Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Friday, March 22, 2024


 I finally finished the XL pot holder for us.  In all of the years of crocheting for craft shows, I never once made us one of these.  We now have one.  It's a pattern I created myself, using cotton yarn.  I added a loop on ours.  It's double thick, and fits under a 9 x 13 baking dish, or can be used for a baking pan, pizza pan or any baking ware that is larger.  I also made these for Christmas gifts one year.

A pretty boring post for you today. Oh, I found two more UFO's (more unfinished crochet projects) in a basket, but those were taking apart, and will not be finished.  They were for craft shows, and I'm not doing those anymore.  

Did my crafting bloggers know that JoAnn Fabrics filed chapter 11 bankruptcy?  Not sure if this means they will close any stores, but we are seeing more and more nearby (other) businesses closing this year.

Update on my nettle tea infusions.  I had been making these for me, and specifically for hair/nail health, but there are so many more health benefits for it.  Now, my husband is honing in on my tea and asking for it daily.  It's great for my spring allergies as well.  I am now making two jars of it daily.  It's nice to have an iced tea in the evenings, that does not contain caffeine.

The cold weather is still hanging around.  The chicken's water froze yesterday.  It's that cold.  The wind has been pretty wicked as well.  

We are ready to get the garden tilled, but we are awaiting some warmer weather days.  We woke up to a wind chill of 21 degrees this morning.  Spring?  Not yet.

Finished! © Mar 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Smoked Bacon? Oh my! ~ Shopping and Hiking

 We have discovered bulk, smoked bacon.  It is a drive for us, but the packages are packed with 150 slices of smoked bacon.  We do not own a smoker, so this was a nice discovery.  Did you know that smoked bacon loses it's fat when smoked?  It greatly reduces the amount of time to cook it as well.  On a side note, it is even more cost saving to cure, smoke and slice your own bacon with pork, if you have a smoker (so many instructions online for this).

It costs a lot less to buy the bacon this way (bulk), and saves us so much money.  We will be stocking up on this, from now on.  We don't use bacon in every meal, but the savings are wonderful.  

We are finding more and more ways to locate supplies at lower prices, organic herbs and other items when we do take the drive for supplies. 

We are now incorporating the shopping trips with an outdoor hike/walk.  It's something new for us, but we are loving this new idea.  We are expanding our outdoor adventures, getting physical exercise, and enjoying nature.

I'm tickled to also find glass bottles for homemade tinctures, lotions, sprays and whatnot.  No more Mountain Rose Herbs, with their high prices, lack of supplies, and outrageous shipping costs.

Oh by the way, I had a conversation with a lady about Mountain Rose Herbs, and my frustrations.  She said they were recently purchased by someone else.  I don't have the information on that, but it all makes sense.

Having spent my entire life devoted to raising our kids, it is finally nice to get out of the house and enjoy ourselves again.  Are you discovering nature this year?  I'm actually writing a shopping list for long distance supplies, and logging what areas to hike/walk in those areas.  It's truly an inspiration, and something to look forward to, besides just shopping.  Finding cost saving, and/or needed supplies, are just a bonus on these wellness travel trips.

Smoked Bacon?  Oh my! ~ Shopping and Hiking © Mar 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Mid Week Medley ~ Question for Condiment Canning Aficionados

 The rain is slowly bringing the outdoors back to life, and we see more green again.  We have had snow flurries, which deterred me from harvesting any of those baby green onions coming up, but everything is brighter outside for spring.

The Daffodils were blooming like crazy, and I would love to cut some to bring inside, but the snow just keeps on coming.  Not a lot, but enough to remind us that winter is still not over with.

The rain is also giving us gifts from the Earth.  We have three wild growing mullein plants in the flower beds.  I need to dig them up to move them, so we can utilize them this year.  If I leave them in the flower beds, they will continue to replant in there, and the wild plants grow very tall.  We dehydrate this medicinal weed for tea.

We took a drive to do some hiking.  I have to admit, that outdoor hiking uses more muscles than what you may use on a treadmill.  Good gravy we were happy sore, and have plans to get more hiking in this year.

Although it is too late to start more seeds for the garden this spring, we attempted to visit a new non-gmo seed store (new to visit for us, but in business for a while). We should have called to double check their business hours.  What stated on their online website, for a closing hour, was incorrect.  We arrived just after they had closed for the day.  We do plan to go back. and take a look at what they have to offer folks.

