Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Thursday, August 31, 2023


 Woke up to a brisk 48°F outside.  There appears to be a frost on the windows of the truck, and top of the trash can, so I'm hoping it has not affected my herbs or garden.  

It's not going to last (we are heating up again to the 90's), but I will admit, I slept in, as the cooler weather was a welcome.  However, I have more tomatoes and bell peppers to take care of, and running very behind now.

Anything "sauce" tomato days are long days here.  There is the chopping, dicing, then heating until a puree, then removing peels and seeds, then reduction, then canning.  Canning in the water bath is typically 35 minutes or longer, depending on what I'm canning.  My husband was shocked at how many ingredients (and the time to do it) go into tomato soup.

I'm brewing some coffee to get this day started, but hope to be back with an update.  Thank you all for your potluck ideas.  I do appreciate it.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Healthy Potluck Ideas??

I'm still being held captive by the paste tomatoes, but have a hot minute to ask a question.  I started the tomatoes late today too.

 My husband and I eat healthy (low carb/zero sugar), so it's hard to eat at a potluck.  I could always make deviled eggs, but so many people bring those too.

What is your go-to dish for making sure you have something you can eat, and one that others will enjoy as well (low carb/zero or low sugar)?

Not a crock pot dish, as the event I'm thinking of, invites a lot of people, and lack space for electrical outlets.

Not a dessert either.  Ha!  I'm making this difficult for myself.  Fresh fruit is an option, but I'm thinking a cold veggie salad of some sort.

Maybe a dip with sliced bell peppers for dipping?  Salsa and quinoa tortilla chips?

I'm stumped.  Eat before we go, and just take whatever?

I'm looking at cold carrot salads in between stirring, chopping, and reducing tomatoes.  I found one with Dijon dressing and another with a sesame oil/soy dressing.  Has anyone made a cold carrot salad that is good?

I think I still have a recipe for a broccoli salad.  I will have to check.

I gotta get back to the stove, check the washing machine, and the dehydrator.  

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Tomato Days! ~ Littles are Laying ~ Zucchini Pizza Bites and other Tidbits

 Welcome to Crazy Lady's Kitchen, where the days start with tomatoes, and end with sauce anything!

My Weston sauce maker waste funnel broke!  Of all the wrong times to happen.  The funnel is a think plastic one, with plastic tabs to attach it.  It broke before, and they were out of stock for over a year.  I saved my old one, and hold it on, but now the price to replace it is a whopping $21.79 with shipping.  

I'm looking into getting a different food strainer/sauce maker.  What is the brand you all use (for those who have one)?  If I have to replace the funnel every year, I might as well look into a better overall sauce maker.  I use it to make applesauce too.  

We brought in another 80 pounds of paste tomatoes.  I canned pizza sauce, and taco sauce.  I've been crazy busy, with long days in the kitchen.  Top that off with doing all the dishes, and trying to keep up with normal housework, including laundry!  Yikes.  Let alone the mowing.

I apologize if you emailed me.  I have not had a second to read them, and it's either that or I plum forget with the crazy kitchen-ness!!

I managed to get one bell pepper into our dinner, but I have all of these to either freeze or eat.  I'm hoping for some stuffed bell peppers soon.

Breakfast has been simple.  I baked these eggs and ham cups in parchment this time, and they came out of the pan much, much easier.

The "littles" are laying now.  I am happy that most of them are laying them in the roosts too.

I made zucchini pizza bites with home canned pizza sauce.  I used instructions for baking at 375°F, but will try other ways such as higher temp and/or using broil method.  Zucchini is slowing way down for us now.

We finally found a cucumber salad we love, that uses Greek yogurt vs. mayo.  I'll be back to share that soon.  I just have to get this mountain of paste tomatoes off the tables and out of my living room first.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Tomato Sauce Done!


It's been very hot here, but canning must go on.  Tomatoes are picked and ready for a full day of canning.  I have to run our dehumidifier in the kitchen.

We woke up to thunderstorms, so hence more humidity in the air, and today they say the heat index could be up to 110°F.  I have had the radio on the last few days, and today they are talking about closing some schools due to the heat.  Some schools here do not have air conditioning.

Say a prayer our power stays on for a full day of canning.  I am seeing that several towns on the out skirts of us, are without power this morning.

The zucchini and yellow squash are still rolling in, but yesterday the plants looked as if they were about done for the season.  I guess I will know next week after this rain dries out.  We are to get strong storms tonight, so if the rain stops, and I get a break with sauce reduction, I will need to check on tomatoes again.

