Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Monday, December 23, 2019

Warm Weather ~ Birthday ~ Goals ~ Eggs

We had weather in the lower 50's and the laundry went out on the line.  Felt so good to do that too.

Our youngest child turns 18 today.'s gonna be so strange when she moves out, so I'm not even thinking about that right now.

My goals are being set and I am so ready to complete them this winter.  #1 is get all my crafts restocked by the end of Feb. this year (for next year's show).

#2 is clean out and reorganize the garage

#3 is clean out the utility room and organize

#4 clean and re organize the bedroom closet, which involves organizing my patterns into binders, more purging and organizing yarn and craft supplies.

#5 is to be determined.

Hubby's goals are to buy wood and repair wall where we cut it out last winter to fix cracked pipes, to install an electrical outlet in the kitchen (or not, depending on if it can easily be done).

I'm super excited!  The ladies are laying again, after several long months and a coop burglar to deal with.  You have no idea how happy this makes me.  Woohoo!

Finished this set of hot pads for an order.  It's been over a week, and the check has not arrived.  It'll be interesting if these go back into my craft tote or not.  

Sunday, December 22, 2019

First Christmas

Normally I get up about 5am.  Not today.  Woke up at 7:30am.  Could be the warm, new cozy pj's I opened last night.  We have a tradition of new jammies Christmas Eve, but we opened them last night and do not regret it.

We had our first big Christmas yesterday.  I think we had 30-40 people there.  However, they forgot about beverages other than coffee.  Good thing we brought water bottles to refill.

I lack photos today, we were so busy yesterday.  The grands opened their gifts and were very happy.  Our daughter (with the grands) is married to a guy with two of  his own, so we gifted 4 grands.  

Today baking officially starts.  However, it starts with a trip to the grocery store.  We had planned on going last night, but we were zonked.  Literally so tired.  I'm glad we slept in. 

Last year we still had Jesse with us.  I miss him so much.  I know there is nothing we can do about a visit, so I may just get photos printed and put on the wall.  I pray every day we'll get to see him again.  This was a photo taken on Christmas day last year.  Hubby is in the background, sitting on a lawn chair, stoking the fire (we hosted last year and brought in all the lawn chairs).

I hope you are all enjoying the days before Christmas.  I love Christmas time and it's flying by way too fast.  

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Christmas Shopping ~ Friday Finishes

Even though Hubby didn't want to exchange gifts, I took advantage of a 50% off sale and got him some joggers for the gym, a new pair of slippers with rubber soles (he wanted some to take the dog out), and half price snow boots.   He hasn't had a pair for a few years.  I got them half off and another $10 off that.  A very good deal.  I already gave him the snow boots.  All things he's needed, but never took the time to get himself.

Hubby asked me to write up a list of things to get me. I told him "I have no idea."  

Finished the double wrap infinity scarf.  It's ready for delivery.  She previously ordered the headband, and wanted a scarf to match.

Finished Hubby's hat.  Got it wrapped too.  He has no idea.  I've been working on it while he's at work.  Very warm too.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Baby it's Cold Outside ~ "Sugar Plums in my Head"

Thursday the "feels like" index was 0°F.  It was frigid for sure.  I did the water exchange for the chickens, but the door was froze to the ground on the barn.  After a few minutes I got it free.

I've been dreaming of a better garden year more so then ever.  I sure miss my bounty.

I've also be dreaming of the days when I can dry my laundry outside again.   It's been so cold, and not very windy, nor sunny lately.

We are planning our daughter's 18th birthday party now.  Hard to believe it's arriving already.

I'm just about done with my scarf order.   Hopefully I will have time today for that.

Today is the last day of school for Christmas break.  Daughter is taking her teacher gifts in.   I ended up putting together 3 nail polish crochet ornaments and they each got some strawberry margarita jam.  I hope they like their gifts.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Snow ~ Conversations in my Head

I had plans to make a trip to the "big city" yesterday, but snow squalls moved in, making roads slippery.  I decided to stay home and work on orders and cleaning the house.  

I cleaned up the kitchen, did the dishes, some laundry, put together Mom's Christmas gift, and started on the bedroom closet (again, and a daunting task as it holds my yarn and crafting items).

Pantry Score!  Last jar of home canned BBQ sauce.  It went into the crock pot with organic chicken breasts.

I'm going to try my hardest to stay on track this coming year.  Is it bad I have a 3 ring binder for next Christmas (gift ideas, recipes, ornaments to make)? 

I want to get stuff done during winter so the garden(s) will have my full attention next year.  It also means I need to organize and purge the rest of the bedroom closet, re-organize my patterns (the two I have are a mess and out of order).  

Even if it's getting rid of one item or putting one thing back in it's home, my goal is daily cleaning of the closet to get it done and off my list.  What got done yesterday?  In the closet?

A conversation in my head that's for sure . . .

"I can get rid of this"

"That's where that went"

"This is such a mess"

"I need a craft room all to myself"

"Where in the world am I going to put that?"

"I better get a trash bag"

"I can donate that"

"Daughter can have that"

"Oh my gosh, I DO have yellow yarn"

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Snow ~ Crochet ~ Hot Cocoa

Most schools ended up closing yesterday.   Our school eventually closed too. Vehicles were traveling slow past our house, and I never saw one snow plow.  Although I wanted to go out for one last Christmas present, I enjoyed the thought of staying home and crocheting.

I whipped up a batch of homemade hot cocoa for gifting two people.  The gift-it list went down considerably this year.  My side of the family set a gathering date mid-January - no gifts, no Christmas traditional food, etc.  I guess you would call it a winter gathering (same thing happened last year).  They want a taco bar, so with Hubby not allowed to eat carbs we'll just take some low carb spinach or tomato wraps (or stuff for taco salad minus tortilla chips).  I love Christmas, and making homemade gifts, so this sort of depressed me.  I feel like my side of the family lets life keep us from celebrating Christmas anymore.

I indulged with a hot cup of hot cocoa myself.  I'll admit it was delicious.  Hubby can't have the sugar, so most of the batch will be enjoyed by our youngest daughter.

I also used up the last of the apples and baked a dutch apple pie.  I was worried it wasn't enough apples, but the apples needed used up for something.

I spent some time doing some handiwork as well, and finished the nail polish ornaments.

Sold an XL hot pad - more $$ going into the coop fund.