What's been purged/donated?

The last four mugs I had, that I crocheted mug "hugs" and matching coasters for, were donated to another local senior center.  I also donated two smaller items to the local library, for prizes within the children's area.

One local (non-chain) thrift store, has put a stop on taking any Christmas donations until September of this year.  We still need to do a complete garage clean out this year, so we'll need to find more donation locations.  The kids left their Christmas decorations behind, and many other items we need to get rid of (left behind because they don't want them) .

A box of books is awaiting it's donation destination.  I'm still filling it up with books I am finishing reading, so I'm not in a big hurry on that.

Canning Question:  Do you have a tried and true way to can caramelized onions (boil seal method), without using a crock pot?   I just don't want to can after dinner time, and I do not want to run my crock pot all night.  It is the only recipe I have used once (trusted recipe source), and it was successful, but now I want to can them again. 

Or....have you frozen homemade caramelized onions?  I have read they only last 2 months in the freezer, and what is the texture when they thaw?

Mid Week Medley ~ Question for Condiment Canning Aficionados © Mar 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Just the Bits


There is no method to figure out this winter weather madness.

One day it's rain, cold and windy, the next snow and very cold, and the next? We were in the delightful 60's for about 3-4 days.  We actually hit the lower 70's one day. Thunderstorms rolled in next.  

I took advantage of the better weather, and put the laundry on the clothesline.  It gets me outside, I get some extra physical movement, and a lower electricity bill.  A win all around.

I saw my first Robin.  I actually saw several.  The mornings now start much darker, but as the sun rises, the birds are busy singing good morning to the world.  I took that photo through my window, and I do need to wash some more windows ha ha!

I'm enjoying my nettle/oat straw tea infusions.  I serve them iced for us, and yes it tastes earthy, but very healthy at the same time.  The list for benefits of nettle alone is very long, and I am already seeing one benefit - healthier fingernails and hair.  I have been using the XL (come with drawstrings) teabags to fill for tea infusions, and I have to say that I love them.  They were an accidental purchase (meant to buy single use fill and brew type), but have come in handy for these tea infusions.  I love the no mess clean up vs. straining it out of the jar.

Daffodils are making their spring appearance.  I'm hoping the down pours here do not damage the flowers.

....and then there was one.  My husband, against my wishes, took them out to the grill, and broke the salt shaker.   These were antiques, and the replacements will not be.  Whatever they end up as, they will be more practical.  We used to have a set just for the grill, but we could not find them.

March Garden Notes:
-trimmed back the peppermint and spearmint plants (these are in contained pots, so I am hoping for them to spring back to life)
-dropped more egg shells out on one area of the vegetable garden

-yarrow is already growing this spring (also in a flower pot)

-deer tracks are all over the garden(s), which is odd.  We have never seen this many in all the years living here (the husband says we need a dog or two)

-I have seen a few ground hogs here and there

-I have seen a stray cat a few times here lately, and it can hang out if it continues to be good rodent removal

-today's rain is said to continue all day long and night, and will not stop until 10am tomorrow morning.  It will help the herb garden spring alive, and the fall planted garlic, but will flood some of the ground.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Growing Sprouts for the Chickens

 Last summer, the lentil sprouts I grew in the sprout jars did great.  However, this past month they would not sprout much at all.  I thought I had bought bad lentils, and refilled the jars with new lentils.  Again, it was a week and a half, and hardly any sprouts.

I figured out what was hindering the germination - salt in the water softener hooked to our well water.  I didn't even think about it.  Apparently, the salt was shut off for watering the garden in the morning last year.  At the same time the sprouts were rinsed.  Makes sense.  No salt in the well water.

Also, if your house is too cold in winter, it can also hinder your lentils from sprouting.  Humidity can play a part in sprouts vs. no sprouts as well.

Another fact, is that our well water is freezing cold this time of year.  It's pretty cold year round, but during winter, it is very cold. I have to set water out to get to room temperature, just to water plants.  

I started a new jar of lentils, and soaked them in room temperature water, and did the daily rinse with lukewarm water as well.

We have sprouts!  The chickens are super happy!  It only took 3 days to sprout.  I used a 1/2 cup of dry lentils, soaked them overnight, and rinsed each day after.  I have a sprout tray, that holds the jars at a slant (and catches any water), and black out jar covers.  In the past I covered them with a towel to block the light out, so you don't need a fancy tray (I do like mine however).

