Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Friday, April 30, 2021

A Mother's Thoughts

Started out yesterday morning with a power outage.  I literally had nothing I could do, but use my neck light and crochet.  I guess I could have read a book too, but anyway it was back on quite soon.

 I was at the computer looking over my emails, and Daughter E came running in and said, "Mom!  Mom!  Come help me open my trunk, I wanna show you something!"

She was so excited about moving out that she had gone shopping and bought herself kitchen cookware, a coffee pot, toaster, silverware and more. 


I'm happy to see her so excited, and hope it really works out for her, but deep down this Mother is not ready to see her "leave the nest" to say.

I gifted the younger two girls pastry cloths, a pastry blender and other items last Christmas, in hopes to teach them how to make homemade biscuits, and biscuits and gravy.  So far, it hasn't happened. 

Daughter K is never home, and when she is, she has a friend here (and all that friend does is bring Taco Bell food with her).

Daughter E said, "I can't wait!  You can come to my new apartment and teach me to cook!"  Ha!  Not sure that'll happen, but I can hope it will. 

I know I want to teach her how to make hummus, which will require her to have a food processor.  She loves hummus.

She bought some cute kitchen towels with coffee cup patterns on them.  I told her don't buy too many, I had gifted her hand embroidered kitchen towels with a cat pattern on each one for each day of the week (to put in her Hope Chest).

She even bought a lunch bag and reusable bowls to pack her lunch for work vs. buying take out.

She picked out this yarn for her hot pads (she likes blue and green and it has both, plus white), and I almost have the last piece done to sew them together.

She will need a few end tables, lamps, and at least a small-ish sofa, but we have a kitchen table and chairs for her.  A friend is giving her a microwave (kids today! Just want things quick).  She has plenty of coffee mugs and of course the dishes I packed up for her.  I gave her a radio/clock, and some decor.  She'll be taking a desk that she uses for makeup, a desk for writing, her bed, and dresser.  Sigh, I am just not ready for this, but hope it all works out for her.

I will make her a magnetic clip board and pen for her fridge, but spray paint weather is not here right now.  It dipped down to the low 30's last night.  I may have one all ready to go.  I'll have to check my craft stash.

Speaking of crafting stash, I am still going thru my "stash" and purging it.  I am keeping all my jewelry making, and some other items, but stuff the kids used while in school are going.

I have a stack of large tablecloths that I'm debating over.  I haven't used them in years, but they would be nice to have for camping or for outdoor cookouts with family/friends over.  Hm.  I just don't know yet.

Anyway, we will know for sure after May 3rd, if and when and what apartment she'll move into.  She has an appointment for a walk-thru.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Random Tidbits

I figured it out for those who write posts on your blog.  Look just above your last posted blog post for the word "All" and click on the down arrow next to it.  You can find you drafts that way, and just click on "drafts."  You are welcome.

Purged more and cleaned more, filling up 2 more boxes to donate.

Planted indoor thyme and basil.  Just have to get more soil and plant rosemary and parsley for indoors too.  I have killed my plants.  I'm terrible at watering them.

Boiled more eggs.  Yum!

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

April Warm Up



We hit a high of 85°F yesterday.  It was a gorgeous day (but overly windy) for hanging laundry on the line, but too dry to weed flower beds. The rain arrives today and tomorrow, so weeding will be easy after that.

The world we live it is scary right now.  I'm told to be careful wearing anything to support the police.  Not sure I'll get very many of my blue thin line hats sold this coming fall.

I offered to take Mom to Amish for a Mother's Day gift, but she cannot go, but has plans to go another time with someone else.  Not sure what to do for Mother's day for her yet.

I literally got straight into the extreme clean mode, garbage bag in hand, box for donations, and the phone rang.  It was my husband.  He was taking the afternoon off to help Daughter T move a bed to her new apt.  Off went the cleaning mode, other than I boxed up some dishes for her and grabbed bed pillows for her new place.  Not only did we load the bed, but had to take it up 2 flights of stairs.  It's a cute apt. though.

So far, no rain yet this morning, but it's on the way.  I'm okay with that.  It'll put me back into extreme clean mode.

I am sad about our youngest moving out, but plan to help her as much as I can.  We were secretly hoping the Daughter K would be moving out this year, but it doesn't sound like it.  I hate to say it, but her housekeeping skills make you roll your eyes.  I don't feel guilty charging her rent. She dumped the dog food into the storage container, threw the bag over the half door that leads into my utility room (which is directly across the hall from the door to the driveway where the trash can is).  I went in to get cat food to feed the cats, and I threw it in front of the side door for her to take out when she left for work.  Where did I find it this morning???  Back over the half door.  She is 21 years old turning 22 in 2 months.  Urgh.  My husband (tee hee) said to throw it in the front seat of her car.  Why, why why does she live like this?  I did not teach her to be so dang nab-it lazy.

I'm thinking that Daughter K needs a nudge, so her birthday presents (tee hee) will involve items for living on her own.

Okay, off my soapbox on housekeeping.

Today is the birthday of our grandson that passed away at the age of 4 months.  Daughter T is needing some comforting.

I'm sort of looking forward to the rain, so I'll get deep into spring cleaning. I want a very tidy house come planting season.  Even though I started my seeds in Feb (early) this year, some look a bit smallish.  I have grow lights on them too.