A couple of the zucchini plants are producing zucchini with bumps on them.  I did some research, and it states that the plant has a virus and the zucchini will not fully produce, so those plants will be yanked as soon as I have a time to do that.  Unless I am wrong, and someone can tell me otherwise.

One thing I know for sure, is that when canning season (or rather tomato season) is over, I will be looking at food processors.  I need a new one.  I almost had a kitchen disaster yesterday.  The lid was not locked on.  My last one had a dough blade and so many options.  I don't know what I was thinking, but my current one has only 3 buttons - on, off and pause.  I have no idea why I would buy one without other options.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Freezing Shredded Zucchini and Tidbits

This is an old blog draft I had before all things in life went BAM!   Funeral is over, but we are all hurting.  Again, thank you for your prayers and good thoughts.

It is taking all I have to get up and go this morning.  I am slammed with tomatoes, and I should have been up at 4:30am today.  I am so far behind, but I am up, as my husband had to work today as well.  Oh, I am slammed with green bell peppers as well.  I'm still dealing zucchini, and did not have a chance to check on the plants, as we had a day of visitation, and a full day with funeral services.  I thought I just heard the radio mention thunderstorms today, so after I get tomatoes prepped, I may run out and do a very quick look-see.

I have to get my morning work out in first, then there is the unloading of the dishwasher, and then moving produce around to make room for a full day of canning.  It's very hot here as well, so that is a double whammy in my kitchen this week.

A beautiful morning sunrise we had a few weeks ago.  Just another sign that summer is coming to an end, as that moves directions.

I learned something new from one of my favorite chefs (Mary Ann Esposito) - when freezing shredded zucchini, place it in waxed paper, twist the ends, and then put it in a plastic freezer bag to freeze.  It will be so much easier to get out of the bag when you thaw it.   I wanted to use freezer paper, but could not find mine, and I was out of pint bags.  I had just been to the store, so I was not going back.  We live in the boonies.

Speaking of TV, my husband worked late one day, so I watched the movie on Netflix, "Poisoned."  There wasn't much in the movie that I didn't know, but when they were asked one thing they would never buy from the grocery store, it was bagged greens/lettuces.  It was suggested to buy the head of lettuce and wash it yourself.  Hence, that wake up call, we will be making sure we have a raised bed for all of our spring greens next year.

I have a cheap spiralizer, so I made yellow squash casserole with it (another new recipe).

I made Julia Child's Shredded Sautéed Zucchini with garlic.  We really liked it too.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Everything at Once

 The days have been long here lately, and thank you for all of your kind words.  Our very loved, 20 year-old grand niece, left behind two beautiful baby boys.  One is 18 months old and the the other is 6 months old.  Our niece and nephew (grandparents) will be raising them.  Funeral arrangements hit hard, as we've gone through the motions way too many times.  It's been so difficult getting through the days.  

In the midst of all the mental distress, the garden is throwing a lot a me.  First picking of tomatoes came to 67 pounds.  I'll be very busy.   Not sure what will get canned yet, as my brain is overloaded as it is.

I canned way too much tomato soup last year, so I will cut back on that this year.  I am trying to pass the last dozen jars around to the kids, so they are not wasted, as I prepare canned tomato items this season.

Green bell peppers are still rolling in and I had a dozen to freeze, and some to eat.

The zucchini and yellow squash are still producing, and I just have not had a break to yank the plants.  I have given a lot of it away.

The hot peppers do not look good.  They are still smaller than last year.  I have yet to decide if I'll be canning hot pepper relish or hot pepper jelly.  We use the relish a lot, but not so much on the jelly.

My husband took off work for the funeral and helping the family, and of course for mental de-stress, but the funeral is now not until this week to accommodate family.  We used a few days get this work done.

We have shortened the  "Hilton Hen House" walls, and are getting ready to build trusses for the roof, then work on the walls, windows, door etc.  It's slowly progressing.  We have the floor covered with a tarp, as the rain has been here off and on.  Work weekends are hard to come by right now.

Go hug someone today.  Tell someone you love them.  Call someone.  Take someone out for coffee or invite someone over for a meal.  Life is not promised, but death is.  You never know what tomorrow will bring.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Heaven gained. . .

 Heaven gained another angel last night.  Our grand niece.  She was so young, and way too early to go in life.  She has two beautiful baby boys.  I will be back soon.

Way too many deaths in the family.