Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Good Weather

The weather turned absolutely beautiful.  First things first - weed.  Oh where to start? The garden of course.  Woke up to a very nice, camping weather, of 59°F with a high of 80.  This week will be so much better than last week's heat wave.

By the way, daughter's school uniforms were free this year.  Woohoo to that!  She got two of them too.  I didn't have to fork out $180.00 like last school year.  

It's sort of bittersweet this coming year.  Last year for her and last kid to finish high school.  They are growing up way too fast.

We have bats in our chicken barn.  I found a baby dead on the floor by the door.  I guess they love our place to come nest and have their babies.  I just hope they leave soon, since the babies are getting born.  We've talked about building a bat house.  We may need to now.

My husband has been hankering for corn dogs, and I caved.  I don't fry anything, so he was a very happy man.  I have to admit, they were so good.  Much better than fair food.  All organic ingredients, and non-gmo beef hot dogs.  He's still talking about them this morning.  I told him he can only have them once a year.  His response?  "Can we have them every three months?" Ha ha ha ha!  Nope.  By the way the recipe is online with Stay at Home Chef  - Homemade Hand Dipped Corn Dogs.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Tuesday Tidbits

If you saw yesterday's post, I was up pretty early. I had to laugh when daughter came downstairs, and actually put her pup in the kennel.  She said, "he's been out but wake me up at 8am."

Of course I let him out, fed him and loved on him until 8am.  We needed to kennel him to go to the school and do the "school" thing, which was a good half hour drive just to get there.  Poor pup.  I so wanted to take him with us.

The school stuff messed up my day at home.  Add to that a trip to Michael's and the Dollar Tree.  My last yarn order came with half missing.  I had to see if I could pick up at least one ball of black.  I emailed about the missing items, but haven't heard back yet.  

We also had to stop at my Mom's house.  She wanted milkweed plants so I pulled some from my flower bed and dropped those off.

It was almost a perfect day to weed.  It drizzled all morning long. but by the time we were back home, there was no time.  It was also hot again.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Beating the Heat

We woke up to almost 80°F at 5:30am yesterday.  Yeah, it started out hot, and continued.  I could only hope we got more rain.  We hit a high of 106°F heat index yesterday.  

Woke up to the sweet sound of rain early this morning.  It'll be hotter today than yesterday, so I'm sure I'll be taking crushed ice to the chickens.

I got another bracelet done (requested colors).  Seven more to make yet.  I actually got 10 orders.  They are turning out so nicely too, but I'll be raising the price.  It's a good way to use indoor time, but the bathroom needed cleaned too.  Youngest was home, so she helps count the 196 beads for me, and helps string them.  I may need to raise the price after these 7 are all done.  I hope to get some made this summer for the fall holiday show I do.  I think they would sell very well.  So glad I tried the art of crocheting with beads.  

Carpet shampooing will happen after this humidity leaves though.  The dehumidifier is going strong, and I have to empty it several times a day right now.

We are invited to a family breakfast, and they are super picky eaters.  They won't eat onions, bell peppers, jalapenos - nothing but plain stuff.   I had no idea what to take, until I remembered my very old homemade cinnamon rolls.  Then again, they take walnuts.  Wasn't sure if anyone didn't like walnuts, so I asked first.   Next time, I'll take overnight blueberry french toast (if I can find my recipe). Photos to come soon.

I also dug around for a recipe for the crock pot using chicken.  I did NOT want to leave the house in this heat, so I used homemade ranch dressing (dry mix) to make crock pot "crack" chicken casserole.  Thankfully, I had frozen peas and bacon in the freezer.  It was good too.  Easy and delicious.

I infused nettle tea for the both of us, but Hubby needed it the most.  He came home from work feeling very sickly from the heat.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Friday Finish and Other Random Stuff

Another new pattern to try out.  I love it!  Kitchen hand towel.  It however, takes 2 balls of yarn, and the kit it came in, uses yarn made in China (75% cotton, 25% polyester).  I couldn't make and sell them for a good price, so this one goes in my own kitchen, and some may make it in Christmas gift baskets.  Just depends on if I can find 100% cotton at a good price.  I don't like Herrschner's yarn  (Heritage Cotton) they sent in the kit.  Like I said, made in China, and so far every ball has had imperfections in them. 

Our 17 year-old daughter wants one for her Hope Chest, but said she's "never moving out" ha ha ha!  She's gotten the chance of many trips this year, and she's loving it, so it's on the "winter" to-do crochet list.  

The heat is now rising upon us.  I packed salty nuts and watermelon in Hubby's lunch.  It's so bad outside.

