Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Before and Progress

I was whining to Hubby that I didn't have a good photo nor post to share, and it felt off for me.  I'm so used to writing, posting, and sharing, I am feeling the need to go outside to explore already.


Here is a photo of me in the hospital at my worst I think.  Or close to it (after 3 ER visits and the ambulance ride).

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Baking up the rolls....old post

Pre-Thanksgiving (while still sick), I used King Flour's recipe for soft white dinner rolls, I substituted home grown potatoes for the instant potato flakes (thanks to some advice from an avid bread baker).

I let the mashed potatoes cool, while the butter came down to room temperature, and took to filing away my last "file" pile.

Using the directions on King Flour's blogpost, I divided them into 16 rolls, and froze them.  

How did they turn out? Well, I forgot to take a photo, but they did not rise enough.  I'm wondering if I should have thawed them in the fridge the night before vs. the same day we baked them.  Anyone have tips on this.  I used my dehydrator to help them rise too. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Good Morning!

One of these days I'll have some photos to share.  We've made it through our youngest daughter's birthday - she's now 15.  We made it through Christmas, and had a long visit with our oldest daughter. 

It's true.  My grand kids will be 4-legged and furry.  Oldest brought along her dog Mia, and a German Shephard she is is fostering.  She saw it in a kill shelter and immediately went into action to rescue it.  She has had many people say they'd adopt her, but many have backed out.  We got to meet her on Christmas and she is such a good dog (better than my 1 year old pups).  She loves toys and she never growled or barked when she was here.  In fact, she favored our "vet-tech" daughter and kept curling up on the sofa with her, ha ha!

And yesterday, Hubby and I made it through our 18th wedding anniversary.  We are now heading into year 19 folks.  We got showered, dressed and went out to a restaurant.  We were gifted a gift card by one kiddo, so that was very nice to have.  I felt like a real person getting out, even if it was walking in and out of a building.  It felt weird, but great at the same time.  I felt horrible I had no gift for Hubby, as he had prepared one gift for me.  He said the only gift he wanted was me healthy and home.

After we ate our anniversary lunch, we drove to the box-store and picked up a few odds and ends.  I pushed the cart around and got a bit of exercise, but was pretty tired upon arriving home.  My head is still groggy, and my walk still a bit unstable (frustrating, but getting better every day).

Hubby was called into work, but we were all okay with that.  I rested, and had one kiddo to help me at home with animals.  

Not sure if I shared this, by my "nail tech" in training daughter, gave me a long foot massage soak (we have a foot bath thing that vibrates), a pedicure (much needed after the long hospital visit), and a manicure.  Since I can't do much work, she took advantage of the time and painted my fingernails too.  It felt so relaxing and rejuvenating.

Today, however, I plan on doing laundry.  It's a step up, and don't worry, a slow step.  I'm using drying racks inside vs. the line outside.  I also have my first doctor check up later today.  I cannot wait to talk to her either.  I have a long list of medications I cannot take, and can't wait to get back on some probiotics for good gut health.  So far, all the good food that Hubby and the kids are feeding me has helped every single day.  I even get up and make the coffee now too.  Although we are using a back up pot, that takes a half hour to brew, I am very thankful for it. 


Sunday, December 25, 2016

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Christmas Goat Fun!

Courtesy of my 20 year-old "Vet-Tech" in training daughter - happy photos of the goats.  She dressed up all of her animals and took fun photos of them playing (including her rabbit!).  This brought smiles to my face, as I am unable to walk to the barn yet.  Gosh I just love these guys.  They are sporting their Christmas collars and bells, ha ha!  Of course they were not left on, but they seemed to enjoy playing around with them.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Random Tidbits

I finally got my hot bath, using tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, and bath salts.  Boy it felt great, especially on my belly.  It's slow going for sure, just to get my walking balance back.  The slow intro of food is the most frustrating.   I'm starving, but I know I have to introduce slowly, and meats are far down on the list sadly.  I could devour a homemade bacon/potato omelet this morning, ha ha!  Coffee is back in action, followed by afternoons of tea and water and rest.   Jesse and I took a short nap together.  He pretty much was on top of me, making sure I didn't over due it, ha ha!

First goal, wash a load of laundry, and put it on drying racks.  In a day or two anyway.  Second goal?  Mix up a frittata for Hubby to take to work (easier than standing to mix up a scramble).  That may take a few more days longer.  Bills are an entirely different big job.  I had it all under control, but with being gone so long, we are very far behind on daughter's college.  This part worries me, but I keep praying.  She is doing so well, and now they are giving us a "cut off" date if we don't pay by and if we do not, she can't go to college.  Our medical bills just quadrupled.  Thanks to me. Ambulance ride, xray by the ton, medications, hospital room, etc etc.  I have to keep calm and pray and pray and make some calls.  I haven't put a dent in Hubby's hospital bills yet either.  Anyway.....

~ our egg supply is about 5 dozen right now (ha ha ha!).  With Hubby staying at the hospital (then going to work) and me not cooking, the eggs are piling up.  We are boiling them for me for one "soft food" and the kids are planning to bake up some holiday fare (I get this year off).

~my araucanas are now laying of all times.  Lol!  They must have listened to me about going into the stew pot.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

I'm Home.....

I just got home from the hospital yesterday.  I'm a bit loopy yet, off kilter, running on a blip of a cylinder, but I'm home.  It was a long 30-some days of illness.  In reality, it was an illness gone wrong by antibiotics my body could not handle.

I have not been sick for years, and well, the Z-pack as they call it tore me up literally, after getting over the pneumonia.  I tried telling the ER people that the first trip.  They sent us home with more pills, even stronger than the last (blooting my innards to a point of non-function).

Second trip to ER - more xrays, more everything, they put in an NG tube (a tube they insert into your nose and down into your stomach to "deflate" it, and you must be awake and participate to get it in correctly) and ambulanced me to another hospital.  There, they continued the higher, more potent drug, and added yet another.