Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Random Tidbits

I decided to take a break from purging Friday.  I did a few tidy up areas, but focused on a day without dust (ha ha!).  I can't believe how many books I really had.  Oye.

I cleaned up part of the other kitchen table.  We have two tables, because I use them a lot during tomato season.  One way or another I want a Christmas gathering here too.  They are saying with the vaccine now, we should be back to almost "normal" this year.  

Anyway, I made room to cut more netting.  I've had a few requests for scrubbies and needed netting cut first.

I'm thinking about doing a give-away soon.  I think I can part with some things I found that I've just decided I don't want, need or will make. Maybe that will boost my spirits by making someone else happy?  I just ordered some shipping boxes from the usps store, so when they arrive I will post pictures of the give-away.

Here is a photo of the embellished paperclips I made with tiny crochet flowers.  I'll have to do some looking around to see where I found the pattern, but there may be similar patterns online too.

I used the last of my dehydrated mushrooms.  I am rotating the freezer/pantry pretty good this winter.  I do need to re-stock just a few items, but rotating well.

Last night we called daughter K.  She had a fun day in NYC and had more plans.  She said it was not crowded, but stores had limits on how much time you spent inside.  We then had two more calls with extended family.


Friday, January 22, 2021

. . .from the handiwork journal

(old photo, but you can see I'm working from bottom to top)

.. . . Up to row 81 (out of 84) on the crocheted cardigan, with the sleeves getting started after that.  Just a basic pattern, but my first clothing for adults to even crochet.

. . .started new Christmas tree ornaments for the 2021 Christmas (using up wine corks in my stash).

. . .got one "scrap" Christmas ornament crocheted.

 . . .finished a set of hot pads

. . .started another set of hot pads

 . . . got more dish scrubbies made to sell.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Random Tidbits ~ Journal Junkie Purged

I am taking this dog watching as a test to see if I really do want one of my own then the girls (if they ever) move out.  One morning it was 20-something, but felt like 13°F.  Of course the two dogs of hers woke up at different times - two trips out in the dark early morning cold and snow.  

Two blank journals went to each of the girls.  I found them on my other bookshelves.  One was a holiday journal I haven't used since 2007.  It basically had a few comments, lists of foods, guests and a few photos - it went to the trash.  I don't keep up with it.  Photos go in albums now and journal in one main journal.  Two or three were empty, and one was short stories

I've donated 2 boxes of books and now filled 10 more.  I had so many handed down, some I still had from homeschooling, and other topics that needed to go to a new home.  I parted with a few series that I bought from library book sales too.  I just have to find places to donate to other than our Goodwill.  The charity place has strange donation hours and a long walk in and out.  I'm too old for that, ha ha!  I need a drop off at the door kind of place.

Many were from a Humane Society book sale.  During the last hour they had a big sale and I guess I went nuts.  Another time a library book sale and the same after that.

A few were my husband's old books and he said get rid of them.  These I may put up to sell.  Not sure.  I did a search on some other books, but found several copies for sale (low prices) and no bids on ebay.  These however, are oldies and goodies.  They are not in great shape though.  He read them a lot and have been stored in a closed book case.

I took an inventory on canning supplies.  I am set on jars and rims, just not the lids.  I will be on the look out each trip to town.  The last pectin I bought was expired (didn't see it until I got home).

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Snow Mustache and other random ramblings

I had to laugh at this.  I took the photos, because of the odd snow formation.  As Youngest's car sits to be looked at, the car grew a mustache!  Ha ha ha!  I just thought it was pretty cool (and funny).

The to-do list for the week:
-call library to see if they take book donations for book sale
-call charity to see if they take books and do pick ups next
-purge books
-do dishes
-trash out
-bake a breakfast 
-boil chicken and shred for another dinner
-bring more wood in
-clean table off
-purge utility room cabinets
-fold towels
-write a list for crochet/knit items that need restocked first (f-bombs, scrubbies, baby booties etc)  I need to do this to stay on task
-install knobs on some utility room cupboards (still haven't done that)
-sweep kitchen
-mop kitchen
-clean hallway windows 
-install new window blinds
-dust small bookshelf 

One table got a fresh tablecloth on it, but the other awaits as I purge books/binders and journals.

We got some more snow last night.  As I sit here and type, I can hear traffic going pretty slowly.  We haven't heard a word from our daughter K and if her flight left on time at 5am this morning.  I hope to hear from her later today.

Our library is not taking any book donations.  The charity however is.  I have 5 boxes ready to go, but more to look through.  The charity takes donations, sells them, and puts the money towards any local charity that needs help.  It's run by all volunteers.  They are new to the area, so I hope they do well.

I had so much to do yesterday, I had zero handicraft time. At dinner time a friend of ours came to pick up the bookshelf we had in the hallway.  Now we can resume ripping out the carpet and putting in the rest of the new flooring.  I am so glad I did this.  Even if it's the only project this year, I am glad I did it.  It forced me to de-clutter the hallway, purge books I didn't need, and give the hallway a brand new look (which was needed).