My habanero seeds never came up.  I have never grown habanero myself from seed.  My husband says they need more heat on them, but it's too late now.  I'll have to buy a few plants if I can find any.  Last year it was slim pickin's.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Chickens ~ Flower Gardens and what not.....

The ladies (chickens) are laying exhaustingly awesome right now.   I have 2 (not just 1) dozen in the fridge to boil in a week or so.  So excited to be blessed with so many eggs right now.

We are adding several perennials to the flower beds this spring.  I have had them in the garage until the snow and freeze was finished.  I know there may be a chance for frost, but with the 80°F days, and rain, I put them all outside.  

I don't have very many tulips, but they are blooming.  I'm planting more bulbs this fall. 

Look at the size of the dandelions!  I will be doing something before my husband mows again.

My husband was tickled pink to see I made strawberry crisp.  I need to rotate out some strawberries before strawberry season gets here.  The recipe is online with Belle of the Kitchen.  I use thawed frozen strawberries and adapted the recipe with organic ingredients.  I do have to bake it a bit longer using the thawed strawberries (more liquid from frozen).

Monday, April 26, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

My husband and I took off yet for another adventure and did a one night road trip.  

We visited some falls and dined on local food.  We actually found a tavern that has been open for 50 years, known for their large burgers.  We ate a slider, because the sliders were the size of a regular burger and their regular burgers were the size of a dinner plate.  We also found an old 57 diner that was still in business and had a delicious breakfast.  I was surprised to see so many drive-in's along the way and still in business.  

Our hotel was attached to a mall.  The mall was pretty much out of business other than the movie theater and there was a walkway (hallway) from the hotel to the mall.  

Our morning sunrise this morning.

I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  I'll link up when my blog gets it's head together.  I can't read my blog lists right now.

The weather outside is . . .

67°F/54°F, mix of sun and clouds, Tue/Wed high of 83°

How I am feeling this morning . . .

Depressed to be back home again, but glad the weather will be good starting tomorrow.  It will get me outside to weed flower beds.  Looking forward to some good ol' sunshine.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Breakfast scramble.  While on our weekend getaway, we came across the most different bar/store. In the front was a full bar, and in the back a meat counter with many delicious meats for sale.  We came home with some Andouille sausage.  Homemade flour tortillas.

On my reading pile . . .

Nothing this week.  I want to get hot pads crocheted for the girls that are moving into an apartment.

On the TV . . .

Sweet Home Carolina

On the menu this week . . .

-sloppy joes, sweet potato fried
-baked chicken, crock pot sweet potatoes, steamed broccoli
-meatloaf, mashed potatoes, corn or asparagus
-breakfast scramble, homemade flour tortillas
-strawberry crisp

Looking around the house . . .

I have old dishes to sort between two kids.  We just found out Daughter T is getting a divorce and already has an apt. and needs dishes.  I bought us a new set after several years, so the kids get the old ones.

To relax this week I will . . .

Most likely crochet.

Something I want to share . . .

Nothing today.

Devotional, inspirational, prayer list, Bible verse . . .

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Random Tidbits

Something I just realized - you can't click on "draft" any more on the blog.  You know, how you click on "posts" or other ones?  You have to go search for them.  Frustrating.  Anyway...

Daughter E is once again looking for an apt.  Sort of sad my baby is looking to get her own place, but I'm working on filling a laundry basket with goodies for her apt. warming gift.  This however, puts a halt to working on the cardigan and other projects.  

I am looking into a large vendor show in Sept.  It may be all outside. 

Speaking of projects I have tried two new crochet patterns and will be adding these to the fall sale.

Thin blue line beanies (to show support for our police officers, my younger brother is one of them) and pizza pan hot pads (or any large round dish).  I'll get a picture of the round hot pad soon.

I finally uncovered everything that I covered due to snow and a freeze.  Looks like we'll get up to the 80's next week.

I was out to buy chicken feed and almost (almost) came home with 6 new baby chicks.  Oh my!  Lavender Orpingtons.  So beautiful.  I talked myself out of it until the new coop is built.

I got some spring cleaning done in the kitchen, but more needs done.  Then I move back to the bedroom and reorganize what I can.  It's time to spruce up some things.

Friday, April 23, 2021

From Pile to File ~ New Recipes Tried


I made Cajun Angel Hair and Sausage.  New recipe tried!  I had some organic angel hair pasta and wanted to use it.  I finally found some non-gmo smoked chicken sausages too.  The recipe includes fresh green onion in the recipe and I used freshly snipped home grown green onion to top it with.  Oh my!  I'll tweek the sauce part (needs more), but the taste was fabulous.  I made homemade Cajun seasoning for it.

This recipe was a favorite.  Normally, you cook meat or brown it first, and this recipe is a toss it all in but the pasta.  Loved it.  I didn't expect it to taste so good on account of lack of ingredients.  I used 2 homemade beef bouillon cubes (because that is what I had). I just added the pasta last, cooked some peas and shredded some cheese.  The recipe is online as well - Slow Cooker Chicken Bolognese Pasta.  Does anyone have a dry homemade mix recipe for chicken bouillon?  Or one for freezing in cubes?

Speaking of all this baking and cooking, I have a container of organic non-gmo shortening, but it has coconut in it.  Do any of you have recipe ideas this would taste good in?  I basically use shortening for birthday cake frosting and that won't taste good in that.