Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Monday, May 24, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

We had a very hot weekend, so tilling didn't happen.  It was so dry out.  We had to water the flower beds daily. I am very frustrated getting the vegetable garden in this year.  It's either the weather or my husband is not available to till.  He won't let me till when I am home alone.  We asked someone if they were interested in tilling for me for some cash.  Didn't happen.

The weather was perfect for starting some jars of comfrey oil.  I'll be trying a new salve recipe and giving it a try before I put a review on here about it.

We are somewhat feeling like normal in our state again.  We noticed however, when eating out they still give those annoying packets of ketchup vs. a bottle.  I'm putting one in the fridge just for when we are on the road from now on.  

We had a busy weekend.  There was a baby shower we attended, and delivered gifts for two grand niece birthdays we missed.  I forgot to take a picture, but we gifted a crocheted baby blanket and matching baby booties, along with diapers and other items (man the price of diapers - wow!!).

Our Bike Week will be different this year, but it's coming up the same weekend they do an MS charity bike poker run.  Rain is in the forecast for next Friday, so I'm not sure what activities we'll be doing. We are in a race to get the entire garden planted too, so who knows what we'll actually be able to participate in.  Personally, I'd like to work my bum off this week in the garden and try and get at least one day on the bike.

Our mower guy (only charges us $40 for what we mow on our 6 acres), showed up so that is one job taken off our hands.


Today, I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather  . . .
83°F/68°F, it finally rained last night.

On my reading pile . . .

On my TV . . .

On the menu . . .
-new recipe to try, roasted rosemary asparagus
-crock pot pork chops, crock pot sweet potatoes
-sheesh....have no idea, it's hard to work up the menu without potatoes, rice, bread, pasta etc to keep tabs on my husband's sugar intake.  Last night we had chicken chili, but I hate making a hot dinner like that when it's in the 90's.  I have a pasta recipe with black beans that is basically a cold meal for a hot day, but yeah - pasta.  Salads sound good.  I love to make them with chicken, dried cranberries, sweetened pecans, but yeah sugar.  

On my to-do list . . .
-make a breakfast scramble
-boil eggs
-empty dishwasher
-sweep/mop kitchen
-clean master bath
-plant flowers (one flat of snapdragons, 3 lavender plants I bought from a niece - school fundraiser)
-weed a portion of  a flower bed, drop dirt and seeds, add one more bag of mulch to another
-plant in vegetable garden
-check asparagus
-harvest some rhubarb
-muck chicken coop
....oh boy, this is a "Monday" for sure for us

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating . . .
Today's project is crocheted water balloons for the grandkids. To see a complete (or sort of) list of what's on the hooks click here.

Looking around the house . . .
The kitchen stayed looking good thankfully.  The girls worked all weekend, so less chance for a mess here or there.  The living room is another story, and the hallway is not done (we are either out and about, or working outside now).

From the camera . . .
Nothing exciting ha ha!  I got my cherry bomb seeds from an Etsy seller and got them planted.  I know it's late, but I'm hoping the hot weather will encourage fast growth.  One of my habanero plants is up due to the heat we were having.

Something fun to share . . .
If you are interested in how to crochet the water balloons, you need Bernat Blanket yarn and an 9.00mm hook.  The instructions are found on YouTube.  I bought this "bright" solid a year ago, so I can't remember where I bought it. 

I had intentions of making them last year (or maybe the year before, can't remember but found the yarn in the closet.  I went to Wal-mart for more color options, and they did not have solid colors, or the brights in the cake form either.  I picked up some blue variegated, and ordered some other solid color options online.  I haven't had time to check in-store at Meijer yet.  I attempted to order from Michael's online, but depending on the color, it was a forced store pick up or I had to order two of one color so that didn't happen.  I've got too much to plant to drive that far for yarn right now.

Something else fun to share.  A foldable, chargeable fan for the camper.  I bought it a year ago, and never got the camper out, but it's going in it this year.  I've heard from so many people how hard it is to get campground reservations this year, so it may be our only one this summer.  Who knows.  The fan pulls up, so the height is adjustable as well.