I baked a new breakfast casserole early in the morning to avoid heating up the house.  I'll let you know what the taste testers say.  It's hashbrowns, spicy sausage, eggs and seasonings, milk, chilies and cheese.  Recipe is from Allrecipes, adapted with organic ingredients.

I also boiled eggs for a cold egg salad sandwich.  We ate cold apple/pecan salads again the night before.  Just trying to keep us fed, but with colder options.

Don't mind the dirty house, but a wren literally made a nest in the flower pot near the front door.  I have to deadhead it and water it and well....may have to tap it to have her fly out to get that job done (daily). Photo was taken early Thursday morning.  That's why the temp on the outdoor thermometer is not to high.

We got a rain storm in the afternoon yesterday, and it was random and much needed.  If we don't get a random storm today, I'll need to water to cool down the expected 115° heat index on the garden today.  Chickens will get ice 2-3 times if needed too.  This is the worst heat we have ever had.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Heat Wave Rolls In ~ Puppy Cuteness Continues

Wednesday we heated up to 86°F by 11am, and the heat index was 95°F.  Just the start of our pre-warned heat wave.

This is from this morning's sunrise.  The haze is so thick from the humidity.  I'll have to water the heck out of everything today.  At least we have well water, so they'll still all get a good soak of goodness.

I went to town and Romeo finally got his pool!  Thanks Mother Em.  Farm and Home still had some.  He's not on board with it yet, but with a bit of training he'll like it.  He didn't mind standing in it in this heat.   After a soak in the pool and some running around....

....this happened, lol!

Up until about 2pm, I was up-and-at-um, cleaning my much needed bedroom.  Try putting away umpteen things that were never put in their home during the night shift ordeal.

I do love my new sweeper.  Boy the carpet needed it.  With the heat wave and energy crisis notices to conserve, I stopped by 2pm.

I enjoyed a nice cold wine slushy and then trotted out to ice the chickens and gents.

I'll resume cleaning in the early morning.  Right after I get the flowers and garden watered.  Then it's off to ice the chickens.  Again.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Rain ~ Feverfew

I got a start on one of the bracelets.  Each one takes 196 beads and it does take 45 minutes to an hour to string them.

Crazier things could happen, but after I crocheted the "trial" bracelet and to check size, I had 7 orders for them by the next morning (thanks to my daughter showing it off on social media). Woohoo, but now I got work to do ha ha!

I was back online doing some "unsupervised" shopping!  I'll have supplies soon, but I wish Aunt Lydia's yarn sold #3 cotton thread in a variegated color too.

We got rain yesterday.  So thankful for that, but the weeding needs to resume again. I managed to get one bag of mulch in the flower beds and of course weeded that area prior to that.

Our 17 year-old had a headache all day, so I cut some fresh feverfew and brewed a tea for her.  The main reason to plant it was for this purpose (migraines, headaches).  Over the counter meds would not work for her, so I brewed the tea, although the feverfew was fresh, not dried.  One cup of brewed tea relieved her headache.  

I don't have enough growing to dry for tea as well as make a fresh tincture, so next year I'll plant two pots of it.  

Rain, here is a photo of the box the steps came in.  I am assuming he bought them online.  There is a material cover for them so Jesse won't slip either.

Puppy nap time is so adorable.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Tuesday Tidbits

We had another gorgeous sunrise this morning, but we'll get more heat and hopefully rain.  Most of the area got rain, but not us, so I'll need to water some things this morning.

I had good intentions on going to look at possibly adopting a 2 year dog, but talked myself out of it.  I think we need a puppy to train alongside the chickens, cats and the other puppy.

Looked around for a pool for the pup.  So far, they are sold out.  Imagine that.  It's so hot that I'm not surprised.

Reclaimed the kitchen table yesterday, and tried to put some order into the kitchen itself.  It was hot and the puppy was hating it, so he'll get a cool bathtub soak quite often this week.

My beads are starting to arrive, but my crochet thread hasn't.  It would be great if it came today.  I'll be indoors this entire week, aside from watering.

I'm on "puppy" duty today, as our youngest is interning at the salon, and has customers coming in today.  She will miss her baby for sure, so we'll see how this goes today.  I plan on doing inside cleaning, but possible flower bed weeding (unless it gets too hot).

I need to start a tincture today, but just have enough for making one.  I am trying to decide on a sage one or mullein.  We use both. 

Sort of a boring post today, but like I said the heat is sucking the life out of all of us.  Even the chickens were panting yesterday.