Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Monday, April 3, 2017

Spider Webs be Gone!

The weather here has been rain.  Rain, and more rain.

I've had a slight blurp in my blogging lately.  There are many reasons for it.  One, Hubby called me one day, and whisked me off for a half-day vacation day.

Two, I took a day for a Mom/Daughter day out.  And it was

Friday, March 31, 2017

Parsley Pea Pesto

I made the mistake of turning on my TV in the middle of the day about a week ago.  I am addicted to watching "The Chew."  Sigh.  I cannot, cannot do this....I thought I would just take my tea break a wee bit early.  Pretty soon my breaks will be on the porch with nature and no electronics.

Anyway, I turned it on and immediately had to make the pea pesto and pasta dish they made.

I had one box of Einkorn whole wheat pasta I wanted to taste, so that was my choice of pasta for this dish.

Honestly, I didn't measure.  Once you get the hang of pesto, you may not either.  

What a brilliant idea.  So good too.  Parsley from the garden, garlic from the garden, peas from the garden (if I can ever get enough to freeze), etc.  


My motto this year, in addition to our family motto on my blog.  


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

How To's and Cookbooks ~ Starting Seeds ~ Herb Garden

I made another trip to the library.  I really need to stop bringing home cookbooks, but I'm always looking for a new food to try, or something new to can, or something new that would make a  nice gift.  I have yet to even open this one, or the food in jars book either.

I'm not sure why I even brought this one home, other than we love to grill out.  However, do you see what it says under "Burgers?" 

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Random Tidbits ~ Swiss Chard Pesto

Experiment #3:  I used 1 cup einkorn all purpose flour, and 2 cups einkorn whole grain wheat, my home canned applesauce (no other oil/butter), and my homemade yogurt.  The only difference I notice, is when my bananas are a bit too ripe.  Then the bread is super moist.  Overall, delicious and easy grab-n-go breakfast/snack for the family.  I think I'll add 1/2 cup more blueberries next time.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today - it's Happy Homemaker Monday.

On the breakfast plate. . .

Hair Tonic

I have made apple cider vinegar hair rinses in the past, but this is my first time making a "hair tonic" for hair repair and growth.

There are many recipes online, but I used nettle and peppermint essential oil to make mine.  

The timing of my brittle hair (bangs breaking off first,

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Organic Miso ~ Chickpea Burgers

Miso is a new food to try this year.  I just happened to be watching the "Chew" one day (I think I was feeling poorly that day otherwise the TV would never be on).  Anyway, they had a guest on making chickpea burgers that used a miso in the sauce.  I was intrigued.

I set out to find miso in our stores.  With no luck, sent an email to my sister-in-law and brother.  I got some tips, and placed my order. 

It arrived, and I