Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Friday, February 28, 2014

Simple Dish Scrubbies ~ Bone Chilling Weather (again)

I'm trying out a new pattern for a simple dish scrubbie.  This one creates an edge (or ridge) on the scrubbie, making it easier to use.  I used one 10 yard length, 2 inch wide strip of netting.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Good Literature

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!  I'm not laughing at John Steinbeck, but at the oh, so appropriate title to describe this winter here.

I made a trip to the library yesterday, and stocked up on some good literature to read.  I decided to delve into some great authors, and hope to improve my writing.  Not to mention I may have lots of time if we do get snowed in this weekend.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Cold and Snow ~ Surprise Mail

We are all entitled to vent at some point, so grab a cup of coffee (or your favorite beverage) and come sit a spell with me.  To be honest, it's not really that bad of a vent.  It's just life as we know it here at the homestead.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Timmy Goes to the Vet

This morning's sunrise (view from the front porch) was very warming to watch. It was incredibly peaceful, and a pleasant
way to start the day.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Thrift and Antique Store Finds

I found this vintage pattern pillow case (Fashion Manor Percale Penn-Prest) at a thrift store for $.50.  I love the yellow roses on it.  I thought about using it in the camper, but decided to give it to one of the girls to use (who loves yellow).  It was hard to give it up, but my pillows are king and this fit a standard.  I love the beautiful lace on it too.

Friday, February 21, 2014

A new page, A new possibility

To take over the goats or not to. 

That is the possibility over the next 2 years.  Daughter is talking about moving out after she graduates (and go off to college) and won't be able to take the goats with her.  If she leaves them, I would have to take over all duties that she took care of. Which is everything - all goat care, milking, and soap making.  I was simply the goat milker back-up.  And of course, watered them during the school year when needed.

This is only a "possibility" as I have a very large garden to plant, weed, harvest and stock up with.  Not to mention chicken duties, splitting wood and so forth.   And then there is possible employment outside of the home, and my freelance work inside the home.  And "Big Boy" is another element to the decision.  I'm not sure if I can handle his smell and attend his care.  And lastly, there is the issue of never leaving to travel anywhere, and being tied down to the homestead.

But, then again, we have somewhat of a goat history in the family.  Here is my mother with her goat Buttsey and cat named Dusty. 

Saying it's just a possibility, makes it easier to simply let sit for a while. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Cleaning Out, Using Up, Something New

You might find this funny.  After revealing to the world I had a hoarded pile of recipes to try, my Mom sends me a Healthy Cooking magazine.  On top, she wrote "Let me know if you find any great recipes.  So many sound awesome!"  Ha!  More recipes.  Ugh.