Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Slow Winter ~ UFO's (unfinished objects) ~ Cleaning Update

It seems like winter is slow this year.  Maybe it's being tucked inside all day long.  I don't know.  If your wondering why your are getting odd/silly or boring posts.....well, it is winter.

It is a good time to work on UFO's, clean and purge though.  
I've been contemplating some outings for a day here and there, but so much needs to be done on the "to-do" list here.  First, we are putting one big job on the weekend list - install a new pellet stove.  I'm gonna push on that.  We really need it done.  The electric bill is killing our finances.  It'll be a big job for the two of us.  

Everything we are doing, or need to do this winter is based on what the weather is on the weekends.  They are predicting rain/snow/wind this coming Sat.  Sunday may be cold.

My long time followers will remember this fabric.  It showed up again, and this time I got the ends sewed for a tablecloth.  Finally!  While I didn't dig out the sewing machine, it was very nice and relaxing to switch gears and hand sew! 

I don't particularly like the orange one already on the table, but it's vintage and fits the larger kitchen table.  So glad I finished the other one now!

UFO's being worked on:
I found a creative way to paint and allow these to dry.  I used a thin metal rod and ran each end through stacked small fruit baskets from strawberry season. Ornaments (gifts)

(not a UFO, but on the hook)

Hot pads and XL matching pot holders (order)

Cleaning update:  washed and dried all the runner rugs (we have a lot), got kitchen swept and mopped dishes done, and two tables cleaned off (new tablecloth down on one), cleaned out my nightstand and found a small unfinished project (I have no idea how in the world it ended up in there, and found a bunch of un-written in journals {one will be a gift} and books I totally forgot I bought, hallway runner washed and dried, carpet cleaned and boot pile cleaned up, and will resume again today (have no idea what area though).

I started cleaning up the utility room.  I told my husband, "I have no idea where to even start in that room" so I started with the floor.  I really need a new runner rug in there.  I may just start making one with scrap yarn too.  The two braided rugs in there are falling apart and I can't wash them again.

Day 1 in the utility room resulted with 2 bags of tossed items and one bag started for donations.  I took old curtains (which left a tote in the garage) with roosters on them and hung them over the open cubbies that are built in there for coats as well (I asked Hubby for doors in the future, but his list is long right now).

I cleaned up my un-filed recipes.  I have a bad habit, especially over the holidays, to just slip them inside the recipe box under the lid.  That mess is cleaned up.

Blog Posts from 2019 with the most views:

Keeping Chickens Cool - 866 views

Pickled Red Onions - 469 views

Rosemary Gladstar's Famous Face Cream - 418

Happy Homemaker Monday - 271 views

Homesteading - Spring Chicks - 255 views

Storm Updates - 244 views

It appears that my "Tidbits" posts are the lowest views.

Tidbits  - 82 views

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Winter Journaling

....from the gratitude journal 

Five things that made me happy (yesterday):

1. music, it's pretty boring without it
2. Romeo, he's such a good dog and offers his love 
3. Getting things organized.  Makes me feel awesome.
4. Leftovers - soup beans were so good and I didn't have to cook, so I got a bit more done
5. Slippers.  They keep my tootsies warm while indoors.

....from the wine tasting journal 
Tried a new Pinot.  Expensive, but not that great as far as taste.  I use wine label removers to remove the label and then it goes in my wine tasting journal.

.....from the inspirational quote journal

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
― Maya Angelou

Nothing has gone into my "book reading journal" just yet.  I need to finish that book first.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Chickens during Winter ~ Eggs

I wanted to share a clip from a newspaper that my oldest brother shared with me.  I do take out warmer water this time of year. 

I am going to try the suggestion for feeding them - lighter in the am, and heavier in the pm, and see how it goes.  I'll let you know if the egg production changes for the better.  I do believe they need a break after long summer, but having some eggs would be nice too.  We got one egg yesterday.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Omelets and Soup Beans

Due to the insane weather, the field across the street flooded, then froze.  Roads were a bit slick Sunday morning.

The wood stove was started back up and going strong, bringing warmth back into our home.

The new dishwasher installed (given to us by a friend), and homemade sausage was made.  It was too much of a mess outside to cut wood.

Hubby spoiled us with his famous omelets on Sunday morning.  Oh my gosh, they are so good.

I made a crock pot of soup beans.  We have one ham bone left in the freezer now.

Our 20 year-old daughter surprised us with a visit yesterday.  Of course she came with not one, but two laundry baskets full of laundry and bedding to wash.  We had a good visit though.

Not much going on here at the homestead in winter.  We have made no plans for a anniversary getaway either.  

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Pumpkin Puree Recipes ~ January Reading Challenge ~ A Finish

Friday I started my morning by paying bills, doing laundry and posting items up for sale on my Rooster's Crow Farm (handiwork) blog.

Our weekend weather was not just wacky, it was insane.  We had 60 degree weather Saturday with pouring down rain, and thunderstorms, and today we woke up to "feels like 23°F" and snowing.

I used some frozen garden pumpkin puree to make dog treats for Romeo.  I'll use more for pumpkin soup, pumpkin hummus, pumpkin pancakes or waffles, pumpkin BBQ sauce and pumpkin/sage macaroni (using Jovial Einkorn noodles).  What else do you use your pumpkin puree for?  Besides pumpkin bread or a dessert?

Homemade bruschetta, using the leftover mix from the chicken dinner.  By the way, I bought a new basil plant now, so we will have plenty next time I need fresh basil.  Yum!

