I've had quite a few experiences with dandelion since I first made dandelion jelly. Over the years, I have made dandelion bread (which we absolutely love), dried dandelion for tea purposes, blanched and froze dandelion for meals (we love dandelion pesto), dried the root for a coffee substitute and medicinal purposes, and now I am making poultices.
Dandelion poultices, can be used to treat eczema, skin rashes, boils, and to reduce itchy skin (helps with itchy poison ivy).
I am putting these poultices together in the freezer, like I do with comfrey and plantain. There is nothing more comforting than a cold poultice in the summer, for an itchy rash too.
I am also putting cleaver poultices in to the freezer (as well as dehydrating some for medicinal purposes). Cleaver weed poultices can be used to treat burns and even sunburn. Spring is the only time I am able to pick this weed. It's often found growing directly in my garden and will stick you like glue.
Dandelion Poultice ~ Cleaver Poultices © May 2018 by Kristina at https://pioneerwomanatheart.blogspot.com/