Growing Sprouts for the Chickens   © March 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Monday, March 11, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday



Our weekend went way too fast.  We actually went out for breakfast with family, had a kiddo and her boyfriend over for a late lunch, and did not do a lick of work.  It rained Saturday, and snowed Sunday.  Sunday was more of one of those days you just wanted to curl up with a good book or movie and stay home.

I also shared some of our bell pepper breakfast ideas with the kids, and by golly, I need to make these again soon.  I miss the stuffed ones for breakfast too.  Here I was telling my husband, we should take a year off from the garden and let it (and us) rest, but I miss those fresh bell peppers.  We could always hunt down a produce stand, but even people we know who have a stand, spray their garden.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

I'll link up when she posts.

The weather . . .

It's still cold today, but we are to warm up this week for a bit, then cool back down again.

Right now I am . . .

Sipping coffee and posting this.

Thinking and pondering . . . 

We've been discussing foods we only eat when the garden is producing fresh goodies.  I sure do miss roasted beets with onion, and rosemary and thyme from the herb garden.  I will be checking prices on organic beets in the store.  We are also missing my spiced pickled beets.  We are out of them.  

How I am feeling . . .

Tired.  We do not like the time change, and we had to "spring" forward Sunday.  It's an adjustment for sure.  On a good note, we are back to longer days and later sunsets, and in time for our spring gardening work soon.

Since I met two fitness goals earlier in the year, I have come up with two more.  

I am back to making weekly nettle tea infusions.  I have not been making them in the winter, but with the warmer days, my allergies act up, and it's great for allergies.  As a bonus, it's great for my hair and nails.

On the breakfast plate . . .

. . .to be decided on yet.

On the menu . . .

-cod, roasted asparagus and roasted rutabaga
-grill burgers with home canned condiments, sweet potato "fries"
-homemade pizza with chickpea crusts

On the reading pile . . .

I'm still reading this book.  I spent more time on the crocheted blanket over the weekend, as it was very cold here again.

On the TV this week . . .

Not much.  We mostly listened to music.

Looking around the house . . .

It's pretty tidy, other than a box of books to donate, and some of my leftover yarn to deal with.   I'm actually making up a plan to distribute my books in a few free little libraries.  The one free little library that I went to recently, is very full right now.  

I also started to purge the office.  It's a slower process, as I am still working on the hallway painting, and of course have regular chores, and cooking from scratch (that is time consuming). Not to mention, we all need to make sure we take time for ourselves in each day.

On the to-do list . . .

-prepare a new breakfast for the next few days

Organic hannah sweet potatoes roasted in garlic powder, roasted black beans and corn, onion, bell pepper and a bunch of spinach, topped with two eggs, and homemade cilantro sauce and green onions.  So good!

-dinner prep
-brew another nettle tea infusion
-brew a gallon of iced green tea with garden spearmint
-cut up a whole watermelon and a whole pineapple
-catch up on any laundry
-sweep/mop any floors
-finish cleaning one bathroom

From the camera . . .

If you missed my post, READ HERE to see what I took pictures of, that is growing around here.  In the above photo, are my chives growing up in the herb garden.

What I am crocheting . . .

I'm still crocheting this large blanket (photo from last week).  My goal is to finish it before the end of March. 

Colors are, from bottom up: 
-Heather Grey
-Real Teal
-Soft White
-Claret Bordeaux (all Red Heart yarns)

I am still slowly working on an XL pot holder for us.  It is in my on-the-go bag for when we go to town or longer drives.  Once these are done, I have a few more unfinished projects.  I also have some crochet Christmas tree ornaments in a project bag.  I totally forgot about them.

Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verse . . .

No current prayer requests.

Happy Homemaker Monday  © Mar 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Saturday, March 9, 2024

What's Growing in Early March

 Once again, weather is all over the map these past few days.  First the rain moved back in, and now they say we may see snow flurries.  Winter is still hanging around.

A few scant tulips the moles did not eat.

Lots of different daffodils and hyacinths.

Chives in the herb garden.

More daffodils.

Green onions in the herb garden.

Bunching onions.


Fall planted garlic.  It's under wire to protect it from rodents that might find it tasty.  Once it's up, we'll remove the screen.

I did not get a photo of my peppermint and spearmint (in pots), but I'm hoping they will spring back to life.  I'm almost out dehydrated spearmint for tea making.