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Day 3 of Flooring

I'm so glad we are getting rid of what carpet we can.  Man the dust!  Cough, cough!  My allergies will be so much better.  

I had to laugh about the whole thing though.  Hubby said, "no problem, we can knock this out in a few hours."  Ha!  That didn't happen, but we are glad we are going it.  We have two steps in the hallway, and those take a bit more work to get it right.

We haven't done anything like this for almost 15 years.  I'm so, so glad we dove into into it.  I have no idea what made me all the sudden want to do the updating on the house, other than it keeps me busy and my mind off of the world and what horrible things the government is doing to us.  

It's hard to get a good photo of the actual flooring, as it was cloudy and snowing.  You can see in the top photo that halfway thru putting in the flooring, that my husband had the idea to beautify the walls a bit.  We started the lower half, but still need to finish the upper half (two steps, long and wide hallway).  I will need to paint that garage door come warmer weather, along with the side door. The paint on the walls look yellow, but it's a tan color.

I however, after seeing how nice it is looking, do not want to put the bookshelf back in the hallway.  There is literally no where to put it in the house.  It will not fit up the stairs either. This is a problem for me now.  I'll have to purge all the books in the house, and make room for what I really really want to keep if I do this.  I have all week to decide.

My husband is back to work today, so we will be working on it on weekends.  Unless we install better lighting in the garage anyway.  We have been relying on daylight to cut the flooring, wall pieces and trim.

Today is like our "Monday" and I have much to catch up on that was neglected to do the hallway.  I won't be bored for sure.  There is laundry, dirty dishes, a breakfast to bake, dinner to plan, towels to fold, and a lot of other cleaning and sorting.  I also need to purge the books (again).

Both girls are working every day and have barely any time to help nor do their own laundry.  At least they are working.  I however, am back to no vehicle.  Youngest's car is running rough, and we haven't had time to check it out.  It sits for another day.

I also have a list of things that need made - hand lotion, teas, salves and other medicinals.  Orders to place and whatnot.  I hope to get a bit of handiwork time in as well.

I better get my second pot of coffee going, stoke the fire and get this day started.  Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, January 18, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm up at 5am to stoke the fire and brew the coffee.  We are continuing to work on the downstairs hallway flooring.  It's looking great too.  

It snowed most of the day Sunday.  Big soft flakes that pretty much melted away as they fell.  We had zero sun sadly.

I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  

I will link up later when she posts.  

The weather outside is . . . 

33°F/24°F, cloudy

On the breakfast plate this morning. . .

Egg/cheese sandwich with Ezekiel bread and a sprinkle of herbs we use that goes great with eggs, adds flavor and a touch of healthiness.

As I look outside my window . . .

It's still dark out. Posting early.

As I look around the house . . .

It's a mess, but it will look that way until we have things back in their places and the flooring done.

What I am wearing today . . .

PJ's and robe right now.

Currently reading . . .

Expiration dates.  Yep.  On food supply and on medical supplies - store bought and homemade.  For those who can cowboy candy, I found a few jars from 2018.  Gulp.  Safe to eat or pitch.  I do have plenty from last year.

On the TV . . .

Live Free or Die Hard 

(interesting that they talk about the government controlling us in this movie).

On the menu this week . . .

Tacos/Taco Salad

Chicken Enchilada Casserole, Green Beans

....have no idea for the rest.

Something fun to share . . .


Favorite photo from the camera . . .

The new flooring.  I love it so far.  Sorry for the glare, I took it at 5:30am this morning.  Will get better daylight photos when we are all done.  I feel like I'm doing an episode of my own "This Old House" ha ha ha!  

Prayers, Inspiration Quotes, Devotionals. . .

Prayers for daughter K, and her friend A, who are flying to NJ this Wed (20th) to visit a friend.  Nothing we could say to either one would change their mind on going.  I just pray for safe travel and safe health.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Progress on Hallway and other Tidbits


We have started ripping out the carpet in the hallway.  We started on the lower level due to the baseboard heater.  However, once the carpet was out, we realized the builders put the heater flush with cement, so we'll have to do some cutting that we didn't expect (of the flooring).  Also the tack boards were installed with nails into the cement, so it took a hours to pull them all out.  King says "Hello."  

So far it's been 3 trips to Home Depot.  I know there will be another one, but this morning we will be cutting and splitting wood first.  Then it's back to the hallway if we have time.

We will be replacing the blinds in both large hallway windows as well, so I must add that to my list or it'll be yet another trip to town.  The blinds are broken (just old).  

There was a request for the recipe for Hot Pepper Mustard Sauce.  Here is the recipe link.  I was given this recipe by a family friend's mother who has since passed.  It truly is a good recipe to have.  Makes cooking so simple and delicious.  I have left half the seeds in for a spicier sauce and left them out for a mild sauce.