Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Garden, Handiwork and Family

. . . planted peas late last night, rain is due tonight.

. . . started yet another new project.  This one is for my youngest daughter.  I'll post an update when it's finished.

 . . . on my 3rd skein of yarn, crocheting my shawl.

. . . checked these books out from the library.  When our egg production increases, I hope to share our reviews on some of these recipes.  I think I may even invest in buying the book on vegetables.

 . . . put up an inexpensive net for badminton and volleyball net.  Future plans are to install 2 - 4 x 4's with eye screws in the future.

. . . our 13 year-old earned two 1's as scores on her choir contest pieces.

. . . Jesse (youngest dog) goes in for surgery today.


Monday, April 22, 2013

From the Gratitude Journal . . .

Today I am thankful for:

. . . for Hubby cooking me breakfast on the weekends

. . . for my washing machine and clothesline

. . . for soft pillows

. . . for our coffee maker that brews in 3 minutes

. . . phones

. . . for fragrant candles my Mom gave us

. . . good ol' fashioned, to-the-mailbox, mail

. . . the sun shining today and warmer weather

. . . God's availability, always there, always listening

. . . pens and pencils

. . . for my 19 year-old daughter getting a job yesterday.  She's officially employed.

. . . for locating an alpaca farm not too far from here.  You may hear more about this later.

Today, the weather is to be up in the 60's, so the washing machine is getting a workout.  So are my clotheslines.  The kids have not been counting eggs, so I may skip the egg count this year.  I have a few new tulips and hyacinths to plant today, and add yet a bit of more pink and purple to the gardens.  Bills need paid today too.  

The herb garden is looking nice already, and my green onions need divided out.  I am replanting a new rosemary plant, since I left mine out all winter (oops!).  The chives are looking great and my sage is doing good (lost them the previous winter).  Even parsley has popped up here and there, and the same with cilantro.  We may be planting peas tonight.



Sunday, April 21, 2013

Stress Baking

I bake when I am stressed.  However, there is a level of stress, that I should remember to never attempt bakingI baked a batch of Walnut Coconut Cookies, but accidently doubled the butter.
After I realized that, I realized I only had 3 eggs in the house.  I sent my 16 year-old out for one from the coop, and luckily she brought one it.

While she was out there, her youngest female goat (Prim) came up behind her.  Somehow she got out of the fence again.  Lucky for her she discovered it.

...back to the cookies.  I had preheated the oven at 400°F, but read over the recipe for the ump-teenth time, and realized that I needed the oven on 350°F.  

With my mistake of doubling, and by the way was only baking to use up some homemade goat's milk ricotta (in place of sour cream in this recipe), I was able to double the amount of ricotta too.

By the way, the last time I baked these cookies, I used sugar in place of honey.  The cookies were a delicate shortbread cookie flavor.  With this batch, I used honey, and they are a soft cookie texture.  We also used pecans again.  I do favor the texture and flavor of baking them with sugar.

Now, I have 10?  11?  Maybe 12 dozen of these cookies. 

But, I have one less cup of ricotta to worry about getting wasted.  Next time, any small amounts of ricotta are going in the freezer.


Saturday, April 20, 2013

From the Homesteading Journal . . .

"Snow!? Are you kidding me?!"

That was first thing out of my mouth this morning.

It's a small layer is here and there, but seriously.  It's April 20th!  Look at all that green from our recent rain too.

. . .  obtained my fishing license for this summer (Hubby too).

. . . one of our last two red hens pass away. For some reason all of our red hens consistently became egg bound and died. This is why we chose to invest in barred rocks this year.  We lost one to the great horned owl, but they seem to be larger and don't get egg bound or sick as much. 

. . . made another batch of goat's milk ricotta cheese.  I plan to make ricotta pancakes, stuffed shells and even cookies.  

Here is the link to the recipe we useHow to Make Ricotta Cheese with Goat's Milk, Mother Earth News

. . . added meat grinder and pressure canner to the homesteading wish list.  I was iffy on buying either one, but I can see the use for them.  We can grind the chicken we raise for meat, and eventually beef.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Jesse and a Road Trip

(Jess with his sore paw last winter)

Poor Jesse.  His paw is just not healing.  Sometime last fall he stepped on something (or something bit him, or something is still embedded in his paw).  He was put on medication twice, but it's not healing and once again, I took him to the vet.

He's scheduled for surgery next week.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Turtles Bookmarks

I am working on crocheted turtle bookmarks

This turtle one, was eye-spied by my 11 year-old, who loves turtles.  Guess who got this one?  Yup.  She got it.  I was too tired to argue with her.

I thought they would be fun for kids to shop for, on "Kid's Day" at the Farmer's Market.  They are so cute, adults may even want to buy one.   I am still working on more ideas.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Thrift Finds

As I mentioned in a previous post, Hubby and I walked through a thrift store last week. Although prices there were higher than I would like, I brought home. . .

. . . a cookbook for grilling fish