Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Monday, June 28, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

We are still getting rain daily, but the heat is back too.  The garden is doing great, but the weeding is hard to keep up with (with the rain).

We had a relaxing weekend. Sunday we played cards on the porch, and grilled steaks and corn on the cob.  Believe it or not, the organic ribeyes were way cheaper than buying other non-organic steaks at the grocery store.

Once again gas was out at the other grocery store.  I am hearing it is due to lack of drivers to get the gas delivered.

My to-do list is right back at it this morning.  We deserved to have a relaxing weekend, so it's back to work

-master bath
-restock freezer (that's a list of itself, ha ha)
-dishes, run dishwasher
-laundry before it rains
-muck chicken coop

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .

I'm told it will "feel like" 94°F today.  More rain in the evening.

How I am feeling this morning . . .

Frustrated after getting some news I wasn't expecting.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Sausage, bell pepper, onion scramble with other goodness added.  Coffee.

On my reading pile . . .

Pioneer Grit

On the TV . . .

Heartland, Netflix

On the menu this week . . .

-Breakfast for dinner.  Not sure exactly what yet.
-baked walleye (haven't made this yet)
-grilled chicken fajitas

From the camera . . .

Banana bread with extra mini chocolate chips.  Yum!

Looking around the house . . .

Zuri attacked a dog toy again.  Fluff everywhere.

To relax this week, I will . . .

Crochet or read.

Something I want to share . . .

A while back I learned something new watching a cooking channel.  Here is what I learned and I tried it last night, and it works!!  

You know those pesky hairs on corn on the cob?  Well get one of these bottle brushes.  I bought this one for a buck at the dollar store.  Just run the brush gently over the corn.

The corn hairs will come off so much faster and easier than trying to hand pick them off.  

I am thankful for . . .
The rain.  Motorcycle ride days.  My husband.

I am hoping to . . .
Get the cement slab cleared this coming weekend, for the new coop.

Devotional, inspirational, prayer list, or Bible verse. . .

Prayer  list, Daughter E.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

More Flower Bed Blooms

I took some photos while weeding flower beds a few days before we lost internet.  You are finally getting to see them today.  

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Buttery Peas ~ Rainy Day Stock Up ~ Something I Learned


We were watching a movie one night and they were talking about dressing up canned peas for a delicious side.  One day I came in hot and tired from garden work and didn't want to run to town for fresh veggies, so I dumped a few cans of peas (drained and rinsed) and dressed them up with butter, onions, thyme and salt and pepper.  Yum!

We have also mixed in yellow squash relish, but I don't can that anymore.

 I have a list of items that need made and stocked back up.  I save these to-do's for rainy days.

Pizza dough was restocked in the freezer. 

Something I learned . . .

Add cornstarch to your roasted vegetables for a crispier roasted side.  Suggested amount is 1 Tbsp. per pound of vegetables.  I'll update, regarding this new tip, after I try it.

July is booking up fast with parties, gatherings, travel plans and get togethers.  July also is the month in which Daughter E's boyfriend and his best friend were killed in a car accident.  There will be a large gathering to get with all of both families and friends to remember them both and enjoy each other's company.

Friday, June 25, 2021

I'm Back! ~ Foraging ~ Improvise

I'm back!  I have discovered how much I can get weeded when we have no internet, ha ha!  Woke up to no internet on Wednesday morning.  Five phone calls later we were in town getting a new modem, only to come home and not have internet.  Again.  

I got a text message yesterday that said "your system was restored etc."  It was not.  Ten minutes later I get a phone call to make an appt. for this coming Sat.  Last night the dogs alerted us and we find our internet provider in our driveway.  Hubby ran out to see what was going on.  He said something happened with their "system" and it sent a power surge to many homes knocking out their internet (hm?).  He was sending a ping to the modem.  Internet is back on finally.

Got another text message.  It was correct this time, and to reply to cancel our Sat. appt.  Sigh.  Anyway, glad it's back on, but it made me realize that if we all went out, our quick and easy communication system is back to the old fashioned way.

My muscles are aching, but most from weeding.  I have more of course to do, but it rained last night.  My hands are so dry, but happy to get so much done in a few days.

So....what did I get done while I had no internet?  Updated my garden journal, my book reading journal, and my book quote journal (a journal I keep to write quotes from books that are inspirational to me). I update my recipe book (I write down any recipe I throw together that works great).  I made a chicken chili with home canned sauce and it was delicious.  I also whipped up some canned peas (sharing soon).  I got inside cleaning done, but mostly garden work, although it was hot, hot, hot.  I worked on crochet work, and we got a short motorcycle ride in.  The rest of the weekend forecast is rain.

Thanks to the rain, I've been picking wild black raspberries, and our berry bushes look great.

On our trip to the "Big City" to exchange our dinosaur of a modem for a new one, we noticed a few things.  More restaurants closed (lack of employees or lack of product), and our grocery store gas station was out of gas (and had been for 3 days we were told).

In a conversation last night, Hubby said he's ready to clear the cement slab in preparation of building the new coop.  I'll let you know if that happens, ha ha ha ha ha!

We all got a chuckle.  Yes he did.  When parts are hard to find and you can't borrow a mower you improvise (gas can for a mower) .  It works too, ha ha!  I have lots to write, but will save it for another day.  I'm just glad to be back to writing this blog.  Boy did I miss it.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Garlic Scape Powder ~ Spiced Peanuts

Woke up to a brisk 49°F (feels like 47°F).  Brrr!  Not good for the garden.  Sheesh.  Yesterday the wind was blowing so hard I chose not to use the clothesline in fear my bloomers would end up in the next county.

