Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Winter and Work are Synonymous

This morning's sunrise was beautiful. The pink stretched for several miles.

The recent 9 inches of snow is about to leave us.  In fact today.  Crazy as it sounds, the rains are due to arrive today.

Winter does not give us a break in physical work here.  My son, the feed and pellet lifter, is working a much unwanted third shift job right now. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Homestead and Family Tidbits

The kids took advantage of the snowfall, and did some indoor creative artwork.  And, as you can see, I shoveled out my clothesline.  It was actually nice in the sun that particular day.  We've had 2 days of school delays, but no closings.  Last night my son's car went off the road on his way to work (3rd shift), but thanks to extended family, we got him safely back on the road (without injuries).

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Snowed In and Loving It!

We did get snow on Friday night, but most of it came down all day Saturday.  Thank goodness there was no wind, so drifting was not a problem.  We are getting more snow today too. 

I took advantage of the snowfall, and stayed in and cleaned my bedroom.  I was just getting a table ready for Hubby and I to have a candlelight dinner in there, but work called him away. 

Friday, December 13, 2013

Handiwork Tidbits ~ Winston

Here are the "scrap" dishcloths I crocheted , using leftover yarn from various completions.  I have no business working on a new mission (I am starting to dislike the word "project" ha ha!) They turned out pretty nice.  I'll admit, I did try to color coordinate them, but scraps are scraps.  I found the pattern in a book I borrowed from the library.  It was actually a pattern requiring a different sequence of colors, but I simply used scraps.  Once I have the name of the book, I will update it here later.  Here's more to read......

CHRISTmas is a time for Love, Joy and Peace!

It's bad enough that my inbox is filled with over 20 advertisements selling something - Free Shipping!  One day only!  Cyber......blah, blah, blah....

Don't let the hype of buying, buying, and buying get you sucked into having to have it all, or give it all.  Sheesh.  The newspaper must weigh 10 more pounds now that December is here, and the ads are overflowing.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Pampering Day

The girls and I had planned to have a pedi/mani day, along with a hand heat wax treatment, right after we completed Monday's housework. They were home from school, and we were going to reward ourselves. 

We ran out of time.  With my trip to town for pellets, then making dinner, and then time with Hubby, we just plain lost track of time. Oh, by the way . . . .

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


(he's much bigger than he appears here in the cat carrier)

School was canceled yesterday, and the roads thawed out.  In fact, we put bedding out on the line. And if you are wondering, it dried. 

After a successful "all-out" cleaning day (with some blessed help), we ran out for chicken feed and wood pellets. After we arrived home, one of my daughters saw the stray cat run from barn to barn.  She went out there, and he came to her. Here's the story. . . .