to stuff and freeze bell peppers during garden harvest.  I freeze a lot of bell peppers diced and sliced for recipes as well.  We love baked bell pepper rings.  They are so good too.  We also love "philly" stuffed bell peppers.  We eat a lot of bell peppers with many meals - chicken fajitas, stir-fry, Italian sausage sandwiches, breakfast frittatas and many ways to use them.

What is your favorite way to enjoy bell peppers?  

I will be planting a better variety next year.  What is your favorite variety to plant?