Garlic scapes are part of the garlic plant that gets cut off to help the plant continue to grow.  By the way, if you do not grow garlic, check your local Farmer's Markets for garlic scapes.  Many gardeners sell them this time of year.  

They are edible and we love to make garlic scape dip with radishes we grow as well.

They also last a long time in the refrigerator, but this year I tried something new with the remaining scapes.  I dehydrated them into garlic scape powder.

Dice scapes and use the temperature on your dehydrator you use to dehydrate vegetables. Once they are dried, grind to a powder using a coffee mill and store as you would garlic powder.  It's a milder flavor, but I'm excited to have it in my pantry this year.  I've never dehydrated garlic scapes before.

I had a jar of dry roasted (unsalted) peanuts that needed dealt with before expiration, so I made spiced peanuts. 

So good!  It's just a 16 oz. container of peanuts, 2 Tbsp. organic canola oil, 2 Tbsp. of sugar (I used monk fruit), 1 1/2 tsp. organic cumin, 1 tsp. salt, 1/2 tsp. organic cayenne, 1/2 tsp. homemade garlic powder.  Mix in a bowl, spread onto a rimmed baking sheet, and bake for 20-25 minutes at 300°F.  Cool on waxed paper.  I bake mine on my pampered chef stoneware pan.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

We had a very muggy and hot weekend.  The humidity was so thick you felt like you were swimming in the air.  

We attended our grand niece's graduation party.  So proud of her.  She's about the same age as Daughter E.  She has 2 jobs, bought her own car, and has bought her own trailer to live it.  Most kids her age are living on unemployment these days.  Oh, and she graduated with honors, just like Daughter E did.

(hubby took a photo just after slicing he was so happy to get a blueberry pie)

Anyway, about the only other thing I got done, was bake a blueberry pie (didn't get that crust pinched together though) for my husband for Father's Day.  He was overjoyed.  It was completely spontaneous too.

Father's day was just us two.  It was also my first Father's Day without my Dad. The girls had to work and the others kids made no contact, so we took off on a motorcycle ride.  I thought it would be hard to get into a place to eat due to it being Father's Day, but that wasn't the case.  

It was difficult to find a place due to lack of employees.  First place had a long wait time, second place was closed, third place we got right in.  However, outside bar and seating closed and a slim staff.  I heard one guy tell a customer that they couldn't get anyone to work.  Even the cook was serving and seating people.  So sad.

Oh, and prices are up.  

This was posted at our table.  It's happening everywhere.  They can't get what they need, and when they do it costs double or more for them to get it.

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

(will link up when she posts)

The weather . . .

78°F/48°F, Thunderstorms this morning so far, and so glad to get the rain.  We needed the humidity gone, and the gardens watered.

How I am feeling this morning . . .

A little overwhelmed with chores, but ...

On the breakfast plate . . .

A breakfast casserole - sausage, yellow squash, shallot, eggs and green onion.  Oh and some fire powder in it.

On my reading pile . . .

I finished reading this book, and it was so worth buying.  If you didn't see my post, I finished it in 3 days.  A record for me.  It was that good.

I'll be picking up another book I never finished.  Apparently, I have more than one to choose from.

On my TV . . .

Heartland ( I think we are in season 8)

On the menu . . .

-chicken chili
-baked walleye, steamed broccoli
-BBQ Pork chops, roasted brussel sprouts
-tuna/noodle, mashed tades and corn

On my to-do list . . .

-tidy up bedroom
-sweep/mop kitchen
-clean master bath
-bake a breakfast dish

What I am crocheting, knitting, sewing or creating . . .

Honestly nothing the last few days.  I spent my free time reading this past week.  Hopefully the rainy days will give me more time to pick up a hook.

Looking around the house . . .

(see to-do list)

To relax I will . . .


From the camera . . .

(see previous post for flower photos)

Something fun to share . . .

The only thing I can come up with for this prompt, is that I'll be dehydrating something new.  Stay tuned.

On my prayer list . . .

11 year-old Annabelle, Daughter E, personal requests, for the judge to rule in favor of keeping the pipeline open that runs thru MI to a state oil refinery.  If they shut it down, it will end thousands of jobs and really hurt the economy.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Storms ~ New Blooms ~ Comforts of Reading

Nothing real exciting to post today.  First thing I did yesterday morning was check laundry, run the dishwasher and wash any remaining pots and pans.  If the storms took out the power, we have no running water.

Cell phones were charged, and water was put up for the animals.  Just in case.  Oil  lamps- check,  lamp oil - check, candles and matches - check, emergency lamp/radio - check.

I also decided not to do more freezer cleaning, and to not use both dehydrators.  I didn't want to risk a freezer that wasn't shut and cold, nor have any electrical issues with any outages.  Those jobs remain on the to-do list.

Early morning a steady rainfall began, followed by wind and thunderstorms.  

The temperature dropped and it was too chilly (and not safe) to read on the porch.  Soon, around noon the rain stopped and the sun came out.  Two o'clock arrived and guess what?  No rain nor a bad storm.  In fact, no rain the rest of the day, but it appears it'll rain today.

Before the rain arrived I took a few pictures of some colorful snapdragons starting to bloom.

I have a short Honey-Do list for my husband today. I have a few indoor jobs he could do, that won't require a lot of time.

Regarding reading...

I have not read an entire book in 2020, due to just feeling down, depressed and disgusted at what was happening in the world.

The past few days I picked up my newest book and finally opened it and read.  It felt fantastic.  I finished the book in 3 days.  A fascinating story of a woman growing up in Vietnam and moving to Ohio.  I met her at the flea market when we bought her book.  

Anyway, I'll be passing the book on to my Mom or whoever in the family who wants to read it.  One book in, one book out.   A fantastic read!! I believe my husband wants to read it next.