My new kitchen shelving arrived.  I am replacing a wooden stand with metal and on wheels.  I can easily move it to sweep and mop under it now, and have extra space for baking dishes I use, but not daily. So happy to be organized again.  I "shopped" from home, and used a valance that came with my new curtains a year ago, and used metal clips to attach it around the top shelf of the unit.  I love it!

We have an old farm house, with very few cupboards.  The person who put in used cupboards prior to us, put in mostly drawers.  I hate them, but until we can afford a total kitchen renovation, this works.  

New shower curtain!  I love it!  My older "frilly" farmhouse style one got splattered with blue hair dye (thanks to our daughter).  I have instructed her to remove this one, and put up the old one when dying her hair (rolling my eyes).

I had started this book a while ago, and am picking it for Jan. reading challenge. 

Blackberry counts for a color, right?  Not sure what I'll read in Feb. if I can keep up with this challenge.  I'll admit, I'm inspired to shop the thrift store for books now.  However, when one is added, one must go too. "Fantasy" is not my thing either, so I'll read a non-fiction book for August.

Finished this XL hot pad.  I had requests for them.  They fit 9 x 13 pans perfectly.  Works great for baking sheets too.  I guess you can count this as a completed UFO.  I started it during the craft show in December and forgot about it until I was asked if I had any made.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Hope Chest ~ Preparing Your Kids for Independent Life

I was asked to explain our daughter's Hope Chest.  I do not have an actual "chest" in which items go into, but they go into storage bins.

A Hope Chest simply refers to preparing your child for independent life.  To us, it doesn't mean simply "marriage" but independent life, and have a good start for it.

Image result for hope chest book
(not my photo)

There is actually a book written about the Hope Chest, and suggestions.  I used to own this book, but passed it on to a friend years ago.

We don't want our kids going broke, when it's time to leave the "nest" so I try to add to their stash quite often.  The first three to move out even had boxes of homemade Christmas ornaments for their own, first Christmas trees away from home.

(Made with scraps of cotton year leftover from knitting dishcloths and other items).

I recently added a scrap rug to our youngest's daughter's "Hope Chest" along with a few Christmas ornaments.  I also added a set of coffee cup coasters with a hand embroidered kitchen towel, and a new kitchen utensil.  

It's not limited to what you put in a child's hope chest, but most importantly useful and needed items.  I just add a few items to keep it fun and real, like the ornaments or other items.

Just for example (but not limited, let your mind be creative), here is a list of ideas to stock up and prepare your child for independent life:

-Bedding, handmade quilt, hand crocheted afghan

-Handmade washcloths and face scrubbies (I crochet)

-Handmade hot pads, dish towels (embroidered etc).  I hand crochet hot pads, XL pt holders.

-Handmade dishcloths, hand crocheted dish scrubbies (I knit and crochet them)

-kitchen items: salt/pepper shaker, butter dish, utensils, set of dishes, canister set

-basic bakeware/cookware

-handmade doilies, dresser and night stand covers

-handmade tablecloths

-recipe box, locally made or handmade

-cookbook with family recipes, including homemade cleaner recipes like homemade laundry soap, foaming hand soap, grout cleaner, and homemade "lysol" wipes.  Our youngest is the only one to have a "family" cookbook, but I get messages from the older ones for family recipes often.  Include easier recipes for homemade dry mixes like taco mix, italian, seasoned salt, homemade hot cocoa, homemade butters (honey-cinnamon, cranberry etc.,) Recipes for herb infused cooking oils, spreadable butter etc.

-books on growing indoor/outdoor herbs, veggies etc.

When they get older gift them a dehydrator with a recipe book, and homemade useful, frugal recipes.

Our daughter already has quite a bit, aside from the bedding.  She has entire set of 7 hand embroidered "cat" kitchen towels and many other items.  

I often look for unique items while out at the thrift stores, but more-so at antique stores (butter dishes, measuring cups, measuring spoons, spoon rest, etc.).

Store items in a chest (thrift stores often have them), or storage bins.  A hope chest is not limited to your own children either.  It could be a grand child, God child etc.

I hope you enjoyed my post today.  I just try to add a personal touch to most of what we put in Youngest Daughter's Hope chest.

I remember when our oldest daughter set up in her first apt. by herself.  She sent me photos of everything I had made, and was so proud of her new "home."  Even the smallest item can make a difference.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Meal Prep ~ Weather ~ More Cleaning and Crocheting (and crafting)

Sort of a boring post, but not much else to talk about in winter time.  Hope you enjoy.

Meal prepping from the freezer and pantry has been a complete success, not to mention sort of fun.  It's been a fun challenge for sure.

When I made the banana bread the other day, I swapped out the oil for home canned applesauce.  I also used walnuts from the freezer (grown locally).

Tonight's meal is soup beans, using a ham bone from the freezer.  I'm pulling some sour cream from the freezer too.  Adding some to homemade buttermilk (using homemade buttermilk) corn bread makes a very moist bread.

I also pulled organic ground pork to make homemade sausage.  I'll be back to let you know what I use it for as well.

(Tiger keeping warm under the bed quilt)

Well, the weather man wasn't wrong.  We went from freezing cold temps to a boat load of rainfall.  

Clean/purge/re-organize updates:

Garage:  5% done (looks like a losing game of Jumanji)
Utility Room:  1% (starting)
Bedroom/Closet:  85% done
Master bath:  99% done

New project:

I'm not in a hurry with it.  It's like the poem about giving a Mom a muffin - I found the clothespins in a box in my utility room while attempting to start purging/cleaning in there.