On my prayer list . . .
No personal requests at this time, other than the Mother of Daughter E's boyfriend that passed.  Both his family and our daughter still have a rough time.  

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Random Tidbits


A recent sunrise before the heat wave rolled in the area.

A good way to use up leftover corn - sheet pan quesadillas. Crispy deliciousness, and we dipped slices into sour cream.  Salsa would be good on them too.

A honeysuckle is growing in my back patio flower bed.  The birds must be the culprit.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

. . . from the handiwork journal


. . . still working on the cardigan, and one sleeve is done.

. . . xl hot pad set in the making

. . .off the afghan hook - set of hot pads

. . .new project (like I need another, ha ha!) lanyards

. . .I found a bracelet that I didn't finish, so it's on the list again

(Couldn't get a photo because this project is buried in my mess of a closet)

. . .a scrap yarn rug in the making 

. . .a lapghan in the making.

. . .eco-friendly water balloons.  The grandkids will love theses, and so will their Mom with no mess.  Just toss in the washer if they get dirty.  Soak them in a bucket of water and toss.

. . .a thin crochet thread dishcloth on a hook.

I'm sure there are more on the hook, but I most likely won't get them all found until later this fall.  Garden season has taken over most of my time right now.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Pesto Eggs on Crusty Bread


I froze several cubes of pesto last summer, and needed to use some up.  I just "melted" it down in a skillet first.

I then cracked a couple of eggs over it.  There is already oil in the pesto.

Cover the pan for a bit, and then flip.  Top crusty bread.  Next time I will add a layer of cheese over the bread first.  Maybe ricotta or something to go with the pesto. 

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Good Day for a Pie ~ Dry Skies


Garden goodness yesterday.  More asparagus and first cutting of rhubarb this year.

Although I need a trip to the "big city" for supplies, I decided to surprise my husband with a strawberry rhubarb pie.  It's been quite a long time since I have baked any pie.  Oh my, I must not have had enough coffee before starting on this, ha ha ha!  I grabbed my deep dish pan and didn't realize it until I put the filling in, then I didn't cut the lattice pieces that even.  

However, I cut exactly enough rhubarb for the recipe.  I use the recipe found at Sally's Baking Addition.  I use pie crust crumble crust recipe from King Arthur (where you freeze the dough and add ice water when you pull it from the freezer to use).

Rain has not arrived as predicted, and things are very very dry outside.  Watering it all by hand, and thankful I haven't yet got the vegetable garden in.  However, the dry ground is making it difficult for tilling.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Tick Oil ~ Tea Infusion ~ Mystery Box

Gah, it may be a bad tick year here this year.  I mixed up some tick oil for us when we are outside (can be put on the dogs as well).  

I put my laundry out on the line (sheets/towels), and when I went to get them down, I saw my plush bath towels covered in ticks.  I have never (ever) in my time living here have had ticks on my laundry.  

I'm seriously considering getting some guinea hens.  It won't happen this year, but it's on the wish list.  The plan may be to use the coop I have for them, after building the new one for the chickens.

(photo taken on my phone and transferred to computer, and they transfer distorted now.  Ugh.  Sorry, will try and stick with my camera)

My poor husband is still recovering from working two midnight shifts followed by a first shift, so I made a nettle tea infusion for exhaustion.

It's time to give this mystery box (crafting misc./books) away.  Comment below(that you want in on it), and I will draw a name May 26th. USA only please, as this is a flat rate USPS box.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Snake and other random tidbits


I was weeding the mailbox flower bed and this guy scared the crap out of me.  I literally almost grabbed it thinking it was a stick.  I told my husband he has to weed it for me now. I literally did a back roll when I noticed it.  I'm sure anyone driving by got a laugh out of it.

The barn birds have been busy making nests in the barns.  They will be taken down soon.  They are bombing me on the front porch now.  Sheesh.

We bought a mole chasing windmill when we visited Amish country.  It works 75 yards in all directions.  I think we'll buy another one if we make another trip.

I found one last bag of garden zucchini, so I whipped up a breakfast casserole yesterday.  This morning I will have more time to get other things done.