Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Easter Meal Prep ~ Another Cold Day


Friday I did some Easter meal prep . . .

Cooked bacon for crock pot BBQ green beans.

Baked carrot cake.

Made roll dough.

Made pineapple pie.  Just have to top it with whipped cream.

Guess who was up at the crack of dawn?  Me.  My husband got the weekend off, but forgot to shut off his 5:30am alarm.

Hopefully our cold weather days are done now.  We are to gradually warm up again.

Something I noticed at the grocery store - the water refill station is now open again.  They have had it closed for a year.  It's easier and cheaper to get water by the gallon in another location, but sometimes it's more convenient at the store.  So happy to see that.

Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

Friday, April 2, 2021

Random Tidbits

About mid-morning yesterday, it snowed. Yes, that's right.  Snow.  Cold and snow.  

I found out yesterday, that due to the restrictions still forced upon us in our state, Ohio Bike Week 2021 has been canceled.  Two years in a row now.  They instead are holding a spring rally at the Harley dealer.  We are all so tired of the restrictions in our state.  Just so tired of it all.  It's really wearing us all down mentally.

Daughter K went to town to get a hair cut from her sister, so I joined along.  I pampered myself with a conditioning treatment - coconut and tea tree oil.

Getting out of the house is fun, but sick of the mask mandate.  My hometown extended their own mandate until late June.  

Speaking of mandates, our Gov. has said he doesn't plan to free us until end of April or in May.  It's getting ridiculous.  I also feel that the longer he locks us down, the more families are not getting together, and the lack of that is mentally and physically stressing (depressing) us out.

The girls are having problems with their face breaking out from the mask wearing.  I mixed up a carrier oil with tea tree oil and had them dab it on with a Q-tip (avoiding eye areas).  Works much better for them than anything sold in stores.

Okay, off my soapbox...

I got home in time to make a sheet pan dinner.  I did not expect to spend Easter weekend like this.  Sigh.  My husband is working today and it is a Holiday day, meaning he was to automatically have it off.  He is not.  He's working a 3rd 16 (double shift) day today.

I learned something new while watching a different cooking channel a few days back.  I can't wait to try it this summer.  If it works as they say, I'll be sharing it later this summer.  

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Day Out

Daughter K and I made another trip to a small town to finish up our Easter Baskets.  

I bought myself a few treats of a different kind . . .

I honestly had no plans to buy anything, but decided to treat myself.  I bought a motorcycle garden stone for the flower bed, and a few pairs of new socks - camping and wine bottles/glasses.  I am now officially on their frequent buyer system.  After so many dollars spent, you get $5 off your next visit, and the points to not expire.  They are locally operated, and have lots of neat items for gift giving.

Oddly, the antique stores were all closed, so we ventured onto another larger city.  I, for some reason, thought they had a JoAnn's Fabric, but did not.  They had Michael's and Hobby Lobby.  We ventured into Michael's.  I haven't been to one in a long, long time.

The prices on items were so high, I did not know they didn't sell fabric, and their yarn section was small and over priced.  They also reduced their coupon to 20% off.  I didn't buy anything.

I had plans to make a nice dinner, but Daughter K left to visit her boyfriend, Daughter E wasn't home, and my poor husband was forced to work 2nd shift.  He is so worn out.

I am so glad I had leftovers and baked a breakfast.  I got up and brewed him coffee, packed his lunch and got him off to work again this morning.  He is so, so tired.  

We are in a cold spell right now.  It's 29°F this morning and it'll be cold tomorrow.  I'm so glad I didn't put up a rain barrel.  It would crack in these temperatures.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Garden ~ Daffodils ~ New Recipe Tried


While out fetching firewood I walked out to check on the garlic.  All of the grow bags but one is doing great.

I brought in some daffodils to enjoy indoors.  It will drop to the 20's tonight.

Tried a new recipe.  Baked  buffalo chicken nuggets (The Stay at Home Chef).   I have to say I didn't follow it completely.  It said to use Frank's Buffalo wing sauce, and I made my own  wing sauce and bread crumbs.  It was not as crunchy as they said it would be, but had great flavor.  I think if I had an air fryer these would be very good.  Now....where would I store an air fryer in this place?  Hm.  Not sure I want to add more appliances, but....

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

This and That


I finally found a solar light for Dad's grave.  They only had 2 left, and later wished I had bought the last one for my Uncle's too.  I may go back and see if they restocked.  My grandparents are in the same cemetery too.

I went out to feed the barn cat this morning and saw the moon.  I decided to grab my camera and take a few photos.
The weather is to be so nice today and of course we can't take a motorcycle ride tonight.  He went to work last night to work midnight shift and this morning's first shift.  He'll be tired for sure.

Me on the other hand, would love to clean out flower beds, but the weather will dip to the low 20's Wed. and Thurs. in the evening.  We are in what I call "flip-flop" weather, where it flips one way or the other.  I'll be out cleaning off the porches today.  That sun will feel so good today.

We haven't been lacking in eggs all winter.  I used all of these the other day for breakfast.

I haven't forgotten about my mystery box giveaway.  I'm still filling it up.

I finally found another grow tray, so I have planted thyme and romaine for the garden.

I put a set up for sale on my Rooster's Crow Farm blogspot.  I will try and post something more often.  I'm currently restocking the jar openers.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Bathroom Remodel Thoughts and other rambling


The bathroom remodel may just be remodeling it as it is (replacing shower and toilet) vs. moving it to the back of the utility room (so I won't be making the old bathroom into a pantry as planned).  It's just too much work and money to install it in the area as planned (concrete slab).  Due to small space, I am looking into buying a wall mounted towel rack for it.  I found this one on Amazon.  I could not believe the prices of them at Home Depot.  Anyway, it's a start, but there is much to do before I can start painting.

I made homemade bread crumbs to use to try two new recipes.  I have since printed out more recipes to try (gulp) and more crochet patterns.  That's what happens when your husband, and two daughter's who still live at home are all at work.  Being got me off the computer so she could file her taxes ha ha!

Random photos.  I'm having trouble getting my camera to load photos to my computer.  I'm working on working out the bugs.  I tried a different USB port.  Nothing.  I have to plug my card in to get photos for now.  It's not the cord either.  I think it has to do with computer updates.  Anyway, I'll figure it out.

At the end of Sunday, my husband worked 76 hours.  There are a lot of people out sick (they are sick sick, most likely due to weather changes).  I saw very little of him.  Plans to drop a lot of stuff at Goodwill is halted until his schedule is free.  The hallway project remains halted as well.  Gotta love all those unfinished projects, as they are something to look forward to.

On a good note, we got the Harley out (even though short ride) one evening for a sanity saver ride.  Boy we both needed it.  We feel everyone has been in a bad mood lately.  Not sure if it's the weather, being cooped in, what's going on in the world or what....spent time looking up cabins so we can retreat soon possibly.

I've probably said this before, but I miss the "normalcy" of using our library.  It was also fun to go there.  I haven't been there for over a year, and finally ordered a few books.  However, because I've gotten into the routine of never going there, I forgot to pick them up.  Sigh.

A bird, for the second time this spring, has gotten into the wood stove.  Oh boy.  It's no fun getting it out either.  The first time the bird went upstairs, but Daughter K finally got it out of the house. 

Sunday, March 28, 2021

From Pile to File Recipe


I tried Chocolate Peanut Butter Hearts.  The only thing I did not do is add the additional salt or top with salt.  I may try it that way too, but this way was delicious!  I was amazed.  It's replacing traditional buckeye candy this year.  I used all organic/non-gmo ingredients.   It's a keeper.  Recipe is online at Detoxinista.