Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Homemade Onion Powder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homemade Onion Powder. Show all posts

Monday, July 8, 2024

Homemade Garlic Jalapeno Seasoning

 I had a recipe (put on the internet in 2021) I made once last year, and could not find it.  I ended up finding it, but the recipe called for Weber's store brand Garlic Jalapeno Seasoning.  

You know me right?  I went on a mission.  First, I am not really a person to store a "mixed spice" in my pantry, other than my homemade "fire powder" for spicing up dishes when I want to.

However, they do come in handy for traveling, and especially when camping.  Mixed spices also come in handy for grilling out, grilling at a picnic etc.

To see the actual ingredients in the store brand, you can simply read the label next time shopping, or find it on the internet.  I have no idea what stores sell it, or if they even make it anymore, but sharing what my mission was pretaining to this seasoning.

The original seasoning contains sugar (more than the jalapeno), "spices" (no specifics on what this is), citric acid, gum arabic, rice concentrate, and "natural flavors" (huh?  why?).

Salt is listed first as an ingredient.  I salt and pepper myself, so I left this out, but you could add it.

Other ingredients listes are Garlic, Onion, Jalapeno Pepper, and Green Bell pepper.

I'm also sharing links to some of my older blog posts that may help if you have never dehydrated garden goods, or are interested in getting a dehydrator for this purpose.

How I dehydrate Garlic

How I make my dehydrated garlic into garlic powder

Making dehydrated onions and making onion powder etc

Dehydrating our hot peppers

How I grind dehydrated hot peppers

Deydrating and making green bell pepper powder

Here is what I mixed:

3 Tbsp. Garlic Powder, Homemade

2 Tbsp. Onion Powder, Homemade

1-2 Tbsp. Jalapeno Powder, Homemade (the more, the more heat)

1 to 1 1/2 tsp. Green Bell Pepper Powder to your taste, or leave out

Mix and store in an air tight container.


2/3 cup dehydrated jalapenos = Approx. 2 Tbsp. Jalapeno powder

Our jalapenos are being harvested from the garden now.

If you do not grow a garden, or own a dehydrator, many Amish or bulk stores sell these ground powders, but be sure to read the label.  I have seen green bell pepper powder for sale, but it is expensive.

If you are wondering about the recipe that started this all, here it is:

I am not affilated with the cook on this video.  I found it by searching for new recipes to make with our home grown green beans - One Skillet Cheesy Ground Beef and Green Bean Casserole.

Note:  I first made this recipe with fresh minced garlic and jalapenos, so you don't always need a special seasoning

Another time I simply used homemade onion powder, homemade garlic powder, homemade fire powder, and homeamde green bell pepper powder.

Today's post title should be "Youtube made me do it" ha ha!

Homemade Garlic Jalapeno Seasoning  © July 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Dehydrating Onions ~ Onion Powder

 I took advantage of a few rainy days, and dehydrated onions. Yes, the windows were open for this yearly event.  I may dehydrate one more time this year, but it's a start to re-stock.  

I chop a few onions at a time, and toss into my food processor.  I pulse the onions until they are about evenly diced.  I have had this simple food processor for about 13 years now.  As you can see, there are few options.  I do plan to buy one with more options when this one stops working.  Also, you can use a hand chopper for a smaller batch as well.

I spread the diced onions onto parchment paper lined dehydrator trays, and dehydrate at the temperature recommened for my dehydrator.

Once dry, I use latex gloves to remove the onions from the parchment paper.  I then grind the dried onions in a specific coffee grinder, that is dedicated to grinding dried food items.

I dump out the current onion powder, wash the container and add the newer ground onions first, then the older.  Otherwise, I rotate two jars.  What ever works for you, but remember to use the older ground onion up first.

I made us some onion powder, but will need to dehydrate more onions for making minced onion for future meals.  It's a go-to staple in our house.  I do use a dehydrator, but now-a-days, the newests ovens have a dehydrator option, and smaller batches can be made in most air fryers.

I have stored our onion powder in the freezer for years, because dehydrated onions re-absorb moisture quickly.  I keep it in an airtight jar.  I often times, have to wipe the rim before putting it back, but otherwise, the moisture stays out of it.

Converstion charts are available online to decide how much of the powder or minced etc is equal to fresh onion. 

Example:  1 tsp. ground onion powder = 1/3 cup fresh chopped onion.

Dehydrating Onions ~ Onion Powder  © May 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Vacuum Packing ~ Dehydrated Onions ~ Onion Powder and other random-ness


Update on the 8# of dehydrated onions - I refilled our homemade onion powder (I store this in the freezer in an air tight container and it has worked great for years), and I learned something new this year.  I learned how to vacuum pack for longer shelf life.

I do not have a food saver, however, I used parts from food saver for part of it, and used a hand pump and it worked perfectly.  Thanks to watching numerous Youtube videos, I have now added more knowledge to my preparedness skills.  I showed my husband what I used, and he just shook his head and laughed.  Well, I got the job done, ha ha!

I think I shared this stuff before, but now I am be-bopping from painting the last door/trim in the kitchen.  Our handyman takes weekends off so I am tackling the trim to the bathroom door this weekend.  I'm also cleaning upstairs, and back to the tile floor in the master bathroom.  It works great, and I only have a small area left to do, and it's stayed clean from the last time I worked on it.

While out last week, on errand day, I picked up a new towel to use in the camper. Hopefully, after start up is over, we can actually go camping for the first time this year.  So over due, so over due....

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Raisin Bread and other tidbits

I decided to bake my first cinnamon-raisin bread. Yes, that is today's big news story.  

This "pioneer" woman has not baked this tasty treat until yesterday.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Kitchen Madness

We finally got some rain.  It's back to humid and hot.  

I've been busy in the kitchen - freezing green peppers, jalapenos, more green beans, some tomatoes, and cauliflower.  Our popcorn is on, and looks pretty promising (although small), but my watermelon is questionable.

What else have I been up to?

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Dehydrating Onions ~ Making Onion Powder

My garden may have produced small onions, but boy they are potent.  You would have had a good laugh, if you were here to see my 14 year-old and I, cutting them up for the dehydrator.  

She had goggles on, and I was trying to fan my eyes, but that failed.  We had tears, and tears and more tears. Sorry for the bad, blurry photographs.  We were laughing so hard at the time.